when reincarnation invades

Chapter 145 Overwhelming sense of security

Chapter 145 Overwhelming sense of security
Deng Yang really kept his word.

tell him...

Not long after the two separated, Lin Bin just returned home.

He received a courier package exclusive to reincarnators again.

It can only be said that this person is really too polite, but whenever he is invited or given any gift, he will always give some in return... In the end, it was obviously Lin Bin's kindness, but in the end he became the one who took advantage.

But thinking about it carefully, the existence of single-unit ancestor blood is an extremely precious and corresponding treasure to Deng Yang.

Although it is only a B-level item, in terms of preciousness, it may not be inferior to ordinary A-level items.

Lin Bin could only tell himself that.

Go back to the room.

He didn't open it in a hurry, but hung out the remaining two copies of the blood of the descendants of the Yuanzu first.

Although it is only D-level, and the blood of the descendants should not have the characteristics of the blood of the ancestors that can make vampires appear in the sun, it can also greatly improve their resistance to sunlight, and as long as they find a way to obtain the blood of werewolves, It can also greatly improve your combat power.

This kind of thing is not needed, even if it is [-] reincarnation points, it will be too expensive... But if it is useful, let alone D-level, even E-level, they are willing to pay a huge price to buy it.

Therefore, even though it was only a D-level prop, Lin Bin still ordered a 3000 reincarnation!
Both copies were hung up.

However, this kind of thing is too targeted, and if you want to sell it, I'm afraid it really depends on your eyes.

If he didn't sell it, Lin Bin would have no reincarnation points and no way to exchange items.

He has saved a lot of money during this period of time, but he can't exchange many reincarnation points...

Kong has four B-level meritorious deeds, and if he wants to redeem them, he has to wait a while.

But even if it hasn't been exchanged, the harvest is already quite expensive.

[Blood Bodhi (C-level props): Infiltrated with the blood of the fire unicorn, it is a spiritual fruit that is born after a long period of time. 】

[Note: Who said blood-soaked steamed buns can't be eaten? 】

Blood Bodhi.

In the Fengyun plane, even if it is placed in the late stage, it can be called an extremely precious treasure...

After all, it is a treasure that can directly increase skill.

Especially dragon yuan, phoenix blood, and tortoise blood can live forever.

Qilin is one of the four auspicious signs, although it cannot live forever, and drinking its blood directly will cause people to go crazy, but the blood Bodhi contains the miraculous effects of Qilin blood, but all the side effects have been consumed by the passage of time.

The enhancement of skill is extremely astonishing... Otherwise, how can it be listed as the four auspicious signs with them?
Reminiscent of Deng Yang drinking the blood of Huo Qilin before.

It can be seen that the big brother he said really worked tirelessly to win him over.

But seeing this attribute, he also understands why Deng Yang is reluctant to take this thing until now, and taking it normally can only increase his own skill.

But if you take it when you are severely poisoned or seriously injured, not only can you greatly improve your own skills, but you can also save yourself an extra life...

If you want to exert the greatest effect of the blood bodhi, you have to be injured. At the very least, Lin Bin is also reluctant to eat the blood bodhi so roughly.

Let's keep it for now.

Lin Bin carefully put the blood bodhi into his belt.

He looked seriously at the exquisite small box that was said to contain A-level props.

I don't know what it is, Deng Yang is also mysterious, only saying that he will never be disappointed.

Lin Bin felt like opening a treasure chest.

Thinking of the tradition of opening treasure chests, Lin Bin didn't open them directly, but ran to wash the handles first.

Only then did he reach out and open it.

[Blazing Sky Covering Seven Rings (Level A): A concept armed upgraded from the peerless weapon that once defended the Trojan hero Hector's spear-throwing spear. It has a defensive power comparable to seven thick city walls. The defense power has a huge bonus! 】

[Note: You can't insert my petals! 】

Lin Bin's eyes widened.

He looked at the petal-like weapon in his hand in disbelief.

It turned out to be a treasure.

Or the legendary chrysanthemum shield.

So the gap between A-level and B-level items is so big?
In terms of defensive power alone, the defensive power of this blazing seven-fold ring is probably second only to King Arthur's scabbard and dining table... Wait...

In that world, it seems that it is indeed not ranked first, but its defense power is indeed extremely amazing.

"With this prop, if you enter the secret realm in the future, at least you don't have to worry about the safety of your life."

Lin Bin sighed deeply, and murmured, "This time, I owe you too much favor."

As everyone knows at this time.

In a hidden base of Ghost.

After Deng Yang swallowed Yuanzu's blood, he felt the surging power in his body...

He whimpered in pain for a long time, his whole body was almost drenched in sweat.

He finally returned to normal slowly.

Standing up, feeling at least the multiplied strength in his body, he opened the sealed window a crack, allowing the warm sunlight to shine in and fall on his palm.

Sure enough, the burning feeling before was gone.

The expression on his face didn't change, but the corners of his eyes had unconsciously shed tears.

Although it's only been a few short months, his longing for the sun has already reached an almost crazy level, especially when he thinks that his future life will be spent in the dark, he can't wait to torture himself severely Everyone I saw...

Just like how Yuhuatian tortured himself back then.

But I didn't expect it to turn around like this.

Lin Bin didn't lie to him...

Even Lin Bin didn't tell him that the Yuanzu's blood could also greatly improve his strength.

Deng Yang opened the window.

He raised his head to bask in the sunlight outside the window, let his tears flow down, and murmured: "Now, the favor I owe is bigger than I imagined. Fortunately, I have a piece of a The super item Blazing Sky Covering Seven Layers Ring, otherwise, I am afraid I will not be able to return this guy's favor."

He really didn't feel bad about giving away an A-level item.

Vampires themselves have the ability to transform into bats, as long as one bat escapes, they can save their own lives.

And if you can really encounter something that makes even a bat unable to escape, even the Blazing Sky Covering Seven Layer Ring will not be of much use.

After all, although A-level props are very useful, how much their power can be displayed depends on the user. Compared with using shields to resist, Deng Yang is more inclined to dodge and escape.

Glancing at the other two test tubes in his hand, he said to himself: "It seems that if I really encounter a life crisis in the future, these two test tubes will be my trump card. Only the blood of Yuanzu can greatly increase my strength." , if I drink these two test tubes again, I'm afraid it can at least double... Also, it's best to hide the fact that I'm no longer afraid of the sun so that no one will know, in case someone has ill intentions towards me..."

Deng Yang seemed to think of the scene at that time, and couldn't help but sneered softly.

On this point alone, Lin Bin and Deng Yang have the same opinion.

It doesn't have to be high level to be easy to use, the most important thing is what suits you...

On Lin Bin's side, he carefully put away the blood bodhi, planning to use it after he was injured in the future or when his strength reached a bottleneck again.

After getting acquainted with the procedure of using the Blazing Sky Covering Sevenfold Circle, he wrapped the soft petals around the wrist of his right hand...

To use it in the future, you only need to raise your arms and infuse true energy, and then you can display one to seven layers of defense according to your needs.

In addition, the soft hedgehog armor on his body can resist damage from swords, so a sense of security suddenly arises spontaneously.

After getting familiar with everything, the Samsara Space APP has received several anonymous messages, all asking whether the price of the blood of the descendants of the Yuanzu can be reduced.

Lin Bin directly refused, saying that because the items were out of print and only these last two items were left, he would not drop a single point.

It's out of print.

Lin Bin took pictures of the two reincarnations who replied first.

Then, I made an appointment with the staff of the Samsara Association to pick up the goods.

By the time everything was done, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

Lin Bin took a cold shower, lay on the bed and began to sleep, but when he was sleeping, he heard that there was no echo in the silent room, and he felt an inexplicable feeling of loneliness in his heart.

He has long been used to having another person by his side. Although it seems that he is relying on him, in fact, only Lin Bin's family knows about his family affairs, and she is actually taking care of him.

Now she is suddenly gone...

"When I'm not around, she should be sleeping alone in the room like this, right? No wonder she wants to go out and live with friends...

A person is really too lonely. "

Lin Bin lay down for a while, and slowly fell asleep.

until eleven o'clock at night...

Lin Bin was awakened by a message.

Unexpectedly, the sender turned out to be Lu Linlin.

Invite him to have lunch at noon the next day, saying that he has something very important to discuss with him.

"Is it such a coincidence?"

In fact, Lin Bin also wanted to take advantage of this time to find Lu Linlin.

Zhou Min is dead.

Lin Xue's legs are inconvenient, and she is his own sister, so there is no doubt about it.

Lin Bin suspected that the traverser was either himself or Lu Linlin.

Before, I just thought it was reasonable to get in touch with Zhou Min first, but now that Zhou Min is dead, her importance has naturally increased significantly.

Just to get in touch with the real world again, to test her depth, so as to see if she is the person I want to find.

Even in the worst case, she's really not the person I'm looking for, and having multiple friends is not a bad thing, multiple friends have multiple paths...

Long-legged beauty or something, maybe it can be used?
Lin Bin replied a message, saying that you can choose the location, and I will be there on time.

"Ah, he agreed!"

Baishui University, within a ~ female dormitory.

Lu Linlin was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone.

At this time, she had just taken a bath.

He was casually wearing a pink hellokity short sleeve and shorts, and had extraordinarily slender white and thin pairs~ his legs stepped on the floor of the upper bunk, and when he saw the message, he couldn't help but step on it a few times with joy, the movement was too big , the mobile phone accidentally lost its grip, and it hit the face directly.

Tears burst out of her in pain.

But the young and beautiful roommates next to her looked at her with envy in their eyes.

What's wrong with smashing it?
They have all seen the photo of that person, although it was just a sneak shot, but that pure and clean face reminded them inexplicably of the sweet longing and first love in high school.

If they smashed it, there was such a handsome young man who agreed to their date, and they would be willing to cry when they were smashed.

And Lu Linlin cried for a while, then hugged their president with tears and smiles, and begged: "Good president, I will count on you when the time comes."

"Don't worry, my brother is a reserve reincarnator. When the time comes, let him pretend to be a bad guy to bully you. If that Lin Bin is really interested in you, even if my brother's acting skills are not good and his flaws are too big, he will definitely follow the slope to save the hero." Beauty... if it doesn't work, you can throw yourself into your arms, if it doesn't work, you will withdraw when the time comes, it can only prove that this beauty is beyond your control."


Lu Linlin looked serious.

The other four roommates looked at the two with admiration.

A person who has never been in love teaches another person who has never been in love how to chase men, and these two seem to be one who dares to teach and the other who dares to learn...

Returning the hero to save the beauty is simply... LOW exploded.

But thinking about the beautiful face they peeked at from their mobile phones before, they suddenly felt that this might not be a subtle way of expressing affection, right?

After all, the frank expression is too explicit, and he must be very touched by a girl who is willing to pay so covertly and clumsily for a boy.

the next day.

After Lin Bin got up and had breakfast, he first sent Lin Xue a message.

I don't know when she will receive it...

The two had a phone call before, but the signal was intermittent, but judging from her tone, it seemed that she would be back after a day or two of work.

Then take out the evil emperor relic.

Seriously practiced all morning.

Without 婠婠, the efficiency is indeed much lower...

But with the help of the evil emperor's relics, basically a whole day's hard training can increase his level by about 0.5%. Compared with normal training, this is an almost terrifying speed of improvement. Therefore, Lin Bin can't be shaken every day. practice.

Until around 11:[-] noon.

Lin Bin just changed his clothes here, left the house, and walked to the hotel that he had made an appointment with Lu Linlin.

The two made an appointment at a high-end noodle restaurant...

Lin Bin also took Lin Xue to taste it once. The taste was mediocre, but the service was great and the price was extremely expensive...

It can be seen that Lu Linlin's family background should be good.

In fact, if it wasn't for Lin Xue's legs.

The compensation for that incident alone is enough for the siblings to live a prosperous life.

And when Lin Bin arrived.

At the entrance of the noodle shop, a girl in a light white dress was standing there with a smile on her face, with a sunny ponytail and a pretty melon-shaped face.

I didn't apply too much makeup, just a light layer of lipstick.

Seeing Lin Bin coming, she waved her hand from a distance, and said with a smile: "Thank you for agreeing to my invitation, to be honest, I am really worried that you will reject me, and then I really have nothing to do. "

Lin Bin nodded and said, "When I was looking for you before, you were so cooperative with me, so naturally I have to give face."

"Hee hee... let's go, the table has been reserved."


Lin Bin once again unfolded the realm of tacit understanding.

Compared with before, his cultivation has improved a lot, and his senses have improved a lot compared to before.

This time... I will definitely be able to judge her authenticity!
If it is really determined that it is not her, then the biggest possibility is him.

After all, he came from time travel, who knows whether the former Abin is a human or a ghost?
Although he accepted all of Abin's memories, what if he didn't even know the deity?For example, in order to pretend to be more real, I erased my memory and planned to retrieve it later, but in the end it was overwritten by my time travel...

It's a reasonable guess, right?
(End of this chapter)

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