when reincarnation invades

Chapter 146 The Familiar Traveler

Chapter 146 The Familiar Traveler

Under the blessing of longevity true energy.

Lin Bin almost monitored Lu Linlin's every move, watching her take him into the house actively, watching her invite him to sit down, order food, and ask what she wanted to eat.

But with the improvement of strength, Lin Bin not only improved his vision, but also his own confidence.

With his current abilities, even if he single-handedly swiped Zhu Yuyan, he would probably be able to hit her crying and calling her daddy...

Although this achievement has been achieved more than once in the Datang Secret Realm.

But to be able to do this with real strength, the current Lin Bindan's strength is estimated to have reached the highest level of the Transcendent Realm, plus his own equipment, even in the face of a normal Saint-level, I believe he can barely break arm wrestling...

Now that he was in close contact, even when he was sitting down, he deliberately touched her body.

After noticing the instinctive reaction of a normal girl who wants to refuse but still welcome...

Lin Bin was finally convinced that with such a normal reaction, this woman was either terribly scheming, or she was really stupid and sweet.

Overall, the latter is more likely.

This trip, he is likely to return without success.

But it’s still the same sentence, it’s also a reward to be able to thoroughly confirm whether it’s true...

And if you have multiple friends, maybe you can have multiple paths in the future?
Lin Bin was about to take back his anger.

But he suddenly noticed something, and looked at a noodle shop in the distance with surprise.

There, there was a middle-aged man in sloppy clothes who was whispering something to the waiter.

Although he was dressed rather sloppily, it couldn't hide his handsome face.

And for some unknown reason, Lin Bin always had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with that face, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

And the moment Lin Bin's eyes fell on him, the man noticed it instantly, and raised his head alertly...

But Lin Bin turned his head without leaving a trace, and asked Lu Linlin intimately what was the purpose of her specially inviting him here.

The man took a wary look. Except when he saw Lin Bin, he couldn't help being surprised, and his eyes showed a little confusion, as if he felt that this person was quite familiar.

After looking around, I didn't find anything unusual. I turned around and chatted with the waiter in a low voice. After ordering, I turned around and went out.

At this time, Lin Bin also learned the purpose of Lu Linlin's invitation to come.

"You mean, you have been entangled by a male classmate recently, and because that male classmate is very good, he has been admitted in an exceptional way, and in the next three months, he will enter the secret realm for experience, so although you tell this trouble to the school After talking about it, the school doesn't really want to care about it, are you very annoyed by being entangled?"

Lin Bin's expression became strange.

"Well, because I remember you said that you seem to be an orthodox reincarnation. If you let him know that I have a reincarnation friend, maybe you can suppress him."

Lu Linlin looked at Lin Bin's strange expression, and said embarrassedly: "Is it a bit abrupt? But I really don't like this kind of person who is full of superiority just because of his status. Despite the status of a reincarnation, he is still a polite person to ordinary people, even if he is one year and three months younger than me... But even if I have told him that I have a lover, he still pesters me~ put."

"No, it's nothing, I just feel that this is really a problem that girls will worry about."

Lin Bin smiled and said with emotion: "I suddenly feel that I am really old."

Just less than a week ago, he had just completely transformed a world and destroyed two races in it that had been passed down for more than a thousand years.

But now he suddenly fell into the girl's love troubles again, which made him feel quite torn.

But this kind of tearing gave Lin Bin an inexplicable sense of satisfaction...

After all, the reason why reincarnators frequently enter secret realms is to strengthen themselves.

But I have to mention that if it wasn't for the reincarnators to prevent the white secret realms from descending and destroy those red secret realms.

It is impossible to have such peace and beauty in the real world...

From this point of view, Lin Bin has a sense of pride as a hero behind the scenes.

Lu Linlin begged in a low voice, "Can you?"

"Okay, I can help you warn him, normal pursuits are fine, if he dares to behave in any way, I have a hundred ways to make him unable to stay in the reincarnation circle."

"I didn't actually... mean..."

Lu Linlin's voice became softer.

She actually wanted Lin Bin to play her boyfriend.

But looking at Lin Bin's gratified smile, she suddenly felt that her request was just like a child's unreasonable trouble...

I couldn't say anything anymore.

It happened that the food was served at this time, and she quickly signaled Lin Bin to eat.

Although Lin Bin's psychological age is over 40 years old, age itself does not prevent a man from dying as a teenager, especially his love for women will never change.

The two chatted while eating.

After eating for a while, Lu Linlin moved her eyes, looked into the distance and said hastily, "It's Li Xuefeng, he's here. Too bad, he must have seen me coming out, and he's come to block me right now."

She secretly marveled at how generous the big brother was. At that time, the head of the house showed her a photo of a sunny young man. She also considered that his face was too delicate and not domineering enough for a villain. He's dressed a little fiercely.

As a result, he was now wearing a chain jacket, tight leather pants, and half a tattoo on his neck.

It does look a lot more vicious.

At this time, this man named Li Xuefeng kept his sister's advice firmly in mind, and stared at Lin Bin and Lu Linlin viciously, with a look of anger and unwillingness to suffer from NTR.

The acting skills are so superb that Lu Linlin couldn't help but secretly call Brother She Zhang really amazing, it's really a shame not to be an actor with this acting skills.

And Li Xuefeng just sat on an empty seat...

A few bowls of noodles were served over there.

Li Xuefeng's eyes lit up immediately, and he thought to himself, isn't this a good prop for Feng~man?

He got up angrily, and shouted: "You guys serve before I order, you know what I want to eat."

"Brother, don't be angry, I ordered this side!"

Suddenly, a hand pressed ~ on his shoulder, accompanied by a faint smell of smoke.

The long-haired man who went out just now leaned over slightly, and said with a smile: "I ordered noodles just now, and the waiter said it would take a few minutes to come up, so I did some errands by the way, you are actually sitting in my seat..."

"Ah, I'm sorry... What's wrong with sitting in someone else's seat? Do you know who I am? I'm a reincarnation!"

Li Xuefeng apologized instinctively, but after he finished speaking, he realized that his character design must be aggressive and cool, so he took advantage of the situation and ruthlessly dismissed it.

"Oh? Reincarnation?"

The long-haired man laughed softly, and said with a sneer, "You are everywhere..."

He picked up the noodles and poured them on his head.

"Fuck~~~It's so hot..."

Li Xuefeng jumped up and glared at these people angrily.

Although he is not yet an official reincarnation, he passed the examination of reincarnation during the college entrance examination, and already has a relatively good combat power compared to normal people.

Coupled with another year of training at the university, beating a few ordinary people is still the same as playing.

But the strength of the opponent is surprisingly large.

He pressed him down forcibly, punched him in the chest with a bang, covered his mouth by the way to prevent him from screaming, and then punched him with another punch.


Li Xuefeng struggled desperately, but was forcibly restrained by the opponent's hand, he couldn't break free from the opponent's control no matter what, he even brought his companion beside him to beat him up.

"It seems that someone vented my anger for you... Wait... What's your expression?"

Lin Bin smiled, but found that Lu Linlin's expression became extremely strange.

Half panic, half worry.

She screamed, "Save...quickly save people..."

Lin Bin said indifferently: "It's okay, a meal won't kill anyone, just let him learn a lesson."

"But... he is still my roommate's brother..."

"It's okay, didn't you see that they stopped? This group of people is not simple."

When watching those people start their hands, the left wrist, which was deliberately tied tight so as not to be exposed, said something meaningful.

Lin Bin was not surprised by Lu Linlin's words.

He could see through it that this Lu Linlin could never be that traverser...

Seeing his various performances, she looks like a little girl who is in love, and her mental age is probably much younger than her physical age. If she is really the time traveler, and the reincarnation people haven't found her yet, That reincarnation really deserves to be wiped out.

And in this short moment, Li Xuefeng was beaten to the knees completely, lying on the ground and foaming at the mouth...

"Ah... Big brother She..."

Lu Linlin ran over worriedly.

The long-haired man didn't do anything to Lu Linlin, spat contemptuously, and said, "Now the level of reincarnation is getting lower and lower, making me feel uneasy even if I want to eat a bowl of noodles, hmph... let's go..."

Saying that, several people walked out together.

Blocked by the waiter along the way, he timidly said: "Well...well, I have already called the police, can you go..."

The long-haired man showed the reincarnation watch on his arm and said, "I'm a reincarnation person, so I don't belong to the police, do you understand? Call the reincarnation association to take care of it...but it's not your turn to call it..."

After finishing speaking, he rudely pushed the waiter away, left and walked out of the house.

Lin Bin also walked over.

Squatting beside Li Xuefeng, stretched out his hand to gently massage his shoulders a few times, and the zhenqi of longevity entered his body.

Said: "It's all trauma, it looks pretty miserable, and it won't be a big deal if you take a break."

With true energy entering his body, Li Xuefeng coughed suddenly, and spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm.

Slowly regaining consciousness in a daze, he said weakly to Lin Bin, "Thank you, big brother."

"It's okay... I should thank you."


"It's nothing."

Lin Bin thought that this trip was really the right one...

It was second to conclude that Lu Linlin was not suspected. The most important thing was that he did not expect to find this time traveler, but found another time traveler instead.

Now, he understands why that person's face looks so familiar. If he is more than ten years younger, he will have a somewhat resemblance to his own face. After all, he also had the nickname of Wu Yanzu back then. .

Now that I suddenly see it, I will naturally feel familiar.

"Remember not to mess around again in the future, I will follow them to have a look."

Lu Linlin grabbed Lin Bin's arm worriedly, and asked, "What are you going to do? Those people are super fierce."

Lin Bin said: "They are also reincarnations!"

"Then I can't go, I admit that I am a bit ridiculous today, but if I make you become hostile to the reincarnation, I really can't forgive myself."

Lu Linlin was about to cry.

"It's okay, I have a measure... This is not something you can intervene in. Take him to treat the injury."

Lin Bin didn't say any more, and followed those people out of the noodle shop.

I didn't expect that it was just a date with an ordinary girl, but I didn't expect to meet a traverser.

This person must be a time traveler...

Even with his identity, Lin Bin could feel it clearly.

So it is even more necessary to follow him.

This is also a time traveler, I don't know if they have anything to do with the plane walkers?

Lin Bin had already seen that Houhou was not working hard enough.

This girl is too round and slippery, and the evil emperor Sari can suppress her right now, but she must have benefited from walking in the plane...

Therefore, regarding the task that Lin Bin gave her, it cannot be said that she did not do it, but she definitely did not put her heart into it. It is more likely that she will throw out some clues from time to time to prevaricate.

That being the case, then I will do it myself!
Watching them walk away, they turned into an alley on the side of the road.

Lin Bin ran over in a hurry, but just as he turned the corner, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart.

Raise your hand.

A pink petal opened directly in front of him. It looked like a soft petal, but it was indestructible, and it made a dull sound like a broken catkin.

The dense and short blasting sounds are as dense as firecrackers.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of bullets fell in front of Lin Bin.

The defensive power of the blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring is already extremely astonishing. Facing this kind of long-range attack, the defensive power is even more astonishingly strong... A layer of petals blocked all the attacks.

It was only ten seconds after the petals opened, and [-]% of the true energy in Lin Bin's body had gone directly.

However, under the blessing of He Shibi, the current "Longevity Formula" is more effective, and it has recovered to its original state in just a few breaths.

Lin Bin shook his head and said, "This is not how you treat guests, Wu Yan...no... Zhang Xuan."

The long-haired man was none other than Zhang Falcon.

There was a ferocious smile on his face, and he sneered: "Sure enough... I knew that even if I escaped to this world, you would not let us go, but it's a pity, you shouldn't let me get the reincarnation table. Having lost the identity of a reincarnator like you, and let me escape for so long, do you really think we are still the kind of weak and helpless ordinary people?!"

Lin Bin slowly put away the blazing seven-fold ring.

As soon as I tried it, I felt that it really deserved to be an A-level prop.

Normally, this level of props is not suitable for the use of extraordinary reincarnation, but his "Longevity" regenerates too fast, but it can barely control it freely.

The mood immediately improved.

He said: "Answer me a few questions, if you cooperate honestly, maybe I can let you go."

"Let me go?! Sorry...but I don't want to let you go."

Zhang Xuan raised his hand, and a bazooka appeared directly on his shoulder...

He aimed at Lin Bin.

Seeing that Lin Bin's expression remained unchanged, he turned around and aimed at the bustling shopping mall in the distance.

He laughed grimly and said, "I don't believe that you reincarnations don't care about the lives of our natives, or the lives of people in your own world!"

Lin Bin's face changed slightly.

He held a blue rose in his hand.

Behind him, there was a sudden bang.

"Traitor, I've been watching you for a long time!"

A squeak.

Ji Ying rushed out from behind Lin Bin like lightning... Obviously, someone was hiding in the dark to observe the situation, but it was unexpected that Zhang Xun would suddenly take out such a weapon of mass destruction.

Only then did it rush out at an extremely fast speed.

It's just that he was still too honest in the end, so that he shouted before making a move, which made Zhang Xuan react instantly.

Before he even had time to reply, he instinctively raised his hand and touched the machine.

The next moment, the bazooka, with its long fire tail, attacked the dense crowd hundreds of meters away!
(End of this chapter)

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