when reincarnation invades

Chapter 147 I am the time traveler

Chapter 147 I am the time traveler

Zhang Xuan's purpose is simple.

If you stop me, I can take the opportunity to escape.

if you don't care...

Then even if I die, I will drag all the innocent people around me to hell.

He was originally a vicious character, but when he exploded, no matter what, he was innocent, the more people died with him, the happier he was.

And in fact.

He did, too.

The assailant surrounded her body with flying birds emitting dots of fluorescence, and with the slight flip of his palm...it turned into a fluorescent sword and shot towards the enemy Zhang Falcon.

After cutting it out, I realized what the enemy had done.

Unable to bear the irritability of clicking his tongue, he hastily picked up his sharp sword to chop the rocket.

But the action was too fast before, and now it's a step too late...

It has been too late to catch up.

But the next moment, right in front of the rocket, a seemingly soft flower slowly unfolded until it expanded to nearly ten feet in size.

It was as soft as a kite, but it resisted the indomitable momentum of the rocket.


With a loud bang.

Although the explosion was blocked in mid-air, the huge sound wave was still uncontrollably attacking in all directions, instantly setting off an astonishing earthquake.

There was a violent shock, and a large amount of cement debris rustled down from the tall buildings and the bridge.

Caught off guard, everyone was taken aback, and there was already a shrill girl screaming.

Even the panicked cries of the children, and the noise of people rushing to escape...

The city, which had been peaceful and peaceful just now, fell into chaos in an instant.

And here, as the direct victim of the Rockets.

Lin Bin slowly retracted the blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring, and exhaled a long breath of foul air.

The lethality of the rocket is much stronger than that of the bullet. Even if the blazing seven-fold ring easily blocked the rocket, but as the person supporting the blazing seven-fold ring, he also endured a lot of pressure .

At this moment, only [-]% of his inner strength was left.

Fortunately, within a few breaths, it has recovered to [-]%... It seems that no matter how powerful the weapon or armor is, it still requires the user to have strong strength.

Seeing that Zhang Xuan had already fled towards the distance.

Lin Bin performed lightness kung fu, and under the blessing of the lightness boots, his speed was as fast as a gust of wind.

In an instant, he bullied his back, slapped his shoulder with a palm, and directly sent Zhang Xuan flying.

With true energy attacking his body, Zhang Xun spit out a mouthful of blood.

Rolled a few times on the ground and passed out.

Just as Lin Bin was thinking of going there, a white light suddenly passed by like a line in front of him, blocking his steps.

Lin Bin turned his head and looked at the girl who had been dazed since Lin Bin blocked the rocket launcher. She frowned and said, "What are you doing? I shouldn't be your enemy."

The girl's not-so-good face revealed a gloomy expression when Lin Bin opened her mouth, and asked, "Did you use a treasure just now?"

Lin Bin had already negotiated with Deng Yang about the ownership of the treasure.

At that time, it can be said that he used this treasure in exchange for a potion that allows him to breathe freely in the sun. As for who he sold it to, it is not clear.

Anyway, there are very few people who know the specific attributes of this item, so it makes sense.

As for why it fell into Lin Bin's hands... it can only be said that the world is too small and too coincidental.

Therefore, Lin Bin nodded confidently and said, "Yes, it is indeed a treasure."

"The offal of the apostles, die!"

There was a bit of redness in the depths of the girl's eyes.

Raising her palm high, the fluorescent birds flying around her before instantly changed from one to two, and from two to four.

These flying birds flew over and surrounded him like floating cannons. With magic in their mouths, they fired magic bullets, like four well-trained spearmen, surrounding Lin Bin to death.

"What are you doing? I'm not your enemy!"

Lin Bin had been on guard for a long time and dodged to avoid it.

After fully adapting to the extremely fast blessing of the Boots of Lightness, his lightness work is almost no different from teleportation.

The footsteps almost change into afterimages within a square inch, so fast that even the girl can't see her real movement clearly.

While avoiding all the bullets, he kept moving his hands, twisted his wrists, and drew out the double dragon phantom sword.

Under the black light blooming, the sword finally displayed its full power for the first time in Lin Bin's hands.

Shaking his hands, he dropped countless sword flowers, mixed with sword energy.

It has easily killed all these four birds.

"It seems that the form of tears can't help you, so try the sword."

The girl stared at Lin Bin, and said coldly: "All the apostles are my enemies, do you still want to lie to me that you are not an apostle? Do you think I can't recognize the treasure in your hand?"

She pulled four hairs from her head, and as she gently twirled them, the magic power flowed on them, emitting a shining white light.

The four sharp swords made of light rays took shape again.

Under her control, the hilts of the swords were interconnected to form a cross sword frame, spinning towards Su Wei with a sharp and icy breath.

"You mean the apostle? Are you also the enemy of the apostle?"

Lin Bin raised the azure rose and shot it at the edge of the spinning sword.

Although it was only a single shot, the power of the Class B firearms was naturally extremely terrifying.

Directly blast the entire sword frame apart.

I didn't expect that there would be such a twist...

It seems that this girl should have enmity with the apostle, and knowing that this treasure is related to the apostle, there should be a lot of dealings between the two.

He shouted: "Stop, the blazing seven-fold ring was taken from the body of an apostle after I killed him, and I am also the enemy of the apostle!"

After being blasted away, the lightsaber still seemed to be pulled by an invisible thread, suddenly seemed to lose all its power, and directly stuck into the ground with a few chi-chi sounds, and then slowly dissipated.

The girl's expression softened slightly, but she didn't lose her vigilance, and asked, "Why should I trust you?"

"Why should I make you believe me? You may not be able to defeat me, and I have no reason to be afraid of you. If I don't want to have an extra enemy for no reason, I'm too lazy to explain to you. It's okay to beat you up and leave. It is absolutely possible, but if you do this, there is no doubt that it will be a happy thing for relatives and enemies."

Lin Bin explained impatiently: "I will appear here, but I found out that this person's origin is a bit confusing, and he just did something illegal and disciplined, so I quietly followed, and then what happened next .”

talking room.

Both of them turned their heads to look at the place where Zhang Xuan was unconscious just now.

But at this time, besides Lin Bin's palm and a ball of blood was vomited out on the ground, where is there any trace of Zhang Xun?
This guy actually took advantage of the gap between the disputes between the two to escape.

And being able to avoid the two people's eyes and ears, this guy is obviously no longer a simple ordinary robber... To obtain the status of a reincarnation, I am afraid that he has already set foot on the extraordinary level.

The girl frowned and said, "Damn it, he ran away again."

"It's okay, he hit me with a palm, he was seriously injured, and he couldn't escape far."


The girl hurriedly chased after her.

Lin Bin is not in a hurry now.

He just leisurely followed behind her.

His main purpose in chasing Zhang Xun was actually to use him as a traverser to find the traverser organization behind him...

At the beginning, Houhou was alone and was directly found by these traversers, so it can be seen that the traversers must be in touch with each other.

This Zhang Falcon is a live bait.

Bait is precious until you catch a fish, but if you've caught a big one...

The two followed the traces he left behind, Lin Bin was behind, keeping his eyes on the girl's back, and asked, "I heard you call him a traitor just now, could it be that this Zhang Xuan belongs to you?"

"We were just deceived by his appearance. Don't look at him as ferocious and sinister now, but in fact this is just his self-destructive image. If he is clean, he looks very trustworthy. How similar to you, are you relatives?"

The girl also seemed to feel a little impulsive in her actions just now when she disagreed with each other.

In addition, if it wasn't for his help, the entire square might have suffered heavy casualties by now.

At that time, I'm afraid she will have to bear a lot of responsibilities...

Given their already extremely sensitive identities, I'm afraid it will be a big trouble.

Therefore, facing Lin Bin's problem is no longer as repulsive as before.

She said: "Of course, from the very beginning, I felt that this person was evil. I didn't expect that he really had a problem. Those who can come here are not necessarily good people. Not everyone is suitable for hugging for warmth. It's a pity Our leader obviously doesn't understand this matter."

"So that's the case. I thought you were some kind of cult organization. Can I take the liberty to ask your name?"

Without turning her head, the girl said, "Emiya Illya."

Lin Bin's heart skipped a beat, and only then did he realize the somewhat familiar sense of sight.


The attack method just now is somewhat similar to Yuwu, and now it seems that it should be a familiar that she controls with her own magic power.

And this is also the manifestation of her magic.

And it is also understandable why she knew the Blazing Sky Covering Sevenfold Ring.

Both are from the same plane.

While talking, the two ran hundreds of meters away... and at this moment, the blood stains suddenly stopped.

"Sure enough, this guy is as slippery as a fish, and he can escape with a little carelessness."

Yi Liya stomped her feet angrily, and said unwillingly: "Obviously he was only a little bit close to catching him...Damn it..."

Lin Bin said: "He hit me with a palm. Although I was not in my prime at the time, this palm was enough for him."

"It seems that we can only wait for the next time he shows up, and then find a way to catch him."

Illya turned her head to look at Lin Bin, and said, "Compared to this, I'm more curious about your identity, how did you get your blazing seven-fold ring... and who is the apostle you killed?" who."

"It's a long story. I know there is a pretty good coffee shop. How about a cup of coffee?"

Finally saw the breakthrough.

How could Lin Bin give up on the prey that had reached his mouth?

At present, Lin Xue's affairs must be the top priority...but correspondingly, Lin Bin also cared a lot about Chang Feng's care.

"You actually invite a little girl to drink coffee, you don't look as pure and kind as you look."

Seeing that she couldn't catch the enemy, and the person in front of her had helped her a lot, so she shouldn't be the enemy either.

Ilya's expression eased a little, and she stabbed a little, but there was no hostility.

10 minute later.

In a private room called Encounter Cafe.

Illya took off the black hood on her head, revealing her long silver-white soft hair, and then fiddled with her eyes for a while, and fiddled with two colored contact lenses... revealing a pair of wine-red pupils.

Pair it with the purple and white dress and pleated skirt.

If she was dressed like this when we first met...

Lin Bin thought that she didn't even need to introduce herself, I could recognize her.

"So sad."

Ilya rubbed her eyes, then picked up the silver spoon and gently stirred the coffee in her hand, and said: "After confirming that you are not an enemy, I know everything about you, now I want to You answer some of my questions, I think you won't let me down."

"You didn't tell me too much information. Similarly, my background is too absurd... Even if I tell you, no one will believe it, and this is not something that can be told to others. Don't say that we only met once. No matter how in-depth the relationship is with people, I can never tell my origin, but I can answer some questions that can answer your questions."

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in your origin."

Ilya picked up the coffee gracefully and took a sip.

Not tall, petite ~ small.

But when it comes to business, her expression is extremely serious, giving people a mature feeling.

That's why Lin Bin didn't treat her like a little girl.

She said: "I just want to know how you got the blazing seven-fold circle, and the relationship between you and the apostle... When I said the word apostle just now, if I didn't wrong you, it's normal Said that you should not know the meaning of these two words, but you do know..."

Lin Bin sighed deeply, and said deeply: "My fate is the same as yours. We both have the same surname...cough cough...the common enemy is the apostle. I did kill an apostle, but However, the blazing seven-fold ring did not come from him, but from the subordinate of the apostle. This treasure should be rewarded to him as a prize. It is a coincidence that I can get this thing Well, the details in the middle are too complicated, it’s a long story, but you just need to know that this is my trophy.”

Yi Liya glanced at Lin Bin thoughtfully, and asked, "So the reason why you and the apostle are still alive is because you have also been persecuted by the apostle?"

Lin Bin grieved and said, "That's right, they want to kill me."

"Why did they kill you?"

"This...sorry, it involves personal privacy, so I can't answer it."

"Personal privacy? What kind of personal privacy can there be?"

Illya snorted lightly, with a somewhat proud detective look on her face, and said, "To put it bluntly, it's not because you are a time traveler... By the way, you know what time traveler means, right?"

Lin Bin's face changed drastically in an instant, and he stretched out his hands to cover himself in a protective posture, and exclaimed, "You... how do you know that I am a time traveler?"

"Hmph, you said it all, they want to kill you. As far as I know, there is only one kind of people that the apostles will target, and that is the natives in the secret realm. These apostles are mad and want to slaughter all the creatures in the secret realm. They will target someone in reality, there is only one possibility... that is that the natives in the secret realm have escaped to reality."

Yi Liya said disapprovingly: "The reincarnation in the real world is nothing special. It's not too difficult for us to come to this world, right?"

Lin Bin sighed, and said, "Yes, you guessed it right, I am indeed a time traveler... I never thought that Hou Longtao, who was hiding so deeply, would be discovered by you. Miss Ilya is really amazing."

(End of this chapter)

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