when reincarnation invades

Chapter 148 We Can Go Deeper 1 Point

Chapter 148 We Can Go Deeper

Yi Liya took a deep look at Lin Bin and sighed, "Oh, what I said before was quite sincere, but as soon as I got my name, I started talking nonsense."

Lin Bin also sighed when he heard the words, and said: "So I really hate the reincarnated people's tricks and tricks, and I won't even tell lies... Sorry, I really didn't mean to lie to you, really I'm different from you, I managed to obtain the identity of an ordinary person, and I don't really want to reveal my identity as a time traveler."

Illya dissatisfied: "Don't say that I am a black household. In fact, I have been allowed to act in this world."


Lin Bin naturally understood the meaning of Ilya's words.

When the rocket bombarded ordinary people, although Ilya ran to save them, she was full of dissatisfaction. In fact, if she had really thought of this possibility in advance, she would never need Lin Bin again. Come help her with this.

In fact, if she really followed Yi Liya's disposition, Lin Bin really didn't think she would have the spirit of selflessness to consider the concerns of the people around her. Probably it was some kind of constraint that she had to bear to survive in this world.

Lin Bin said: "But you are living here as a time traveler, and by chance, I found a person with the same appearance as me and took his identity. The apostles wanted to kill me, but But it won’t reveal my identity, so if I don’t say it, no one will know that I am a time traveler, and I even got mixed into the reincarnation, so now I can barely count it as a fish in water.”

"That's it, I understand."

Ilya accepted Lin Bin's so-called lie based on the reason.

"Actually, we can work together."

Lin Bin looked deeply at Ilya and said, "If you agree to my cooperation, my real identity, my name and all my information can be shared with you."

"I'm not interested in your real identity, but I am interested in your so-called cooperation."

Ilya looked at Lin Bin seriously.

It was obviously an extremely immature face, but paired with her wine red eyes, it gave off a mature feeling.

She asked: "How to cooperate? How deep do you want to go?"

"About the cooperation of the apostles!"

Lin Bin said: "As long as you are attacked by the apostles, or if you have information about the apostles and plan to take action against them, you can contact me. Correspondingly, if I have any intention of taking action against the apostles, or if they target me , I can also ask you for help or ask for help, how about it?"

Elijah thought about it.

Said: "Yes, anyway, I don't mind saving someone's life, as long as I can kill the apostle, I don't mind being used as a tool."

Lin Bin asked, "You hate the apostles, why?"

"Have no relatives of you died at the hands of the apostles?"

"There should be."

Lin Bin thought of his parents who died a few years ago... If it is really related to the S-level props, I am afraid that the apostle is also inseparable from it.

Furthermore, he killed the Eleven Apostles, and the situation between the two parties was already endless.

He can be so leisurely, purely because Xu Qian and Li Lei have carried a lot of thunder for him.

But in the communication between him and Deng Yang, he already understood...

In fact, he is also on the must-kill list of ghosts, but the ranking is not so high.

That being the case, it is better to act first.

Moreover, those who walk in the plane are all traversers who have escaped from the plane, and the apostle wants to make S-level world props with the goal of the plane.

There are contradictions and conflicts between the two sides that are difficult to ease.

He can take advantage of the situation, and he can also find out the details of walking in these planes by the way...

At this time, Illya seemed to think of something sad.

Turning his head to look out of the window, there was a touch of melancholy and melancholy in his eyes.

She said, "Can I ask you one thing?"

"You said."

"I can't take it out yet, but in the future, if I get an A-level item, I would like to exchange it for the blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring in your hand."

Illya said: "Don't worry, I will definitely complete the exchange if you nod your head in satisfaction, how about it?"

Lin Bin asked, "Is this thing important to you?"

"Do you know how the blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring in your hand came from?"

Without waiting for Lin Bin to answer, Ilya said: "Every traverser who has been persecuted by the apostles has to go through the danger of a narrow escape before he can escape successfully. In my case, it is mine... um... my brother Before dying, trying to break down my physical body, I manifested this blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring, and forcibly blocked the entire crack in the secret realm, preventing all the apostles from entering. Climb to the real world, otherwise, I am afraid I would have been caught up and persecuted by them, after all, I am their main target."

She said a little lonely: "I don't know why the manifested things stayed forever, maybe the apostles used some means, maybe my brother's final manifestation was too real... Anyway, whatever it is The reason, this thing is very important to me, I understand how great an opportunity an A-level item represents for a reincarnation of the Transcendent Realm, and I never thought about getting something for nothing, so I just want to tell you about it first."

Emiya Shiro is dead?

This piece of equipment is his last relic?

Sure enough, the biggest problem with this reincarnation space was that all the props and equipment were snatched from the aborigines.

So every time you get a piece of equipment, you will inevitably get some cause and effect.

For example, the Double Dragon Phantom Sword belonged to the Tang family, and the blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring also got the attention of this Illya. From this point of view, it can be regarded as a coincidence. Indifferent to ideas, the possibility that she would care about other people is very slim.

So to say……

Lin Bin suddenly thought of Zhanlan Rose. Could it be that in a certain period of time in the future, a demon will suddenly rush out and chop him?
Lin Bin glanced at Ilya who was still calm. When talking about her past, she didn't feel sad at all, but she looked a little sad and confused.

He nodded and said, "Yes, I will be satisfied after you have said everything, so I have no reason not to agree."

"Thank you."

Illya hesitated for a moment, and said: "Actually, since you are also a traveler, you can consider joining our plane walking organization. Although not everyone has a grudge against the apostles, there are indeed many people in the plane walking organization." It was persecuted by the apostles, so if you intend to join the plane walk, I can introduce it for you."

"I still don't think about it for the time being."

Lin Bin said: "From this Zhang Xuan, it can be seen that the organization that walks in your plane seems to welcome anyone who comes, as long as they have the identity of time traveler, you will take them in, regardless of whether they are in your own plane. Who, such an organization inevitably has its own good and bad, and joining it may do me more harm than good."

Illya shook her head painstakingly and said: "This point... I really can't refute it. After all, I came to another world. In Huaguo's words, when I go out, I still have to hug a group to keep warm, but there are always some people who want to You have to use the power of walking in the plane, but fortunately, those who can become time travelers are dragons and phoenixes, so even if there is any problem, it can be solved quickly."

Lin Bin regretted: "I'm actually very interested in this organization, but I just feel that the current recruitment method is unreasonable. If one day in the future, you are willing to strengthen the review and no longer refuse all comers, I will join you, but Now... Ilya... can I trouble you to give me some information about your organization?"

"If you don't join, I can only give you a part."

Lin Bin said distressedly: "But if you want to join, you must have a comprehensive understanding before you can do it?"

"This... seems to make sense."

Ilya was finally stunned by the fool.

She said: "When I go back and ask our leader for instructions, if I can get her permission, I can give you some information."

"Yes, remember to tell her only, I don't want too many people to know my identity."

Elijah wondered, "What is your identity?"

"I am now an orthodox reincarnation, and my name is Abin!"


Upon hearing this, Ilya was surprised, and said in surprise, "The Abin who has become famous during this period of time and has excellent reincarnation results?"

Lin Bin said modestly: "No, no, in fact, my reincarnation results are not ideal, and I failed to get all S grades."

"I heard that it was because a trash dragged you down that time, and you don't cooperate with that trash now..."

"Don't, don't say that about Brother Lei. In fact, he helped me a lot. Those words are just rumors spread by outsiders."

Lin Bin sighed: "Brother Lei is my koi, but unfortunately I seem to be his scapegoat. As long as the two of us form a team, he will have to get an F rank... Sigh... I'm too embarrassed to hurt Lei." Bro."

"I see. I understand why you want to hide it. If I had the identity of a normal person, I wouldn't want to bear the identity of a time traveler."

"Add a friend, and I will contact you in the future."

"Okay, but only for adding friends, don't have any other messy thoughts."

Ilya took out her phone, which was still covered with a cute kitten phone case.

At this moment, she regained her former vivacity.

Lin Bin also joked, "Sorry, I'm accusing the wife."

"That's good. As a loli, I feel at ease."

The two became friends with each other.

Lin Bin was immediately satisfied.

It's all right now...

Among the apostles, Deng Yang is lurking undercover, and he seems to be a promising eleven apostles.

In Walking in the Plane, there is the little demon girl Wanhou on the bright side, and she hooks up with the little witch Ilya in private, with double insurance, the possibility of accidents is greatly reduced.

At that time, the two phases will be confirmed, and more information may be obtained.

At the time of parting, Yi Liya also asked Lin Bin that if she had the information about Zhang Xun, she must remember to tell her...she must kill him before her mission can be considered complete.

"Understood, I will contact you when the time comes."

Watching Ilya leave with a cheerful little jump.

Obviously, she was very happy about the fact that she hunted down the prisoner and found a partner in the end...

Of course, maybe there is also the reason why the blazing seven-fold ring was discovered in it.

Although still not hers.

But at the very least, it is no longer in the hands of the enemy. At this time, she can't expect more.

Lin Bin first went to report to Lu Linlin that she was safe.

Know Abin's name.

On the contrary, Li Xuefeng was so shocked that he couldn't let go of Lin Bin's hand, and said excitedly incoherently: "Big brother... good big brother, I didn't expect that we were flooded into the Dragon King Temple. I confess, it's purely My sister asked me to pretend to be a dandy reserve reincarnator to tune in~ I'm not that kind of person, brother, I've always used you as an idol, I'm a good citizen... It's all their fault ...it's all their fault..."

He directly dismantled all the plans, and Lu Linlin had an embarrassed smile on her face.

But I couldn't help being secretly shocked in my heart, didn't I expect this Abin to have such a great reputation?
The reincarnators in the reservists had their eyes higher than the top, because they hadn't formally started their training, so they were a little bit more crazy than the orthodox reincarnations, but they didn't expect to just hear Abin's name, and instantly turned into a dog licking.

"It's okay, don't do it again next time, the trick is too clumsy, and you almost lost your life as a result."

Lin Bin was quite happy.

The plot of this second-rate novel is considered outdated, but it turned out to help him get in touch with walking in the plane.

In the future, maybe he can really join the plane walk as a time traveler?
Not only because there may be a connection between the walking in the plane and himself, but also because now that he has been immortal with the apostle, joining the walking in the plane is also a wise policy.

Had a meal with the two of them.

Lu Linlin became a third party throughout the whole process, and Li Xuefeng pestered Lin Bin, asking him about many common senses in the secret realm...

Lin Bin gave explanations one by one.

In particular, some elements about the secret realm can only be accumulated through experience, which made Li Xuefeng say that the trip was worthwhile.

The worship of Lin Bin has deepened by more than 100 layers...

Lu Linlin could only watch helplessly from the side.

When they finally went to check out, they all had their mouths flattened and their faces full of grievances.

Lin Bin was very grateful to the little girl, and promised to treat her to a good meal when he was free...

This made her smile with joy.

It wasn't that meal that made her hungry...

At first, I thought it was just an ordinary reincarnation, but I didn't expect that there is still a universe inside, and I want it even more.

And Lin Bin had just returned home.

It smelled a very strong rice fragrance.

The rice porridge made by mixing pure rice and water without any additives, so it can release the aroma of the rice... It is Lin Bin's favorite taste.

"Abin, you are back."

Lin Xue came from the living room in a wheelchair, with a familiar smile on her delicate and pretty face, as if she had always been here and had never been anywhere.

Lin Bin exclaimed in surprise: "Sister, you are back."

"Sorry, I borrowed your sister for a while, wait a moment, the food will be ready soon."

in the kitchen.

On 71.62.82 the landlady came out wearing an apron.

She apologized and said with a smile: "I borrowed your sister for a while, because I thought you were in the secret realm, so I didn't leave a note, but I didn't expect you to come back early. I am so sorry for making you worry."

"It's ok."

"This incident is all my fault, and it will never happen again in the future."

The landlady took Lin Bin's hand apologetically.

He kept apologizing.

Lin Bin smiled and said he didn't care...

It was only the first physical contact with the landlady's wife, but he couldn't help being stunned, as if he had already noticed a strange feeling in his palm.

He froze for a moment, the smile on his face remained the same, and he didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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