Chapter 149
The first physical contact with the landlady's wife.

Relying on Lin Bin's extremely sensitive body, he easily felt the rough friction of the landlady's tiger's mouth...

Naturally, he didn't have the idea that such a slightly rough friction would definitely be comfortable, even if the type of landlady was actually the type he liked, he didn't have this idea at all.

It's just that Lin Bin is also a sword user now.

Naturally, it can be easily felt. This is the trace left after holding a weapon such as a sword for a long time.

In fact, if it wasn't for Lin Bin practicing the "Secret of Longevity" and having He Shibi wash his body and cut his marrow, otherwise his tiger's mouth should already have a thin layer of calluses.

This woman is not simple.

What does he mean by being close to my sister?
Are you trying to get close to me through my sister?Or……

Lin Bin glanced at Lin Xue who was setting the table and chopsticks at the table, and then a sense of guilt rose in his heart.

Lin Xue has always done what she can for this family, and it is simply too much for her to have such messy thoughts about her.

And her legs are inconvenient...

It was just an exchange with a strange woman, and this exchange was actually brought to her by me. After all, renting this woman's house was actually my choice.

Lin Bin secretly made up his mind.

Afterwards, it seemed that it was time to find out what the landlady's background was.

That night, the guests who had this dinner had a great time.

After the landlady stayed to help Lin Xue take a bath, she left.

In the huge room, only the siblings were left again.

Sitting behind Lin Xue, Lin Bin was holding a hair dryer to help her dry her hair one after another. After a while, Lin Xue gave her a light pinch and rolled her eyes.

Only then did he realize that he had been blowing a lock of hair for a long time.

Now continue to help her loosen her hair, the fresh aroma of the girl after bathing hits the nostrils with the buzzing sound of the hair dryer...

It gave Lin Bin an inexplicable sense of relief.

He asked, "Why do you know this landlady so well?"

"We got to know her very well when we rented her house before. In addition, her daughter was studying in Baishui No. [-] Middle School near us. It was a critical period. In order to prevent her daughter from falling in love early, she often wandered around the school. From us The floor of the school just happened to have a view of the school gate, so after I met her once, I invited her over, and the conversation became more and more familiar... Slowly, after she knew that I had nothing to do every day, she hired me to be her daughter tutor."

Lin Xue held Lin Bin's hand that was letting her long hair loose.

He asked with a smile: "What's the matter, I've only been away from home for two days, and you're lonely?"

"I just feel that after I leave, you are really too boring. There are either brats or old ladies who like to dance square dances in the community. You can't find anyone to talk to, right?"

Lin Bin asked, "How about I help you find a job?"

"My current job is pretty good, that is, I help the child with her homework during the holidays, and I don't have to go there at ordinary times. The salary is quite high."

"But what I found for you was a public deal with some documents..."

"But commuting to and from get off work is troublesome, isn't it?"

"Someone will pick you up."

"Is that still called going to work? It's like buying a cat climbing frame for a cat. It feels full of self-awareness when it climbs up and down every day, but in fact, it's just a pastime and consumption of itself."

Lin Xuerou said: "I know your worries, but you can't help me arrange everything, can you? I can do it myself...Compared to this, I still prefer this job I found by myself. Don't worry, wait until next year. Rong won't need me when she goes to university, and then I can take care of you alone with peace of mind."

She joked: "Now that you can earn money, our family shouldn't need me to go out to earn money to support the family, right?"


Lin Bin could only nod in agreement, and dried her hair.

Then send her back to her room to rest...

After he returned to his room, he sent a message to Raymond.

Ask him to help you find out the specific news about a woman named Tang Yuefu.

It's rare to have a reliable immediate boss, when don't you use it now?

After just two seconds, a good word replied.

Lin Bin knew that he didn't have to worry about the rest of the matter, and he could just wait for the news with peace of mind.

Immediately, he also took a shower, changed into loose pajamas, took out the evil emperor's relic, held it in his palm, and started to practice slowly.

The alliance with Illya means that in the battle between him and the apostles, he will go from being passive before to taking the initiative now.

no way……

The purpose of the apostles before was very clear. They didn't want to find out the traverser, but to kill all of them.

Now with Wang Ling's death, there should be no room for them for the time being...

But Deng Yang once sent a message to warn him that the apostles did not give up their plan to assassinate them.

It's just that his eldest brother has just taken power now, and the interior has not been stabilized yet, so he can't make a move.

At that time, if there is any accident, he will remind.

Now that there is an internal response, it is naturally the best choice to take the initiative.

Not only did the apostles not want to find the traverser, but they were eager to kill and silence them, leaving no one behind.

The organization Walking in the Plane will suddenly help him...

According to the characteristics they have displayed so far, they are by no means the kind of people who are willing to help others. On the contrary, they are more like hiding in a small building to form a unified system. Regardless of the type of spring, summer and winter and autumn, there is no reason to help him.

Lin Bin always felt that there must be some big secret behind this.

But no matter what the secret is, improving one's own strength is the most important thing.

And just as Lin Bin worked hard and his strength improved rapidly...

Hengyang City.

Tang family.

"Oh? Is there news about Heavenly Demon Dafa?"

Tang Tianhao stood up with a serious look on his face.


Tang Renjie lowered his head and said, "During this period of time, our exclusive physician has been studying the characteristics of the Heavenly Demon Dafa, especially at that time we used a rarely used drug—An Ning" in order to cure Master Hao."

"An Ning? Isn't that poisonous?"

"Yes, but the harm between the two powers is the lesser. The true energy of the Heavenly Demon Dafa is different from the true energy cultivated by the normal martial arts system. It is entangled in the internal organs of the human body. The pain of forcibly removing it has exceeded the limit of human tolerance. It only works to paralyze the nerves... so you can only use An Ning, but An Ning is addictive, so you must apply for it if you want to use it."

Tang Tianhao said: "So besides Xiaohao, there are other hospitals that use An Ning?"

"And the dose is similar to that of Master Hao. It should be the high-level people sent by the magic sect in the secret realm of the Tang Dynasty to take action."

"Have you found anyone?"

"Found it, there are 17 beds in the Internal Medicine Department of Putian Hospital."

"Hey... It's still a black hospital, it seems that this person is not clean... I like unclean people, this kind of people have weaknesses, greed, easy to control, let's go, I will go there in person. I want to see his inspection report before going to the place."


Tang Renjie followed behind Tang Tianhao, nodding respectfully.

The two got into the special car and drove to Putian Hospital.

And the Tang family's energy was only revealed at this time...

Personal information itself is not allowed to be leaked.

But Tang Tianhao said a word.

In just 10 minutes, all the patient's information had fallen into his hands.

"Zhang Ying, the name sounds like an alias, and he suffered an internal wound... It looks like he was injured by a reincarnated person, but after being injured by a reincarnated person, instead of going to the affiliated hospital of reincarnation, he went to Putian, which is black and greedy. Unreliable Sanwu Hospital, it seems that his identity should be very problematic... Didn't find it? It's right if he didn't find it, the main thing depends on the treatment method."

Tang Tianhao flipped through the final treatment procedure.

He sneered lowly, and said: "I found it, the same treatment method as Xiaohao, it seems that his injury was indeed caused by the magic of the heavenly demon, let's go."

While speaking, the car had already parked in Putian Hospital.

The two walked into the hospital.

This kind of black hospital doesn't have any emphasis on the privacy of patients, and the two easily found the front of ward No. 17.

Just when the two pushed the door and entered.

There was a bang of glass breaking inside.

Tang Tianhao's face changed slightly immediately, and he rushed into the door first, only to see that the single bed in the room was already empty, and a big hole was broken in the window.

"Oops, he escaped!"

Tang Renjie shouted, "I'll go down and chase after it."

"no need."

Tang Tianhao suddenly laughed, and said with a smile: "I like cautious people, but I have to remind you that in the face of absolute strength, the so-called careful thinking is useless. You smashed the window to pretend to escape , wanted us to go out and chase you, but couldn't hide your breathing...Really, you shouldn't have booked a single ward."

"If I don't book a single room, I'm afraid I won't even be able to sleep well."

Zhang Xun fell from under the empty bed. He had been hiding under the bed just now, but he just climbed on all fours to keep his body close to the bottom of the bed. As soon as he looked around, it seemed that there was no one there.

He crawled out of it.

Said: "You didn't kill me immediately, it seems that you are not the group of people who arrested me."

"It's better to say that I am their enemy."

Tang Tianhao glanced at Zhang Xun, and praised: "I have a nephew who is useless. He has used tranquilizers and is panting after walking for a few steps. You can still maintain this kind of physical strength. It's amazing. I'll cut to the chase , My surname is Tang, Tang from the Tang family, if you are a reincarnation, you should have heard of this Tang."

"I know, the reincarnation family."

Zhang Xuan seemed to see that Tang Tianhao was not hostile.

Then I lay lazily on the bed, and asked: "Actually, I'm quite tired now, this medicine... hurts too much, and I can't recover in two months according to visual estimates... Then, what does Patriarch Tang want from me? "

"I want to know whose hand you were hurt by."

"You have a grudge?"

"My son died at their hands."

Tang Tianhao said: "Since you have been injured, you must be unwilling. Do you want to take revenge? I have such a sharp knife here, don't you want to borrow it? Or are you the kind of person who must avenge yourself and never use it with false hands?" Yuren's martial idiot type?"

"Hahahaha, you think too much, but the person who hurt me...I really don't know him."

"It's okay, tell me where you were injured by him and what he looks like, I can find out."

"It's okay, someone is willing to avenge me, I'm so happy, but..."

Tang Tianhao knew the elegant meaning after hearing the string song, and asked, "What benefits do you want?"

Zhang Xuan smiled and said, "I want money, 2000 million in cash!"

Tang Tianhao said: "500 million, I won't give you any more. You have fallen into my hands. I am willing to discuss with you because you are a talent. I want to make friends with you. If you don't cooperate, I will arrest you and torture you for a while." Fan, if you ask the question, you will be killed directly, do you think anyone will avenge you?"

"You can say this, it seems that Patriarch Tang really wants to take money to cooperate with me, now... transfer the money!"


Tang Tianhao took out his mobile phone and transferred money on the spot.

"You can say it."

Zhang Xun said: "There were two people who injured me, a man and a woman. The man was tall and handsome. He was somewhat similar to me when I was young. He seemed to be a reincarnation who had strengthened his martial arts. At least, I should not be his opponent."

"What about the girl?"

"Female, frankly, I can't tell by her attire."

Zhang Xun frowned and said, "Because I've seen her several times, but her outfits are completely different every time. She should be wearing colored contact lenses and a wig. I can see that. Maybe there are other disguises that I can't see." Come out... So the face I saw was probably also a disguise. She was very young, but I can't rule out deliberately pretending to be young. After all, she was too disguised. There shouldn't be any little girl in her [-]s or [-]s who can chase after her. I have the ability to kill, right? So it may be slightly bigger than what I saw."

"That's it?"

Tang Tianhao said impatiently, "It's meaningless."

"I met that man in the noodle restaurant. If you try to find a way to get the surveillance there, you should be able to see his face. Oh, by the way, his weapon has a red petal, which is very defensive. Strong, and a very large revolver, very powerful."

"Azure Blue Rose!"

Tang Tianhao's pupils shrank suddenly.

Zhang Xuan smiled and said: "It seems that you know this man, so the 500 million you paid is quite worth it."

"So you were hurt by that woman's hand?"

"No, I was hurt by that man's hand."


Even after knowing Lin Bin's identity, Tang Tianhao's expression still changed drastically after hearing this.

Lin Bin actually knows the magic of heavenly demons? !

Tang Tianhao really didn't expect this.

In this way, he didn't have any difficulties at all...but he had already cooperated with that magic door.

And Lin Bin is from the real world, so he doesn't meet the requirements. So, if that girl is speaking, could it be a high-level person sent by the Demon Sect?

Tang Tianhao asked: "You don't need to say more about that man, I know more than you, I want to know more about that girl, can you provide it?"

"Of course, I have to be right with the money I received. She is very powerful, and her methods are extremely complicated, with many tricks. At the very least, she must be a reincarnation of the Transcendent Realm, and she must be a leader in the Transcendent Realm. Although she made a disguise, her real appearance should be very beautiful. I found that her skin is very good in close combat with her, and her speech gives people a lively feeling."

Tang Tianhao silently wrote it down in his heart.

Xindao can pretend to be an eleven or twelve-year-old girl, but her actual age should not be much older. She can be judged as a petite girl with a frivolous and lively tone, that is, the kind who is outgoing, more eloquent, powerful, and also knows the magic of heaven and earth. ...they all will.

Tang Tianhao clenched his fists tightly in his sleeves.

Recalling Lin Bin's sincere words...

At that time, he still felt that he understood, and even felt that this person was sincere.

But now it seems that he has already reached a cooperation with this magic door.

The two parties are already sworn enemies, and what I call letting go is actually just giving the other party time and opportunities to develop and improve themselves.

If it weren't for this chance coincidence.

Maybe after this Abin grows into a behemoth, he just wants to take revenge, and he has no chance.

And this girl...

She must be the real culprit without a doubt, she must be found, not only her, but also the secret passage behind her must be opened.


In front of a secret place.

The barefoot girl in white who had just left the secret realm and was being examined by the exclusive medical staff couldn't help but sneezed twice.

Wan Wan rubbed her nose cutely, and complained: "Damn it, it must be some scoundrel talking about him again."

(End of this chapter)

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