when reincarnation invades

Chapter 150 One big stick and one sweet water

Chapter 150

After making sure that Zhang Xun has told all the information he knows.

Tang Tianhao didn't care about him anymore, and he didn't have any idea of ​​attracting people's hearts.

It was just a transaction.

When both money and goods are settled, they should be dispersed.

This man obviously has a lot of trouble...

Hasty in-depth contact is not a good thing.

The Tang family couldn't afford to provoke a strong enemy for such a worthless person. As for using her as bait, now that Lin Bin's identity has been confirmed, it is not difficult to find that woman.

Out of the hospital, back to the car.

After making sure that no one was listening, Tang Renjie asked, "Patriarch, what should we do next?"

"Don't startle the snake, check, check all the women who appear around this Abin, the age should be between [-] and [-], with the status of reincarnation, extroverted personality, elegant and refined appearance, um... this Zhang Xuan is very beautiful. There is no way for him to go to the sky and nowhere to enter the earth if he can chase him, and his mind should be absolutely good, you can add a deep mind!"

Tang Tianhao said in a deep voice: "According to the combination of the information brought back by Xiaohao and the news of Zhang Xuan, this girl should be the real culprit who killed Xiaolei. They tortured Xiaolei to death, obtained his props, and then passed his Props reached a cooperation with this Abin, and came to the real world through the crack in the secret realm where he returned, she is the real murderer who killed Xiaolei, and I will never let her go."


Tang Renjie hesitated for a moment and asked, "What about this Abin? Do we need to check his..."

"To shut up!"

Tang Tianhao said coldly: "This is a big taboo. If you break this taboo, do you want to make the Tang family arouse public anger?"

"No, my subordinates just think that even if this Abin is not the mastermind, he has already stood on the opposite side of us. If we really want revenge, he will definitely conflict with us in the process of protecting the real murderer. If we don't plan ahead If the law..."

"This kid is not easy to deal with."

Tang Tianhao sighed, and said: "Behind him is Lei Meng...Behind Lei Meng... we can't afford to offend, we have a family and roots, it is actually very difficult to take action against this kind of person, because even if we succeed, after the fact Revenge will definitely hurt the Tang family."

"Then let him be like this... This subordinate feels that if we don't think of a way to deal with him in advance, even if we really want to avenge the young master, he will definitely come out to stop him, a reincarnation at the peak of the Transcendent Realm, and He also holds the young master's Double Dragon Phantom Sword and Azure Rose, so it's hard to deal with."

"Just because we can't deal with him doesn't mean no one can deal with him."

Tang Tianhao sneered and said: "He is not my direct enemy, let him find some stumbling blocks to hold him back so that he can't interfere with our affairs... Right now, the most important task is to catch that woman first, regardless of life or death, Also, the Demon Sect must also be destroyed."

Tang Renjie said in a low voice: "Actually, if we want to destroy the Demon Sect, we can find a partner."

"Who can cooperate with us?"

"I don't know, Master, have you heard of the apostles?"

Tang Tianhao frowned and said: "The organization that disappeared many years ago...why do you mention this?"

"This is only known to my subordinates by chance. In fact, they didn't disappear. They were just liquidated because of their inhumane actions, and they were transferred from the stage to the underground... But if they were facing the murderer who killed Master Lei, We don’t seem to need to speak humanely to them.”

Tang Tianhao fell into silence upon hearing the words.

Tang Renjie said: "There is actually no conflict between us. Their purpose is to obtain S-level items, while our purpose is to get revenge. In fact, if we can give up this secret realm and help the apostles get the Datang Plane S-level props, and as a price, they need to help us get rid of someone and give us a lot of benefits. They should also agree. After the S-level props appear, we still have the opportunity to cross the river and tear down the bridge, and directly use the S-level props as If you own it, isn’t it killing two birds with one stone? After all, it is an organization that cannot stand on the stage, and our Tang family is protected by the rules of the reincarnation space."

heard here.

Tang Tianhao was really tempted.

He waved his hand and said, "Go and investigate the apostles. Also, everything that was arranged before must be carried out simultaneously."


Tang Renjie responded respectfully.

"Also, I made an appointment with the elders of the clan and said that I found important information about the new secret passage. I just want to capture a traverser alive. Our strength alone is not enough. We need to gather the strength of the entire Tang family. "


Tang Renjie responded and immediately got out of the car to do it.

Tang Tianhao drove away in a car...

He didn't feel a little heavy in his heart. He didn't want to provoke some powerful enemies, but if it involved the death of his son, there was no reason to say it.

If he doesn't want to return, he doesn't have any fear.

Especially back home.

Looking at my wife who started knitting again...

She always does this, weaving one piece and burning another, saying that she is afraid that the child will freeze underneath.

But the child died in another world.

Because of the many reincarnation spaces, there may be ghosts in this world, but even if the child becomes a ghost, he is not a ghost in this world anymore.

Tang Tianhao didn't hesitate any longer.

And this time.

In the huge compartment of the H9.

The entire huge back row was flattened.

Lin Bin and a girl in white were sitting opposite each other.

The young girl has a pretty appearance, her melon seed face is not much bigger than a slap~tender~tender, exuding a radiant and healthy aura.

Sitting cross-legged at this time, it is still difficult to hide the quiet and demure aura.

When she can only talk but doesn't speak, the witch is still very deceptive.

At this time, it was between the two of them.

The evil emperor's relics, whose color has been slightly lighter than before, are placed.

And the expressions on the faces of both of them are quite comfortable.

For Lin Bin, the improvement in skill is not too obvious.

The injection of essence, the transformation of the body is subtle...

Lin Bin could clearly perceive that when he practiced daily, he became more and more proficient, like driving with an arm.

Obviously, the more profound the skill is, the slower the progress will be, and in the end it may be difficult to make any progress for several years...

But he obviously didn't feel that way.

On the contrary, it is getting easier and faster, and the progress is getting faster and faster, as if there is no bottleneck at all.

This is obviously the credit of the evil emperor relic essence.

In comparison, although Houhou's skill advances faster, but the skill directly poured into the body is obviously not as good as the skill from his own cultivation, such as the arm drive...

That is to say, her intermissions are long, otherwise, she might still have troubles like Duan Yu.

After a long time.

As Lin Bin slowly recuperated...

Hou Hou opened his eyes, hugged the evil emperor relic in his arms distressedly, and said angrily: "Why is there so much less true energy in the evil emperor relic?"

"The evil emperor's relic is mine. When you are here, I can take you to practice. When you are not here, do you still expect me to wait for you?"

Lin Bin said: "I can completely infuse the true energy in the evil emperor's relic into the flowers and plants. Especially in my previous experience, there are many enemies in the secret realm. If I inject the true energy into their bodies, they will not be able to bear it at most." If I explode and die, then I will have nothing to lose."

Hou Hou said angrily, "You... you shoot anywhere else and don't give it to others?!"

"What's the use of giving it to you? As long as you can give me something in return, I don't mind waiting for you... But you have already joined the plane walk, but what you got back is some common sense information. I have to Doubt your sincerity, don't forget our previous agreement."

Lin Bin stretched out his hand and snatched the evil emperor's relic from her chest.

packed into capsules.

One sentence hit her air like a balloon until it exploded.

"This... this... people need a little time to gain their trust."

Hou Hou's tone softened a lot.

Vaguely said: "He is sincere to you, didn't you see that he came to you as soon as he left the secret realm?"

"But the question is whether you are trying to figure out who I am or my true essence. Do you really think I can't tell the difference? I'm not your licking dog, and I won't soften my heart to you just because of your pitiful words."

Lin Bin said: "Let's do this for today, next time we will see when I am free and we will continue to practice."

Wan Hou watched with longing eyes as Lin Bin got up and took the driver's seat.

How can Lin Bin not understand...

The other party has already understood her foreign work.

After thinking about it for a while, she asked, "Okay, what do you want?"

"Let's not talk about the real world. Didn't you say before that you are going to see your master Zhu in the Tang Dynasty? I want you to integrate all the martial arts and martial arts of your magic sect, including Cihang Jingzhai. , bring it to me!"


"Can't you?"

"People are afraid that Teacher Zhu will not agree..."

"Don't worry, if she dares to disagree, just say that this is to honor her father, and she will naturally understand."

"You take advantage of others!"

Hou Hou said angrily: "I think Master Zhu is my mother..."

"It's just a joke with her, she shouldn't stop it."

"Okay, people agree."

"Get out of the car, by the way, remember to wipe yourself clean later...the car is a bit dirty."

"Hmph... scumbag remarks."

Angrily, Hou Hou took the paper that Lin Bin handed over, opened the back door of the car, and jumped straight down.

Then he took advantage of the opportunity and got into the milk tea shop next to him.

My heart was chilled by that scumbag, so it would be good to drink some free milk tea to warm my body.

Lin Bin drove away directly...

Selling the blood of the werewolf ancestor and the vampire ancestor allowed Lin Bin to earn 6000 reincarnation points.

Coupled with his previous savings, he now has 8000 reincarnation points plus four B-level meritorious service.

It could be called luxury.

And his current martial arts equipment is definitely enough if it is simply to break into the martial arts plane.

Taijiquan and swords are mysterious and difficult to describe, and they will never be inferior to B-level exercises, especially when combined with the "Longevity Secret", the power is even stronger.

Naturally, the skills of the Sword Code not only make him more innocent, but also known as the Sword Art of the Other Side, which is also an extremely advanced sword art... Lin Bin integrated it into the sword after day and night. In "The Secret of Longevity".

Progress is indeed extremely rapid.

Originally, he wanted to exchange for the exercises, but when he saw Houhou, he suddenly remembered that with Ilia, the importance of Houhou is actually not that important. Wait until the information from Ilia arrives in the account After that, just let her fill in the gaps.

As for now, don't let her idle, it would be good to be a little porter first.

If you can prostitute for nothing, how can you exchange it?

Wouldn't it be nice to change some props?

The props seem to be inferior to the exercises, but at critical moments, they are all things that can save lives.

Lin Bin suddenly remembered the unscrupulous boss in his previous life...

Openly yelled at him who had no work to do, don't be idle, find some work for himself, if you can't go out and pick up the stones on the ground, so as not to hurt the guests' feet.

Hmm... suddenly kind of understand it.

Lin Bin drove away in the car.

And this time.

far away……

Tang Renjie, who dared not look at H9 the whole time, finally raised his head slowly.

He asked a bodyguard beside him, "Are you sure it's this car?"

The bodyguard replied: "Sure, I personally accompanied my wife before, and watched her get into this car, and it took a long time before she got off."

"very good."

Tang Renjie looked at the photos on his phone.

Inside is the cute and elf-like girl holding two cups of milk tea with different flavors and contentedly.

A cold smile appeared on his face.

three days later.

Lin Bin has already received a contact from Ilya. Obviously, Ilya is quite concerned about his affairs.

"I have already informed our leader of your situation, and she expressed that she understands your concerns very well. I can give you some information about walking in the plane, but correspondingly, you cannot give this information to others."

The melodious voice is very self-satisfied.

When not involved in business, Ilya's character is like a naive little girl.

After Lin Bin nodded, he realized that Ilya couldn't see it, and said actively: "Don't worry, there is no problem, we are our own people. Although I have integrated into this world, after all, my identity is not visible. If I can, I want to have a home."

"Okay, I'll send you the message later, by the way, do you have any messages from the apostles during this time?"

"No, they probably lost their leader. The new leader is stabilizing the situation right now. Don't think about it for now... Don't worry, I will call you if you don't want to come. The apostles are not easy to deal with, so you have to be careful. "

"Well, I was too eager."

After chatting with Ilya for a few words, she hung up the communication.


A very small document was sent directly.

And this side just hung up.

Raymond also called over there.

"I have already found the information about Tang Yuefu you want."

Raymond's voice is always so cold and stern, which makes people feel at ease and down-to-earth.

He said: "It is certain that Tang Yuefu is also a time traveler."

"She is also a time traveler? But why haven't I heard of her?"

Lin Bin thought it was wrong. I think I have read books for ten years and watched countless movies and anime. How could there be a time traveler whose name I have never heard of?
It seems that it should be a type that I have never seen before.

Raymond said: "Don't you know it's normal? She is different from normal time travelers. She married a reincarnation directly and was brought into this world. She gave up her identity as a reincarnation by some means. Don't worry. She is a husband and a child at home, but her husband died in an accident a few years ago, so she has naturally become an ordinary person, but in fact, her strength should be able to reach the level of a senior reincarnator, you have a conflict with her ? Don't worry, I can still provoke this."

"No, Lei Ju, I'm not that aggressive... mainly because she is closer to my sister."

Raymond asked in surprise: "Do you suspect that your sister is the time traveler?"

"It's unlikely...is it?"

Lin Bin originally had no doubts in this regard, but following Lei Meng's words, his heart was instantly enlightened,

It dawned on him... He had never doubted Lin Xue...

(End of this chapter)

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