when reincarnation invades

Chapter 151 I'm Not a Dog Licker

Chapter 151 I'm Not a Dog Licker

Of course, there was no doubt that Lin Xue was right.

That was his sister who had been with him for many years. Before Lin Bin crossed over, the ex-Abin didn't grow crooked. To be honest, Lin Xue really contributed a lot.

The two get along day and night.

If she is really a time traveler, then she must also have the status of a reincarnation... But in fact, there is no reincarnation watch on her wrist.

Lin Bin couldn't be more aware of this.

And her legs are uncomfortable, everyone knows it.

If she is really the time traveler, it means that she probably holds an S-level item in her hand.

You obviously have the means to heal yourself, but you have to resist not curing yourself for a few years?
What a terrible will to do this?
You must know... Years of treatment are not ineffective. Lin Xue is now able to go in and out of the kitchen and help Lin Bin with some natural work, which is entirely due to the effects of the previous years of treatment.

Money is still worthwhile.

But a few years ago, her life was difficult even taking care of herself.

Lin Bin really didn't think anyone could remain paralyzed in this way.

Even if you don't heal yourself, at least you can make yourself feel better, right?

"Don't worry, your sister's suspicion is even lower than yours... Otherwise, we wouldn't have tested you first, instead of testing your sister."

Lei Meng's words made Lin Bin feel relieved instantly.

"So it's just a coincidence?"

"Didn't you provoke Tang Yuefu?"

"I understand, thank you Lei Ju, it seems that I care about it and it's messed up."

"Don't worry... Tang Yuefu is clean."

Lin Bin said distressedly: "But I just confirmed that Lu Linlin should be innocent. In this way, all seven people have been ruled out of suspicion."

Lei Meng sighed: "After removing all the impossibilities, the remaining one, no matter how absurd it may be, is the only truth. From this point of view, the traverser is undoubtedly Zhou Min."

Lin Bin was startled and said, "Can he die in the secret realm even if he masters S-level props?"

"Don't underestimate the danger of the secret realm... Zhou Min is a saint-level reincarnator, and the difficulty of entering the secret realm is not comparable to that before Transcendence. An S-level item cannot make a reincarnator feel at ease."

"Which secret realm did he die in?"

"C-132 Secret Realm!"

Lin Bin silently remembered the name of this secret realm, nodded and said, "I see, thank you Lei Ju."

"I'm just speculating. I've advised you before. Compared with the S-level props that may not be able to heal your sister's legs, you should improve your own strength, and then enter a higher-level secret realm to find higher-level healing medicines." Bigger, as long as you follow the steps, it’s just a matter of time, it’s been so many years, why rush for a while?”

"Yes, that's the only way to go."

Lin Bin smiled wryly.

The clue is broken here, it seems that it really can only be suspended.

But another idea came to his mind.

This S-level item cannot be found, but the apostle organization does not know how many secret realms have been destroyed. They definitely have a lot of S-level items in their hands. If it is a healing type...

There is also plane walking.

If you can get acquainted with the people inside...

It might as well be a door.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Bin clicked on the information about walking in the plane sent back by Ilya.

Not much content.

Obviously, there is no need to give too much information to a reserve who has not yet made up his mind to join them...

However, the purpose and mission of the organization's existence are clearly described.

Plane walk.

It has been established for nearly a hundred years.

Compared with the time when the reincarnation space existed, it was actually much later...

But the existence of the time traveler was actually known by the reincarnation people at that time from the very beginning.

It's just that these traversers have to kill the reincarnators and obtain their reincarnation tables to return to the real world...

And a considerable part of the traversers actually counterattacked passively, especially at that time, the reincarnations were mixed, so many traversers were actually victims.

Therefore, the reincarnation space has a very good attitude towards these traversers.

Not only did they not pursue it, but they were also given the same treatment as the reincarnated people, which can be called equal treatment.

In addition, the reincarnation space will also give them additional benefits, allowing them to consume their own secret realm times and return to their original secret realm...

Although they still have to complete the task, and there is a time limit, it also prevents them from seeing their loved ones whom they have been thinking about day and night.

The Samsara Family is the product of this strategy.

Obtained the opportunity to enter the secret realm other than the orthodox channel... In fact, all reincarnation families are basically handed down by the traversers first, so naturally they have different channels from the mainstream.

This is true for the Tang family, Lin family, Li family, Feng family, etc.!
And in this process, the reincarnation space is very fair.

If the traveler is honest, the reincarnation space will naturally give preferential treatment.

And those traversers with evil intentions will also be eliminated...

until decades later.

With more and more secret realms invading, especially the rise of the apostles, it caused great damage to the secret realms, leading to a surge in the number of traversers.

And because the apostle is also a reincarnation person in the reincarnation space, the credibility of the reincarnation space has dropped significantly...

Although these traversers rely on the reincarnation space to live, they no longer trust the reincarnation space.

They formed a group spontaneously and specialized in targeting the apostolic organization.

Many years later, the apostolic organization was destroyed, and the walk in the plane can be said to have contributed a lot.

After the destruction of the apostles, the walk in the plane also disappeared into the dark.

So, after the travelers came to this world by chance, there were only three ways to go.

The first one is because of committing a mistake, the reincarnated people assigned by the reincarnation space were wiped out... No matter how strong the traverser is, after all, he is unfamiliar with the place and is alone and helpless. There is no escape from death. If Yuhuatian can come to this world, he may be unable to escape this road.

The second is to follow the old tradition and become a formal reincarnation.

For example, Bai Yuekui and Feng Qingtian took this path.

But if you don't want to join the official, then you can join the plane walk, the reincarnation space actually takes care of the plane walk, as long as you complete the tasks on time like a normal reincarnation.


Not many words, but a lot of content.

Lin Bin finished reading it soon.

But after reading it, he couldn't help but muttered in his heart.

I already thought it was very strange before. Although the reincarnation space is called this name, there is actually the word association behind it, which means that this reincarnation space is actually created artificially.

However, there are various indications that the authority of the reincarnation space has obviously surpassed the limit of manpower.

It is even possible to control whether the traverser can return to their own world... Could it be that every reincarnator who comes to this plane has a unique secret crack in this plane, which is also a privilege given by the reincarnation space?
"It seems that the water in this reincarnation space is very deep."

Lin Bin muttered.

I didn't think about it any further...

As a small reincarnation, he doesn't have time to think about these issues. Rather, as a soldier in the reincarnation space, the greater the power of the reincarnation space, doesn't it mean that his upper limit is higher?
This is a great thing.

But Ilya was still too conservative after all.

The information given were all too general introductions and origins, and the actual organizational composition and members were not mentioned.

But that's okay……

There are other passages for Lin Bin to go.

He made a call to Houhou.

Soon, the other side was connected.

Lin Bin asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm shopping."

Inside a 96 supermarket.

Hou Hou wore a pure white slim-fit sportswear, which vividly outlined the curves of her slender waist and slender legs. It was too awkward to be barefoot in the real world, so she specially kicked on a pair of canvas white shoes.

The slender ponytail is bouncing, looking extraordinarily youthful and beautiful.

As she piled things into the shopping cart, she said, "I'm going back to visit Master Zhu, so naturally I have to bring her more gifts, and things like sanitary napkins and bras are so convenient... Bah... people What are you talking about with a scumbag like you..."

"I have a task for you, you find a way to get me a copy of the composition and personnel list of the plane walking organization, especially the list... I don't need to check anything else, I just need the name, but the more personnel, the better do you know?"

Hou Hou immediately burst into anger when he heard the words.

He shouted angrily at the phone: "Don't go too far, I just arranged such a difficult task for me last night, and I haven't had time to do it yet, and you want it again? You really treat me like a licking dog ? No, I don’t even dare to command them like this when facing the licking dogs... I still have to coax them..."

She was so angry that she even lost her self-proclaimed name.

"It's just telling you what to do in the future. Do it well. Naturally, I won't lose your benefits. If you feel uncomfortable, I can also coax you to come."

"Yes, yes, I understand, don't coax me, I don't intend to be your licking dog."

"Okay, remember to come back soon!"

Lin Bin hung up the phone, looking ruthless like a scumbag who just finished his work.

Hou Hou, who was listening to the beeping sound, wished he could drop the phone in his hand...

But looking at the expensive mobile phone given by the dog, she could only pant desperately, and comforted herself softly: "I am the one who earns money because I can eat people with soft mouths and short hands. Loss...Damn it, I still want to rest for a while, now it seems that before the essence in the evil emperor's relic is absorbed, I won't be free, but it doesn't matter, after I squeeze you dry, when the time comes I will definitely teach you a serious lesson, my strength must have broken through the eighteenth floor by then, isn’t it more than enough to teach you a lesson?”

Thinking of his pride, Hou Wan smiled sinisterly.

Even the action of sweeping the sanitary napkins on the shelf became extraordinarily loud, and all of them were dialed into the shopping cart in one snort. It was not easy to go there, so naturally you had to bring enough for the master.

The shelves are empty.

She was facing an ordinary middle-aged woman on the opposite side...

The other party turned his face away naturally.

Hou Hou also turned his gaze away, his expression unchanged, but his heart was shocked.

Today comes to mind quickly...

Wake up at ten o'clock in the morning to order takeaway and drink milk tea, mix until 12 o'clock and then have lunch, drink milk tea after lunch, eat cake after drinking milk tea, buy clothes after eating cake, drink milk tea after shopping for clothes...

She has traveled a lot by now.

But she had seen this ordinary face at least four times!
Once or twice is a coincidence, three or four times is deliberate.


Thinking that I am kind to others in this world, I live in a lowly way, and I am cowardly. Even if I abandon those licking dogs who have been drained of their wallets, I will take the initiative to make them feel inferior and retreat. It is impossible for anyone to hate me to the point of following me .

Is it...

Wan Wan suddenly thought of Lin Bin's warning.

Could it be that Tang Sanshi's family has discovered me?How on earth did they do it... My disguise is so careful...

She continued to accumulate supplies without a trace.

Out of the corner of his eye, he has already judged the surrounding situation.

The security guards in the distance are in the wrong position, one on one side and two on the other... It doesn't look like standing guard, but looks like a siege, I'm afraid it's tricky.

The shopping guides around are yelling so hoarsely, how long can their voice last?Or just shout for a while?

And the mother-to-be who bought baby milk powder next to her, isn't it a bit too much to say that she has a light body?
Dissonances that were previously unnoticed are now apparent.

Still careless.

He thought he would not be exposed, but in the end he stupidly stepped into the enemy's encirclement.

Wan Hou immediately took out her mobile phone, connected it and said loudly: "Hello? It's the captain... You don't need to come in, they are almost sold out, you can just wait outside, yes, yes, they only need 1 I'll meet you in a few minutes."

With that said, she pushed the cart to the cashier with a natural expression.

Along the way, the movement is extremely natural.

When she came to the counter and started to pay, she saw that the cashier's movement of scanning the code was very unfamiliar, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

Even the cashier has changed, maybe everyone in this supermarket is actually...

The enemy is ready!


It shouldn't be for 1 minute.

She may not be able to last for 1 minute...

At that moment, Houhou didn't hesitate any longer, and at the same time as delivering the goods, the demonic double blades gathered in the storage bracelet were lifted out directly, and directly slashed on the cashier's neck with lightning speed.

Although the opponent set up an ambush, he did not expect that Houhou would take the initiative to attack.

Moreover, the distance between the two sides was extremely close, and when they were caught off guard, a head rose directly into the sky, spraying blood with it.

Wan Wan slammed his feet, and rushed out of the supermarket like lightning.

But before rushing out the door, the rolling shutter doors of the entire supermarket suddenly fell down at an extremely fast speed.

Hou Hou kept moving, holding the saber behind his back with one hand to guard against the attack from behind, and slashed two sabers in the air with the other hand, the aura of the saber formed an X shape, slashed on the rolling shutter door, and then his whole petite body curled up into a ball , crashed directly from under the X.

"She escaped."

"The little demon girl is really cunning... Hurry up..."

"She can't run away, shrink the encirclement."

The reincarnation family does not show mountains or dews.

But in fact, it has been passed down for several generations, plus it has its own secret space.

As long as you can become a reincarnation, you can get the best resources and equipment immediately...

Tang Sanshi was able to get two pieces of B-level supporting equipment, of course there was a reason why he was Tang Tianhao's parent and son, but if not all reincarnations of the Tang family were given preferential treatment, how could he monopolize two pieces of B-level equipment?
And Hou Hou just rushed out with a murderous look.

I still have time to worry, since the supermarket is a trap set by the enemy, if I knew that those things were stuffed into the storage bracelet in advance, wouldn't it be a prostitution by then?

It's too difficult to want to prostitute that A Bin, just a few times after prostitution for nothing, he grabbed his vitals and let him rub...

But aren't these things simple?

But just after rushing out of the encirclement, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart.

Hurriedly dodging to dodge, a bullet passed along her waist.

There was a bang on the ground, causing blood to splash...

Houhou has been shot in the waist.

No... I obviously dodged it.

Wan Wan gritted her teeth and endured the pain, knowing that it must be the effect of the secret realm props.

The other party dared to use the secret props in the real world, it seems that it is really inevitable for me...

Looking in the direction of the trajectory, he was trying to find the sniper.

Another shot came.

The same dodge...but the right arm was bleeding again.

It's a shadow!
He shot my shadow!
In the blink of an eye, Wan Wan came to his senses in an instant, and looked at his injured shadow in shock...

But at this moment, there was nowhere to dodge. Seeing that the other party was about to shoot the third shot, she could only turn around again and escape into the supermarket again.

(End of this chapter)

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