Chapter 152
Just been forced into the supermarket.

Several scorching gusts of wind hit her limbs head-on.

Laser lines!

They wanted to take my limbs...but they didn't want to take my life.

In an instant, Wan Wan thought of the only value in her body, the passage leading to the secret realm of the Tang Dynasty.

The enemy is prepared.

Facing the crisis of life and death, Houhou's body is as soft as a willow supported by a weak wind. When there is no time to move, his limbs avoid all the laser lines, but when he moves, his chest and heart are directly facing one of the laser beams.

Seeing that he was about to die in the opponent's hands, the opponent hurriedly stopped.

But Hou Hou was in power and relentless, and he hit the snake with a stick.

The Heavenly Demon Ribbon was instilled with true energy, and it was as straight as a gun. In an instant, its eyes were several meters away, and it directly killed the tall and strong man.

"If you want to capture my aunt alive, is it true that my aunt grew up eating dry food?"

Wan Hou smiled charmingly, hung the blood-stained demon ribbon on her arm, held a knife in both hands, and said, "It's really a question of who will kill who."

"At the end of the battle, don't talk nonsense to her, do it!"


All the customers, staff, and even the cashiers in the supermarket were arranged in advance.

Secret props can only be used by reincarnators.

But they can teach ordinary people the strengthening methods they have obtained from their reincarnation space, so that ordinary people can also have the ability to threaten the lives of reincarnations.

There are definitely reincarnations among the enemies, and they hide among these dead soldiers.

Houhou was extremely alert, but his hand holding the knife did not stop. He didn't care that most of these people were ordinary people. If he killed them, he would generate red accumulations, which would greatly increase the difficulty of his next experience.

Live in the moment first.

Although the Heavenly Demon Twin Blades are short, they are as dexterous as extending arms.

Especially during this period of time, in order to extract as much oil and water from Lin Bin as possible, she acted coquettishly and did everything she could, and the effect was remarkable.

Now his skill has already accumulated to the No. 17 level of Tianmo Dafa, even compared to Zhu Yuyan, he is not inferior at all.

In fact, if it weren't for the scruples, there might be real masters lurking among these people.

If Houhou really let go of his hands and feet, these people would have died long ago.

And at the time of the fierce fighting in the supermarket.

In the security room on the second floor of the supermarket.

Tang Tianhao's face was gloomy, his legs were crossed, and he was breathing heavily, but his eyes never left the reincarnation watch on Houhou's wrist.

That is his son's watch.

Sure enough, she killed Xiaolei.

"Sure enough, it's no wonder Xiaolei died at her hands."

Tang Tianhao clenched his fists tightly and said, "Hurry up, in case the people from the reincarnation picket team find out something, it's hard for us to explain when we come here."


Tang Renjie responded.

Whispered a few words into the phone...

On the other hand, the pressure has increased sharply.

A woman in her thirties seems to be indifferent, but her movements suddenly become extremely dexterous, she easily dodges all her attacks, and shoots countless spider threads from her fingertips, entwining towards the wall. go.


Hou Wan gasped in astonishment, her feet were directly entangled by her.

Another burly man let out a yell and opened his arms to strangle her with a bear hug.

I tried my best with both feet, but I couldn't break free from the elastic spider silk.

Seeing that she was about to fall into siege, she gave a coquettish cry, and suddenly raised her head, her hair was wrapped around the demon ribbon, like a spider silk just flying, directly wrapped around the legs of the majestic man. Pushing the golden mountain, it smashed down like a pillar of jade.

"Open it for me!"

Houhou Heavenly Demon's true energy was released with all its strength, and under the Heavenly Demon's force field, all the besieged people around were staggering and unable to stand firmly.

And under the Heavenly Demon Force Field, true energy overflowed, sharp as a knife, directly chopped the spider silk to pieces...

Seeing that the dexterous woman was struggling to break free under the force field of the heavenly magic, she let out a coquettish cry, and wanted to pierce through it with a single blow.

And the opponent's movements were also extremely fast, seeing that there was no hope of escape... unexpectedly shot a spider silk bullet with his fingers.

If Houhou doesn't dodge, both of them will lose.

However, there was determination in Hou Hou's eyes, knowing that this woman didn't understand her own demon force field to get so close, if she was allowed to escape, it would be difficult to kill her.

Fighting his chest, he was pierced with a blood hole again.

A stab through the chest...

The two vomited blood at the same time and retreated.

One death and one injury.

Hou Hou staggered back two steps, and saw the fallen body...

This is undoubtedly a proper reincarnation.

And the movements are sensitive, obviously following the path of the dexterity department.

It's just a pity that when he encountered the magic force field, he lost his balance, and was immediately taken through under the discomfort.

Under normal circumstances, it would take a lot of effort to kill her...

And with the tragic death of that spider woman.

Tang Tianhao's demeanor, as if he was watching a play, slowly became serious.

Although Spiderwoman is a reincarnation of the Transcendent Realm, she is extremely powerful and is considered a leader in the Transcendent Realm.

The arrest of this woman this time is entirely because he released some information in front of the clan elders, for example, this woman is a time traveler, and there is a complete world behind her, and catching her is tantamount to mastering this world.

Therefore, the clan elders sent his cousin to assist him.

To put it bluntly, there was a sense of surveillance to some extent. Although Tang Tianhao was the patriarch, they didn't want to be completely ignorant of this matter.

But I didn't expect this woman to have such a trick...

Tang Tianhao shouted angrily: "Push her out of the supermarket and let the shadows deal with her!"


Through the communicator in the ear socket, everyone immediately understood what Tang Tianhao meant.

The strong man let out a roar, and when he got up from the ground, he didn't straighten up, but crawled forward like a stone and rushed towards him.

Fighting hard, he was slashed on the shoulder by Hou Hou.

But he has rough skin and thick flesh, so a single knife is not fatal.

Behind him, other people pushed hard one after another, a dozen people together...

The accumulated injuries of several times are already extremely serious.

Caught off guard, there was a bang.

Hou Hou has been directly pushed out of the rolling shutter door.

He staggered and flew a few meters in the air before finally standing still on the ground lightly.

But when the warm sunlight shone on her body again, Houhou was startled suddenly.


The next moment, she seemed to hear a very slight squeaking sound in her ears, as if even time slowed down extremely.

In the crisis of life and death, she instinctively raised the Demonic Swords to protect the shadow in front of her...

But with the sound of gunfire.

There was a sound of gold and iron clanging together.

A sword has been directly across the front of Houhou's chest, accompanied by the sound of rubbing against the bullet.

Although the enemy has the ability to attack the shadow, but this time it is not attacking the shadow of Houhou. If someone hadn't rescued him, Wanhou would have died under this shot.

The visitor was wearing neat denim trousers, a cotton short-sleeve jacket, and a beige knitted cardigan.

Although he had changed back to a modern attire, his face was gentle and demure, which Wan Wan would never forget in his lifetime.

She exclaimed: "Shi Feixuan? Why are you here?"

"Senior Sister, come with me!"

Concubine Shixuan let out a low cry, stretched out her hand to hold Houhou, only then realized that her body was so weak.

At the moment, he used a little more force, leading her to gallop away into the distance.

And didn't run far away...

Concubine Shixuan hugged Houhou tightly, and the figures of the two women disappeared without a trace at the same time.

This time, even the killer who was hiding in the dark was stunned when he saw the target disappear suddenly.

And Tang Tianhao's expression changed even more.

Standing up angrily, he punched the monitor in front of him to pieces.

he knows……

The best opportunity has been missed.

This time, he took all the initiative.

Abin didn't know that he already had the other party's information, so this time he wouldn't have any defenses.

But once the assassination fails, if you want to make a move at that time, I am afraid that you will not only face this female time traveler.

This female transmigrator is already so difficult to deal with, if you add another Abin...

After Tang Tianhao vented.

Slowly sat back on the seat, muttering to himself: "It won't work this time, there is still a chance in the future, but I can't let this Abin come out to cause trouble, he must be unable to make a move... Fortunately, what I need The information has also been found."

He looked down at the document in his hand.

The data of the items exchanged by the reincarnation is absolutely confidential, and it is impossible for anyone to inquire about it.

But many of this guy's things are not exchanged through the reincarnation space, but through the application process... This gave Tang Tianhao a chance.

For example, the exercises he is practicing now.

Tang Tianhao murmured: "Abin, Abin, I have given you great benefits here, so please don't make trouble for me anymore, let me kill this woman with peace of mind. ... No, the biggest trouble for this woman right now is not just me."

Speaking of the end.

There was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

But he also knew that this female transmigrator was already so difficult to deal with, if he provoked that Abin again at this time, especially if he provoked Lei Meng behind Abin.

At that time, it will be easy to steal chickens without losing money...

After all, there was a personal grievance between the two parties.

And Tang Tianhao knew his son's virtues too well, so he probably didn't take this matter to the end.

So, don't make things too big.

And this attack and killing was quite a big deal at the time, but in fact.

Not long after the battle ended...

The broken things in the supermarket were quickly packed up, the blood was wiped dry, and then the guests who had been arranged in advance entered the supermarket and started shopping.

The people who were watching the excitement outside were also quickly dispersed.

Soon, the supermarket resumed its usual order, as if the previous assassination was just an illusion.

How did Lin Bin know that Houhou had already passed between life and death... Strictly speaking, it was all because of him.

Although it was just a misunderstanding at first.

But who would have thought that Tang Tianhao had found the right target after guarding a bunch of wrong clues and information, and ended up hitting by mistake?
until the next morning.

"Grandpa...the grandson is calling you again..."

Accompanied by harsh bells.

Lin Bin, who practiced cross-legged all night, picked up his cell phone and saw a strange call.

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

There was a moment of silence on the other side, and then a familiar voice sounded, and asked softly, "Excuse me... is this Brother Bin?"


Lin Bin's calm eyes suddenly stared at the boss, half surprised and half happy, and said, "How did you appear in the real world?"

Shi Feixuan said softly: "It's...Shi...he sent me here, because the reincarnation table is limited, so I'm the only one coming here now."

"You didn't contact me when you came here, isn't it too far-fetched?"

Lin Bin's tone was friendly, with a bit of blatant reprimand...

Her attitude towards Shi Feixuan is much better than that towards Houhou.

In fact, when looking at these two women from the perspective of a third party, the playful and lovely Wanhou is naturally more attractive, while Shi Feixuan, who always opens her mouth and keeps her mouth shut, always has such a sympathetic face The taste of hypocrisy.

But after really communicating with them.

Hou Hou, who kills people at every turn, has a lot of thieves and loves to calculate, is obviously easier to bully than the honest and honest Shi Feixuan, who is honest and stupid.

At the very least, Lin Bin dared to hand over his back to Shi Feixuan, but he was worried about handing it over to Houhou.

Concubine Shixuan said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I haven't been in touch with you, Brother Bin, mainly because I don't have your contact information. This is the information I got from Senior Sister Wu."

"Have you seen Wan Wan?"

"Yes, she was assassinated, and there may be... um... her life is in danger. If you have time to hang around, you should come here."

Lin Bin's face turned serious, and he asked, "Did the Tang family do it? Did they find you out?!"

Wan Wan said weakly and weakly: "Who else could it be except them? Brother Bin, he is dying and needs the evil emperor's relic to recover. Come and save him..."

"Hearing your breath, it seems that you can still survive for decades. Wait a minute, I'll be there soon."

Lin Bin ran to report to Lin Xue.

He got off the car and drove his own H9, and then drove towards the destination.

After half an hour.

Lin Bin parked the car in front of a hotel.

After parking the car, I immediately ran up to the seventh floor.

He knocked on the door and said, "Feixuan, Wanwan, it's me."

The door opens.

Inside the door, Concubine Shixuan looked a little timid, even she herself didn't know why, when facing Lin Bin, she always had an inexplicable feeling of guilt.

It was obvious that she was the one being bullied, not only was she ruined by him, but even the growing Zongmen Emperor Tafeng was completely ruined by him.

But in the face of Lin Bin, Shi Feixuan was still unable to get tough.

Seeing Shi Feixuan's clean and uncluttered attire, Lin Bin couldn't help but light up his eyes, and smiled, "Concubine Xuan, long time no see."

"Well, Brother Bin, please come in."

Concubine Shixuan slightly turned her body sideways, motioning for Lin Bin to enter the door.

Then close the door.

At this time, Hou Houzheng's shoulders were half exposed, and layers of bandages were wrapped from the collarbone down, and traces of blood stains could still be seen.

Seeing Lin Bin coming in, she turned around angrily, and complained: "I have known you for so long, but you are more kind to Shi Feixuan than to her. She is angry. You won't give her the evil emperor's relic for free three times. , people won't forgive you easily."

"Senior Sister, right now is not the time to fight against children. You have caused enough trouble."

Concubine Shixuan reprimanded her with an unhappy expression.

Lin Bin asked in surprise, "Oh? Is the injury serious?"

"It's not about the injury, but about her redness..."

Concubine Shixuan said worriedly: "Senior Sister Wu has killed many ordinary people. The difficulty of her next experience in the secret realm may increase to an astonishing level."


Lin Bin was suddenly surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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