Chapter 153

Houhou was seriously injured.

But most of them are skin trauma.

It looks scary, but after a few months of training, it can basically recover to eight or nine percent, and because of the enchanting attribute of the Heavenly Demon Dafa, it won't even leave scars.

This is also the reason why she is still screaming and cursing angrily.

See Lin Bin coming.

She is even more like a bullied daughter meeting her father.

Angrily complained.

He said angrily: "Damn it, you know how to plot against others by relying on the weirdness of the props. If you have the ability to show off the chariots and horses, each call a helper to do it openly, but you still have the face to seek revenge from him... He killed him His son is right, but regardless of the facts, is he not responsible for this matter?"

Proper scumbag remarks.

Lin Bin said speechlessly, "You are responsible for this matter, so you don't need to rush to shirk responsibility."

"Oh, by the way, everyone has forgotten that this Tang Sanshi is so erotic, he messed around in the secret realm, and was killed by us. Even if it is the rules of the reincarnation...he is not worthy of death, and he is even considered good. One eliminates harm for the people."

Hou Hou also seemed to know that his credibility was a bit low with Lin Bin.

Said to Shi Feixuan: "By the way, Junior Sister Feixuan, you are from the same world as her, so you should have heard of the tragedy in Jinshui Town, right? Thirteen members of the Qi family were wiped out, only the bride survived, but He was also tainted by him to the point where he couldn't take care of himself, this is what Tang Sanshi did."

Shi Feixuan nodded, and said: "I have heard it before, it's really cruel... When we learned about this, we even sent our disciples to capture and kill that reincarnation, because this kind of unscrupulous reincarnation is the most It’s scary, almost everywhere we go will bring tragedy, so we must clean it up as soon as possible, but we didn’t expect that when we rushed to the place, there was no trace of the reincarnated person at all, it turned out that he was captured by you.”

"Hahahaha, we Yingui faction are better at seducing men, especially for this kind of lustful men. We have too many methods. Three battle plans were prepared, and he was hit with the first one, and then he realized that this guy had been holding back at home for too long, and when he came to the secret realm, he would let himself go, and we naturally didn't need to keep him alive."

Wan Wan smiled smugly.

"Laughing, laughing, you have been exposed, and they also made it clear that the chariots and horses want revenge, and you will be miserable in the future."

Lin Bin reprimanded: "Didn't I tell you to be careful? Try not to did they find out the clue so quickly?"

Hearing this, Wan Hou's expression turned confused, and he said, "I'm also troubled. I think my disguise is flawless, and during this period of time, I haven't even developed a new dog licking. How can the enemy Is it so powerful?"

As she spoke, she seemed to remember something.

I took out a brand new box from the storage bracelet, threw it to Shi Feixuan, and said, "Here... it's your reward for saving someone's life. The latest model is 512GB crystal white. They just sent a group message and liked it very much. As a result, several licking dogs were bought by others, and they kept one for their own use, and all the rest were sold to restore blood, and there happened to be one left unsold, so I gave it to you."

Concubine Shixuan sighed softly: "Senior Sister, this is at least someone else's wish..."

"Can licking a dog count as a human being?"

Hou Hou said contemptuously: "Also, Shi Feixuan, you are really bad at it, and you still use the elderly machine, it's just ridiculous..."

Shi Feixuan blushed, and seriously argued: "This is not an elderly phone. The staff promised Feixuan that as long as Feixuan handles their business, she will return a sum of phone bills to Feixuan every month. The total funds returned are more than what Feixuan paid, and they gave this phone to Feixuan for free."

"You country bumpkin, I'm afraid you haven't used a good mobile phone before. Why don't women treat themselves better? You are so beautiful. You can coax and cheat. You don't even need to show your ditch. Take it."

Hou Hou said that our little witch of the Holy Gate never owes favors, and I must show that you saved me, and then forcibly handed the phone to Shi Feixuan.

Shi Feixuan looked at the mobile phone with a blurry screen in her hand, then at the exquisite packaging box, and asked for help, "Brother Bin, tell me about her."

Lin Bin said: "Get me one next time. My sister's mobile phone should be replaced too. It's quite expensive."

"no problem……"

Shi Feixuan looked at Lin Bin who was quickly getting along with Houhou, and said with hatred: "Did you make a mistake, Senior Sister, isn't it Hongyun's problem that you should be worrying about now? Your next secret realm I'm afraid the difficulty will rise to an extremely terrifying level, you still have time to give away your mobile phone... And you, brother Bin, in Feixuan's heart, you have always been a gentleman who never takes advantage of others... "

Lin Bin waved his hand and said, "Wu Hou also said that licking a dog is not a human being."

Hou Hou proudly said: "Hmph, you don't know this, you just came out of the secret realm for a few days, and the next time you experience it will be a long time, anyway, it's not a headache right now, maybe you haven't entered the secret realm yet , died in the hands of the Tang family? Not right..."

She thought for a while and changed her words: "The Tang family doesn't want to kill someone, they want to capture him alive. To be honest, if they really have the idea of ​​killing someone, they may not be able to escape, but They have killed his son, and he still wants to capture him alive... I am afraid that only the passage to the secret realm can let him put aside his revenge for killing his son temporarily, right?"

Shi Feixuan, who listened to her words, was dumbfounded.

Obviously, he never thought that there would be such people in the world who live today and don't think about tomorrow.

But at the end of the hearing, she asked: "Sister Wu, are you talking about the passage deep in the lake at the back of Qianyun Mountain?"

Wan Hou blinked her eyes and said in shock, "How do you know... No, how did you say it?"

"Isn't there no outsiders here?"

Shi Feixuan said innocently: "As for how Feixuan knows, Feixuan actually came out from there, but it was later than you, and at that time, I saw those people walking in the plane taking you away. , Feixuan didn't want to join a certain organization without knowing anything about the situation, so she didn't show up."

Staring at Shi Feixuan angrily.

She painstakingly concealed the passage to the secret realm as her last hole card.

So that I can return to the Datang plane at any time...

Therefore, she didn't even tell Lin Bin.

But he didn't want such important news to be known by Lin Bin, and it was told by Shi Feixuan... Could it be that such a big favor was directly given by this woman?

If I had known it, it would be better for her to say it herself. At least she could change the chance to enjoy Lin Bin three times.

Sure enough, the way he looked at her was wrong... no, since he saw her, his eyes had never been right.

A sour feeling rose in Wan Wan's rare heart.

Obviously it was all mine first, whether it is cooperation with him, cultivation, or even buying a car for a test drive, he always takes me with him, but this is just an enemy, Shi Feixuan, why is he so favored by this little villain... …

Damn it, quickly remind me of your Cihang Jingzhai who was wiped out by this little villain.

Lin Bin ignored Houhou's careful thinking, but he got a lot of useful information from Shi Feixuan's words.

For example, it shows that the two women traveled through different time periods, but they actually appeared from the same place.

It seems that no matter how many traversers there are, the rift can only generate one more... I don't know if it is the rules set by the reincarnation space or other reasons.

In this way, the preciousness of this crack is even more precious.

If Tang Tianhao wanted to live, he could understand it. The only thing that could beat the relationship between father and son was profit.

Moreover, walking in the plane found Wanhou, but did not know the existence of Shi Feixuan.

Maybe it's because they can't locate the traverser, but can sense the crack?

So Concubine Shixuan was left out...

It's all common-sense little information, which may come in handy in the future.

Now it can only be regarded as expanding knowledge.

Lin Bin sighed: "Forget it, come with me next time you enter the secret realm... It's not good to just watch you die, maybe I can improve the success rate, but let's talk about the ugly words first, no I can assure you."

Although there is the advantage of foresight.

But unless the wasteland is opened up, the advantage of knowing the plot will be minimized.

Concubine Shixuan's eyes lit up. It was obvious that she had been following Lin Bin all along.

Surprised and asked: "Is it the S team that asked Senior Sister Wu to join you?"

The guy next to him rolled his eyes and said, "After they join, they can change their name to Team S.M."

Concubine Shixuan wondered: "Why?"

"Because there was only one S in the first place, and then there was an additional M... No, I was forced to be M by him."

Shi Feixuan shook her head and said, "Feixuan doesn't understand what Senior Sister Yu means."

Looking at the smile in Concubine Shixuan's eyes, Wan Hou was instantly annoyed, thinking that she must be pretending not to understand.

Lin Bin instructed: "In short, remember, it is impossible for you to compete with the reincarnation family by yourself, so the current stage is mainly to hide. I will go down and drive you back to your organization. After that, don't come out. Wait for the next step with peace of mind." A few times of experience will do..."

Wan Wan said dissatisfied, "Could it be hiding for a lifetime?"

"Let's get through this Hongyun crisis first."

Lin Bin glared at her and said, "I'm going to drive."

"I'll see off Brother Bin."

Shi Feixuan followed closely behind Lin Bin.

The two go out.

Not far away, Shi Feixuan asked softly, "Brother Bin, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

"I don't know yet."

Lin Bin thought that he still wanted to find out what the Tang family was planning. Since they were able to find Houhou, they probably found a lot of information... Then what is his existence to them?

Do you regard him as the enemy who wants to kill him quickly, or do you really just regard him as a lucky person who got the double dragon phantom sword and the blue rose by chance?
Especially when he rejected Tang Tianhao before, saying that he got these two weapons for some hidden reason...

Doesn't this directly and clearly show that these two weapons were not taken by me by killing the natives?Damn, I was too honest at that time, and I really can't tell the truth as a human being.

was thinking...

The phone rang suddenly.

Lin Bin answered the phone, his pupils constricted suddenly, nodded and said, "Understood, I'll go back to work right away."

Saying that, he hung up the phone.

Concubine Shi Xuan wondered: "Brother Bin still has to go to work?"

"If you don't tell me, I have forgotten that I have to go to work... The boss has arrested someone. It seems that the task of delivering the person has to be handed over to you. Transfer it immediately. Don't hesitate. My car is for you..."

"No, I have a car."

Concubine Shixuan pursed her lips and smiled, and said: "It is said that it is one of the top ten brands in Huaguo. The battery is sufficient. It can run for several days on a single charge. It is a bit reluctant to take the three of us, but it is a bit difficult to bring Senior Sister It's still fine."

"That's good, I'll leave it to you."

"By the way, Brother Bin..."

Concubine Shixuan hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Brother Bin, I'll see you this time, it seems that you have also practiced my Cihang Jingzhai's sword code?"

"Oh, you said that."

Lin Bin said without changing his face: "Cihang Jingzhai was destroyed under the siege of the demon sect. Later, when Queen Yin was cleaning up the battlefield, she accidentally discovered the sword scripture. Among them, they come from the same source, so after analyzing the exercises, they were given to me as a price for bringing you to this world."

"So it is."

Concubine Shixuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "It seems that the two of us can often sit and discuss in the future."

Got the desired answer.

Don't care if it's true or not...

Concubine Shixuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I'll urge Senior Sister Wu to pack up and leave."

Said, trot walked back.

But Lin Bin sneered, and said in a low voice: "I didn't know how to deal with you at first. After all, I will never die with you for the sake of 婠婠. My friendship with her really hasn't reached this level... But I didn't expect you You even regarded me as their accomplice, you have already calculated me first, don't blame me for standing on their side."

Raymond asked him to go back to the World Bureau because someone was looking for him.

Gu Yuan.

A veteran saint-level reincarnation.

He is extremely powerful, so he specially found the World Bureau, and named Abin, who wanted to see reincarnation, by name!
Raymond is not easy to shirk...

Just call him and let him go.

And the "Secret of Longevity" was brought out by Gu Yuan from the Datang plane when she was a reincarnated person in the Transcendent Realm.

When exchanging the "Longevity Secret", Lei Meng had warned him not to reveal his cultivation method casually.

But now, he knows.

In this sensitive time...

Especially Lin Bin is confident that he didn't tell anyone about this, so it can only be an investigation by someone with a heart.

It happened at such a coincidental time.

If it has nothing to do with the Tang family, no ghost will believe it.

attack me...

It's not over.

A gloomy feeling appeared in Lin Bin's heart. The slight affection he had for the Tang family because of Mrs. Tang disappeared in an instant.

And it was on Lin Bin's side, when he was driving to the World Bureau.

Two beauties with peerless beauty, one after the other, drove towards their destination in a small sheep.

The two women are demure and gentle, and the other is eerie and weird.

All the people passing by were stunned...

I just thought how could there be such a beautiful girl in the world?Obviously this level of beauty can only appear in the selfie beauty world.

On the other hand, Hou Hou was full of complaints and dissatisfaction.

Angrily said: "I hurt Shi Feixuan, can you not pick a bad road? It hurts me so much because of the bumps. Speaking of it, I am very curious. Why did Lin Bin agree to take me off in person? After you went out, he Just suddenly stopped sending it, and asked you to use this broken eDonkey to send it to me?!"

"Because Brother Bin's boss has something to ask him for?"

Shi Feixuan said: "That's why he entrusted Feixuan to send you... Don't worry, Feixuan will send you to a safe place."

"'re talking nonsense. I must have seen someone who was wronged take the initiative to come to the door, and that little villain took the initiative to distance himself from it."

Grinning his teeth in pain.

It's okay for Shi Feixuan to ride an electric car, but she still obeys the traffic rules and never goes on the motorized road, but the side of the non-motorized road is full of cars, not to mention half narrow, and there are too many people.Naturally, it is smoother than on an immobile road.

Stopping and walking, swaying, it's all trauma after all...

I didn't even blink my injured eye before, but now I even wiped it, and the tears almost came down.

There may be some grievances that she didn't even notice.

Shi Feixuan explained seriously: "Senior sister, you misunderstood, Brother Bin is not that kind of person, he will never ignore you."

"That's because you don't know what kind of person he is...especially when I..."

Hou Hou snorted and complained: "I feel that this kid must be thinking about how to clear up his responsibilities. Although he talked about cooperation, our cooperation has always been limited to verbal cooperation, and we have never gone deep into it once. do you know?"

"But Feixuan feels that he will handle this matter to the end."

"Hey... Shi Feixuan, you are too naive. If he really cares about it, let me tell you, I won't hesitate to kneel down and lick him."

Concubine Shixuan was stunned for a moment, and asked instinctively, "Is this kneeling down and licking a verb or an adjective?"

Wan Hou's eyes froze, and he said angrily, "Shi Feixuan, you really know everything... you just pretended to be innocent in front of that Lin Bin, right?"

Shi Feixuan: "Senior Sister, you have misunderstood Feixuan."

"Enough, enough, enough, I'm tired of your saying that you misunderstood me... That Abin is not here, what are you pretending to do with me?"

Wan Wan covered her ears.

(End of this chapter)

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