when reincarnation invades

Chapter 154 Da Ren Da Yi Lin Abin

Chapter 154 Da Ren Da Yi Lin Abin

And this time.

Lin Bin has already driven to the World Bureau.

"Yo... Abin, you are finally here."

The guard Lao Qin saw Lin Bin, greeted him with a smile, and said with a smile, "You are such a busy man, I haven't seen you coming here for a long time."

"Isn't there too much to do?"

Lin Bin laughed twice, and couldn't help but blush even with his old face...

Although the other party didn't mean it, he always felt that the other party was saying that he was a salary thief, and he didn't work for his salary.

Twice politely.

After parking the car in the parking lot, I saw Lei Jun at the front desk on the first floor practicing with dumbbells.

See Lin Bin.

His eyes lit up, but he didn't step forward, but pointed to the top, and reminded: "Someone is looking for you, remember to be careful."

"I see."

Lin Bin responded, knowing that the other party should be a bad visitor.

"By the way, since you're here, let's have a few drinks at the barbecue stall in the evening, and help me write two reports by the way. My fingers really don't listen to me."


Lin Bin suddenly laughed.

I thought of the reason why he was recruited here in the first place... Isn't he just a clerk who writes reports?
The reason why Lei Jun had a good impression of him was because someone finally helped him write the report.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly became a reincarnation.

Then Lei Jun was sad again.

Take the elevator to the seventh floor.

When I met the staff along the way, I would take the initiative to move away when I saw him, with a smile half reverent and half respectful on my face...

In just one year.

However, Lin Bin has transformed himself, and has more prestige than those senior old reincarnations.

Smile and say hello one by one, even with a few pleasantries.

Until I came to Raymond's office.

Lin Bin tidied up his clothes, knocked on the door and said, "Lei Ju, are you looking for me?"

"Is it Abin? Come in."


Lin Bin pushed the door open and entered.

In the office, there are only Raymond and an old man... The old man looks quite old at first glance, but on closer inspection, he is only five or sixty years old, but his hair is all gray, making him look older than he actually is That's a lot.

His eyes fell on Lin Bin, and his eyes suddenly burst into light.

Lei Meng said with a blunt smile: "Lin Bin, you came just in time. Let me introduce you. This is Gu Yuan, a saint-level reincarnation. He can be regarded as your senior. You asked me to redeem the "Longevity Secret" for you." , In fact, Brother Gu brought it back from the reincarnation space, I heard that you have made a name for yourself in the "Secret of Longevity", he is here to discuss the mystery of the exercise with you."

In just one sentence, it released countless messages to Lin Bin.

Lin Bin immediately understood that the exposure of "Secret of Longevity" was due to the double point reward at that time, so he could only redeem it from Lei Meng, and Lei Meng needed to go through the process of review.

So it gave people a chance to find out.

Lin Bin nodded, bowed his head to Gu Yuan and said, "Hello, Teacher Gu."

Gu Yuan got up, glanced at Lin Bin, and exclaimed: "The reincarnation, A Bin, has become famous this year, but I didn't expect the real body to be such a young man. It really is the waves of the Yangtze River pushing forward... Shot to death on the beach."

"Mr. Gu, you are being humble. I am just resting on the merits of my predecessors. Just like if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to obtain the exercises of the "Longevity Secret"."

"Sigh... It seems that the "Secret of Longevity" has helped you a lot."

Gu Yuan didn't seem to be as hostile as she imagined.

Lin Bin was quite surprised for a while...

Lei Meng had reminded him before that he should not expose his practice of "Longevity Secret" because he was obviously aiming at this Gu Yuan.

In order to deal with him, Tang Tianhao also gave the news to Gu Yuan.

Lin Bin thought this was such a difficult person to deal with, but he didn't expect that the old man seemed to be very kind-hearted.

Gu Yuan sighed: "You can benefit from practicing the "Longevity Jue", and it's not in vain that I hung the "Longevity Jue" in the exchange area of ​​the reincarnation space, but this exercise is obviously brought by me, and the practice is also the same. I will go first, but in the end, I was the one who took on everything...everything about me was destroyed by this practice, little friend Abin, I beg you for one thing."

He stood up, bowed to Lin Bin to the end, and said, "I also know that my request is too presumptuous, but I still want to ask you to teach me how to practice the "Longevity Secret"!"

Lin Bin asked in surprise, "What... what?"

Lei Meng said from the side: "You may not know that Brother Gu was once the proud son of a generation. At that time, his reputation was not much worse than yours, and he also practiced the martial arts strengthening system. Naturally, he also saw "Longevity" Because of the secrets in the formula, he practiced forcibly, which resulted in injury to the source, if not for this matter, at least he would have started as a high-level reincarnator now."

"I can't compare to little friend Abin. The main reason is that I am too proud of my own talent, and as a result, I forcibly practice the exercises and become obsessed."

Gu Yuan smiled wryly and said, "Not only is my future ruined, but if I can't find the right way to guide me, I'm afraid even my lifespan will be affected. This is what I came to ask for immediately after I found out about Lin Xiaoyou's existence." reason."

"Need my experience in practicing exercises?"

Lin Bin suddenly realized.

It turned out to be like this...

The method of cultivation and operation of kung fu is everyone's most private secret.

Although this Gu Yuan is polite and has her own difficulties, it is really embarrassing for her to come up with the most unbearable thing to others.

And if he refuses.

Since the old man has said that his life is limited, I am afraid that he will use any means to obtain this thing.

At that time, the two will inevitably turn against each other.

This is naked conspiracy.

Gu Yuan may not know that she is being used as a gun, but the opportunity to change her life is right in front of her eyes, even if she is used as a gun, she doesn't care.

"Hey... Mr. Gu, you are really making things difficult for me."

Lin Bin sighed, and said: "Mr. Gu, you are also a reincarnator. Naturally, you should know that the foundation of the power system is the most fundamental thing for a reincarnation. You can't explain it to outsiders at all. I am very embarrassed when you ask for it so bluntly." ah."

Gu Yuan sighed: "Hey, I also know that my actions are really embarrassing, and I really have no other way... Either I will get rid of this old face, or I will lose my life. If it were you, what would you do? What choice? I am willing to give everything I have, and I only ask you to have no secrets..."

"So no matter how difficult it is, how can I make it difficult for you, Mr. Gu?"

Lin Binyi said: "I was taken care of by you, Mr. Gu. If it wasn't for you, how could I easily get the "Longevity Formula"? It's about your life, Mr. Gu, so how can I cherish it? Mr. Gu, you Don't worry, I will definitely tell all the mysteries of my experience in the process of cultivation, and I will never hide any secrets."

Raymond looked at Lin Bin in surprise.

He hasn't spoken since just now, because even he doesn't know how to say it.

The other party's request is too clear... If you give it to him, you will reveal your cards, and if you don't give it, you will offend the other party.

Compromise or refuse, there is no third way to go.

It's just that he didn't expect Lin Bin to agree so simply.


Gu Yuan was also overjoyed.

He put the "Longevity Secret" in the exchange area of ​​the reincarnation space, maybe he didn't want to use other people's cultivation experience.

It's just that over the years, many people have redeemed this exercise.

But these people didn't make any famous tricks. He planned to give up at first, but he didn't want to hear Abin's name suddenly.

Although reincarnated Abin is not very qualified, he has gained a great reputation so far, and there is an old guy who protects the calf, Lei Meng, behind him.

Gu Yuan was always hoping that if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent. If you give me gratitude, if you don't give it, I can only force you to fail. No matter what you plan to do, I will destroy you until you actively cooperate.

Although shameless, but to survive... what is this kind of thing?
But he had expected countless possibilities, but he didn't expect the other party to agree so simply and neatly, and even so neatly that he couldn't help wondering, could it be that the other party had some kind of conspiracy?
"Of course, it's about your life, Mr. Gu, so even if there's something wrong, we have no choice but to act in a hurry."

Gu Yuan said gratefully: "Oh... my friend's actions are serious... I can't repay you for saving my life. If there is anything in the future, my friend, I need to take care of someone. Gu has nothing else. I have lived for so many years. There are still some connections, as long as you need it, I will definitely do it for you."

"Speaking of this, I really want to ask you for help."

Lin Bin sighed: "During this period of time, I have been troubled by this matter... My sister was involved in a dispute among reincarnators before, causing her legs to be eroded by an unknown force in the secret realm. I can't walk yet, I have worked hard to cure her, but it still doesn't work, I wonder if Teacher Gu knows any magical props that can bring the dead back to life?"

"Hahahaha, small things, small things, Gu has nothing else, but I still have a lot of connections. Although I don't have any in my hands for the time being, I can inquire and find them for you, and I guarantee they will be delivered to you."

"Thank you, Teacher Gu."


Gu Yuan sighed: "After all, I have been tortured by exercises for too long, can you..."

"Mr. Gu, don't worry, this is not a transaction. It's just that the junior has something to ask from the elder. Whether it succeeds or not, the junior will tell you some of the junior's cultivation experience."

"You guys are busy...I have some things to do, so I'm sorry for the time being."

Lei Meng took a deep look at Lin Bin, then turned around and made space for the two of them... He didn't know what Lin Bin was thinking, but since he was so clean and neat, he was naturally lazy to be this villain.

For Lin Bin, the "Secret of Longevity" is indeed precious, and normally, he would never tell anyone.

But after the addition of He's Bi.

His "Secret of Longevity" is no longer limited to the simple "Secret of Longevity", or its upper limit has already far surpassed the normal four great books.

Even if the cultivation method of this exercise system is completely exposed, it will not affect him at all...

It may even cause the enemy to misunderstand, thinking that although he is powerful, he is just such a little thing.

And even if he is taught, whether he can learn it is still in doubt, but at the very least, Tang Tianhao's idea of ​​making the two of them turn against each other is completely useless.

With Raymond leaving.

Lin Bin also began to formally teach Gu Yuan the "Secret of Longevity".

Of course, for the sake of his face...

Lin Bin gave him full face, in the name of discussing each other.

But these words shocked Gu Yuan greatly.

"What? You can't have a little bit of internal strength to practice the "Longevity Formula"?"

"Many signs of madness are actually normal reactions... It's just that the "Longevity Jue" absorbs the aura of heaven and earth into the body, from the outside to the inside, so it is different from the system of exercises from the inside to the outside? But I have already practiced it. Really angry, what should I do?"

"Need to be unintentional? The more you want to practice, the less you want to practice?"

After hearing some of Lin Bin's remarks.

Gu Yuan, who was listening directly, was sweating profusely, and said in surprise: "No wonder I became obsessed, the longevity true energy in my body started to be completely incompatible with my own true energy after the slightest signs of cultivation in the body... I can't even get rid of it My original true qi has been transformed into long-lived true qi, and even if I give up and don’t cultivate, the long-lived true qi in my body will grow spontaneously. It turns out that it has been absorbing spiritual energy from the outside world. I thought it was absorbing my life force. Suppressing it with my own Mingyu Divine Art, the result is that the more I suppress it, the stronger it becomes."

"So what should I do now?" he asked.

Lin Bin shook his head and said, "I don't know about that. I can only tell you some of my insights in the process of practicing the exercises, but your situation is different from mine, so I can only offer advice. How to do it is still unknown." It's up to you."

Gu Yuan smiled wryly.

He has been in contact with the "Secret of Longevity" longer than Lin Bin, and he is also a veteran reincarnation, with a wider experience and vision than Lin Bin... Naturally, it is obvious that what Lin Bin said is true Fake.

But because of this, he had even more headaches.


While Lin Bin and Gu Yuan were exchanging their cultivation experience.

B-185 Datang Plane.

Another wave of reincarnators entered this secret realm for training.

Only this time... all the staff were replaced by Tang Tianhao through various means, so that he could do what he wanted to do more conveniently.

"Thank you for your assistance this time. If you, La Tangda, Tang and a few of them hadn't joined your team, I'm afraid we wouldn't have had the opportunity to enter this secret realm and retrieve the lost props of our Tang family. It is a great favor, no matter if it is successful or not, after you come out, I will hold a banquet in person, and the two brothers must be present, we will not return when we are not drunk!"

Very familiar lines.

I seem to have said it once, but this time, Tang Tianhao said it in a very gratifying tone.

And behind him, stood four reincarnations.

These four people have different facial expressions, different heights...

Standing together, inexplicably, there is an extremely gloomy feeling.

"It's easy to say, the Tang family is too polite."

Xiao Mushroom, who sells his body but does not perform art, and the girl-picker are immediately flattered. They never thought that the head of the reincarnation family would be so polite to them.

"It's time to work."

Tang Tianhao smiled kindly: "I am waiting for your good news in this world."

"Patriarch, don't worry!"

"I will not let go of such a good opportunity."

Among the four, a tall man like a black iron tower said in a buzzing voice: "This time I will definitely get the props back."

Six people stepped into the reincarnation space one after another.

Tang Tianhao sighed in relief.

These four are all experienced apostle members. They are well-trained and powerful, and they are indeed different from the flowers in the greenhouses in their family.

This time, there is absolutely no possibility of failure.

He turned to look at the staff next to him.

And one of them is not tall, thin and capable, isn't he the Twelve Apostles Xu Feng?

The two shake hands.

"Happy cooperation, Patriarch Tang."

"Don't forget what you promised me."

"Don't worry, as long as we get S-level props, everything will be fine."

The two people with ulterior motives looked at each other and smiled in relief.

And behind that Xu Feng...

A tall man with a long cloak covering his face remained silent throughout.

Wait until it's time to leave.

Xu Feng turned his head and said with regret: "You should go to the secret realm this time, the extraordinary secret realm, and you can witness the birth of S-level props... You must know that you are my appointed successor, and you will be familiar with these sooner or later in the future."

Deng Yang smiled wryly and said: "My physique is not good, I can't see the sun, and I can do it alone. With them, wouldn't it be a drag on their footsteps?"

"Sigh... At the beginning, I was eager to strengthen your strength, but now you are limited by your physique. It is my fault as the eldest brother."

"No... Brother, if you hadn't strengthened this bloodline for me back then, I'm afraid I would have died in the hands of Lin Bin together with Master Wang Ling. It's too late for me to thank you, so why would I blame you?"


Xu Feng glanced at Deng Yang thoughtfully, and said no more.

(End of this chapter)

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