when reincarnation invades

Chapter 155 The Arrival of the Apostles

Chapter 155 The Arrival of the Apostles
There was a burst of familiar light and strangeness.

By the time the eyes were clear again, everyone had arrived at a cemetery with staggered tombstones.

The reincarnation will appear in places related to the reincarnation.


Even if the people lying in these tombstones are not reincarnations, they must have something to do with them.

After the arrival of six people.

Quickly figured out the surrounding environment.

"This world is unique. I didn't expect the death rate of reincarnations to be so high. It seems that these natives are probably hunting us reincarnations. We need to be more careful in this experience."

The little mushroom of the girl Cai told the four reincarnations: "Although it is the first time for us to cooperate, we are all old reincarnations. We should know the seriousness. I am lucky to be the captain, and I will definitely not send everyone to death." Push... But correspondingly, I also hope that you will give me a little noodle, and after the mission is completed, I hope that the six of us can gather in reality to celebrate the victory of this mission."

Selling yourself but not performing arts nodded in approval: "The captain is right, don't worry, we will obey your orders."

"I'm just worried that the task will reduce the staff."

Among the other four reincarnators, the tall reincarnator Iron Nugget sighed: "If we don't get together by then, I'm afraid it will be more sad than happy."

Cai girl's little mushroom said seriously: "As long as we work together, we won't reduce the number of staff."

The voice fell.

Another older reincarnation, Yunjuan Yunshu, slashed out with a backhand.

At the same time, a deep cut was made on the neck of the little mushroom of the prostitute and the picking girl, and the blood was sprayed like mist...

The two of them clutched their throats in pain and let out a ho-ho-ho sound.

Their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe that their teammates would swing their knives at them... Aren't they afraid of punishment?

"Look, isn't this a reduction in staff?"

Iron Nugget sneered lowly.

"Killing teammates... you... you... you will be... liquidated..."

Cai girl's little mushroom continued intermittently, and finally finished a sentence, and then fell to the ground with a thud, without making any more sound.

"Of course I knew I would be liquidated."

Yunjuan Yunshu sighed and took off his glasses, as if he couldn't bear to watch the two fall down.

Sighed: "So, I don't intend to leave this secret place alive."

"Old Yun, you can start now."

Another female reincarnation Xue Wu said to him.

"I know."

Yunjuan Yunshu took a deep breath, and slowly wiped the bloody knife in his hand clean.

Said: "I hope you will keep your word."

Blood Dance said: "You can believe in the tradition of our organization. If this tradition cannot be followed, our organization will fall apart by then. Who will be willing to sacrifice then?"

Iron Nugget also sighed: "No way, high-level secret realms are entered by high-level reincarnators. They have various means, and it doesn't take much to destroy the world, but this extraordinary secret realm is the most embarrassing. We don't have the ability to destroy the world." If we don’t have the ability of the world, we can only find another way... Don’t worry, when we get the S-level item, this item will fall into the hands of your son, and he will inherit it. At that time, he will also be eligible for the apostle election. "

"it is good!"

When Yunjuan and Yunshu heard about his son, a bit of determination appeared in his eyes.

He had been seriously injured in previous training, and his life was not long, so he might as well use his own life to pave the way for his son.

There was determination in his eyes.

He gave a low growl.

The roar turned into a painful howl...

Swing the knife hard.

The arm with the reincarnation watch had been severed from the elbow.

While the blood was being sprayed, another reincarnated doctor hurriedly took out a spray from his bag to help him stop the bleeding.

Then, he took out a syringe and said: "Without the suppression of the reincarnation table, I will inject cell activation fluid into your body again, so that the various bacterial pathogens in your body can be strengthened... We are immune to these pathogens." , but in this extremely backward medical equipment, in an ancient time where wind and cold can kill people, these pathogens are incurable diseases one by one, you commit suicide when your cells are strengthened to the extreme, after you die, we will dismember your body , and send it to densely populated places in major cities, when the time comes, the virus that comes out of your body can easily destroy the world."

Yunjuan Yunshu said painfully: "Tell Xiaofeng, don't be sad about my death, and remember to make good use of the props I left behind. That's the last thing my father can do for him."

"do not worry."

Doctors set to work.

Yunjuan Yunshu endured the pain and was injected with a syringe.

Immediately, a look of pain appeared on his face... He let out a low growl, and slashed fiercely into his heart with the knife.

Then, he fell powerlessly to the ground, but the corpse was different from ordinary corpses, the whole body was purple-black, as if poisoned.

"Let's get to work."

"Understood, I will dismember him right away."

The doctors took out a saw blade and began working on their companions.

Iron Nugget said: "Let's see our mission this time... Huh? Item recovery? Let's recover an item called Zhang Lingjian? This is a bit difficult. If it is aimed at the aborigines in the secret realm, let's track down You can always find clues, but it’s really difficult to find out who owns the item.”

Xue Wu said: "Give up if the difficulty is not low. Isn't it just a thousand reincarnation points? As long as we can successfully destroy this world, the reward we will get is not just a few thousand reincarnation points. describe?"

The doctor was sawing his companion's corpse beside him, and said, "I don't agree with completing the task either. Next, we will send Yunjuan Yunshu's corpse to various places, including places outside the Great Wall and Korea, before Yunjuan Yunshu decays." I have to take a trip... The virus has been strengthened, and it should be fatal to these ancient people. Coupled with the terrible infectivity, theoretically, one month is enough for everyone to test positive, but as long as we work hard enough, this time may be possible. It can be shortened even further, I always feel that Tang Tianhao has an impure mind, and if we finish the task ahead of schedule, we should be able to catch him by surprise."

"That's right, next, let's split up."

"Well, the previous information shows that the main planes here are mainly the Central Plains, Turks and Korea. It happens that the three of us are in charge of one place. If we encounter a big city on the way, we will throw a corpse and wait for it to infect itself."

"it is good!"

The three quickly agreed on a plan.

He took out the storage warm bag that had been prepared earlier, wrapped Yunjuan Yunshu's mutilated body that had been beheaded, and then scattered and flew away in different directions!

And at the same time.

Chang'an City.

Within the main residence of the Yingui Sect.

A beautiful young woman in white is practicing cross-legged.

Originally, his expression was quite peaceful, but suddenly, as if he had been in a nightmare, beads of sweat gradually formed on his forehead, and he even started to breathe quickly.


Zhu Yuyan came to life in such a trance.

Her eyes were terrified, and she looked around instinctively, as if there were some monsters besieged around her.

"What's going on... Where did the palpitation just now come from?"

Zhu Yuyan muttered to herself.

Since I have been practicing with Lin Bin for many days, and I can be fed by Lin Bin's true essence every time...

Zhu Yuyan's digestion ability is much stronger than that of Houhou.

Therefore, eat more than her.

Although the Heavenly Demon Dafa, which has already reached the peak of the seventeenth floor, has not yet broken through to the eighteenth floor under the accumulation of a large amount of true energy from the same source, it has almost broken into the realm of the void with a different path.

Up to now, the depth of her skill has surpassed that of Shi Zhixuan, almost approaching the evil emperor Xiang Yutian back then.

Thinking that there is no longer any defense in this world.

She has already focused all her attention on those reincarnated persons, just like the reincarnated persons last time, Shi Zhixuan wanted to snatch the reincarnated watch, but unexpectedly encountered Zhu Yuyan's snipe.

It was destroyed in Cihang Jingzhai.

After cooperating with the Li family, Zhu Yuyan dominated the entire demon sect, and her strength was all on the bright and dark sides, taking advantage of the right time, place and people.

In a fierce battle with Shi Zhixuan, although she didn't gain any advantage in the fight, Zhao Deyan and others successfully helped her win two reincarnation watches, which can be regarded as the first time in her life that she had an absolute upper hand in a confrontation with Shi Zhixuan.

"Could it be that another reincarnation has come?"

At this level of strength, there must be a source of sudden whim.

Zhu Yuyan had an ominous premonition in her heart, looking at the reincarnation watch in her hand, she inexplicably thought of her only daughter.

The frequency of these reincarnations coming has begun to accelerate again...

Did something happen over there?

still is……

"Maybe this world is really not a place to stay for a long time. You must have enough foundation in this world to ensure the safety here."

Zhu Yuyan said: "Qing'er."

"Master, the disciple is here."

"You go to Ryukyu, let Meixian come to see me as a teacher, and say that I have important things to do, and now is not the time to worry about old grievances, I must come, otherwise I will kill Shan Wanjing, you know? ?”


Bai Qing'er turned and left in a hurry.

And at the same time.

Chengdu, Sichuan, in a quiet small building.

Shi Zhixuan has settled here for half a year...

The last time he fought against Zhu Yuyan, unexpectedly her strength improved so fast, which caught him off guard and suffered a lot.

"It seems that the holy relic should have fallen into her hands."

Sitting quietly in front of Bi Xiuxin's grave, Shi Zhixuan shook his head and sighed: "Xiuxin, your old opponent has changed. While telling me that I will never snatch the holy relic from you, at the same time secretly stealing the holy relic I hid it, and the thief shouted, "Catch the thief..." Yuyan used to not do this kind of thing. Although she is a witch, she is proud, but she is just a husband. I pretended to be interested in all reincarnated people In the end, she only had a reincarnation watch, and she probably thought she had won the battle, right? Unexpectedly, her husband had already achieved her goal, and now Qingxuan and I already have a reincarnation watch. When the next reincarnation comes, the three of us, father and daughter, will be reunited."

There was a bit of embarrassment in his tone, and he sighed softly: "It's just that this time, I can't take you with me, but even if we go to the real world, we should be able to come back... Don't worry Xiuxin, I will take good care of us My daughter, I will never let them make the same mistakes we made, and when they are all settled down, I can go to you, and then, even if I am facing you, I will be able to hold my head high as a husband."

"Daddy, lunch is ready."

Inside the bamboo house.

Wearing a green shirt, the graceful Shi Qingxuan stepped out of it, with an apron tied around her waist.

Get along for several months.

Especially the addition of a younger sister has aroused the thoughts of family affection in Shi Qingxuan's heart...

And during this time, she could also see Shi Zhixuan's deep affection for Bi Xiuxin.

Even though the estrangement has not been resolved, she has been able to call out "Daddy" naturally.

"Hey, here we come."

Shi Zhixuan put away his sobs, stood up, touched the tombstone, and said with a smile, "Just one more wave, Xiuxin, the day we part is not far away, and the day we reunite is not far away either."

He turned and walked back to his daughter.

The wrists under the long sleeves of the father and daughter were already wrapped with reincarnation watches.


real world.

Baishui City.

"Grandpa, that grandson is calling you again..."

The ear-piercing ringtones of the mobile phone are actually intended to prevent oneself from missing the call.

Unexpectedly, in the past few days, it has almost become a reminder of his own death.

Lin Bin didn't even need to look to know who the communication was from...

Lin Bin answered the phone a little irritably, and said, "Hello."

"It's little friend Abin, I'm Gu Yuan... Regarding the "Longevity Tactic", I had a whim just now, and I had a new idea. Couldn't the "Longevity Tactic" absorb the aura of heaven and earth for my own use? But in the end It doesn't matter what kind of heaven and earth aura it is, so the Mingyu Zhenqi I cultivated can be regarded as a part of inferior aura in some respects, right? If I reverse the cultivation method and use the "Longevity Jue" to get lucky, can I get rid of it? How about the transformation of Mingyu True Qi into Longevity True Qi?"

Lin Bin said with a dull expression: "This...is also a direction to consider."

"Hahahaha, let me just say, after all, it is the skill of many years of hard work, so it is a pity to waste it like this, and once my strength drops, but the rating is still there, I am afraid I will not survive the next time The secret realm, so this is the most suitable path for me."

On the other side, Gu Yuan said something with a smile, then turned to worry, and sighed: "It's just that there are still some difficulties in four places, alas, I can only discuss it with you, little friend Abin..."

Lin Bin's expression was blank.

It's a very normal thing to say.

But if it is not more than 20 calls a day, an average of one call per hour, and one call for half an hour... it would be even better.

Now he understood Tang Tianhao's deeper sinister intentions.

He thought that teaching all the exercises directly would solve his conspiracy, but Lin Bin really ignored the persistence that had been in despair for several years, but suddenly encountered hope.

No matter what, no matter when, even if there is a little flash of inspiration, Gu Yuan always consults with Lin Bin.

Moreover, this fellow has a thick skin and doesn't care about Lin Bin's various excuses at all...

If you catch it, you just say it.

After all, he is a saint-level reincarnation, and Lin Bin can't shirk it too much, especially since he took several pictures of Lin Bin, all of which are chat records of him asking many of his old friends for healing items.

People are really sincere.

As a result, Lin Bin could only respond with ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, every day was consumed by him most of the time...

But it's not easy to say anything.

So Tang Tianhao must have considered this point, he didn't dare to offend me, so he let this old guy hold me back, these few days, I didn't even have a chance to see Wan Wan, and I don't know how her injury is.

And Feixuan, how did she live from the time she came to this world to the present, she didn't have time to open her mouth to ask...

But the ones who have been here are not very good. They use an elderly phone, ride a small e-donkey, and wear some cheap clothes. Unlike Houhou, the most luxurious mobile phones are all stored in one.

At that time, the look of looking at the mobile phone eagerly, but because of the principle of being a human being, he couldn't have it was really messy and cute.

Without Cihang Jingzhai.

Naturally, there will be no hypocritical saintesses who worry about the country and the people, and Shi Feixuan's last shortcomings will be gone.

Seriously, if it wasn't for Gu Yuan, Lin Bin might have invited Shi Feixuan to use the evil emperor's relic with him.

It must be very cool to double cultivate with her.

At least it's much better than Hou Hou's brazen and noisy posture.

This chat lasted for another half an hour.

As expected of a saint-level reincarnator, in just a few days, "The Secret of Longevity" was almost played by him.

Lin Bin couldn't help feeling a little regretful, if he had had this old fellow lead the way when he just got the "Secret of Longevity", and the two of them cooperated, his progress would definitely be faster.

It's a pity no.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Bin gulped down a big mouthful of tea.

There are quite a few people who can make his mouth dry, but it is unexpected that an old man now has such power...

And just hang up less than 10 minutes.

"Grandpa, the grandson is calling again."

Why is it not over yet?

Lin Bin answered the phone irritably, and said in a high tone, "Hello!"

"What's the matter, have you taken gunpowder?"


Deng Yang's voice sounded particularly pleasant.

Lin Bin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's nothing, you are really kind."

"Why am I so nice?"

"It's not because you are too kind, but as long as it's not him."

Lin Bin thought to himself that I really don't want to hear that man's voice... Two big men, there are so many topics to talk about.

(End of this chapter)

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