when reincarnation invades

Chapter 156 Gu Yuan: This trip, I have to go

Chapter 156 Gu Yuan: This trip, I have to go

"What's the matter with me?"

Lin Bin knew Deng Yang very well. Although this person was a bit out of his mind... After all, few normal people like to do exciting things like lurking.

But he belongs to the type who does not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

Especially his current status.

It also caused that there should never be too much contact between the two.

Since he took the initiative to find him, he must have a serious business.

And Deng Yang didn't talk too much nonsense, unlike that Gu Yuan who had to chat for half an hour without saying a word, he asked, "Has your current strength reached the level of a saint?"

"Probably not... what's wrong?"

"How far is it?"

"Not much, if it refers to the ability to clear the level, I think I may be much stronger than the saint-level reincarnation now, but with the reincarnation's own strength system, I should still be able to do so for the time being." At the eighth or ninth level of the extraordinary..."

"That's about to happen."

Deng Yang said in a deep voice: "After you break through and become a saint, do me a small favor."

"What are you busy with?"

Deng Yang paused every word: "Get rid of my elder brother!"

Lin Binqi said: "The Eleven Apostles? Didn't you say that you plan to kill him after you are alone?"

"The blood of your ancestor has greatly improved my strength. Although it can't be as exaggerated as you are, if something really cannot be done, I will drink the blood of the ancestor of the werewolf and the ancestor of the vampire. Saint level shouldn't be too difficult."

Deng Yang shook his head and said: "It's true that I'm in a hurry, but I can't help it. Xu Feng's thoughts are more sinister than I imagined. It was all thanks to me that he was able to become the eleventh apostle. He promised me a lot of things, but I didn't expect him to become an apostle, and after he became the master of ghosts, he completely changed. Not only did the things he promised have no value, he even became wary of me..."

He snorted disdainfully, and said: "You despicable villain, it was just to use me to take the seat of the Eleven Apostles before, and now I want to cross the river and demolish the bridge after I succeed... people."

Lin Bin thought to himself, how did you say such a thing so righteously?

Didn't you say insidiously before that Xu Feng is just your tool?After you can stand alone, you will kill him.

In a sense, what is the difference between the two of you?
He asked, "Is he showing signs?"

"No, but he encouraged me to improve my strength a few times before. What do you mean? I am worried that my growth is too slow, and I am anxious to abdicate to me? And this time, when the apostle organization entered the B185 plane, he actually wanted to To let me in... gives me the feeling that it is not concerned about my growth, but to test whether I am really interested in the position of apostle."

Lin Bin was surprised: "What? The apostle entered the B-185 plane?"

Deng Yang said in a deep voice: "Although he did it very secretly, he didn't strengthen the blood lineage after all, so he didn't understand that vampires are the most bleak creatures, so they are also very sensitive to negative emotions. I can almost be sure of the cold aura revealed in the words, even if he hasn't killed me yet, he already has the idea of ​​guarding and suppressing me, so if he wants to kill him, he must do it as soon as possible, otherwise he will hurry up. Before he has the intention to kill me, it will be difficult to try to play tricks on him."

He said distressedly: "As far as his current strength and the guards around him are concerned, if he wants to succeed, at least he must be shot by a saint-level reincarnation."

"So that's the case, yes, I will contact you as soon as I reach the sanctuary."

Lin Bin asked: "But what happened to the B-185 plane you mentioned earlier? Tell me about the details."

Deng Yang asked: "Do you know this plane?"

"I have experienced in it, and I have reached cooperation with some aborigines in it. It can be regarded as some back-up work I did in advance...Did something happen?"

Deng Yang sighed: "I only found out the specific information after I joined the apostle. The apostle was forced to linger in the dark at the beginning, but it has already developed to the final scale...after all, entering the secret realm, the It represents one after another secret realm where they can get whatever they want, and there are too few people who can control themselves not to fall, so the apostles have developed very smoothly over the years."

"You mean to say that the apostle has gone from being forced to hide to active hiding now?"

"Make a lot of money with a silent voice, and dogs that bite people don't bark... Before the apostles were destroyed, they were too high-profile. At the highest profile, even the officials didn't pay attention. Now no one knows the existence of the apostles. Although the destruction The world is restricted, but there are always opportunities, such as this cooperation with the Tang family, the Tang family helped the apostle sneak into the secret realm B-185, and the apostle gave the Tang family an A-level prop as a reward."

Deng Yang quickly explained the specific details, and Lin Bin's heart sank when he heard it.

It's the Tang family again.

It seems that this guy is using two prongs. Seeing that he didn't kill Houhou, he put the blame on the whole Datang plane.

Lin Bin asked, "What if I want to save the world? Do you have any information about those reincarnated people?"

"No, but I can tell you with certainty that you can't save this world."

Deng Yang sighed on the other side: "I don't know what arrangements you have in this plane, but this time the apostle obviously attaches great importance to the cooperation with the reincarnation family, not just the ghost organization, but also other organizations under the apostle's command. A total of four people entered the secret realm , and the strength of these four people is at the peak of the Transcendent Realm. They all have extremely rich experience in how to successfully destroy a world. It is almost impossible to stop it with your ability. Your previous arrangement is still give up."

Lin Bin asked in surprise, "Is it so strong?"

Deng Yang said seriously: "That's an S-level prop, no matter how much you pay, it's worth it."

"Is that so..."

Lin Bin pondered, nodded and said, "Okay, I understand, don't worry, I will notify you as soon as my strength reaches the holy level."

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news."

Deng Yang warned: "Also, you'd better not get involved in this matter. A ghost organization has already caused us a lot of trouble, not to mention that it involves other apostles. This is something beyond our control."

Lin Bin nodded and said: "I understand that it is not difficult to defeat these four people in the secret realm with my strength, but it is almost impossible to destroy them together. It is unwise to stand directly on the opposite side of the bright side."

Deng Yang nodded and said, "It's good that you understand."

"So I can find someone to mess with and deal with them."

Lin Bin said: "As long as we hide it carefully, the enemy will never know that we did it."

"Okay...well... Anyway, just don't expose yourself."

Deng Yang got Lin Bin's permission and hung up the phone contentedly.

Leaving Lin Bin with a serious expression on his face, he began to meditate.

The Tang family hooked up with the apostle?
This was really beyond his expectation... After finally gaining the friendship of the Yingui faction, as long as the Yingui faction comes to the real world and he can still maintain his strength, he will be quite Yu got an extremely powerful support out of thin air.

You don't have to fight alone anymore.

I just didn't expect such an accident to happen.

"Deng Yang is right, because it is not a wise choice to confront the apostle directly, but it doesn't mean that I can't do anything. Rather, I can actually kill two birds with one stone."

Thinking about it, Lin Bin immediately called Gu Yuan.

The opposite is almost instant.

"Hahahaha, little friend, I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to contact me. Could it be that you have thought of some trick about the "Secret of Longevity" again?"

"I did think of some extremely important things."

Lin Bin sighed first without saying a word, and then let out another long sigh...

"Little friend, isn't it a good thing?"

During this time, Gu Yuan almost regarded Lin Bin as her savior.

Even if it was some extremely basic understanding and discovery, he had to consult with Lin Bin before he dared to practice. Even if he had already made up his mind, he still insisted on getting a nod of approval from Lin Bin.

So now, hearing Lin Bin's continuous long sighs, his liver trembled, and he asked in surprise, "Could it be...is there something wrong?"

"Big question."

Lin Bin said in a very heavy tone: "I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, I originally wanted to hide it from you until the end, so that you can leave this world without any worries, but I really can't pass this test..."

"What do you mean?"

Gu Yuan's voice trembled, "Could it be... my symptoms can't be resolved at all?"

Lin Bin said, "It's hard to solve."

"But before I negotiated with you about the understanding of those exercises, you always said it well, incisively, incisively and incisively...Why did you suddenly change your words now...Wait, are you perfunctory?"

"It's not perfunctory."

Lin Bin sighed: "I really don't know what to say, so I can only follow your words."

Gu Yuan sighed, "Okay, just say it straight, I can bear it."

Lin Bin sighed: "Actually, your approach is correct, but it is also wrong, because the practice of "Longevity Jue" takes into account the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, plus the two ways of yin and yang, so that all external spiritual energy can be perfectly absorbed into the body. Body, the "Longevity Jue" you normally practice must have the same strength of the seven true qi, but you want to transform all the true qi in your body into longevity true qi, but the problem is that Mingyu's magical power is yin, once you transform it , there will be an imbalance of yin and yang, and there will inevitably be a risk of exploding and dying."

"This...why didn't you say it before?"

"I said that you should abolish your own skills and re-cultivate the "Secret of Longevity". With the foundation of previous cultivation, at least a year or so, your strength will be fully restored."

"But if my strength drops drastically, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive the next secret realm."

Lin Bin sighed: "This is just something you use to deceive yourself. You actually have a solution. We all understand that it's just a reason."

Gu Yuan sighed: "Isn't there a good way to have the best of both worlds? After all, I have been practicing hard for many years, and I... can't bear it."

"It's very slim... It's so slim that there is almost no hope. This is why I didn't tell you before, because I don't want to give you unnecessary hope, and then make you give all your heart and soul for this slim hope."

"So you're going to tell me now?"

"Because I don't think I should want what I think, but what you think... It's up to you to choose what to choose, and I'm not qualified to make this decision for you."

Gu Yuan asked: "Tell me, is there any solution?"

"Actually, you have been to the plane where the "Longevity Jue" is located, and brought back the "Longevity Jue", and I have also been there."

Lin Bin said: "It's just that I am better than you because I already carried the "Longevity Tactic" when I entered, so I purposely checked the origin of "Longevity Tactic" and the other three great books. Going back to the source will be more beneficial to help me practice the exercises."

"What news did you find out?"

Lin Bin said, "Do you know the origin of the "Secret of Longevity"?"

Gu Yuan said: "It is said that it is the exercise created by Guang Chengzi, the teacher of the Yellow Emperor, before his death."

"That's right. As a matter of fact, I know more about the real origin of the "Secret of Longevity" than this."

Lin Bin explained: "Immortal Master Guangchengzi once entered the Temple of the God of War by chance, saw the catalog of the God of War, the first of the four great books, and understood the mysteries of heaven and earth. Inheritance, he wrote the "Secret of Longevity" based on his own understanding, and because the God of War catalog is too complicated and mysterious, in order to make the exercises popular, he simplified the exercises. This is the real origin of "The Secret of Longevity". In a sense, "The Secret of Longevity" can be said to be a simplified version of the God of War catalog."

"The "Secret of Longevity" was born out of the God of War Illustrated Record?"

Gu Yuan also knows the Four Great Books.

But this is the first time he knows about this relationship.

"In fact, the remains of Guangchengzi after his ascension are still in the Temple of War, which proves the relationship between the two exercises!"

"Are you saying that if I want to solve my own problems, I need to find the Temple of War God?"

"Because your situation is too complicated, you have basically made all the mistakes you can make while practicing the "Secret of Longevity". If you want to make up for your mistakes, you must start with a more advanced theory."

Lin Bin sighed: "However, the Temple of the God of War has not appeared in the world for thousands of years. It is so difficult to find it... This hope is infinitely close to zero."

"Then how do you know so much?"

"Because my reincarnation mission is to destroy Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Temple!"

"What? How did you complete this task?"

Gu Yuan was shocked immediately, he had also entered this world before, so he naturally knew what kind of two behemoths they were.

Lin Bin said: "And these two sects have been passed down for many years, so I can know a lot of news that ordinary people don't know, such as the location of the Temple of War..."

Gu Yuan asked in a deep voice, "Where is it?"

Lin Bin replied, "Under the Shocking Wild Goose Palace."

"Where is Jingyan Palace?"

"I do not know."

Lin Bin sighed: "I did not hesitate to cooperate with the Yingui faction at that time in order to find out the whereabouts of the Temple of War God. As a result, after the destruction of Cihang Jingzhai, there was not much time left...so my cooperation with the head of the Yingui faction It’s just a taste, and although it’s in-depth, it’s not long-lasting, but fortunately, a very good cooperation environment has been established.”

Gu Yuan sighed and said, "You can gather all the knowledge of Cihang Jingzhai and Momen in just a few months. If you are given enough time, maybe you can really find the Temple of War God."

"The hope is slim, but because of the investigation, I know how difficult it is, which is why I didn't want to say it before."

"But I want to try!"

Gu Yuan said: "Little friend Abin, if I can get the Temple of War God, I would like to share it with you... There is no secret, I just ask Abin little friend to help me."

Lin Bin wondered: "But the Datang plane is just an extraordinary secret realm, and you are a saint-level reincarnation..."

"I have my own way to enter. Some props can be used to disguise strength. I have a way to obtain such props!"

Gu Yuan became short of breath and said, "It's just that I need your help."

"If Mr. Gu is willing, I can write a recommendation letter for you, so that you can get free assistance from Momen! It's just..."

Gu Yuan said earnestly: "I am willing to pay 5000 reincarnation points in exchange for a chance, and I can promise that as long as the Demon Sect is willing to assist me, when they come to the real world in the future, I am willing to form friendship with them and take care of each other!"

"Hey... Teacher Gu, you are so sincere, how can I refuse?"

Lin Bin sighed, and said, "I'm going to write a letter to the suzerain of the Yin Gui Sect. As long as you hand the letter to her, Teacher Gu, she will naturally understand what to do."

"Thank you, little friend Abin."

"Mr. Gu, you are too polite."

Lin Bin said: "You can arrange it. Come to me to pick up the letter in three hours."

"Thank you."

Gu Yuan sincerely thanked her again.

(End of this chapter)

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