when reincarnation invades

Chapter 157 We Are Still Just Friends

Chapter 157 We Are Still Just Friends
Got Gu Yuan's approval.

Lin Bin breathed a sigh of relief...

It's not that Zhu Yuyan took extra care of her because she was the big sister who took him to climb the peak of adulthood for the first time.

Rather, the Yingui Sect is almost bound to him now.

As long as he can guarantee his own strength, then the Yingui faction will be his greatest support.

Out of emotion and reason, I learned that the Yingui faction was in crisis.

Lin Bin naturally wanted to do his best to help.

Now that Gu Yuan is so annoyed by being entangled with others, she simply tricked him out to use him as a pistol... The two of them got along really harmoniously during this time, but it was because of Lin Bin's generosity.

In fact, Gu Yuan's initial sentence alone won't do anything.

Lin Bin didn't regard him as a friend.

The relationship between the two parties was originally a relationship of mutual use.

And Lin Bin didn't lie, if he could really get the God of War Atlas, none of the problems he was troubled by now would be a problem.

After hanging up the phone.

Lin Bin took out a stack of letter paper and began to write to Zhu Yuyan.

Because it was entrusted to Gu Yuan, he didn't write about the apostles or anything else.

It's just that in the first half, she was called Yan Nu'er, which was the most intimate joking name between the two.

These three words allowed her to confirm that the letter was indeed from Lin Bin.

After that, I told her that Wan Wan lived happily here, but because of the evil reincarnation they killed before, they were hated by a reincarnation family and were attacked and killed... Fortunately, they were rescued by caring people, so they were able to She was born, and now that Houhou has a backer, he will take care of her on her behalf, so there is no need to worry about safety for the time being.

There is no need to say too much.

If there is really a crisis in the Datang plane, just read this letter.

Zhu Yuyan could naturally realize what was going on.

As for the existence of the time traveler Wan Wan, for veteran reincarnators, although time travelers are rare, they are not so rare, even if they know their names, it doesn't matter.

In the second half of the letter, he praised Gu Yuan fiercely, saying that this person is a saint-level reincarnation person who urgently needs the God of War Illustrated Technique, and asked her to use all the strength of the Yingui Sect to help him find it. God of War catalog.

Also didn't say too much.

But Lin Bin exaggerated to Gu Yuan, Zhu Yuyan, as the master of the Demon Sect, was almost like a human being, and Lin Bin would be able to realize how to cooperate next if he moved a little more.

How could she not have thought of driving away wolves and tigers, or fighting between snipe and clam?
no matter which...

As Deng Yang said, he has a great reputation, but after all, his qualifications are too low, so there is still a lot of gap in absolute strength compared to the real veteran reincarnation.

Even if he enters the Datang plane, he has an innate advantage over these aborigines, but in the face of a group of lunatics who regard the destruction of the world as a game, he can play very little role.

It would be more appropriate to let Gu Yuan go.

three hours later.

The letter was handed over to Gu Yuan.

"If there are no accidents, the suzerain of the Yin Gui Sect should be in Chang'an City now. If you find him and give this letter to her, she will understand what to do."

Lin Bin asked: "It's just that, Mr. Gu, you are a saint-level reincarnation after all. Will there be any restrictions on entering the secret realm of the Transcendent Realm?"

"It was indeed not allowed, but I can borrow an item here, which can display my external cultivation in the Transcendent Realm, and then I can enter the Secret Realm... But in this way, I'm afraid I will If you want to enter the secret realm again, it will take half a year, but for the God of War Atlas, this risk is worth it."

"Then I wish Teacher Gu a smooth journey."

"Hahahaha, I accept your good words."

Gu Yuan set off hesitantly.

Lin Bin didn't ask about how to enter two batches of reincarnations in the same secret realm successively, and believed that Gu Yuan had her own solution.

Just this afternoon.

Gu Yuan directly entered No. B185, inside the Datang Secret Realm.

When it was confirmed that he had left, Lin Bin immediately rushed to see Shi Feixuan and Wan Wan.

"What? The Tang plane is facing a crisis of destruction?"

At this time, the two daughters, Concubine Shixuan and Houhou, were resting in a secret place arranged by the plane walker.

heard the news.

Hou Hou was half shocked and half furious, and said in surprise: "I~ have no scruples in killing people every day and have been called a demon girl. They actually want to let the whole world be buried with them because of the loss of one life? Even the title of devil is worthy of me!" Can't you go to them?"

Shi Feixuan was the first to mention Sekong Sword.

Shen Sheng said: "No, Feixuan has to go back and save Qingxuan."

"It doesn't make sense for you to go back. With your ability, you can't defeat any enemy."

Lin Bin said: "Peak~Peak of the Transcendent Realm is only one step away from becoming a saint. You should know what the peak of the Transcendent Realm means by now, right?"

"Know, the limit that mortal power can reach, cross this realm, transcend the ordinary and become holy!"

Shi Feixuan shook her head and said: "But this is not the reason for Feixuan to escape, and then...that person already has a reincarnation watch in his hand, as long as Feixuan rushes back and completes the task as soon as possible, the passage can be opened. Let Qingxuan and the others come out, which is much safer than trying to find a way to get out of the enemy's passage, and that is Feixuan's home, so how can you know what you can't do for your own home? At the very least, Feixuan will also fight for her homeland."

Lin Bin said: "I originally planned to hide this matter, I just didn't want you to worry too much, but if I don't tell you, I'm afraid you will regret it for the rest of your life, so I told you, although I always told you in the Datang plane It gives people a false feeling, but I just know that Feixuan, what happened to you is real."

"Thank you, Brother Bin, you really understand Feixuan."

Shi Feixuan said softly, a strange look appeared in her eyes...

I just feel that the man in front of me is really my soul confidant.

"I have to really go, Master Zhu is in a crisis, how can... oh..."

Hou Wan groaned in pain.

Excited, the injury that hadn't recovered was torn apart again.

She said helplessly and furiously: "Damn it, other injuries heal quickly, but the wound caused by being hit by the shadow can't heal no matter what..."

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much. I have already arranged for a saint-level reincarnation to enter that plane. As long as your master can maintain [-]% of the skill of the little demon girl before, you can turn this old guy around... …The saint level has an absolute advantage against the extraordinary level."

Lin Bin said: "You can rest at ease and heal your wounds. Feixuan wants to go back because she has the world in her heart. Your words...don't forget, my next reincarnation will not be that long. If it is delayed, the two of us will stagger If you can’t enter the same secret realm, you’re really dead.”

Wan Hou's fair and pretty face was full of resentment, and said, "Feixuan, Feixuan, you know Feixuan well..."

Lin Bin said: "Don't be idle, the two of us will work hard to cultivate with the essence of the evil emperor's relic, improve our cultivation, and prepare for the next secret realm. Take care, don't rely too much on me."

"Alright Captain S."

The resentment on Hou Hou's face disappeared immediately, and he responded with a smile on his face.

She looked at Shi Feixuan with a bit of provocation in her eyes, so what if she was a confidant?
What his body needs is me!
Only I can bear what comes out of his body... Your Shi Feixuan... no...

Shi Feixuan said: "It's not too late, Feixuan is leaving now."

"Okay, now the main passage has entered two batches of reincarnations one after another. If you want to enter, I'm afraid you can only enter from the secret place deep in the lake behind Qianyun Mountain... Remember, if you meet an old man with white beard and hair, Gu Yuan, that's the person I arranged for, you can throw out our relationship, for my sake he won't make it difficult for you."

Wan Wan asked next to him, "What's the relationship?"

"Of course they are friends."

Lin Bin replied as a matter of course.

Shi Feixuan also explained: "Senior Sister, don't get me wrong, we are just friends."

He gritted his teeth angrily...

She always felt that that sentence seemed to be provoking her.

This woman is too good at pretending.

But thinking of the evil emperor relic... she laughed again.

And this time.

On Gu Yuan's side, she has successfully entered the Datang plane.

As a saint-level reincarnation, after wandering at this level for so long, he naturally accumulated a lot of means and props.

It is not difficult for him to enter the secret realm of Tang Dynasty.

And the place where he appeared was the corner of an extremely bustling street.

Xunren asked a little bit.

Gu Yuan was extremely surprised...

The place he was in was exactly Chang'an City.

"It's a coincidence. As long as we find the place where the Yingui Sect is stationed, we will be able to directly get the assistance of the strongest sect in the world. It seems that even God is on my side this time."

Gu Yuan glanced at her mission.

Behead Wu Zun Bixuan.

To be called Martial Venerable, the strength might not be easy... But Gu Yuan doesn't need to pay attention to it.

It's just that he came here with a purpose in mind. If he had time to do this mission, he would do it. If he didn't have time, even if Wu Zun had a big fate, he would not pay attention to the loss of a mere thousand reincarnation points.

At this time, Gu Yuan had already changed into a robe of scribes in advance, and she looked no different from the ancients.

He walked towards Suzaku Street, intending to pick out some martial arts masters and torture them to find out where the Yin Gui Sect is.

just walking and walking...

A look of surprise gradually appeared on his face.

He also came to the Datang plane to practice in the Tang Dynasty, and Chang'an City also came to Chang'an City, but in Chang'an City's impression, the city is prosperous and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Although it is far inferior to modern metropolises, the happiness index of people's livelihood Still quite high.

But now I can revisit the old place.

But I saw that the number of people on the street was significantly less, and most of them looked pale and yellow, and they coughed intermittently while doing business.

Some people's eyes are even more dull, and after walking a few steps, they have to rest on the ground for a while, as if they are suffering from some terrible torture.

"Strange, could it be that the battle has affected Chang'an City during this period of time? But the situation of the Li Clan is very good now. Even if Chang'an City is affected, it should be a beneficial and good influence. Why does it seem like a deserted city?"

Gu Yuan also did her homework.

Knowing the current Datang plane, the Li family is almost destined to be the co-lord of the world.

But looking at it now, how can it give people the feeling that the country is about to collapse?
"No, it's an epidemic!"

Gu Yuan's skills were superb, and she passed several people one after another, but they all felt the extraordinarily hot temperature of their bodies.

Everyone has a fever?

High fever, cough, hoarseness, weakness...

Is this world infected with a plague?

Gu Yuan quickened her pace.

No matter how high the skill is, one is also afraid of kitchen knives.

Although his strength is strong, he can resist most of the plague, but this kind of poison-like thing, if it is really infected, it will be enough.

It is better to quickly find the place where the Yingui sect is stationed.

His pace is a little faster...

It didn't take too long.

After Zhu Yuyan unified the Demon Sect and started cooperation with the Li Family.

She then began the gradual whitewashing process...

After knowing that Cihang Jingzhai is actually a branch of the Demon Sect, she understood why the Yingui faction had been suppressed by Cihang Jingzhai before.

Especially the sentence that Lin Bin once reminded her of standing on the highest point of morality, you are invincible.

Make her astonished.

Therefore, after dominating the Demon Sect during this period of time, she immediately eliminated those scum, and then dispatched most of the elites to join the Li Clan to restore her reputation with outstanding military exploits.

After a few months, it can be regarded as fruitful.

At the very least, in Chang'an City, members of the Yingui Sect can already walk on the streets blatantly.

Even the place is naturally much easier to find.

It's just that when he stepped into the residence of the Yingui sect...

"This old gentleman, idlers are not allowed to enter the sacred gate."

The two demon disciples guarding the gate stepped forward to persuade them with kind words.

"Your demon sect has changed a lot. I remember that if someone dared to break into your sect before, they would all be killed. Now you know how to persuade them with good words."

Gu Yuan laughed twice, and wanted to say a few more words, but seeing the expressions of the two disciples were also different.

His face changed slightly, and he took out a letter and said: "This is the reincarnation old man Abinto handed over to your suzerain Zhu Yuyan, let her come out to see me!"


The two disciples were startled when they heard the words, and one of them said: "Follow me, old man, we will go and sue the suzerain for you!"

One of them led Gu Yuan inside, while the other quickly went to look for Zhu Yuyan.

And this time...

In main house location.

Dressed in white clothes, with an elegant complexion, Zhu Yuyan, who couldn't hide her exhausted expression, was seriously discussing important matters with the two important officials of Qin Palace in front of her.

"So, not only our Chang'an, Luoyang and other cities, but also faraway places like Turkic and Western Regions have plagues spreading?"

Changsun Wuji is only a young man in his early twenties now. He has only studied since he was a child, and his eyebrows have always been calm...

But at this moment, he couldn't help but look flustered. In fact, if Zhu Yuyan hadn't scolded him sharply, he might have lost his composure even more at this time.

Facing Zhu Yuyan's question, he replied: "It is rumored that smallpox has been prevalent in Goguryeo, and it is completely different from the smallpox we have known in the past. Once infected, there will be a situation of death and no life, and Turks... black death The virus has spread, and it has been out of ten, and it is said that all the members of Dongpu have been infected with a plague called AIDS. Everyone is like a ghost...Compared to our Central Plains, our symptoms are only It’s just like wind and cold, although the intensity of the infection is equally terrible, but at least two or three out of ten people can survive.”

"Excellent skill, very helpful."

Zhu Yuyan said: "I also felt unwell the day before yesterday, but it was just treated as an ordinary wind and cold. I stayed up all night and recovered the next day."

"But King Qin's skill is only mediocre..."

Changsun Wuji couldn't care less about being disrespectful to the King of Qin, and said worriedly: "And he has been in bed for more than ten days now, seeing that his condition is getting worse every day, if it is not for Suzerain Zhu, you hang him with holy medicine, I am afraid that he will die now. Already dead."

"It seems that we can only find a way to find out who is behind the scenes."

"What's behind the scenes?"

Zhu Yuyan said seriously: "Simultaneously affecting all countries and ministries, this is definitely not a natural disaster, it must be a man-made disaster... and the ability to affect such a large territory, I am afraid that only..."


Changsun Wuji and Fang Xuanling said the answer in unison.

Fang Xuanling suddenly realized and said: "I will send someone to investigate immediately."

at this time.

A disciple of the Yingui faction rushed in and said respectfully: "Sovereign, there is a reincarnated man outside asking to see him, and he said he has a letter from the reincarnated man Abin!"

Zhu Yuyan's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and said, "Give it to me quickly."

Received the letter, opened it and read it for a while.

There was a bit of sternness in her eyes, and she didn't mean to show Changsun Wuji and others.

If these two people knew that the source of Li Shimin's catastrophe was still from the Yin Gui sect, even though they were innocent...but they would inevitably suffer the crime of venting their anger.

Zhu Yuyan smashed the letter casually, and said seriously: "You two, it seems that our helper has arrived."

The tone is brisk.

It's just that the eyebrows are full of dignity.

To seek revenge on them?

Instead, the other party began to target the whole world, from Dongying in the east to Turkic in the north, and even small countries such as Goguryeo and Baekje Silla could not escape disaster...

It seems that the target of their revenge is not the Yingui faction, but the whole world.

and many more……

The whole world?

Zhu Yuyan recalled the letter Lin Bin just wrote, and vaguely seemed to understand what his real hint was.

Her forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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