when reincarnation invades

Chapter 158 Poverty is a disease that only honest people get

Chapter 158 Poverty is a disease that only honest people get

Gu Yuan didn't wait too long.

Just after sitting down and drinking a cup of tea, over there, a beautiful woman in a white dress, winding like a cloud, walked in slowly.

She saluted Gu Yuan Yingying, and said, "Junior Zhu Yuyan, I have met senior."

Gu Yuan smiled and said: "I wish the suzerain, please, I have a request for this trip, you don't have to be too polite."

"Mr. Abin has made it clear that senior Gu is his friend, so you should not be rude to you, and the senior is as powerful as the sky. If you are rude, the junior himself will suffer in the end. The junior has an extremely in-depth cooperation with that Abin. I know that He won't lie to me, so I still have to listen to his advice."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Yuyan got up gracefully.

Looking up, he couldn't help but be surprised.

Gu Yuan couldn't help feeling very proud of being complimented so much by a seemingly all-enchanting beauty.

He smiled and said, "Why, Zhu Suzerain has seen me?"

"When the "Secret of Longevity" was snatched back then, the junior had seen the portrait of the senior by chance, but he had never met."

Zhu Yuyan rejoiced and said, "Fortunately, I have never seen it before, otherwise, I am afraid that this junior will not have the opportunity to hold the position of the master of this holy gate."

"Hahahaha... Be polite, now I believe that my strength is indeed better than your suzerain, but at that time, if the two of us really met, my chance of winning is probably less than [-]%. It's just that we reincarnated people are improving It’s just too fast, speaking of it, the karma between me and Abin also came from this, isn’t the "Longevity Formula" he practiced that I brought back that time."

Gu Yuan also stopped being polite, and asked, "Did Abin tell you the purpose of my trip?"

Zhu Yuyan said earnestly: "He said that the senior intends to record the God of War, so that the junior will fully cooperate, the senior should be the main one, and the entire Yingui Sect must obey the senior's orders."

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuyan paused for a moment, then smiled and said: "Mr. Abin doesn't know us well enough after we have been separated for several months. I don't know that this junior is now the master of the holy gate. It is not only the Yin Gui sect who can cooperate with the senior It’s the two sects and six paths of the Holy Way in the past, and now the entire Holy Gate.”

Gu Yuan was pleasantly surprised: "Oh? Are you willing to help me with all your strength?"

"The junior has heard a lot of news about the present world from that Mr. Abin. Now that he has the opportunity to make friends with the senior and seek a backer for his future, how can the junior miss this opportunity?"

"Okay... Then you immediately find me all the information about the God of War catalog from your Demon Sect...cough cough...Sacred Sect, and send people into the folks to find the whereabouts of Jingyan Palace, then Abin said However, the God of War Catalog is under Jingyan Palace, as long as you find Jingyan Palace, you can find the War God Palace, since it is Jingyan, it must be in a high mountain and dangerous place, and there are no clues."

Gu Yuan paused for a moment, and seemed to feel that it was not appropriate for her to use others for nothing.

He promised: "Don't worry, I, Gu Yuan, am not a wolf-hearted person. You help me with all your strength. Whether it succeeds or fails, I will remember your favor, and I will repay you in the future."

"Senior, you're being polite. This junior will do it right away. I'll give you news in half a day at most."

Zhu Yuyan once again bowed gracefully and said, "Your Excellency, please leave."

After all, turn around and leave.

Go back to the place where you just discussed.


"What is the origin of this old man?"

Changsun Wuji and Fang Xuanling couldn't wait to ask.

The two of them just listened to Zhu Yuyan's speculation.

The plague was spread by reincarnation, and its purpose is likely to destroy the entire world, otherwise it would not affect all countries at the same time.

Just hearing this possibility, they couldn't help but feel their hearts sink...

For the madness of the reincarnated people, no one knows better than them.

But now that Li Shimin is in a coma, there is no doubt that Zhu Yuyan is their only backbone, so they feel somewhat dependent on her.

"The strength of this old man is far above mine. According to the letterhead that Mr. Abin gave me, he is a saint-level reincarnation beyond the Transcendent Realm, and his strength should at least equal the Shattered Void of our plane!"

Zhu Yuyan said: "Actually, this person was actually sent by Abin to help us fight against those reincarnations, but he should not know about it."


The two were immediately pleasantly surprised.

"So what do we need to do?"


Zhu Yuyan said firmly: "Find out where the names of Black Death and AIDS came from. It seems that smallpox has existed since ancient times, but we have never heard of other diseases. Who came up with this name? Although there may be many The possibility of Kou Shuojin, but I think the greater possibility is that those who poisoned people confessed themselves, found out where they appeared, and then told me, I will find a way to lure this Mr. Gu there."

Speaking of this, she said to herself: "The other party's goal is the Temple of War, so I can't completely fool him, um... I still have to help him seriously, just add some other clues to some clues, and if he wants to come I don’t suspect that the information is false... After all, it’s just rumors, and there’s no way it can be true or false.”

Zhu Yuyan ordered: "Danmei, you immediately search all the ancient books of our Holy Sect, find out the information about the Temple of War, and then send it to that old Mr. Gu, don't neglect it, you understand?"


Danmei left in a hurry.

There was no explanation in Lin Bin's letter.

But the two had a tacit understanding for a long time, and Zhu Yuyan could naturally see that it was all nonsense behind Gu Yuan's friendship with Lin Bin.

She can use it with confidence and squeeze out the last bit of use value from him.

Ever since, soon.

A thick stack of old materials and ancient books has been placed in front of Gu Yuan.

Zhu Yuyan had a gentle and gentle face, and said softly: "Senior, here are all the materials you need, and they are all here. You can finalize all the places yourself, and the younger generation will send someone to check to see if there is anything unusual. , if there is something strange, senior, you can go there in person, and you will be able to save your time to the maximum."

"Thank you, Sovereign Zhu, for helping me a lot this time."

"This is what juniors should do."

Gu Yuan nodded in satisfaction, it seems that this Zhu Yuyan is really good at life.

If there is a chance in the future, I will really take good care of this Yingui sect...

It can be regarded as repaying her favor.

And at the same time.

in the real world.

The back mountain of Qianyun Mountain...Because it is a scenic spot, there are very few people here, and it almost completely maintains the lush state of its wilderness.

this day.

Three people went up the mountain from here.

Lin Bin, Wan Wan, and Shi Feixuan.

Hou Hou's injuries were serious, especially the wound on her leg, which made it difficult for her to move around. She was still in a wheelchair at first, but when there were no other people, there was no way around, so Lin Bin had to carry her on her back.

Their trip was naturally to send Shi Feixuan into the secret realm of the Tang Dynasty.

Today's Datang Secret Realm is in chaos.

Four apostles, two reincarnators, and a shit stirrer Gu Yuan.

Shi Feixuan's strength is not bad, but it is much inferior to today's Houhou. Entering that world rashly, it can be said that it is close to death.

But she insisted on going, and Lin Bin naturally respected her choice, otherwise she might not feel at ease for the rest of her life.

"The entrance is actually in the depths of the lake. I'm sorry, Senior Sister. Feixuan thought that Senior Sister would be honest with Brother Bin, and had already told Brother Bin about this place, so she blurted it out unintentionally, but she didn't want to... spoil Senior Sister's secret, and return it. I hope you will forgive me."

Hou Wan chuckled without laughing, and rarely said anything.

This woman has a lot of eyes, and she likes to pretend to be innocent...but this point is still to be praised when things happen.

She can't go, let this concubine Xuan go, from this point of view, she still owes her a favor.

At this time, Concubine Shixuan was carrying a blue backpack on her back, together with the Sekong sword, she was light and simple...

Lin Bin knew how poor this girl was, she didn't even have a storage belt.

It can be seen that she is not only poor in reality, but also poor as a reincarnation.

Unlike Houhou, the storage space is a rather high-grade bracelet, which also has a decorative function.

It can only be said that those who abide by the rules will never want to be rich for the rest of their lives...

And there is no doubt that Shi Feixuan is the most disciplined person, not one of them.

Shi Feixuan warned softly: "Brother Bin, during the time Feixuan is away, Senior Sister Wu will take care of you."

Lin Bin nodded and said, "Don't worry, with me here, I will make sure to feed her until she's fat."

Hou Hou refused to accept it and said, "How can you take care of others? You just serve tea, pour water, and help you go to the toilet... Wait... Is it not appropriate for him to take care of this? They can be called the ones in the plane walk." Friends help take care of others."

Shi Feixuan ignored Hou Hou's words.

She smiled gratefully at Lin Bin, and said, "Then Feixuan can rest assured, Feixuan is gone, and you take care too."

She turned her head to look into the depths of the lake, and plunged directly into the middle of the lake.


With the splash of water, her figure has disappeared.

"Still watching? She's already gone."

Hou Hou looked at Lin Bin staring at the ripples on the lake, and said angrily, "You forgot what you promised Shi Feixuan just now, you want to feed her to make her fat and fat, so hurry up, she wants to eat now, Can't wait."

Lin Bin supported Houhou, and said angrily: "Let's go, it's okay to eat if you want, but it must be beneficial. Don't forget what you promised me before. You can't go back to the Datang plane for the time being, so let's go back first." Skip it, complete the second task, and if I take care of you personally these few days, I don’t know if I can meet those plane walkers, forget it, let’s settle the matter of Hong Yun first.”

"Even if you still think about other people's safety."

Wan Wan rubbed upwards.

Complained: "People found out that you really treated him like a dog."

"Nonsense, slaves are more suitable."

"Ahhh, people are angry."

Wan Hou hugged Lin Bin's neck tightly, trying to strangle him to death...

Instead, the back of Lin Bin's head was completely plunged into tenderness.

Wan Wan noticed it, but didn't hide.

Even she herself didn't realize that Shi Feixuan's appearance gave her an inexplicable sense of crisis, and she always felt as if she had been surpassed.

The two of them went downhill slowly and noisy.

Waited for a while...

There are bubbles gushing out of the calm lake.

Concubine Shixuan slowly reappeared her head from the bottom of the water, her hair was drenched on her shoulders, and she was still a little short of breath because of holding her breath for a long time.

It seems that there is a little more beauty like a lotus in water.

Watching the figure of the two leaving.

A flash of guilt flashed in Shi Feixuan's eyes.

She carefully took out the mobile phone that Hou Wan gave her, and opened the two waterproof cases inside... She really cherishes such a beautiful mobile phone.

A number was dialed.

After a while, the call was connected.

She said softly, "Hey, it's me, Shi Feixuan."

"Well, Feixuan's world has been invaded by the apostles, and Feixuan is going to protect her relatives, but Feixuan doesn't know anything about the enemy's details, and if she enters rashly, I'm afraid she will lose her life in vain."

"Yes, Feixuan has the cheek to ask you about the details of the apostles. You must know about the specific methods of the apostles, right?"

Concubine Shixuan closed her eyes, a bit of struggle and hesitation appeared on her face, after a while, she opened her eyes, there was no more hesitation in her eyes.

Seriously said: "As a thank you, Feixuan is willing to join you!"

"No, there is no coercion. Feixuan originally wanted to join the team of one of Feixuan's friends. Although Feixuan is not qualified yet... But we two are very close friends. I thought he would make an exception for Feixuan. However, since Feixuan's strength is not good, why bother to embarrass her friends, it's better to join you, you are already kind to Feixuan, and Feixuan is willing to cooperate with you, and she doesn't feel wronged."

After a moment.

Shi Feixuan hung up the phone.

His face has turned pale...

She identified the direction, and ran towards the nearest town down the mountain without hesitation.

And this time.

Lin Bin has already sent Houhou to her residence, which was arranged for her by the planar walkers.

A hidden three-story bungalow.

Moreover, it is located in an extremely luxurious rich area, with excellent privacy protection and impeccable security. Although it is not as good as the place where Lin Bin lives, it is more secretive.

"Don't worry, you don't need to stay here for a long time. They can contact the people in their organization, and their companions will come to visit them. When the time comes, they will just let her stay with them."

Hou Hou sat back on the bed, looked up at her fair and tender face, and said with a smile: "But there is no need to worry, let's talk about it in two or three hours. How can such a long time be enough for us to come once?"

Lin Bin had already put down his phone.

Said: "Didn't I say that? I'm not going back today... Just now I have reported to my sister and said that we will practice together at a friend's house. She agreed, and we can double practice all night today."


"Do you think the task after the difficulty level will be so easy to clear?"

Lin Bin said: "The plane I experienced last time was a plane with a sharp increase in difficulty. If it weren't for good luck, let alone S-level, I might only be able to get a D or C and be the best."

"That is to say, can you pass the killing level with a sharply increased difficulty?"

Hou Hou frowned and said, "It always feels like you are talking to someone else in Versailles."

"Hurry up, wait for your injury to recover, we will enter the plane immediately!"

"So fast?"

"When your crisis is resolved this time, let's enter the Datang Secret Realm together to have a look. You must also be worried about the safety of your Master Zhu? If we follow the normal process, we will enter the Secret Realm by then, and I'm afraid we haven't finished our experience in the Great Tang Dynasty. Everything in the face is over, and if we go well, it’s fine, but if it doesn’t go well? At that time, you won’t even have a part to participate in, and I’m afraid you won’t have a place to cry.”

"That's right, come on, I'm ready."

Wan Wan straightened her slender waist and said, "Let's hurry up."


Lin Bin also took off his shoes, went to bed, sat opposite her, and held hands with her.

Then froze.

Looking at her intertwined fingers, she asked in surprise, "This... what kind of grip is it?"

Wan Wan blinked her eyes, and said with a haha ​​smile, "I'm sorry, I forgot that Shi Feixuan is no longer here, come on."

She hastily straightened her palms.

After a moment.

The unique energy circulated between the two of them, essence, true energy... was absorbed through Lin Bin's body, then divided, and part of it entered Houhou's body.

The two soon fell into a state of forgetting about things and me.

(End of this chapter)

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