when reincarnation invades

Chapter 159 Seeing the Parents

Chapter 159 Seeing the Parents

in the next few days.

The frequency of double cultivation between Lin Bin and Houhou has increased a lot.

But in the process of cultivation...

Lin Bin deliberately began to send some essence into Houhou's body.

Essence enters the body.

Ever since, Wan Hou suddenly discovered that the speed of her injury recovery was much faster than before.

The injury that didn't get much better after several days of care, unexpectedly recovered more than half of it in just three or four days.

She didn't think much about it...

Just attribute everything to the magic of Holy Relic.

Anyway, for a little demon girl who has been bathed in the slogan of Holy Gate Good, Holy Gate Wonderful, and Holy Gate Treasures since she was a child, in Houhou's mind, the holy relic is omnipotent.

What is it to recover from an injury?
It is estimated that even if it is broken, it can repair it for her.

ten days later.

After several double repairs.

Hou Hou's injury has recovered...

Lin Bin also discussed serious matters with her.

"Are you going to enter the secret realm now?"

Wan Hou swung her little arms and legs, humming in her tone, and said despondently, "I can't wait any longer. No matter what secret realm it is, I'm sure I can break through it."

During this period of time, except for going to the toilet and bathing, she spent most of the rest of the time in bed.

But correspondingly, although the hands and feet are a little weak due to not exercising for too long, the power in the body has improved a lot earlier than before.

According to her tone...

She now has the full confidence to teach her master Zhu a lesson.

Lin Bin thought to himself, you have to be frightened... Although you eat less than you, your master's appetite is much bigger than yours. If there is a real fight, I'm afraid you will still be hung up and whipped.

Of course, there is no need to say this.

Lin Bin said sternly: "Of course, hurry up and go back, the difficulty of the task will increase a lot if Hongyun is improved, but since Hongyun is a punishment, the reward will definitely not be much more, so we have two choices."

Hou Hou obediently sat cross-legged on the bed.

He raised his hand like a good student and asked, "Which two choices?"

"First, choose an ordinary extraordinary secret realm and enter it... the advantage is that we can find out some situations in the secret realm in advance, so as to deal with it through manifestation, so as not to be caught off guard... just like my double dragon phantom Sword, once it enters the dark world, it will be directly castrated by [-]%, and there will be no place to cry when the time comes."

Lin Bin said: "The downside is probably that these secret realms have been entered by many reincarnators, so it's not the first time. Others have accumulated so much experience in the secret realms, and it's impossible for the secret realms to remain unchanged. of."

After hearing the words, Wan Hou couldn't help but looked down curiously, and then realized that her thoughts were wrong. She giggled and asked curiously, "Isn't the first time important?"

"Of course, it's not the first time that means we can't enjoy the most original secret realm, which has already been messed up by countless people, and it's a mess... You know, there are actually traces in the secret realm, Take Datang as an example, the Yingui Sect and Cihang Jingzhai are against each other. Although the Jingnian Temple seems to stay out of the matter, it is guarded against the six ways of other demon sects... As long as we have the heart, these are actually points that can be used, but if If someone has entered..."

Wan Hou nodded and said, "I understand, what about the second choice?"

"The second option is to use my identity as a wasteland explorer to find a secret realm that I have never entered before."

Lin Bin said: "The advantage is probably the original ecology, health products, and we can enjoy the initial feedback... But the disadvantage is that we don't know the specific type of this secret realm, whether it is a science fiction type or a ghost type, whether it is a martial arts type or a power type. I don’t know, and even the difficulty may increase or decrease sharply, it’s hard to say, and this kind of primitive secret realm doesn’t exist all the time, so we need to touch it.”

Wan Wan asked, "Which one do you like?"

Lin Bin said without hesitation: "The second one."

"That is to say, you want the first time more than the rich experience?"

Wan Wan exclaimed angrily: "Is it an illusion? It feels like you don't mean to discuss with others at all, you just explain the stakes to them clearly, and then tell them your decision... The only thing they can do is to say YES or yes .”

Lin Bin said, "Because I have an ambition."

"What ambition?"

"Tang Tianhao."

Lin Bin said in a deep voice: "This guy is too annoying. It's not right for anyone to die these days. It's really pitiful for his son to die, but this is not the reason for his reckless revenge. But the Tang family, as a family of reincarnation, has very little foundation in reality. Deep, it is related to various units and agencies, and there are a large number of reincarnations in the reincarnation association. It is not difficult to kill him in the real world. The difficulty is that we cannot bear the counterattack after his death, but if we can He lured him into the secret realm... eh? Wow, why is your face so red?"

"No... nothing..."

Wan Hou, who was staring at Lin Bin obsessively, hurriedly lowered his head, stretched out his hands to cover his chest, and felt his little heart beating violently.

Her eyes were moist and full of excitement, but even she herself didn't understand where the excitement came from.


Why is my mood so bad?

It's so easy to be entered by someone and make a mess... Is it because the skill is improving too much and too fast?

She calmed down.

Looking up, although the look in Lin Bin's eyes returned to normal, there was still a bit of hope that she didn't even realize.

Asked softly: "You... Do you really want to make an enemy of a reincarnation family for...? They are very powerful."

"Since we have already shot us, do we have to wait until there are casualties before defending properly?"

Lin Binxin said that he assassinated Houhou first, and then asked Gu Yuan to delay me. Obviously, he was sure that the two of us were together, and now he is clearly taking the path of defeating each other.

After Houhou died, it was my turn.

How could I not understand the principle of dead lips and cold teeth?

But Hou Hou obviously had a wrong idea...

How did she know about Gu Yuan's existence?

At this time, Wan Hou recalled inexplicably whether Shi Feixuan's sentence was a verb or an adjective...

Immediately, his face turned red again inexplicably.

She said vaguely: "Then...they...all...listen to you... Anyway, they are barely considered members of your S.M team now, they can only be bullied by you, there is no other way ah."

"Okay, then I'll figure it out myself."

Seeing 婠婠 No comments.

Lin Bin nodded in satisfaction. Although this woman was as thoughtful as a briquette, she was very witty at the critical moment, knowing that he entered this secret realm only to save her.

If you really dare to have an opinion, fuck her ass.

In fact, this idea was inspired by Gu Yuan.

Normally, secret realms can only enter one wave of reincarnations. This is to prevent consecutive reincarnations from causing mission conflicts between the two parties, resulting in undue casualties.

But Gu Yuan's behavior told him that this is not an iron law.

At the very least, after those reincarnations entered the secret realm of the Tang Dynasty, Gu Yuan could still enter the secret realm through regular channels.

I don't know if it is a normal application, or the props used...

But no matter who it is, Gu Yuan can do it as a saint-level reincarnation person, but Tang Tianhao, the patriarch of the reincarnation family, may not be able to do it.

Especially now such a good opportunity.

As Hongyun improves, the difficulty of the task increases greatly, but as long as they don't enter at the same time, the tasks of the reincarnators who enter successively must be different. By then, Tang Tianhao will have the right time, place and people. Isn't it like playing to kill Houhou?
Unfortunately, he ignored Lin Bin's collection.

Lin Bin touched the swelling fire in his arms.

This expansion does not distinguish between friend and foe. If you play like this, it may be too exciting, and you may not be able to bear it.

Lin Bin said: "I have inquired clearly. The harm of Hong Yun is that the difficulty of the task has increased sharply, but the reward has not increased much. However, if the task fails, the deduction of reincarnation points will be much more than the normal deduction. , so I think Tang Tianhao is our priority to eradicate compared to Hong Yun, because even if the mission fails, I still have the certainty of saving our two lives."

He paused and said: "I haven't hidden my traces since Feixuan left. No matter how well you hide, but through me, I'm afraid Tang Tianhao has already noticed your traces, just because With me by my side, he is afraid of a thunderstorm and dare not act hastily, since both sides are afraid, simply put aside the forces behind him and fight with him in a fair manner."

Wan Wan was startled and said, "Is it so arrogant?"

Lin Bin smiled and said: "Of course, this is the smoothest situation. Whether he is willing to take the risk himself is still a matter of discussion. If he really enters, I am more inclined to kill him while completing the task." Tang Tianhao...but don't spend money recklessly during this period of time, get more money from your dog licking group, and exchange more reincarnation points, in case you don't have enough reincarnation points...then you will feel like crying without tears. "

"Oh, I understand."

If it was before, I would definitely complain about why you thought it was so beautiful?

But now her heart was slightly moved, and she obediently responded like a newly married daughter-in-law.

Lin Bin was very surprised, thinking that it must be that Wan Wan escaped wearing Shi Feixuan's human skin mask, right?
It's impossible for Houhou to be so obedient... She's as unruly as a little wild cat.

Just do it.

Lin Bin contacted Raymond immediately to ask if there was a new secret realm suitable for him to enter.

"Why, have you finally remembered your identity as a pioneer of the World Exploration Bureau?"

Raymond said with a bit of a mocking smile in his tone, "During this period of time, you haven't paid attention to the affairs of our World Administration, and you haven't even checked in. To be honest, you are really sorry for your A salary of 3 yuan."

"Lei Ju, you are so good at joking, I have always had World XX Bureau in my heart."

"Forget it, it's my fault too. I shouldn't have asked Xu Qian to test you in the first place, and let you learn her bad habits...it's hard to even change it now."

Raymond said: "Seven days later there will be a new secret realm. We are trying our best to detect the intensity of energy fluctuations in it during this period. We speculate that its strength should be between extraordinary and killing~killing. [-]% of the possibility of extraordinary secret realm, [-]% The possibility of killing...so I have been hesitating whether to let Lei Jun in, in case it is killing-level, he can't play well in it, if you are interested, I will organize the two of you to form a team..."

"Wait, wait, Lei Ju, don't let Brother Lei come in this time."

Lin Bin said: "This time I plan to bring a female reincarnator into this secret realm...to help her wash away her redness."

Lei Meng's voice was somewhat puzzled, and he asked, "Wash Hongyun?"

"Can't you?"

"It's not impossible. Generally speaking, no reincarnation person is willing to go to a new secret realm, especially a new secret realm with unknown difficulty... and wash the red cloud, Abin, are you a little bit of a loser? If you really want to wash the red If it is Yun, it would be more appropriate to find a secret realm where you know the root and the bottom, right?"

"Because I have other plans, Lei Ju, please spread this news and let the whole World Bureau know."

Lei Meng immediately heard the string song and knew the elegance, frowned and said: "You want to..."

Lin Bin sighed: "I have to pay back for Gu Yuan's matter. In the real world, how can you be as happy as in the secret realm?"

"If that's the case, I can make arrangements for it... For example, let the staff be negligent and give others a chance to take advantage of it."

"Trouble with Thunder Bureau."

"It's good for you to ensure your own safety, but since you plan to do this, I think you have full confidence."

Raymond sighed, but didn't think much about it.

He didn't check specifically, so naturally he didn't know about the existence of Houhou.

What's more, they don't know that there is an entire plane behind Wanwan.

Lin Bin's bet was that the reason why Houhou escaped from the previous attack was that Shi Feixuan's rescue was second, mainly because the other party still wanted to live.

It can make Tang Tianhao temporarily let go of his hatred of killing his son.

His emphasis on this new plane is definitely far beyond imagination.

If you can get a secret realm, you can create a reincarnation family, if you get another one...

But this gamble also has a great possibility of failure.

Because after he failed to capture Houhou, he began to cooperate with the apostles to destroy that world.

Can it be categorized as destroy if you can't get it?
What if you can get it?
Lin Bin could only pray that his affection for his son was deep enough, so he chased him with the intention of avenging his son himself.

But even if Tang Tianhao doesn't come.

He must also send his own capable generals to go, it is impossible to do nothing...

At that time, it wouldn't be a bad thing to kill those subordinates and cut off his arm.

After hanging up the phone with Lei Meng, Lin Bin turned his head to look at Houhou, and said, "We will enter the next secret realm in seven days... Remember to stay by my side during this period, don't leave me, you know? ?”

Hou Hou nodded lightly and said, "Well, I won't leave you."

"Then pack your bags."

"where to?"

"go home with me!"

"Ah? This... Are you going to meet your parents now?"

Wan Wan became inexplicably flustered.

Lin Bin was speechless: "What are you thinking about? I have a lot of spare rooms in my house. You can temporarily stay in my house for seven days. During this time, I need to make some extra preparations."

(End of this chapter)

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