when reincarnation invades

Chapter 160 Final Preparations

Chapter 160 Final Preparations
For the first time in my life.

For the first time, the fearless Houhou felt timid.

Met your parents so soon?
its not right……

Obviously this guy is just a licking dog that I want to conquer.

Is there any challenge for the kind of stupid dog-licking dog who can be fascinated by just a smile or a sweet word?
In Wan Hou's view, Lin Bin alone is more important than her dog-licking army combined...

Although those licking dogs can always make her use the best cosmetics, the latest mobile phones, and make her a VIP customer on Xianyu.

In comparison, it is more interesting to conquer this kind of man who she dismisses and even has a little prejudice against her.

Although I told myself so desperately in my heart, when I really saw the big sister sitting in the wheelchair with a calm and friendly smile on her face.

Wan Wan still couldn't help but feel her legs go soft, and even her smile felt a little stiff...

Obviously wanting to smile more prettily, but why does it feel like the corners of the mouth won't pull?

Lin Bin said: "Sister, this is my temporary teammate. In a few days, we will enter a secret realm to practice together. For some reason, she may have to stay at our house for a few days. It can be regarded as cultivating a tacit understanding."

"Well, I see, I'm going to tidy up the guest room right now."

Although Lin Xue said to clean up the guest room, she didn't mean to move at all. She just looked at Lin Bin with a smile in her eyes and asked with a smile: "Or don't clean up at all, the two of you live in the same room Is it better?"

"No, no, sister Lin Xue, you have misunderstood. We are not in that kind of relationship... No, no, I... No, I'm not that kind of casual girl."

Wan Wan felt inexplicably guilty.

It seemed that he was afraid of being misunderstood by Lin Xue.

"Don't worry, I didn't think much about it... I often smell your perfume in Abin's car."

Lin Xue said with a friendly smile: "Ah Bin is getting older too, and because of me, he didn't have time to fall in love early... Now it's much later than normal boys, don't worry, I'm just a sister, It's not a vicious mother-in-law, so don't be too afraid of me."

And in the kitchen.

The landlady Tang Yuefu came out wearing an apron.

She smiled and said: "It's already here, Miss Lin, don't move around if your legs are inconvenient. I'll just help this Miss Wanhou clean up the guest room later."

"No need, I'll do it myself."

Wan Wan quickly got into the guest room.

Lin Bin gave Tang Yuefu a deep look, and said, "Please, Mrs. Tang, come to accompany my sister again."

"This is what I should do. Ms. Lin's homework tutoring is very good. Wanrong's grades have improved by more than 100 points. She asks for very little money. I feel embarrassed. It just so happens that the child goes to school and boarding, and I have nothing to do. , come to talk to Miss Lin as a repayment."

"Yeah, I'm quite busy here. Although life is much better now than before, I don't have more time to spend with her. Thanks to you."

After learning of Tang Yuefu's identity, Lin Bin once had an in-depth chat with Tang Yuefu.

With Lei Meng's endorsement, he does not reject the closeness between the landlady's wife and Lin Xue...

It would be better to say that there is such a retired reincarnation by Lin Xue's side, whether it is to accompany her to relieve boredom or from the perspective of safety, it is a beneficial and harmless thing.

Being able to retire for so many years without revealing her identity means that she actually has no grievances or enemies.

This is a good thing.

That day, the four of them sat down and had a meal together.

After the landlady finished cleaning the pot, she bid farewell and left.

And Lin Xue pulled Houhou and chatted, of course the main thing was to talk about her background...

Family members, education, and previous living environment, etc...

Hu Hou Lian Huo Meng.

Although the answer was flawless, there was already a slight dampness on the back.

In the end, it was Lin Bin who saw Lin Xue smiling with great relief after learning that Houhou had no father or mother, as if he was happy for his younger brother and didn't have to worry about conflicts with his mother-in-law, bride price and house...

Finally couldn't help but said bluntly: "Sister, it's not early yet, you should go to bed early, I want to go back to the room with Wanwan to prepare some things..."

Lin Xue was surprised and said, "Is it so early? I want to chat with Miss Wanhou for a while longer."

"It's cultivation... It's a very serious practice for reincarnation... There is no distinction between sooner and later."

Wan Wan explained in a low voice.

"Okay, you don't have to be too polite, Miss Wanwan. When you come here in the future, it will be like returning to your own home."

Lin Xue touched Houhou's hand.

He turned around and steered the wheelchair back to his room.

Only then did Hou Hou heave a sigh of relief until Lin Xue's door closed.

She exclaimed in a low voice: "It's a strange feeling. Miss Lin Xue's attitude is so good. Why does she always feel so stressed and completely suppressed... It's great that she is not a reincarnation. If she is really As a reincarnation, I feel that I will be completely crushed to death by her."

Lin Bin shook his head and said, "It's because you have too much drama in your heart, let's go and practice."

"I'm warning you that you can be a little more presumptuous in other places, but it's better not to be so ambiguous when speaking in front of Miss Lin Xue. If she misunderstood, what should I do against him?"

Wan Wan was still persistently warning Lin Bin.

"Yes, yes, you don't want to practice anymore?"

"Want to~~~"

Wan Wan laughed, and came here even at the risk of seeing her parents, isn't it just for the convenience of double cultivation?
The sacrifice is worth it.

And at the same time.

Hengyang City.

Tang family.

Tang Tianhao looked extremely serious, as if he was thinking about something important.

Just as Lin Bin expected...

He couldn't find Houhou's whereabouts, but he could lock Lin Bin dead.

Through Abin, it is not difficult to find Houhou's hiding place.

It's just that Lin Bin gets along with her day and night, so he still has some scruples on his side...

After all, this is the real world. No matter how powerful the reincarnated people are, they are not so strong that they are above the law.

Although the Tang family is a reincarnation family, it does not mean that there are no enemies and enemies. Once they go too far, they will inevitably be caught.

Especially with Lei Meng standing behind Abin, Lei Meng is nothing to be afraid of, but behind him...

It's not worth provoking such a powerful enemy.

But now, according to reliable sources.

This Lin Bin actually wants to enter a brand new secret realm experience with the one named Houhou, to wash away the redness on her body.

So, the two are going to form a team?
And what they are facing will be an unprecedentedly difficult secret space?

if it is like this……

He murmured: "This is really a good opportunity."

"Patriarch, can't we take this risk?"

Tang Renjie advised respectfully: "We have already reached a cooperation with the apostles, and the destruction of the Great Tang world is not far away. For us, the importance of this passage to the secret realm of the Great Tang is naturally far less than before. , isn't it worth taking the risk for this?"

"Yeah, we have already cooperated with the apostles, but how could they easily hand over S-level items to us?"

Tang Tianhao sneered and said: "We have paid so much, if we only get one A-level item in the end, and let the apostles take the biggest one, I will not be reconciled."

"Patriarch, don't worry, I have arranged for the thirteen elite reincarnators of the Tang family to wait for these apostles to come out and attack them immediately. They have just ended a world, and they must be injured and exhausted. By then we will have a lot of trouble." Chance to get back that S-rank item.”

"No, the success rate is too low."

"Patriarch, you can trust the strength of our family."

Tang Tianhao shook his head and said: "I believe in the strength of our family, but I am very worried. The apostles must have something to rely on when they dared to enter that secret realm when they knew that we were going to reverse in the end. That's why I said... The chances are too low."

"What... what..."

"Tang Renjie, do you really think I'm a fool?"

Tang Tianhao turned his head to look at Tang Renjie, with a sneer on his face, and said, "Three years ago, you went to the secret realm of B-123 to practice, but you came back twelve days late. At that time, we even thought you were dead. , can you answer me, how did you escape alive?"

Tang Renjie: "..."

"And after a year, that B-123 secret place disappeared."

Tang Tianhao sighed: "You have been careful enough, and it took you a year to do it... But if I were you, I would be more careful, because this kind of secret that will kill people if it is revealed, no matter what You can’t be too cautious.”

Tang Renjie's face changed drastically, he turned around without hesitation and rushed to the window, planning to jump out of the window and escape.

But the next moment...

But next to my ear, I heard Tang Tianhao's loud words.

"Tang Renjie!"

He had already jumped onto the window, and when he heard this voice, Tang Renjie looked back at Tang Tianhao inexplicably.

Then, facing a mirror.


The last thing I saw was Tang Tianhao rushing over like lightning.

The next moment, he was already entangled by countless green plants and sprayed with blood, but none of it leaked out. Instead, he was all sucked by the blue plants.

Tang Renjie slowly shrank until he was sucked into a mummified corpse.

Only then did Tang Tianhao retract the entwined tendrils and restore them to his own arms.

He sneered and said, "Do you really think I don't know your details? I don't think I'm very smart, but how can I be deceived by you if I can take the position of the head of the Tang family? If it wasn't for using you to give those apostles Wrong information, how can I tolerate you so far?"

He lightly rang the bell on the table.

Soon, two capable generals came in.

Without making a sound, he tidied up Tang Renjie's body.

Tang Tianhao said: "Tang Mu, Tang Feng...you are the two best extraordinary reincarnators of the younger generation of our Tang family. Go prepare and enter a secret realm with me in a few days."

Tang Feng, who was packing up the corpse, looked indifferent, and nodded upon hearing this.

But Tang Mu's eyes lit up, he laughed happily and said: "Patriarch, you have finally discovered my strengths hahaha, don't worry, don't worry, with me here, this secret realm will definitely be fine."

"Well, deal with Tang Renjie well, and warn all the Tang family... The family should stick together, and that's what happens if the arms are turned outward."


Tang Feng held the corpse in one hand, and Tang Mu, who still wanted to show off, turned and walked out in the other.

Wait until only Tang Tianhao is left in the house.

Tang Tianhao murmured: "I'm afraid the apostles will think that I am waiting to ambush them outside the secret realm, but if I can get the whereabouts of the passage from that houhou in advance, and then ambush and attack inside, I will Strength, facing the four reincarnated people at the peak of the Transcendent Realm, they are still quite sure of winning!"

"And that Abin."

A little fear appeared in Tang Tianhao's eyes.

In his opinion, the current Abin is nothing to fear.

But Lin Bin's growth rate is really too fast, especially now that there is a conflict between the two of them. Although he is not sure whether he knows about it, but in this case, let him continue to grow, once it reaches the point where it can threaten the Tang family , I am afraid that some of the previous unhappiness will arouse his hostility.

Wanting to kill Houhou is because he wants to get more benefits.

But if he wanted to kill Lin Bin, he wanted to protect the future of the Tang family.

In contrast, the latter is more important.

And whether it's the former or the latter...

"You can't stretch your hands and feet in the real world, but if you are in a secret realm, especially with the strength of the two of them, there is a high probability of entering the secret realm of the Transcendent Realm. The secret realm of the Transcendent Realm can be seen in the eyes of a saint-level reincarnation like me. Come on, isn't that easy? Especially the other party's task is as difficult as heaven, as long as I don't enter in the same batch as them, then in comparison, my task is actually very simple, and the situation of the two of them is much more difficult than mine .”

Tang Tianhao thought about it carefully, but found that no matter how he looked at it, the risk was worth taking.

It's just to see whether he will take the risk himself or send his capable subordinates...

"After all, it involves S-level props, so it's more appropriate for me to go there myself."

Tang Tianhao thought hard for a long time, and finally made up his mind.

a few days later.

Tang Tianhao began to search for information about the experience of the two of them, especially some props that could target the two of them.

Planning for a rainy day is king.

As for Lin Bin...

Apart from An Ran's practice, she also started to make some preparations in advance.

The bait has been laid, no matter whether the enemy bites the hook or not, he has to attack the secret realm normally.

By the way, it's always good to do some preparation in advance...

For example, check out the Tang family's information, and then carry out some targeted exchanges. From this point of view, the two would like to go together, but one has a heart, and the other thinks it does.

The exchange is not difficult for Lin Bin.

He already has a lot of B-level feats, and it's normal to change one or two props for self-defense...

After all, although props are not as powerful as exercises and weapons, they are superior in their magical effects. If they are used properly, they may have unexpected effects.

that's it……

Everything is ready.

This morning.

Lin Bin slowly put away the relics of the evil emperor, which had less than [-]% of his real essence left.

Ask: "How does it feel?"

Hou Hou's smooth face was full of joy, and he said seriously: "No. 18 Heavenly Demon Dafa, the breakthrough is just around the corner."

"There is no time for you to break through, we are about to enter the secret realm."

Lin Bin stood up, with excitement in his eyes.

Ordinary secret realms really can't make him feel this kind of challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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