when reincarnation invades

Chapter 161 Mission Critical Strike

Chapter 161 Mission Critical Strike
The new secret realm is not too far from Baishui City...

It is in a wild mountain area more than 100 kilometers away.

But this time Lin Bin is no longer a rookie, so naturally he doesn't have the treatment he needed from his seniors to open up wasteland before.

First, Lin Xue was arranged, and by the way, the landlady was asked to take care of her.

Lin Bin drove directly to the destination with Houhou.

more than an hour later.

The two have arrived at their destination.

"Hello, Mr. Abin, we meet again."

The staff responsible for receiving and maintaining this secret place this time is an acquaintance.

Because of the unique name, Lin Bin still had a deep impression on her.

Bu cool.

It's just that I don't know if it's an illusion, Lin Bin always felt that when she faced him, she seemed a little more cautious in her speech?

Even in awe?
The Samsara Association is divided into two major components: reincarnators and logistics. In fact, logistics and reincarnation are in an equal relationship. One is responsible for entering the secret realm to practice, and the other is responsible for coordinating the border between the secret realm and the real world, and preparing for the reincarnation. A stable rear.

The status of the two sides is equal.

As a result, the attitude of the other party...

After the other party respectfully expressed that they still need to wait for a few minutes, they rushed to prepare with a palette expression of three parts timid, three parts reverent and four parts impatient.

Looking at her timid back, Wan Hou exclaimed, "I never thought you would have such a great reputation, brother Bin. Those who know know that she fears you, but those who don't know think that you killed her immediate boss."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Lin Bin muttered, and took Houhou to rest first.

After waiting for a few minutes.

Bu Shuang eagerly trotted over and told Lin Bin that the secret realm was ready to enter.

And along the way...

She even reported information about this secret place like a dog's leg.

"Mr. Abin, this secret realm began to appear half a month ago, and its stabilization speed is very fast. Normally speaking, it takes three months for a normal secret realm to undergo spatial fluctuations and gradually stabilize. About a month, and this secret realm, about five times faster, the specific reason is still unknown."

Bu Shuang said: "The energy fluctuations in this secret realm are between the extraordinary and killing~killing levels. According to our current inference, there is about [-]% of the possibility of being a transcendent secret realm, and it belongs to the more difficult transcendent level secret realm... ..."

Lin Bin knew this a long time ago, so he didn't say anything.

But Hou Hou asked curiously, "What about the other [-]%?"

"Kill~kill level."

Bu Shuang said: "At that time, you don't need to think about the mission, Miss Yaonv, but how to ensure your own life."

Hou Hou heard this and said in shock: "So this is why the reincarnated people are not willing to join that game in that world? The uncertainty is too great."

Lin Bin said: "But I also said that this kind of secret realm is clean. I like clean secret realms. Let's go. Don't procrastinate when you're here."

As he said that, he walked towards the gloomy secret realm crack in front of him.

Looking at his back, Wan Hou muttered, "Even the secret realm has to be clean, don't you have a mental cleanliness?"

Although she knew it was dangerous, she still followed behind him obediently.

I saw the figures of the two disappear into the secret realm.

Bu Shuang breathed a sigh of relief...

The pressure is too great.

Naturally, she also heard Houhou's joke. In fact, she really wanted to greet him at that time... "You are so right, my immediate boss was really killed by him."

As the latent personnel arranged by Wang Ling, no one understands how powerful her master is better than Bu Shuang.

But now, the other party has become a stepping stone for this Abin.

Others don't know, but as the espionage personnel who personally sent information to Wang Ling, Lei Meng and others' behavior of taking credit for protecting Abin can't hide it from her.

Therefore, for A Bin, Bu Shuang was half in awe and half grateful.

She was a hidden person directly arranged by Wang Ling, and now that Wang Ling is dead, she is safe.

A person at the level of the logistics team leader of the reincarnation space has a good salary. In order to better hide herself, she even married and had children... She has already achieved financial freedom.

Just because of that secret, she can only be used by others.

But now Wang Ling is dead.

From this point of view, Bu Shuang was actually somewhat grateful to Lin Bin.

Especially after the close communication with him, she actually paid attention to Lin Bin's language and demeanor the whole time, and found that his expression was as usual...

She suddenly understood that he didn't know, and she was stable.

"Next, just wait for Mr. Abin and the others to come out."

Bu Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, this time his heart was really refreshed, especially when he thought of his son who was in kindergarten, a somewhat gratified smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

It's a shame that the smile hasn't fully bloomed yet...

Behind him, there was a sudden bang.

"Tang Renjie, where are you fleeing to?"

The sound was extremely fast, and it was still a hundred meters away when it first sounded, but when the last word fell, it was already close at hand.

Bu Shuang turned around, but only felt a black shadow pass her, rushing directly towards the crack in the secret realm!

People came very fast.

"Quickly open the protective barrier!"

Bu Shuang yelled...

The protective barrier that had already been buried deep in the ground suddenly opened.


Half of that figure's body had been cut off, but the remaining half of his body rushed into the secret realm without any hesitation.

"Oh... not good..."

Tang Tianhao rushed over with a look of annoyance, and when he saw that Tang Renjie had disappeared, he immediately stamped his feet in anger and regret.

And as he stood still.

The barrier protecting the entrance to the secret passage has been completely opened.

Even though the support staff had no combat power, they were all shrunk inside the barrier at this time, and what they were holding in their hands was a Gauss weapon that could be fired through the barrier and had a range of more than 2000 meters.

It is protected by a barrier and has a range of 2000 meters, which is enough to cause damage to most reincarnations.

This is also the reason why these logistics personnel can protect the secret passage.

However, Tang Tianhao didn't react to these people's precautions. Instead, he looked at the half body that gradually turned into blue vegetation, and said angrily: "I still let him escape into the secret realm. Wasn't this place empty before? How could there be a sudden In a secret realm? If I had known earlier, I would have been trying my best to cause casualties in the downtown area, so I would have stopped him."

In one sentence, it explained why they chased here.

He also explained why with his strength, the opponent escaped here.

Bu Shuang frowned, but he could still see that the person who came was a saint-level reincarnation.

She asked, "Are you..."

"I'm Tang Tianhao, the current head of the Tang family."

Tang Tianhao took out his reincarnation watch, asked Bu Shuang to look at his identity certificate, and said, "I'm here to hunt down a traitor from the Tang family, and this traitor even shot at a comrade who is also a reincarnation person. I ran away as soon as I found out. Yes, I chased him all the way, I originally thought to wait until I got out of the downtown area to kill him to prevent accidental injury, but I didn't expect that there would be a new secret realm here, alas... It's really not as good as God's plan!"

He asked: "Is this a brand new secret realm? Miss Administrator, I would like to apply to enter this secret realm and arrest this traitor...to prevent him from taking root in this secret realm. What kind of bad influence did the reincarnation who entered this secret realm experience?"

Bu Shuang was taken aback when he heard this, wondering: "But there have been reincarnated people entering it to experience it just now. In theory, unless there are special circumstances, two groups of reincarnated people are not allowed to enter the same secret realm."

"But now it's a special situation."

Tang Tianhao said in a deep voice: "Tang Renjie is extremely powerful, and he is only a short distance away from the saint-level reincarnation. I think the fluctuations in this secret realm are at most extraordinary... With his strength, he will definitely cause fatal damage to the reincarnation inside. .”

"I may need to submit an application to the above."

"You can apply to Vice President Sun Zheng, saying that Tang Tianhao wants to enter this secret realm and strangle the rebels of the Tang family, and I can guarantee that I will only kill the rebels, and I will return immediately after killing the rebels, and I will never give those reincarnation Those who cause trouble and distress!"


Bu Shuang immediately took out his phone.

After a while, she put down her phone and said, "Patriarch Tang, there are some things that I need to inform you in advance. The difficulty of this secret realm has not yet been determined. It is very likely that it is an extraordinary secret realm. There may be risks, you'd better be mentally prepared, and you must sign an agreement, and you will never cause trouble to the orthodox reincarnators who enter this secret realm."

"I see."

Tang Tianhao had already arranged everything, so he was naturally not surprised by this reaction.

"Then Mr. Tang, you can enter this secret realm now."

After all, it is not an iron law. Under special circumstances, two batches of reincarnation can be allowed to enter at the same time...

Tang Tianhao's calculations were extremely loud. Anyway, Tang Renjie was dead. When he came out, he directly brought out his mummified corpse. It could be regarded as having all the evidence. No one can say that he entered the secret realm because of Do things.

As for Lin Bin and Hou Wan and the others.

The dead can't speak...

He insisted that he had never seen these two people. The secret realm is so big, who can check it out?

"Don't worry, after we kill the rebel, we will return immediately, so as not to have any impact on this world, nor will it interfere with the experience of the reincarnated people who entered before."

Tang Tianhao turned his head and said, "Tang Mu, Tang Feng, let's go and enter this secret realm!"

"It's x2."

The two responded in unison, and the three of them walked towards the depths of the secret realm together.

This time, he dispatched in person, and brought along two of the best young reincarnated members of the Tang family's younger generation. One of them was full of enthusiasm and energy, and the other was calm and thoughtful. They were the talents he left behind to pave the way for his son.

Now, too, is the time to use it.

"Is this a secret realm that no one has ever entered?"

As soon as they entered, the three of them felt the tight compression around them, squirming around and around, as if they wanted to squeeze the three of them out.

Tang Mu exclaimed: "It's still so tight after being entered by someone just now."

The three of them walked forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Tang Tianhao was still instructing: "Remember, the enemy's mission will definitely be much more difficult than ours...so we have to complete the mission as soon as possible, and then take advantage of Abin and that woman to prepare for our mission." When you are in a state of desperation, you can take a backstab from their back and strive for a one-hit kill, or you can find a way to provoke his enemy and let him die under the endless siege of these natives. The specific situation we need Play by ear, you two don't act rashly, you know?"

Tang Mu and Tang Feng both nodded at the same time: "Yes."

"The exit is here, let's go out."

In front.

Bright sun rays are visible.

The three rushed out.

In an instant, a fresh air rushed over.

The three of them were already in an extremely dense and lush primeval jungle, with gurgling water in the distance, elk walking leisurely, lush green grass, and hares shuttled among them.

What a beautiful place.

"It's a good world. It's a good place for the two of them to bury their bones."

Tang Tianhao sneered.

Said: "Let's go, let's find out our mission as soon as possible... Remember, this time we must complete the mission as quickly as possible, and then we can concentrate on dealing with them."

The voice fell.

The reincarnation watches on the three people's wrists displayed a prompt at the same time, mixed with the system's prompt sound.

[Mission Objective: Kill the five elders of the Yin Yang family! 】

[Task reward: 2000 reincarnation points, C-level meritorious service x 1! 】

[Failure penalty: 2000 reincarnation points. 】

[Task time limit: four months! 】

【warn!warn!Because someone in this secret territory used the expansion fire, this secret mission will be expanded! 】

[Mission Objective: Destroy the Yin Yang Family! 】

[Task reward: 6000 reincarnation points, C-level meritorious service x 3! 】

[Failure penalty: 6000 reincarnation points, C-level meritorious service x 1! 】

[Task time limit: four months! 】

Tang Tianhao: "........."

"What... what does this mean?"

Tang Tianhao stared at the reincarnation watch on his wrist in shock, with a shocked expression on his face.

Surprised: "What is the expansion of fire? How can the task be changed? And the C-level merit has changed from one to three. Does this mean that the difficulty of the task has increased significantly?"

"The Yinyang family? From the name, it must be Dong Ying's power?"

Tang Mu murmured: "It would be great if it was true. I heard that the forces on Dongying's side like to brag about themselves. There are two or three people who dare to call themselves schools. In fact, their strength is very high."

"The problem is we don't use Expanded Tinder!"

Tang Tianhao said angrily: "Oops, I've been tricked... Could it be that A Bin has been plotting for a long time?"

And at the same time.

Another busy street.

Compared with the roughness of the Tang Dynasty, the folk customs of the people are also much more sturdy.

At this time, Lin Bin and Hou Hou were standing on the side of the street.

Wan Wan blinked curiously, looking at the reminder on the reincarnation watch.

[Mission Objective: Destroy the Snare]

[Task reward: 2000 reincarnation points, C-level meritorious service x 1! 】

[Failure penalty: 6000 reincarnation points, C-level meritorious service x 1! 】

[Task time limit: four months]

【warn!warn!Because someone in this secret territory used the expansion fire, this secret mission will be expanded! 】

[It was detected that the reincarnation team S team already has Hongyun, the task difficulty has been raised to the upper limit, and cannot be increased again, and the expansion fire will cover Hongyun. 】

[Mission Objective: Destroy the Snare]

[Task reward: 6000 reincarnation points, C-level meritorious service x 3! 】

[Failure penalty: 6000 reincarnation points, C-level meritorious service x 1! 】

[Task time limit: four months]

Wan Wan looked at Lin Bin in surprise, and exclaimed, "You actually hit the reward directly?!"

(End of this chapter)

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