when reincarnation invades

Chapter 163 You don't mind people paddling, do you?

Chapter 163 You don't mind people paddling, do you?
In less than a day.

Investigate intelligence, find out the target, buy murder to kill.

Even if Wan Wan is a novice reincarnation with only one reincarnation, he knows that this is too fast.

"It's done."

Huo Hou said with pain: "Two lives, one hundred gold... This guy still lied that he was just two rookies who were proficient in martial arts, otherwise the price would increase ten times. This damn net must be very powerful. Brother Bin, you are going to be stronger than you imagined, but for their ability to greedy and suck money, it doesn't make sense if they are not strong."

She was embarrassed to ask Lin Bin for credit.

No way, it only took Lin Bin 10 to [-] minutes to detect a large amount of information that might take several days for the entire Yingui faction to investigate clearly.

She bought a murderer here, but it took almost half a day.

no way……

With no way or clue, being able to find the contact person of the net within a day is really a remarkable thing.

Unfortunately, the most fearful thing is comparison.

"Well... why don't we rest here tonight."

Hou Hou looked at Lin Bin a little embarrassed, as if he felt guilty that he had delayed for such a long time.

"Yes, if you hide in the room and don't come out, you won't be able to meet Tang Tianhao and the others."

Lin Bin couldn't stop smiling, he naturally didn't mean to explain.

In fact, take advantage of this time of day.

While Hou Hou was busy outside, Lin Bin was not idle, but checked the current time slot.

In ancient society, the spread of information was not too wide or too fast.

But some great news can still be heard...

For example, the fall of the rebel leader Mohist.

At that time, the army was mobilized, and the momentum was extremely loud. In addition, when the Qin Dynasty had just established itself, it was the time when it was oppressing the world with harsh punishments. It was not merciless to treat the Qin people, and the destruction of the rebel leader was just a way to promote his prestige. Great opportunity.

Therefore, the Qin people are even taking the initiative to publicize this matter, even in this almost unknown border town, they can know about it.

So it's easy to guess when the plot will progress.

After the collapse of the Mohist family, the remnants of the Mohist family fled to Sanghai, and then dispersed...

However, Lin Bin still couldn't deduce the specific progress of the plot, although it was a brand-new secret realm with no one to interfere, but because it lacked too many key factors.

But such a few clues were enough for him.

He has no interest in the protagonists of the original plot, neither wants to communicate with them, nor does he want to have any fetters with them...

When the plot becomes a reality, everyone is a living person, and no one is more noble than the other. The so-called law of immortality of the protagonist also loses its effect.

Therefore, it doesn't matter to Lin Bin where the plot goes.

The important thing is...

The snare masters come without a trace and go without a trace, just as Hou Wan said, after all, they are a group of killers, hiding very deeply...

But Lin Bin knew where a sky-level killer was hiding.

Farmer, Tian Yan!

Inheriting her mother's skill of startling salamander, she holds one of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue.

I don't know if she has won the position of Farmer Xia Kui in this period of time, if she gets it, it will be troublesome.

After all, being one of the sky-level killers must also be one of Lin Bin's goals.

And relying on only two people to deal with Luo Wang is really too reluctant. Even if the protagonist army faces Luo Wang, they will basically fall into the disadvantage all the way. The strength of Luo Wang lies in its bottomless background.

But in fact, he is not the only one who is hostile to the net.

An enemy's enemy is a friend. If you want to achieve full success in a short period of time, you must gather all the forces around you.

While pondering freely in my heart...

Lin Bin frowned suddenly.

Raising his hand, he already held a huge revolver in his palm.

Azure Rose fired.

A bullet directly blasted through the old tile roof, and accompanied by a muffled grunt, a figure directly smashed through the roof and fell down.

It was a man with a black scarf covering his face and a strong figure.

Holding a crossbow arrow in his hand...

It's a pity that his movements were not as fast as Lin Binlai's. At this moment, his eyes were wide open, and there was a deep sense of disbelief in his eyes.

There was also a muffled hum from the next room, but it was obviously much lighter and more relaxed, far less rough and direct than the blue rose.

After a while, Hou Hou knocked on the door with joy and came in.

He smiled and said: "The killer in Luowang is quite fat. I just killed that killer, and then I found a full ten taels of gold from him. Come and find someone to search your side, maybe I can turn back at that time." A handful of wool."

As he said that, he actually ran in to search.

It can only be said that since she came to the real world, she has seen the importance of money...

Although it is not possible to become unscrupulous for money, but I spent 100 taels of gold in one breath before, and now I have to make up for it no matter what.

Sure enough, hardware was found here again.

By the way, a tattoo of a spider was found on the killer's shoulder...

Hou Hou looked at Lin Bin with admiration in his eyes.

Lin Bin said: "Go back and rest, and be careful later, the killers here are just fish-level killers, I'm afraid they are at most ghost-level... When the time comes, the level will be higher, we can try to keep alive, from them Torture some information on him."


Wan Wan took the money and happily went to bed.

She didn't seem to care about the existence of the blush, but after all, it involved her own life and death, so how could she be completely at peace with it?

It's just that facing her old enemy Shi Feixuan, she would rather die than be subdued. The future master of her holy sect can be soft all over her body, but her mouth must be hard.

In the dead of night, there was somewhat inexplicable worry, worrying that his life would not be over by now.

But now...

She was relieved.

Lin Bin's performance in the secret realm made her feel as if she had a backer, and she could even sleep comfortably.

And that night.

at this time……

Tang Tianhao's trio have gone through a day of travelling, but they are still on their way to find people.


the next day.

The two woke up early and had a simple but original breakfast.

I bought two horses at the tooth shop with the money from the assassin last night, and then I set off.

"where are we going?"


Hou Hou, who got a perfect score in the history class, asked in amazement, "The East County where the First Emperor died?"

Lin Bin glanced at her, but did not answer the question.

The fact that Houhou, who came from the fictional plane, was exceptionally true to history, made him feel extremely torn.

He explained: "In this era, there is no such thing as righteousness and evil. There are only hundreds of schools of thought. Each of the hundreds of schools of thought has extremely strong strength, and the biggest goal of the net is probably to destroy From this point of view, all the schools of thought can be regarded as our helpers, and according to the reliable information I found, there is a Tianzi killer lurking in the farmhouse in Luowang, planning to take over the farmhouse. The position of hero."

"A hundred schools of thought? Does it include Confucianism?"

Wan Hou's focus was clearly skewed, and she asked curiously, "Confucianism is also very powerful?"

Lin Bin nodded and said, "It's very powerful. Its current leader, Fu Nian, holds the Tai'an Divine Sword. Not to mention being invincible all over the world, there are not three people in this world who can beat him steadily."

Hou Hou snorted immediately, and said contemptuously: "People think their fighting style is the same as what they see in novels, with Tianxian in their mouths, and a noble and righteous energy in their bodies? One word is followed by all laws... It’s a waste of their talents if they still use swords.”

"Those messy novels seldom substitute reality, and you are crooked."

It can be seen that compared to when he first came, Houhou has obviously escaped a lot.

Lin Bin didn't take it too seriously, it's a good thing to be full of confidence.

He said: "Our purpose is to destroy the net, and the net is a killer organization, hiding very deep, so if we want to destroy them, we must find a breakthrough... And this hidden in the dark is actually hidden in the open for us It is the best breakthrough point."

Wan Hou looked at Lin Bin and asked, "You know again?"

"You have already found the way of buying and killing people in the net. For a whole day, why don't you allow me to search for some useful clues?"

Lin Bin said confidently: "Let's go, four months seems like a lot of time, but it's actually very tense. After dealing with the trap, we have to think about Tang Tianhao's problem."

"That's right... Drive..."

As soon as Houhou flattered him, the horse galloped quickly.

Lin Bin followed closely, but secretly thought about one thing...

If it’s a modern or future secret realm, it’s okay. For an ancient secret realm, China has a vast land and abundant resources, so how much time would it take just to travel around?
It seems that it is necessary to find a way to acquire a means of transportation that can also be used in ancient times.

But this is not an urgent need.

I ran around for half a day.

When passing through a forest, the two dismounted to let the animals rest.

Hou Hou consciously burrowed into the grove, and after a while, brought out a rabbit, skinned and gutted it with the Heavenly Demon Double Blades.

Seeing the bloody scene, Lin Bin was speechless for a while.

Seemingly noticing Lin Bin's strange eyes, Hou Hou raised the Demonic Sword in Yang's hand, and said, "Didn't you just say that before? You can exchange for new weapons after completing this experience in the secret realm, hehe ...This knife will be retired to someone else's teacher Zhu to use it, so I don't have to worry about this weapon so much."


Lin Bin responded.

Throwing an ingot of gold to Houhou casually, he said: "Just now a group of killers who snare me attacked me, and I disposed of the corpse. This is the corpse I found."

"So simple?"

After receiving the gold, Hou Hou found a pool of blood in the grass in the distance.

He said happily, "They're pretty quick."

"It's just right to cut off some of the killers in the net first, although they are all trash."

Buying a murderer to kill someone is just a temporary idea, although there is a suspicion of scaring the snake...

But Luo Wang has too many enemies, and his reputation is so bad that if he exposes Luo Wang's identity, he will be beaten and killed by everyone.

Because there are too many enemies, they will not care about the two enemies who are constantly plucking the wool and even snooping on their intelligence clues.

It can be seen that Houhou is in a pretty good mood.

I personally made a called Hua Tutu with live mud, and I didn't dislike the dirty yellow mud, and I didn't let Lin Bin do it. Even after I made it, I took the initiative to tear the meat into strips that are easy to eat, and sent it to When I got to Lin Bin's side, I almost gave him a mouthful.

"This time, the secret realm will rely on you a lot. The family is light-hearted, and all they can do is help you with the logistics."

Her attitude is plausible.

Lin Bin enjoyed it peacefully.

After dinner...

The two continued on their way.

Fortunately, although the place where the two descended was remote, it was not too far from Dongjun.

After only traveling for two or three days, they have already arrived at their destination.

East County.

And in the past three days, they encountered seven assassinations in succession... and they could clearly feel that each of these seven assassinations was stronger than one assassin.

The last time, according to Houhou, the strength of one of the killers was already close to the level of elders of their Holy Gate... that is, Danmei's level.

see it.

The people in Luowang are really dedicated, and they can do this for a hundred gold.

No, it is no longer for money, they are now for their own reputation and mission completion.

And as they set foot in Dongjun, the two of them clearly noticed the difference.

The Great Qin had just unified the world, and it was just waiting for prosperity.

Although the people will no longer be displaced, but the days are only maintained at the stage of starvation.

But here it is different.

The folk customs are obviously much stronger, and even almost everyone has martial arts, no matter how rough or not, since ancient times, they have been poor and rich in martial arts, and they can learn a superficial martial arts. Absolutely not normal.

"Be careful, be careful with what you say and do. While we are guarding against snare killers, we must also be careful of farmers."

Wan Wan said in a low voice, "You mean the people here are..."

"The peasant family is the most powerful branch of the entire hundred families of scholars. They claim to have [-] peasant disciples. They don't hide soldiers among the people. Who can support these [-] peasant disciples?"

"Then the person you want to target is..."

"Tian Yan, the daughter of Tian Meng, one of the Six Halls of Luowang, the head of the Liehuo Hall, in fact, her mother is also Luowang's former Tianzi killer Jingxi. She later inherited her mother's skills and weapons and became a new Jingxue. But this matter is very secret, basically no one knows about it, and Luo Wang intends to use Tian Yan to compete for the position of the top farmer, so as to control the farmer!"

"That is to say, among the 10 people, we want to kill their Xiakui candidates?"

Wan Wan was startled and said, "Are you so brave?"

"Don't worry, I have full confidence. The real difficulty is how to kill Tian Yan under the layers of protection of the farm. After all, once someone finds out that we killed Tian Yan, then our enemies will have many more besides traps." Bring out a farm."

Lin Bin thought, why is Tian Yan the only one?
Tian Zhong... Tian Mi... Oh yes, and Wu Kuang...

Speaking of it, the farmhouse was really seeped into a sieve.

But in a sense, more penetration shows that Luowang attaches great importance to farmers.

And paying attention to... means a huge investment.

Then destroying their plans and killing their investment by the way is inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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