Chapter 164
Up to now, most of the evil emperor's relics have been digested by Lin Bin and Hou Hou.

Their current strength is placed on the plane of the Tang Dynasty, and they are already considered to be at the first level of masters.

Houhou's combat strength is directly improved, although Lin Bin is not directly improved, but with the blessing of He Shibi, the speed of improvement may not be inferior.

After entering the Dongjun territory.

There was turmoil everywhere, and the peasant disciples holding weapons could be seen everywhere, as if they were guarding against someone.

But no matter how many people there are in the farmhouse and the defense is tight, there are no two figures quietly approaching the core position of the farmhouse.

"Strange, this kind of alert looks like a war is about to start. Could it be that the farmer has already started fighting with that snare?"

Wan Wan muttered, "If so, that would be really great."

"No, almost one-third of the people in the current farming family are snares. Even if it is fighting, it is an internal fighting, and it consumes the strength of the farming family itself."

Lin Bin thought for a while, and said, "Wu Wan, you can approach slowly, I'll go over and check the situation first."

"How are you going to get there?"

"This is the past."

Lin Bin activated the optical camouflage cloak, and his whole body instantly became one with the surrounding environment.

Wan Hou's eyes lit up immediately, and he said pleasantly, "I almost forgot that you still have this prop, huh? Where is the person? He's already gone... so fast?"

She fished it out with a wave.

Only to find that Lin Bin had disappeared.

Lin Bin today is completely different from him back then.

The substantial improvement in the skill of "Longevity Secret" made his current cultivation base not inferior to that of the late Ssangyong, and because of the comprehensive cultivation method, the battery life was longer.

His body is full of natural breath, even if there are some afterimages left when he moves, no one will notice his traces.

At the very least, Hou Hou, who was not much inferior to Lin Bin in combat prowess on the surface, could not detect his trace when he left.

Wear the Optical Camouflage Cape.

Coupled with the existence of the Boots of Lightness.

It made him almost like a gust of wind. No matter how tight the defenses of the disciples were, it was difficult to block the attack of the wind. They only felt a gust of wind blowing past, and then quickly stopped.

Who would have thought that someone had already dived in?
And Lin Bin ran forward...

5 minutes is enough for him to fly for several miles.

And in this process, the layout of the farmhouse became more and more strict.

It's just that this so-called strictness is not to guard against powerful enemies from outside, but to show a faint siege.

Could it be that the enemy has fallen into the siege of the farmhouse?

Lin Bin's figure was as light as the wind, and he found a branch to stand firm.

Completely hide your body in the dense bushes, and quietly wait for the 3-minute cooling time to pass.

Then it galloped forward again...

After running for a while, I could already see a courtyard with a very large construction area in front of me.

At this point, the defense is almost inaccessible to mosquitoes and flies, which can be called three layers inside and three layers outside.

And the farmhouse is inside.

Lin Bin flew towards that side like no one else. The full-level Ti Yunzong and the light boots made him enter it as easily as a leaf.

Can not stand still.

There was a loud bang from the window, mixed with countless ice flakes and snowflakes.

The two figures rushed out quickly, at an extremely fast speed, and without warning...

Even Lin Bin couldn't react in time.

Seeing that one of the huge bodies almost hit him.

Lin Bin grasped the sparrow's tail in the same way, and while moving his body horizontally, he did not forget to gently support it. The heavy and huge figure that should have landed immediately was flew forward a few meters lightly, and then he stood on the ground. on the ground.

The original heavy body of the visitor was suddenly as light as a swallow. Looking at his companion who landed behind him at the same time, but was several meters shorter, he couldn't help being stunned.

I blinked my eyes in confusion, wondering if my qinggong has become so good without knowing it?
But the sword qi strangling from behind, the window that had not been completely shattered was immediately smashed into pieces, and several figures chased out from inside.

"Gao Jianli, you can't escape!"

"Catch them!"

These figures are all agile, just a bit slower than the two in front.

And the two who just escaped are Gao Jianli and Big Hammer from the Mo family.

"Big Hammer, why are you in a daze, the enemy is outnumbered, let's go!"

Gao Jianli gave a low shout, knowing that the big iron hammer is going down the path of strength and strength, and the lightness kung fu is really a force of water... If you take him with you, it may be difficult to escape.

But leaving him was impossible.

Right now, we can only find a good place to delay the time as much as possible.

Immediately, he grabbed the sledgehammer and ran outside.

Big Iron Hammer smiled in surprise: "Xiao Gao, my qinggong has improved a lot, if you don't believe me, look... huh? Huh?"

"Stop talking about it at a time like this."

Gao Jianli couldn't help scolding this unreliable companion, and dragged him away quickly after he staggered just now.

But just such a delay...

A majestic man dressed in purple rushed out, holding an epee in his hand, and slashed towards Gao Jianli with all his might.

"I come!"

The sledgehammer let out a yell, and raised the sledgehammer in his hand without giving way.

One is ready to go, and the other is rushing to meet the enemy.

In the end, they were evenly divided in terms of strength...

The person who came was blown out.

The big iron hammer also suddenly sank its feet deep into the stone slab, exhaled a foul breath, and shouted: "What a Tian Hu, it's really amazing!"

"Look for a chance to go!"

The cold sword in Gao Jianli's hand emits mist, which turns into countless ice thorns... This hand condenses the ice blade out of thin air, which greatly consumes the true energy.

But at this time, in order to escape, he had no choice but to do so.

Countless ice blades shot towards the enemy like arrows.

Among the rushing crowd, except for Mei Sanniang, who was holding a curved scythe, who didn't dodge or dodge, and directly ate the ice blades with her own flesh and blood, the others had to dodge outwards.

Gao Jianli let out a low cry, the blade of the sword criss-crossed and changed at his fingertips, and suddenly pierced Mei Sanniang's eyes.

The speed was extremely fast, and Mei Sanniang was about to raise her blade to block.

Gao Jianli changed his move urgently, pressed his body forward, turned back over his shoulder with his grappling skills, and threw her hard to the ground.

"Come on!"

In the blink of an eye, the lost opportunity was fought for again.

The two performed lightness kung fu and fled outwards.

There were a few screams from outside...

The airtight siege of the farmhouse had been directly broken, and many of the farmhouse disciples died tragically at the hands of Gao Jianli.

"Damn it, don't let them escape!"

That burly man in purple is indeed Tian Hu.

In terms of absolute strength, he was not under Gao Jianli, but he didn't expect this guy to be so slippery, surrounded by so many experts from the Tian family, and let him escape.

Immediately followed behind.

It's just that Qinggong is far behind, and the distance is getting farther and farther.

Fortunately, there are many master farmers, and there are many who are outstanding in lightness kung fu.

A middle-aged bearded man with a rough complexion and a scarf on his head chased after him at a speed not inferior to Gao Jianli.

Even with other people, the speed is different...

But it is conceivable that if Gao Jianli abandons the big hammer, it will be easy to escape.

If you take him with you, it is only a matter of time before you are caught up.

And this time.

Lin Bin has already understood where the plot has progressed.

Investigate the death of farmer Tian Meng vertically and horizontally.

The Mohist family was then involved in the struggle of the farmer's family for the top hero, but the Mohist family used to have a defensive weapon called the organ city, which was as famous as the farmer's family known as the [-] children... Now the Mohist family has lost the organ city, and the giants have also become giants. Became a rookie.

Today's Mohist school only has Gao Jianli's façade left, as if anyone can step on it.

Therefore, the farmer did not have much hesitation to turn against him.

Like Gao Jianli and the others, facing the peasants, they only had the power to escape and had no intention of resisting.

Watching the people from the farm family and the Mo family gradually move away...

Even the disciples holding weapons from the farmhouse followed closely.

In the blink of an eye, the farmhouse that was bustling just now was suddenly deserted.

Lin Bin did not catch up.

There is actually no need to have too much contact with the Mohist...

I've already passed the age of chasing stars, and I'm not brain-dead, if I stupidly give up my mission just to meet the characters in the plot, that kind of reincarnation may not survive even one experience.

Moreover, the current Mo family is weak, especially having lost its base, and it feels a bit like a shit stick.

Not to mention that there is still an unknown spy lurking inside the Mo family.

It's not impossible to touch, but there is no need to deliberately touch it.

You must know that this incident is quite beneficial to him...

This version of Gao Jianli is undoubtedly strengthened a lot. Compared with the rookie Gao who was tortured by Bai Feng in the organ city, and finally fought desperately for a chance of victory, the current Gao Jianli may be the result of hard work. Practice, the strength is greatly improved.

Not only did he successfully defeat Tian Hu, who was on par with Shengqi in strength, but Tian Ci also fell into a hard fight.

The final failure was due to lack of skill due to the wheel battle...

From this point of view, Gao Jianli's defeat is glorious.

Therefore, the current farm family needs to pay a high price to win Gao Jianli.

Tian Hu obviously also knew about this, and for this arrangement, he asked his niece Tian Yan to borrow her younger brother Tian Ci.

This is the successful victory over Gao Jianli.

But this saved Lin Bin a huge trouble.

Now Tian Yan has no expert protection by his side...

Tian Ci is now the number one expert in the farm family. Originally, according to Lin Bin's plan, he planned to join hands with Hou Hou to forcibly defeat the two siblings.

The martial arts mastered by the two have never appeared in this world.

There should still be some odds of winning.

But now although Wan Wan is not by my side...

But Tian Ci also left.

"If I let this opportunity go, then even God will not let me go."

Lin Bin knew that now that Tian Yan was on the order, this was a great opportunity to capture her.

He didn't move immediately, but lifted the optical camouflage cloak and quietly waited for the 3-minute cooling time.

This has been his habit.

The item skill CD is not fully cooled, he will not leave easily.

And right now.

In the distance, there was another sound of fine and slight footsteps.

The person who came was a woman.

Wearing a plain cotton skirt, a white velvet cloak over the shoulders, light curly hair, and white flowers on the temples, it seems that there is a bit of a widow's frail temperament.

But it was her father who died.

Tian Yan! ! !

One of the Eight Swords of Luo Wang Yue Wang, a Tianzi-level killer.

Lin Bin's pupils shrank slightly, and his heart suddenly felt happy...

Xin Dao said that this is really hard to find, and it doesn't take much effort to get it.

Unexpectedly, Tian Yan came to the door.

But it's not surprising when you think about it, this woman doesn't seem to care about foreign affairs, but in fact, she fiddles with everything in the farmhouse...

Including this time against the Mohists.

It was inconvenient to reveal her identity at the time, but she definitely wanted to see how it went afterward.

Lin Bin hasn't decided whether to do it here or wait for her to go to a place where there is no one.

After all, this is the residence of Chi Youtang, which can be regarded as the enemy's big base. If a large number of farm disciples are attracted, with an optical camouflage cloak, it will be easy for Lin Bin to advance and retreat.

But if it misses a hit, it will be placed from the dark place to the bright place instead.

That would be a big loss.

But over there...

Tian Yan seemed to be reading the signs of the battle just now.

Turned around the house a few times, then walked along the door to the window, observed the gap that was punched out, and when he turned his head, his pupils suddenly shone with golden light.

Lin Bin was slightly startled...

The optical camouflage cloak was activated again for the first time.

His whole body has been integrated into nature, not to mention human beings, even a falcon with a good view of the sky can never find his trace.

Tian Yan didn't look away, but just stared at Lin Bin's hiding place.

Just now she was spying on the battlefield with the ability of observing words and expressions, but she didn't want to catch a figure...

Just take a closer look, and the person is gone.

As a master, he naturally wouldn't think that he was delusional.

Then the strength of the enemy is beyond imagination.

Lightweight skill?

Could it be that the Mohist bandit Zhi also came?
No...even Robber Zhi never had such a brilliant lightness kung fu that she couldn't see the slightest clue at all.

Tian Yan was almost 100% sure that the enemy must be targeting her.

At that moment, she turned around calmly and walked out.

Lin Bin's mind suddenly came to a sudden, and he had understood the meaning of her actions.

He landed quietly and quietly, and followed behind her.

The two are in tandem.

Tian Yan's pace was not too fast, and Lin Bin was not in a hurry.

Anyway, the duration of 5 minutes.

And along the way...

Sure enough, he encountered many farm disciples. At this time, if Tian Yan yelled, he might be able to escape under the cover of these disciples.

But she remained calm, facing these people's greetings, she just prevaricated casually.

Then go further and further.

The more you walk, the more remote you are.

Until they came to an extremely desolate and remote river.

Tian Yan stood still.

Turning his head, he looked back in the direction where Lin Bin was standing.

At this time, under her observing gaze, there was still no one in front of her.

She exclaimed: "It's so strange, I can see your heartbeat, but I can't see your person, I can see your breath, but I can't see your traces, along the way, I don't even have footprints , is there really such a brilliant lightness kung fu in this world? Or are you not human at all?"

"You really found me a long time ago."

Now that he was discovered, Lin Bin no longer hid, but slowly showed his figure.

Seeing that the visitor was such a young and handsome man who was easy to like, Tian Yan couldn't help being slightly stunned, as if he didn't realize that the visitor was so young, and looked younger than her. Looks like one or two years old.

And Lin Bin put on a playful smile on his face, and said: "You know that I am spying on you secretly, but you still take the initiative to lead me to such a remote place. Could it be that you plan to follow me directly? Worried about outsiders disturbing you?" us?"

"Yes, I am really worried that someone will disturb us."

A thoughtful look appeared on Tian Yan's face.

(End of this chapter)

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