when reincarnation invades

Chapter 166 Who Killed Me?Who did I kill again?

Chapter 166 Who Killed Me?Who did I kill again?

There was a loud bang.

Tian Yan fell hard to the ground.

His eyes widened, and the expression of disbelief could still be seen in the dull pupils.

It seemed that he couldn't believe how cleanly the man in front of him could do it.

In the last consciousness, I heard the man standing next to me sigh: "There is really nothing to ask, I should already know what you know, and I already know what you don't know, and I really don't know." Is it? The best way to deal with wise men like you who are full of thoughts is to not give you a chance to speak, and kill the matter directly."

This is true.

The snare killers each perform their duties, with very little communication.

If we talk about the understanding of Biri, I am afraid that Tian Yan does not know as much as he does. If we really want to save her life, there is only one possibility, and that is to covet her beauty.

But the problem is that a woman who is too smart may have to wear an extra layer of condom even when she is in bed... Don't worry.

Lin Bin was not that hungry.

Shake off the blood flower on the three-edged sword.

Pick up the Shocking Salamander Sword.

A reminder sounded in front of my eyes.

[Striking salamander sword (B-level weapon): Eight swords of the king of Yue, five startling salamanders, use them to spread the sea, and whale salamanders go deep into them, cutting jade and gold, like cutting earth and wood, blowing hair and hair, cutting iron like mud.Killing does not splatter blood, the sharpness is unstoppable. 】

[Note: I am dangerous! 】

He glanced at Tian Yan who was lying on the ground.


Do you think you are loved by the world because you are beautiful?
So you deserve me to lick you?

She is a trap, whether she is lurking or has ulterior motives, she is a trap.

And his task is to destroy the trap.

On this point, it represents an irreconcilable contradiction between the two.

Not to mention that Lin Bin likes her mother, even if her mother is here, in order not to fail in her mission, Lin Bin will never show mercy.

"If you want to blame, blame you for not joining Luo Wang Cafe."

Lin Bin swung the startling salamander sword, feeling that it was very easy to use.

Moreover, it is a B-level weapon. In terms of sharpness, it is probably far above the three-edged sword... It is true that although the three-edged sword has a unique and elegant shape, its material is ordinary after all, which limits its upper limit.

As one of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue, the Shocking Salamander Sword is forged with fine gold from Kunwu Mountain.

It is extremely extreme to judge it as a B-level by sharpness alone. It may not be considered top-notch among B-level items, far inferior to the Double Dragon Phantom Sword, but correspondingly, its lethality is definitely far better than the three-edged sword.


Tian Ci stared blankly at his sister's dead body.

Has completely fallen into a sluggish state...

He didn't go berserk anymore, because he had been berserk all the way just now, and he was already on the verge of collapse at this moment. If it wasn't for his profound skills, the battle just now would have exhausted him into a cripple.

No matter how excited the mind is, it will be powerless after all.

He stared at Lin Bin viciously, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you! I...I won't...I won't let my sister die in vain..."

He spoke harsh words angrily, but finally turned into helpless wailing, crying: "My sister is dead, what should I do with the baby?"

"Second young master...how did you come here? I finally followed your trail to find you...Eldest...Eldest lady!!! What have you done?"

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded in his ear.

Accompanied by sharp piercing sounds and angry screams.

A brown shadow descended directly from the sky, hitting Lin Bin viciously.


Lin Bin immediately knew the identity of the visitor.

The descendant of Pijiamen——Mei Sanniang.

She is also a crazy fan who regards Tian Yan as a god, even if her most beloved senior brother is cheated to death by Tian Yan, she can let it go in a blink of an eye.

Is it invulnerable?

Lin Bin didn't dodge either, and took out a blue rose.

With a bang, the shot went out.

Because Mei Sanniang is invulnerable, she has already forgotten the instinct to dodge... She always relies on her hard body to rush past and then forcefully eat the enemy.

But this time he followed Lin Bin to shoot.

She instinctively felt a tingling sensation in her scalp.

But it was too late to escape at this time, and the eldest lady died at the hands of this person...

Thinking of this, Mei Sanniang became furious.

Simply don't hide, even if they die together!
But the next moment, with the thundering sound, there was a sharp pain in the shoulder, and the blood was sprayed out immediately.

She had already flew back at a faster speed than when she came, and fell to the ground fiercely, unable to get up for a long time.

"Damn it... I knew that the Mo family really had other arrangements, and they killed Ah Yan to avenge Ah Yan!"

A rough voice sounded.

Although Tian Hu has a rough temperament, he is not a villain. It might be better to say that he genuinely holds a bit of elder kindness to Tian Yan.

Seeing his niece's death on the spot, he suddenly became furious!
Holding Amber Soul, they wanted to rush up to fight Lin Bin, while the others rushed to different directions, preparing to perform 24 formations of Dize... never giving Lin Bin a chance to escape.

"Uncle Tian Hu, he killed my sister... woo woo..."

Seeing Tian Hu, Tian Ci seemed to see a savior at this moment, and cried loudly, and this sentence, Uncle Tian Hu, almost made Tian Hu lose his grip on the Hu Soul Sword.

The sharp sword slashed immediately trembled, and missed by three points.

"and many more!"

Lin Bin dodged to dodge the sword energy at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, he retreated three feet.

He shouted: "It's okay to kill me, but I have a question, it's not too late to do it after answering!"

Tian Hu shouted angrily: "You killed my farmer, what else is there to ask?"

While talking, the dumb slave, the bone demon, Tian Zhong, Mr. Jin and others have directly surrounded Lin Bin completely!
"My question is simple."

Lin Bin asked seriously: "Who killed me? Who did I kill?"

Tian Hu was originally furious, and wished to kill the person in front of him to vent his hatred, but he couldn't help but pause for a moment when he heard this, and then he cursed angrily: "Whoever kills you kills you, you are crazy? You killed the daughter of the head master of the Lieshan Hall in my farm family, and as a member of the farm family, I naturally want to kill you for revenge, it is only right and proper, there is nothing to say."

"That's good."

Lin Bin breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "I thought it was because I killed the person in the snare, and as a result, you group of snoopers who have been infiltrated by the snare came to avenge her. If this is the case, then you There is really no one left.”

Mei Sanniang was shot in the shoulder and was seriously injured.

Sharp objects like bullets are natural nemesis for horizontal training, not to mention that Zhanlan Rose is a B-level weapon. If Lin Bin hadn't been merciful with this shot, she would have died so thoroughly that she could no longer penetrate it.

Hearing Lin Bin's words at this time, she wanted to get up angrily, but failed several times, and shouted loudly: "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"Tian Yan is a salamander!"

Lin Bin stuck the startling salamander sword directly on the ground, and said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask that little fat man over there if his sister fought fiercely with me for hundreds of rounds with this sword just now. It took a lot of work to subdue her and kill her."

When everyone heard the words, they immediately looked at Tian Ci beside him.

Tian Ci immediately faltered... vaguely said: "No... no... nothing at all..."

He was once specially told by Tian Yan not to reveal the existence of this sword.

So I instinctively wanted to refuse, but after all, it was a child, especially now that my mind was in a state of confusion, and my stammering immediately revealed the truth.


The faces of several people instantly became extremely ugly.

Mei Sanniang yelled angrily: "Second Young Master has a childlike heart and is easy to be used by others. You must have done something to him before. He was used by you without knowing it."

"Oh? Then you can check the body of Miss Tian Yan, oh no...the body."

Lin Bin raised his hand and dropped a pile of human skin about the size of his palm.

It's all covered with black spiders.

As he let go, these spider tattoos immediately fell to the ground, and he said: "I came here to kill the net, which is why I killed Tian Yan, and as long as you are a net killer, no matter what your identity, you must have tattoos on your body." A tattoo of a spider, to prove his loyalty and his inability to escape from the trap forever! Since Tian Yan is a salamander, he must have a tattoo on his body, you might as well check it out!"

Mei Sanniang said angrily: "How can the eldest lady's body be desecrated?!"

"If you can't find the tattoo, I'll kill myself on the spot. How about paying for this lady's life?"

Lin Bin stuttered at will.

Looking at Tian Hu with a sneer, he said: "It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, I laugh at the farmer's Tianhu for being scheming, and the Zhu family's lack of wisdom, but they were used by the net without knowing it. , In fact, were all of them provoked by the trappers?"

Tian Hu said with a cold face: "Sanniang, if you can still stand up, take Ah Yan's body to check it out. Even if we kill people, we must convince them to death!"

"Yes... yes, Hall Master."

Mei Sanniang staggered, walked slowly to Tian Yan's corpse, carried the corpse on her back, and walked towards the distance.

On Lin Bin's side, he continued to speak out, and smiled: "Haven't you realized it? If Tian Yan is a startled salamander, everything can be explained. She killed Tian Meng and caused civil strife in your farm. , and then instigated with words, making you all want to be heroes, making a good and huge farm family split into the current fragmented appearance. If she is not a farmer, with her wisdom, can't she still be able to straighten out a small one? Farm? You didn't even realize that she actually did all of this..."

Tian Hu said coldly: "Hmph, there is no basis for what you say, I remember what you said."

Lin Bin: "What did I say?"

Tian Hu said violently: "If Ah Yan is not a snare, you would kill yourself on the spot. Why, did you deny it just now?!"

"Oh, that one, I definitely recognize that one!"

Lin Bin said: "After all, I have no grievances with the eldest lady. My purpose is to kill all the people in the world. If she is not a person in the snare, wouldn't she die too unjustly? But if what I said If you are right, then there is one thing that you have to admit honestly?"

"whats the matter?"

"Even your eldest lady is a member of the net, and she is also a high-ranking member of the net. It can be seen that your farmhouse has really been penetrated by the net like a sieve, and I want to ask Master Tian Hu to help me to clean up the inside of the farmhouse. How about killing all the people in the net and killing them all?"

"It's not too late to talk about it after the truth comes out."

Tian Ci cried out: "Uncle Tian Hu... Could it be that my sister is that kind of trap, isn't she your niece?"

Tian Hu said irritably: "But your father died in the hands of the snare, he is still my real brother!"

"But... but father is... obviously..."

"What is it?!"

No matter how stupid Tian Hu was, he could tell something was wrong. He turned his head, glared fiercely at Tian Ci, and asked, "What is it? Do you know something?"

"Baby...Baby doesn't know...Baby just used that sword to protect sister...Daddy plotted against sister, so Baby used that sword..."

Tian Ci's face turned pale from being frightened by Tian Hu's one-eyed eyes, and he screamed.

"I see."

Lin Bin sighed: "You know this time? I thought that even if Mei Sanniang can't detect anything, you should understand the truth of the matter, Mr. Tian."

Tian Hu's face was livid.

At this time, Mei Sanniang came back with a pale face in the distance.

She looked panic-stricken and her eyes were terrified...

Seeing her expression like this, you don't even need to ask to know what happened.

Honest people are not good at this... Although they are easy to use, they really don't lie.

"Hall... hall master!"

"Don't say it!"

Tian Hu looked at Lin Bin, took a few deep breaths, and then sighed: "Ah Yan also had no mother to teach her since she was a child. Maybe my elder brother was a little arrogant towards her, so that now she is on the wrong path..."

Lin Bin: "Actually, it was your eldest brother who had evil thoughts about his daughter first. Although Tian Yan deserved his crime, Tian Meng deserved his death."

Tian Hu glared at Lin Bin fiercely, and continued: "But who knew that she colluded with the net, and she deserved her fate, but after all, she is my eldest brother's daughter, my niece..."

Lin Bin: "Actually, Tian Yan is not her own. Her mother is Luo Wang's ex-Jing Xi. In order to assassinate the enemy, she took the initiative to contact him as a prostitute and conceived his child. Later, after she killed the mission target, she ran away for her daughter. She got out of the trap, was hunted down, and finally defected to Tian Meng... If she was really close, it is impossible for Tian Meng to have evil thoughts about her."

Tian Hu became annoyed and said, "Will you still let me talk?!"

"You say……"

"You...just...what did I say?"

Tian Hu rubbed his head angrily, glared at Lin Bin, and said, "You said just now that the net has infiltrated my farm? Now tell me everything you know, and dare to omit anything. Don't blame Lord Tiger, I am merciless under the Tiger Soul sword!"

"It's simple."

Lin Bin smiled and looked at Tian Zhong next to him, and said, "You two hall masters Tian Zhong and Tian Mi, you might as well check their bodies to see if there are any spider marks, oh yes, and this... Mr. Kim."

Stop talking.

Mr. Jin's complexion changed suddenly, and he ran towards the distance without hesitation, but just as he ran out, he was directly stopped by the bone demon.

Tian Mi's complexion became even more ugly, that pretty face showed a forced smile, and she looked a bit bitch, she forced a smile and said: "This... there is no need for that , why should we listen to the words of an outsider inside our farm?"

"Damn it, why are you so guilty? Sanniang, go search for Mr. Jin, Tian Mi, I will search for you myself!"

Tian Hu rolled up his sleeves and was about to go.

(End of this chapter)

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