Chapter 167
Facing Mei Sanniang who was approaching, Mr. Jin snorted coldly. Naturally, he couldn't let her be searched.

With a swing of the sword, Mei Sanniang, who was already seriously injured, was forced away.

He sneered and said: "Hmph, I never thought that the peasant family, known as the best of all schools, turned out to be so intolerant... In these years, who hasn't passed away? Well, there is no place to stay here, but there is a place to stay. "

Say it.

Without hesitation, he turned around and galloped away towards the distance.

The Bone Demon and others wanted to stop them, but Mr. Jin was superb in swordsmanship, and easily dodged the entanglement of the two of them, and even stepped on him with force, his whole body was already dead.

It's just that this run has completely leaked his identity.

"Damn it, he really is the one caught in the net. Damn it, does the net really treat our farm as a sieve?"

Tian Hu roared angrily.

"Master... I was forced, don't... don't..."

Tian Mi screamed in panic.

What's the matter with women searching for men and men searching for women?

She really wasn't sure if Tian Hu was in a hurry and wanted to reveal her identity himself, or if he was taking the opportunity to take advantage of her...

But Tian Mi knew that if she admitted it, she would be considered a traitor at best.

If she doesn't admit to being found out again, then she is a traitor, and at the same time, she may be taken advantage of by all the men present.

I am afraid that I will never be able to lift my head up in the future.

She felt aggrieved and said: "Master...he has some difficulties."

"Sure enough, you are too, what about you? Tian Zhong..."

Tian Zhong's complexion became extremely difficult to look at.

He glared at Lin Bin fiercely. The plan was about to succeed, but he didn't want such a guy to jump out of the middle and shake off their old background...

What's more, he didn't even expect that the Mr. Shocking Salamander whom he had been taking charge of all the time was actually the Second Miss.

But no matter who it was, even the startled salamander died in the hands of this person.

This time it was bad.

He couldn't help but took two steps back, and stretched out his hand to cover his lower back.

This is probably their fatal flaw.

In order to prevent them from betraying, once caught in the net, tattoos must be embroidered, the skin is difficult to remove, and it is impossible to retreat for life.

Even if they are lurking anywhere, no matter how high they sit...

As long as there is this tattoo, they must be subject to the net, which is why Luo Wang dares to use them with confidence.

And as long as you are a little careful on weekdays, this tattoo will not affect you... It's just unexpected that someone stabbed it out today.

And with his ability, no matter how hard he tried, he might not be able to stop Tian Hu's strength.

He sneered and said: "Master Tian, ​​you want to check my body just because of a word from an outsider? Don't forget that you are not a hero yet..."

"The man also said that as long as there is no clue, he is willing to apologize with death."

Tian Hu said roughly: "You are a big man, are you still afraid of being seen? You are coy, you are either putting on airs or you have ghosts in your heart."

Tian Zhong shouted: "There is no way out for rebellion, what's wrong with being loyal to the net?"

"That means you are really caught in the net?!"

Tian Hu said angrily: "I want your life."

The amber soul is full of light, and the pressure is infinite.

The unrestrained sword energy slashed straight at Tian Zhong, his eyes full of scarlet murderous aura, it seemed that he regarded Tian Zhong as his brother-killing enemy.

Although he is careless, he is not a wicked person. He has always respected Tian Meng very much.

Therefore, regarding Tian Meng's death, he had long been furious...but who knew that it was his niece who killed his elder brother.

Don't care if it's biological or not, it was also brought up by him when he was a child.

Especially since she was still dead.

Tian Hu had nowhere to vent his grief and anger, and when he heard Tian Zhong's rebuttal, he was immediately furious.

The tiger's soul was full of power, and it slashed towards Tian Zhong like a maniac.

To be one of the six heads of the farm family, Tian Zhong's strength is not bad, but compared to Tian Hu, he is inferior by more than a notch.

Especially when Tian Hu turned his anger into strength, it was only ten moves away, and Tian Zhong was already retreating steadily.

Only the power of parrying, there is no power to fight back.

A few more tricks...

Tian Zhong's weapon was directly blasted out, blood was splashed on the tiger's mouth, and he was half kneeling on the ground, unable to get up.

Tian Hu said angrily: "Catch him for me, and torture me for all the information he knows!"

The voice fell.

A loud bang.

Green smoke was rising from the revolver in Lin Bin's hand, Tian Zhong's forehead was blasted with a huge gap, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Tian Hu said angrily: "What are you doing?!"

"It's nothing, I have a deep hatred with Luo Wang. If Hall Master Tian takes action against Luo Wang, I would like to do my best, but if Hall Master Tian still cares about your old feelings and doesn't want to kill him, then I'm sorry, I will attack."

After Lin Bin finished speaking, he turned his gun and aimed at Tian Mi.

"and many more……"

The revolver fires extremely fast.

One shot fell.

The terrified expression on Tian Mi's face froze immediately, her charming face was covered with brains and blood, making her look extraordinarily ferocious.

Tian Hu pointed at Lin Bin angrily with his sword, and shouted, "I haven't found any information yet through torture!"

"If you want to torture information, then Hall Master Tian doesn't need it."

Lin Bin said: "Because people in the network are all in one-way communication, just like lurking in the farmhouse at the same time, Tian Zhong doesn't know the identities of Tian Yan and Tian Mi, and likewise, Tian Mi doesn't know the identities of Tian Yan and Tian Zhong... Tian Yan Although I know the identities of these two people, I don't know who my contact person is, so it is basically impossible to follow the vines to move the whole body. Besides... what can the hall master do? Ask me."

Holding the three-edged sword, he lightly picked at Tian Zhong's waist just now.

Bubo flew up, revealing a ferocious black spider.

Immediately, everyone exclaimed.

Obviously, although they have already been mentally prepared, they still couldn't help being shocked when they saw... especially when they thought that they had been with the people in the net for so long. Malicious words.

Wouldn't they have died long ago?
Tian Hu said coldly: "Are you willing to tell me your information?"

"Of course, the premise is that you are determined to attack Luo Wang. An enemy of an enemy is a friend, and as long as it is an enemy of Luo Wang, it is my friend."

Lin Bin said: "And your farm has been infiltrated so badly by the net, not only that, but even your hero Tian Guang died in the hands of the net, plus your elder brother... I think the grievances of Hall Master Yi Tian are clear. With your character, you should be able to fight the net forever, right?"

"Hmph, good, I want to know about Luo Wang's information now!"

Lin Bin sighed: "Don't worry, what if Master Tian knows about Luo Wang's information now? You are just the master of Chi Youtang right now. , only relying on your own strength, Hall Master Tian, ​​I'm afraid it's far from being able to compete with Luo Wang."

"What do you mean?"

"Now it has been proved that the strife and internal strife in the peasant family are nothing more than a net. Now that all the spies in the net have been removed, the most necessary thing to do has not changed. It is still to elect a new hero for the peasant family, but there is no need to rely on it. I'm looking at the previous Yinghuo fragment... because from the beginning to the end, it was a conspiracy by the net to let you kill each other!"

Lin Bin said: "So the most important thing at the moment is to shake hands with Shennongtang to make peace and preserve the strength of the farm."

"and then?"

Tian Hu also knew that Lin Bin's words made sense.

In particular, his previous actions were almost always under the command of his niece, and occasionally he would listen to Tian Mi and Tian Zhong's opinions... But now they all suddenly became spies, and then they all died.

Tian Hu is not stupid, so he naturally guessed that he might have been used a little bit.

Of course, the most important thing was that no one gave him advice, which immediately made him feel very uncomfortable.

Although the person in front of him has a mysterious origin, but with so many snare skins in his hand, and the startling salamander sword, I am afraid that these skins were obtained by killing those powerful masters in the snare.

I'll just listen to him... at worst, I won't accept it if I feel unreasonable.

"The Stone of Confusion is just a conspiracy. If the peasant family continues to fight among themselves, it will only hurt the relatives and hurt the enemies."

"Oh? That makes sense."

Tian Hu considers himself illiterate, and he thinks Lin Bin's saying that relatives are painful, enemies are fast is very reasonable, and he has never heard of it before.

He asked: "So? You want Lao Tzu to support that fellow from the Zhu family to be the hero? Are you kidding me... He colluded with Sheng Qi, and that Sheng Qi is a traitor from the peasant family... Wait..."

He glanced at Tian Mi's body before realizing it.

"That's right, Sheng Qi should be wronged, but he did join Luo Wang, he can be regarded as a non-staff member, whether to kill him depends on his sense of belonging to Luo Wang."

Lin Bin thought to himself that if he still can't complete the task after killing everyone in Luowang, it won't be too late to kill Shengqi...

At that time, it can be used that he has feelings for Luo Wang, so he must die to prevaricate it.

But now, this guy is a great weapon against snares.

And this Tian Hu is also brainless and naive, so he is a good target to use.

He said earnestly: "My lord, Abin, is willing to help Hall Master Tian ascend the post of Farmer Hero, through thick and thin, and will do whatever it takes."

Tian Hu's eyes lit up, and he asked, "How can you help?"

"It's very simple. Although there are many farmers, it takes a smart mind to manage them perfectly, and this is not your strong point, Lord Tian..."

Tian Hu nodded his head humbly, and then let out a huh?Feeling as though you've been humiliated.

Lin Bin didn't give him a chance to react, and continued: "But in fact, it is not necessary to be in the position of Xia Kui to manage the peasant family. It should be the strength and courage to go forward, which can set a benchmark for many peasants and follow them, and give them the courage to move forward. Therefore, I think that a peasant hero does not need to be too resourceful, he can use people, but force But it must be strong, and its image must be stalwart. It is impossible to let a fat man who is five big and three thick rise to the position of hero, and then go out to meet with people from various schools. , I was born with a low head, it is too insulting to the image of our farm!"

Tian Hu nodded hastily, and said seriously: "What you said makes sense. Why didn't I consider this issue before? The Zhu family's external image is not good, the martial arts are not domineering enough, and they are old and cunning. It is really hard for such a person to be the head of the farm family. I can’t get it out.”

Lin Bin said: "But he has to be convinced. I think the most urgent thing right now is to first inform the Zhu family that the Yinghuo Stone is a trap set by the enemy, and then ask him to put the overall situation first and choose the leader of the peasant family as soon as possible. As for how If you choose, I think it is better to make friends with martial arts, friendship is first, competition is second, the winner is the hero, the loser is the hall master, you are convinced, right?"

"It makes sense."

Tian Husu admitted that he could single-handedly challenge Zongheng, and nodded again when he heard this, after all, the stone of Yinghuo was in the opponent's hand.

He took advantage of it by directly canceling this thing.

He frowned and said, "It's just that I'm worried that this fat man may not be willing to give up this great opportunity."

Lin Bin said: "If he really cares about the peasant family, he should understand that all the previous battles were a trap for the enemy. The net has already been set on the peasant family. Fighting alone is the fastest way and the least casualty to the peasant family... In order to deal with the trap and eliminate the trap, we must end the civil strife as soon as possible."

"That's right!"

Tian Huhun didn't think about what would happen if he failed. What he was worried about was the collusion between the Zhu family and Zongheng, and with Shengqi at his side.

He said seriously: "I'll send someone to... um..."

He looked back.

It was found that Mei Sanniang was seriously injured at this time.

Except for the ferocious monster like the bone demon, there are not many normal people around me.

"Let me go."

Lin Bin said sternly: "I will help you convince the Zhu family, if he still disagrees after we have clarified our interests, he must be an accomplice in the net... At that time, there is no need to be polite to him."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

Tian Hu didn't realize that Lin Bin had already tied the unification of the peasant family together with the net of destruction.

He nodded and said, "By the way, your name is..."

"My surname is Lin, and I have only one character named Bin. It is fine for the hall master to call me Abin."

"Okay, Abin, what you said is still right, I will leave this matter to you, and you, Ah Ci, don't be too angry, your sister killed your father and fell into the trap, it will end up in this situation sooner or later Fortunately, she still left a whole body, so you can bury her."

Facing this nephew who had blinded himself in one eye.

Tian Hu has never liked it, but seeing him crying now, he couldn't help but soften his heart, and sighed: "Follow San Niang and restrain her, alas... It's not good for a little girl to have too many eyes. Well, if she is stupid, she won't be on the road she is today, brother Abin, let's go, I still have some details to discuss with you."


Lin Bin followed behind Tian Hu.

Asked: "By the way, Hall Master Tian, ​​why did you come here so fast? I heard Tian Yan say that you are in a decisive battle with the Mohists, and you will never disturb us easily... That's why she revealed herself The true face of you, you..."

"Hey...don't talk about it, a little girl with bare feet suddenly made a move on the way and rescued Gao Jianli and the others."

Tian Hu said angrily: "Damn it, it's just a little bit. This little girl is not old, but she is really not weak, and she has never seen her before. We just came to Ah Yan and wanted to discuss with her what to do... But I couldn't find her when I went back, so Sanniang followed Ah Ci's footsteps to find her, but unexpectedly... oh..."

"Barefoot girl?"

Lin Bin was stunned.


What kind of hands are these girls messing with?

(End of this chapter)

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