when reincarnation invades

Chapter 168 I Stand in the Light and Stand on the Moral High Ground

Chapter 168 I Stand in the Light and Stand on the Moral High Ground
Hearing Tian Hu's words, Lin Bin's face darkened suddenly.

The original intention of killing Tian Yan was to do it quietly, not to shoot.

I thought that Houhou must be on the way here...

But who knew that she ran away with the farmer's army.

Did she think she could get some benefit secretly?

naive... so naive...

That is to say, there are frequent accidents on my side.

The peasants appeared one by one, and Lin Bin was familiar with the plot, so he turned them all into friends in a few words, and even cleared a wave of snares along the way.

Otherwise, because of Houhou, they might have completely turned against the farm family.

Lin Bin sighed: "Fortunately, there are no real casualties in the farm family... You know, the task of trapping Tian Zhong and the others is to keep the farm family in a situation of internal and external troubles. In other words, the internal division of the farm family must continue In other words, it is to let the peasant family fight against the Mo family and the Guigu family at the same time, so that if the net can't do anything, they can laugh at their greatest enemy being destroyed."

Tian Hu suddenly realized: "Brother is right."

"Brother Hu, if you trust me, why don't you just let me go and try my best to make things happen?"

"Hey...what did you say brother, although Ah Yan... oh, but even if you don't do it, as an uncle, I can't tolerate my niece and daughter going astray. I must clean up the house, but I am really I can’t do it, from this point of view, you have helped me a lot, let’s talk about two things as a family.”

In just a few words.

Tian Hu only felt that the person in front of him was simply his half-brother, otherwise why did his words suit his taste so much?

On the contrary, Mei Sanniang vaguely felt that something was wrong, or it was because of the disgust that the eldest lady died at the hands of Lin Bin...

She was shocked and said: "Hallmaster, don't be careless... This person suddenly said that he would help you become the leader of the farm for no reason, so beware of any conspiracy with ulterior motives..."

"My purpose is actually quite simple."

Lin Binyi said: "The more thoughtful people are, the more they will be bound by interests. Like the Zhu family who thinks too much, it is easy to cooperate with Luo Wang for the sake of profit, but Brother Hu is different, he cannot be bought by Luo Wang He is the most suitable person, and it is perfect for him to hold the position of Xia Kui. After all, my enemy is a trap. If I can, I don’t want to be an enemy of the peasant family. Those who cooperate with Luowang become heroes."


Mei Sanniang was speechless for a while.

I just felt that what Lin Bin said made sense, but she was completely speechless.

And Tian Hu also agreed: "Brothers are right. My eldest brother died in the hands of the snare, my niece was lured into going astray by the snare, and my farm family's property was also messed up by the snare. I, Tian Hu, vowed to fight with the snare. If you don’t die, how can you have any cooperation with them, brothers know me, don’t worry, as long as you can facilitate this matter, I will definitely defeat the Zhu family and take the position of hero, so as not to disappoint my brothers.”

"Okay, for the sake of big brother and little brother, this trip will definitely not disappoint you!"

Lin Bin turned and left.

The bone demon leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Master, do you really believe what he says?"

"It's a fact that he will never die against Luo Wang. As long as I make it clear that the chariots and horses are against Luo Wang, he will not be our enemy."

Tian Hu doesn't like to use his brain very much, but he is not an idiot either.

He naturally understands that the traitors are all from his side right now, and they are dead, but he also lost the support of Gonggongtang and Kuikaitang, and the death of Tian Yan means that he can no longer let him Tian Ci was used by him.

And Mei Sanniang is bound to have two minds.

Although killing the traitor was enjoyable, after killing the traitor, he had to bear all the price.

Coupled with the fact that the Yinghuo Stone is not in his hands, he can be regarded as completely useless in the battle for the position of Xia Kui this time.

But he didn't expect Lin Bin's words to rekindle his hope.

That's right...

I am the most suitable person for Xia Kui, even though I have a bad brain...but I have become a Xia Kui, but I didn't push your Zhu family and others to the end. Isn't your brain still available for me to use?

Although the contest was absurd, it was already his only hope.

Then Lin Bin who raised this point, it can be seen that he is really thinking about him.

Of course, Tian Hu's instinct told him that this person really had no hostility towards him.

After Lin Bin got Tian Hu's promise, he immediately rushed to meet up with Houhou...

At least this bitch still has a bit of conscience. While making her own decisions, she still left clues for Lin Bin so that he wouldn't lose sight of his eyes and couldn't even find traces of his teammates.

Follow the code she left all the way.

Soon came to a hidden remote place.

Inside a cave in a dense forest.

Just as Lin Bin approached, there was a sound of guard, and he called out in a sharp and frivolous voice, "Who?"

The voice fell.

Another cheerful female voice rang out, shouting: "Don't get excited, it's my brother... Brother, I'm here."

Hou Hou rushed out quickly, and grabbed Lin Bin's arm in surprise.

Her expression was very excited. When she saw Lin Bin, she leaned directly into his ear and whispered, "He has found an organization this time."

And this time.

From around the forest, several figures also appeared.

There are men and women, old and strong.

Although it was the first time they met, Lin Bin recognized him immediately.

The man with a frivolous face is clearly Robber Zhi, and the woman in the blue dress with a vigilant face on the left is undoubtedly Xue Nu.

There is also the old class master who suddenly appeared behind.

It was just unexpected when Hou Hou said that Lin Bin was her senior brother.

These people gave up their guard tacitly, and looked at him with a little intimacy and approval in their eyes.

"It turned out to be one of our own."

Robber Zhi waved his hand, jumped down from the tree lightly, and said, "I'm scared to death... Chasing me at this time, I thought... wait... what is that in your hand?"

Only then did he realize that the blade of the sword Lin Bin held in his hand was narrow and beautiful, and the sharp edge was exposed, showing a cold killing intent.

And he was too familiar with this sword.

He exclaimed in alarm: "Are you a snare salamander?"

"Shocked salamander?"

With this exclamation sounded.

The people who had put down their guard raised their guard again, and even this time, they even looked at Houhou with a slight hostility in their eyes.

"He's not a salamander."

A heavy voice sounded from behind, and he said in a deep voice, "It's better to say that he was the one who killed the salamander. This sword is your trophy, right?"

Behind him, a middle-aged man with white hair and simple complexion came out slowly.

He glanced deeply at Lin Bin, and said, "Sure enough, you took the life of the startled salamander so quickly... But you robbed my prey, how are you going to pay the price?"

Lin Bin also took a deep look at Wei Zhuang, thinking that he is worthy of being a king, and he pretended to be me the first time we met.

He smiled lightly and said, "If you didn't catch the prey, you can't blame others for capturing her... It's a very bad habit to occupy the latrine and not shit."

"I will make you pay the price. If the prey is robbed, it is enough to turn the hunter into the prey. I will wait patiently until that day comes."

Unexpectedly, Wei Zhuang didn't feel angry or dissatisfied with Lin Bin's tit-for-tat attitude, but just said something meaningful.

"Xiao Zhuang, this brother Bin is here because he should have something important to discuss. You might as well listen to what he has to do."

Gai Nie's figure also appeared.

Said: "Since you are a disciple of the Mohist family living outside, we have no reason to stop you, please come in."

"Thank you."

Lin Bin nodded.

Walking in under the intimate embrace of Hou Hou, and in this extremely intimate posture... the voice was as thin as a mosquito's sniffing into Lin Bin's eyes.

"Brother Bin, don't blame him for making his own claims. It is because he saw that when Gao Jianli was fighting against the peasants, the martial arts swordsmanship he used was somewhat similar to my holy sect's kung fu. He had heard of the magic sword before. The door used to be called the Mo Sect many years ago, and these people are members of the Mo Sect, so they suspected that the Mo Sect might be the predecessor of our Mo Sect, so they made their own claims and rescued them, and then their Heavenly Demon Dafa was also misunderstood. It is the Mohist martial arts, you understand."

In just a few words, several people have already entered the cave.

Wan Hou didn't say any more...but her words were enough for Lin Bin to understand what Wan Hou meant.

to be honest.

Conspire against the Mohist practice.

If the Heavenly Demon Dafa is really a Mohist martial art, then it is not necessarily inferior to the original version if it is passed on to future generations and brought forth the new, otherwise Houhou would not have practiced to the present level.

But what has been lost over the years is not necessarily all dross.

I'm afraid she wants to take the opportunity to break through the Heavenly Demon Dafa.

But I didn't even say hello, which almost ruined my event.

While walking, Lin Bin put his hand on Houhou's waist calmly, and twisted it hard...

Houhou's upturned little nose immediately wrinkled tightly, and the sockets of her eyes became moist all of a sudden...

She glanced at Lin Bin resentfully, the meaning in her eyes was obvious.

"Isn't this supposed to be a trick women use against men? How dare you treat me like this?"

Lin Bin was a little helpless to see through the meaning of this woman at a glance.

Unexpectedly, the tacit understanding between the two is so high, it can be regarded as a kind of sadness.

Into the cave.

At this time, Gao Jianli was sitting cross-legged, silently recovering from his injuries.

And next to him, the big hammer was also wrapping gauze around his body... Obviously, with the help of Houhou, the two of them managed to escape.

But the injuries were still severe.

According to Lin Bin's understanding of Houhou, I'm afraid she made the move at the time when the two of them were most in crisis... Only in this way can the favor be maximized, which is in line with her style of a little demon girl.

At this time, Gao Jianli's face was slightly rosy, he raised his head, and his eyes swept over Lin Bin.

Although it was the first time they met, thanks to Lin Bin's outstanding appearance, he still nodded slightly.

Lin Bin smiled and said, "Brother Gao, I'm here to discuss two things with you... The first thing is, I am Hall Master Dai Tianhu. I apologize to the two of you, and I hope you can let the past go."

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone was stunned.

Xuenu, who had knelt and sat next to Gao Jianli since entering, showed displeasure on her face, and said, "That Tian Hu had an unruly intention against Xiao Gao and seriously injured him. If it hadn't been for the help of Miss Guhou, I'm afraid he would have been reduced to a prisoner by now." , We just escaped from Shengtian here, and he turned his head and admitted his mistake, what do you mean? Did he want to lightly expose this matter, as if it never happened at all?"

"That's right, did our injuries go to waste?"

The neglected big hammer buzzed in dissatisfaction: "The little girl said before that you also practiced my Mohist martial arts, and I thought you were from the Mohist family. I didn't expect you to stand in the farmhouse. That row..."

"I just killed a startled salamander."

Lin Bin said: "The true identity of Jingxi is the daughter of Tian Meng, the head of Liehuo Hall. Tian Yan, Tian Zhong, the head of Gonggong Hall, and Tian Mi, the head of Kui Kui Hall, are all spies of the trap. Tian Hu was deceived by them. The only way to attack the two is to instigate them. Now that these people have all been paid, Hall Master Tian knows how big a mistake he has made. However, the farm has been infiltrated by a trap, and it is not known how many traps there are inside. For the sake of the general situation, Only then did he take the initiative to entrust me to seek peace with the Mo family, and he wanted to ask the two of them to help negotiate the matter, and asked people from the Zhu family to come and discuss the matter of the two of them competing for the title of hero."

Lin Bin explained Tian Yan's conspiracy in detail, especially the fact that the Yinghuo Stone itself was a conspiracy created by Tian Yan.

The expressions of the people who listened were incomparably dignified.

Wei Zhuang closed his eyes, and said slowly: "So, you want the Zhu family to take the initiative to give up the advantage he finally obtained and the stone of Yinghuo, and use force to argue with Tian Hu... No... I I see, you want to help Tian Hu become a hero?"

Lin Bin said decisively: "Because Tian Hu is a person that cannot be penetrated by the net, do you have any objection to me saying this? Instead of making the peasant family a puppet of the net and a trump card to deal with all schools of thought, it is better to get a brainless follower." The hard-working peasant family, in this way, you will also have an extra powerful pawn, won't you?"

"The premise is that the Zhu family agrees to give up this great advantage."

Wei Zhuang said.

"If the Zongheng Mohists spoke on their behalf and told all the truth about the matter, I think there should be a high chance of him agreeing. That's why I came here first to look for you."

Lin Bin smiled and said: "The Zhu family is also a martial arts practitioner. Since they are martial arts practitioners, they must have high self-confidence. They have thousands of faces, but a person who is as famous as Tian Meng, he can be as famous as Tian Meng, he should not As for not having the confidence to defeat a younger brother, generally speaking, this is the method with the least damage, and it is also the fastest way to unify the farm family. You must know that the armor-piercing soldiers will come to Dongjun soon. If you don’t unify the farm family as soon as possible, you can deal with it A possible enemy attack, after a few days, will there be any farmers who are still in doubt."

Gai Nie murmured: "I can speak for Xiang, but Gai can't guarantee whether it will be successful."

Lin Bin said: "If the Zhu family really cares about the peasant family, he will not refuse. If he refuses, it can only show that he is a deep-minded person who is greedy for power and power. On the contrary, he is not suitable to be the hero of the peasant family, so for the peace of the world, I can only bear the guilt and deal with him."

"Senior brother is very reasonable."

Clap, blah, blah, blah, blah...

In this wave of moral kidnapping in Xindao, Brother Bin really stood in the light this time.

Sure enough, he is indeed a person who has practiced the Sword Code, and he is exactly the same as those white lotuses in this respect.

 The birthday of the old alliance leader Xinghai Zhutian... I specially added it to add more fun, after all, I have been old friends for many years, I wish Xinghai Zhutian a happy birthday...ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
(End of this chapter)

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