Chapter 169
Lin Bin didn't go to see Zhu's family directly, which is actually what he meant.

His origin is unknown, and he speaks lightly...

Because of the killing of the startled salamander, it may have some weight in Zongheng's eyes, but the Zhu family may not take him seriously.

So it would be better to let Zongheng and the Mohists speak for him.

Of course, it is a surprise that Houhou has now officially become a Mohist disciple.

At the very least, he has a foundation in this world, and his business can be exceptionally smooth, and there are also reasons for her.

Houhou's ten years of "Heavenly Demon Dafa" cannot be practiced in a hurry...

In particular, she also thought that what she had obtained was incomplete exercises, which were completed by the ancestors and masters one after another, so it should be different from the original version.

And in order to win the trust of people.

She even took the initiative to give up the mantra of the Heavenly Demon Dafa... After all, these people can be regarded as her ancestors, and they are not considered betrayal of the sect in some respects.

His frankness made everyone fall in love with this innocent and simple little girl.

How well-behaved and sensible, but it is too easy to trust people... You may be deceived in the future.

It's just after seeing the detailed formulas of Heavenly Demon Dafa.

All of a sudden, many Mohists were astonished as heavenly beings. They only felt that this hasty completion was a different way, which was not inferior to their own Mohist skills, and the subtleties could reveal the true knowledge.

Naturally, he has no secrets towards this little girl at the moment.

In the short period of time when Zongheng and Zongheng went to invite Zhu's family, Houhou had already successfully obtained the Mohist cultivation technique!
Although it's not Tianmo's strategy, I'm afraid even Tianmo's strategy was born out of this Mohism's kung fu method... So, as if he had found a treasure, he quickly ran to learn about it.

And he glanced at Lin Bin intermittently.

The expression is obvious...

This time it is hopeful to break through the eighteenth stage of "Heavenly Demon Dafa".

Two hours later.

Another guest was personally invited by Zongheng to come to this jungle.

He is short and chubby, and his tone is friendly, even if he is introduced as a lobbyist representing Tian Hu, his tone has not changed any more hostile.

Be kind to others, a complete businessman's style.

After all, in the plot, even the death of his most powerful subordinate and brother Dianqing, he can take the initiative to let go.

This kind of person is the most able to weigh the pros and cons, and he is really loyal to the farm family, but because of his loyalty, if it is for the good of the farm family, he may choose to cooperate with Luo Wang... In a way, he and Tian Yan It's the same person.

"Oh, you have given me a big problem. Ms. Yan turned out to be a trap, and the masters of Gonggong Hall and Kui Kui Hall have been infiltrated by the trap."

The smiling mask on Zhu's face suddenly turned into a frowning face. The skill of changing faces was so strong that even Lin Bin couldn't find out when he changed his face.

He sighed: "I have spent a lot of effort to get the Stone of Illusion, but now you suddenly tell me that the Stone of Illusion does not count, so the price I paid before..."

"When it comes to the price, who has paid more for Hall Master Tian? He even died of his niece..."

Lin Bin asked seriously: "Have you ever died of your niece or daughter?"

"Ah this..."

"And he also killed Tian Zhong and Tian Mi who had defected to him. Hall Master Zhu, you should know that if Hall Master Tian had a little more thought, he would pretend to be ignorant of this matter and borrow the power of the snare Ascend to the position of hero, and then cross the river to demolish the bridge... But the old man can't rub the sand in his eyes. After knowing that they are traitors, he can't wait to kill them, even if it will make him lose the position of hero. up!"

Lin Bin sighed: "Even though he now knows that he has less than [-]% chance of winning in the battle with Hall Master Zhu, he still has to choose the hero in this way. It is for the safety of the farm family. I always thought that Hall Master Zhu won Yinghuo. Zhishi, because no one can take the position of hero, and you have to take the position for the safety of the farm family. Could it be that you actually want to become the hero of the peasant family, even if becoming the hero of the peasant family will make the farm family fall apart? Nope Can't you?"

Zhu Jiayi pointedly said: "This...Xiakui is the head of the farm family, and he can't rub the sand in his eyes. It doesn't seem good to be too clear about black and white?"

Lin Bin also pointedly said: "I think the bottom line is something that cannot be touched. Even if you compromise for the sake of righteousness, you will lose your bottom line... You know, when you stare at the abyss, the abyss I'm also staring at you, dancing with wolves won't end well, your farmer's family should never stop being caught in a trap, right? From this point of view, Hall Master Tian is doing the right thing."

" seems that if I disagree, it will cause the farm family to fall into civil strife."

The Zhu family looked at Wei Zhuang, and then at Gai Nie who was beside him with a silent face.

Exclaimed: "And I feel that Mr. Gai, you are also on Brother Lin's side, we are old friends."

Gai Nie said: "I just think what he said is very reasonable. The armor-piercing soldiers of all battles are coming soon. If the peasant family can't integrate their internal affairs as soon as possible, it will be difficult to escape their siege. If you can't decide the hero of the peasant family as soon as possible, it will destroy the peasant family. .”

"It seems that I have no choice."

The Zhu family sighed helplessly: "Okay, fortunately, the conditions he gave are reasonable, winning by force...I agree."

Of course he has nothing to fear.


His Zhu family is not good at force, but being able to become the master of a family, is it really a name for people to juggle?
"I'll go back and get ready. After half a day, there will be a showdown at the Liuxian Tomb!"

After the Zhu family finished speaking, they seemed to have become serious.

The mask turned into a struggle type, turned around and left.

"That's good, I'll go back and report to Hall Master Tian!"

Lin Bin smiled.

After Zhu's family left, Hou Hou quietly approached Lin Bin and asked in a low voice, "Does Tian Hu have a chance of winning?"

"Less than forty percent."

Lin Bin said: "After all, the Zhu family is very powerful, and they are the rivals of Tian Meng, Tian Hu's eldest brother. Compared with Tian Hu, Tian Hu is still inferior, especially Tian Hu's swordsmanship is very open and close, while the Zhu family is easy to walk. There is no one in the entire farming family who can compare with the way of acupuncture points."

Wan Hou said worriedly: "But if he wins... I'm worried that the farmer won't help us at that time. Listening to what you said before, it seems that Tian Hu is easier to control..."

"Anyway, Brother Hu must be the top farm hero. Don't worry, I'm sure."

Lin Bin said: "I'll go back and inform Brother Hu about this matter. It only takes half a day. It seems that the Zhu family doesn't want to give Brother Hu too much time to prepare, but unfortunately, there is no need for much preparation."

He bid farewell to Zongheng and the Mohists.

The reason why this trip went so smoothly was naturally because of the slight defensiveness between Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang. The Zhu family knew that if he disagreed with this matter, then he would face more than just Tian Hu is so simple.

It's just not long after leaving the Mohist resident.

While running quickly in the forest, Lin Bin inexplicably sensed an extremely cold aura entangled him...

This breath is extremely secretive, seemingly absent.

Lin Bin, who was walking in a hurry, suddenly slowed down.

He naturally wouldn't think it was an illusion.

Sighed: "Looks like Luo Wang really must pay for it, I just killed you a killer at the level of heaven, and you immediately found someone to deal with me, but even the startled salamander died in my hands, You'd better be stronger this time, otherwise, I'm afraid you're just delivering food to me."

"Luo Wang sent you too many dishes."

A dark figure appeared from the tree behind Lin Bin.

Holding a crimson sharp sword, there is an ominous aura around him.

Although the iron armor covered his face, he couldn't hide it from Lin Bin.

Isn't this person just hiding the sun?
And on the opposite side of him.

Mr. Jin appeared with a sword, and the two surrounded Lin Bin one by one!
Obviously, Zang Ri is Mr. Jin's immediate superior.

But Mr. Jin was exposed and learned that the startled salamander was dead. Naturally, he had to report the news to Zheri.

at this time.

Zhe Rizheng was condescending, staring at Lin Bin, and said word by word: "Since the strange appearance of the border town, you have taken the initiative to bribe the people in the net to deal with you. People were killed by you... And according to our subsequent investigation, you took away their money bags, which means that you are plucking the wool of our snare, not to mention earning back the capital, and even earning extra A sum, and now even the startled salamander has fallen into your hands, it seems that you really regard the snare as a kindness."

"Actually, I just regard the snare as a pest, and a pest should be trampled to death. Are you right, Mr. Xiakui?"

Lin Bin looked up at the jet-black figure above, and responded.


Mr. Jin, or Wu Kuang couldn't help but screamed out.

"Oh? Brother Wu, don't you also know that Tian Guang is not dead? Haven't you ever suspected that Tian Guang, as one of the inheritors of Canglong Qisu, cooperates with Luo Wang, who can even kill his father and enemy as long as it is beneficial? Isn't that right? Is it a reasonable thing? This also reasonably explains why Tian Guang didn't die, but still let the farms go into chaos, because Tian Guang has already become the master of the sun."

Lin Bin smiled and threw another depth charge.

Mr. Jin's tiger's body shook wildly after the explosion.

Lin Bin said inscrutablely: "Why, why do I know your real identity? It's very simple. I haven't been targeting Luo Wang for a day or two. Regarding Luo Wang, I may know as much information as possible, second only to the owner of Luo Wang, Zhao Gao. Woolen cloth."

With a lot of disbelief in Mr. Jin's eyes, he stared at his boss...

"Can't you hear he's talking nonsense?"

Covering the sun's voice was low, unable to detect any emotion.

"Or, should I call you Senior Xiaoyaozi? After all, all kinds of evidence point to you as the farm hero Kui Tianguang, but for the sake of the subsequent plot development so that you can continue to make troubles, I still prefer you to be a Taoist Xiaoyaozi, because in this way you will have a reason to get involved in Taoism."

Wu Kuang's complexion became even uglier.

He couldn't help but start to worry, after he killed the kid in front of him, would he kill him to silence him?


This person probably already knows who I am.

Why didn't he reveal my undercover identity?

Wu Kuang began to worry about gains and losses.

"Or is it just an identity to conceal the sun? No, concealing the sun is really just an identity. No matter who gets the concealed sun sword in your hand, whoever is the real concealed sun!"

A strange smile appeared on Lin Bin's face, and he said, "You are waiting here, but how do you know if I am fishing here?"


Covering the sun, his eyes changed.

He hurried forward...a white shadow flashed out behind him.

Hou Hou's figure was like a ghost, and he smiled lowly: "Senior brother's information is really correct, he said that there are two killers at the level of Tianzi here... two are indeed two..."

The magic force field suddenly opened.

Already forced to cover the sun, the double blade volleyed down.

But he was blocked by a red glow.

Covering the Sunrise Sheath...

All of a sudden, the sky and the earth were dark, only the red light dazzled and resplendent, counterattacking Houhou.

Bah bah bah, there was an extremely dense interlacing sound of weapons.

Wan Wan already let out a low cry...

Back with a bit of embarrassment.

With the addition of the evil emperor's relic, the depth of her simple skills is even higher than that of Lin Bin, but the battery life is far from comparable.

Therefore, the two fought hard, but she did not lose the wind, but she changed her moves very quickly, from dodging to charging, from blocking to attacking, in just two or three moves, she has completely isolated her disadvantaged situation.

In addition to fighting hard, there is no lack of dexterity, and it is difficult for Houhou's kung fu to operate freely, so he was injured in his hands after several moves.

But he retreated the enemy with several tricks, but he was not at all proud of himself. Instead, he felt as if he was facing a big enemy!
The real killing move had already fallen from the sky.

"Oh, the nets are doing all kinds of evil, disturbing the world and making the people unable to live in peace. It's really a heinous crime. Abin is bold here. Please, Mr. Zheri, go to death!"

Lin Bin's tone was full of guilt and apology.

The shot is merciless.

Taiji swordsmanship is difficult to attack offensively, but the sword art of the other side is not inferior in the slightest... The blade points at the big treacherous and the evil.

Especially the three-edged sword shaking hands is the sword flower flying.

It was obvious that he was going to kill him in pain, but the compassionate expression on his face made Cong Ri suddenly feel that he was really treacherous and evil, and the other party had no choice but to act helplessly. ,
He actually came up with his own damn idea.


It's a trick to deceive the mind!
Covering the sun with his eyes closed tightly, and then opening again, it is already clear.

At this time, Lin Bin had already approached.

"Come, come!"

However, Lin Bin had gained the upper hand by relying on the unique power of the sword code.

And behind...

Houhou was seriously injured, but it did not affect his combat power.

Seeing that the strength of this concealed sun is so strong, it seems to be stronger than the strongest evil king Shi Zhixuan she has ever seen.

Knowing that Lin Bin might not be able to accomplish anything by himself, the demon ribbon was wrapped around the double blades, and the demon force field was activated.

Immediately, it overlapped with Lin Bin's heavenly magic force field... Between the different gravitational forces, Biri lost his figure greatly.

One sword, two swords, pressing at the vital point at the same time.

Practitioners in the heavenly magic force field and true qi also complement and help each other.

The two teamed up, and the lethality erupted was 1+1 greater than 3!
"Wu Kuang, come and help me!"

Concealing the sun is only a few tricks, and it is already dangerous!

He was shocked.

The original intention was to regain the Shocking Salamander Sword...

After all, Yuewang Bajian should not be easily lost.

But I don't want to put myself in danger instead!

A burst of drink.

The sword energy that concealed the sun was so strong that it immediately turned the world into a eclipse.

Yin Hong's sword energy exploded in all directions, directly forcing the two of them back.

Wu Kuang's face suddenly became extremely ugly...

Apparently, what Lin Bin said just now had already shocked him into confusion.

At this point I don't know how to react.

(End of this chapter)

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