Chapter 170
"Wu Kuang, think are a spy in your trap, and you have been lurking in the trap from the very beginning. Since Biri already knows your true identity, it is impossible for him to let you go. Why bother to help him?" ?”

"What? He may be your farm hero? Just kidding, if he is really Tian Guang, then he will be even more tormented. He sent you to lurk in the snare, but he quietly entered the snare and became your boss, but he didn't To tell you this news, he clearly regards you as an outcast on the surface, and he may not be a hero... I just introduced this possibility..."

"Bai Ri is deep in thought. After today, even if you really saved him, he will definitely have a grudge against you because you acted too late. Do you like being a big wronged so much? If so, when When your wife hooked up with Sheng Qi, you should be excited, why are you so angry?"


A word, every sentence punishes the heart.

Wu Kuang was said to be sweating profusely, but the Han Chan Sword in his hand couldn't be handed out no matter what.

He didn't even expect the situation to reach this point.

He and Wu Kuang teamed up to find the murderer who killed the startling salamander.

Since he dared to come, he naturally has the confidence.

Even if this person is stronger than the startling salamander...

Zheri also has full self-confidence and can defeat the opponent.

Coupled with a powerful killer-level killer, in fact, Wu Kuang, whose real combat power has already infinitely approached the sky-level level, was covering it.

It has been counted as a sure thing.

But who would have expected that the other party had already prepared for their attack.

In a few words, while talking about his confusion, even Wu Kuang fell into chaos.

However, he was limited by his identity and couldn't explain clearly...

This led to the hesitation of the other party.

The originally imagined two-on-one is still two-on-one.

It was the two of them who beat him...

And any one of these two people is strong enough to rival him.

Fighting alone, he is not afraid of anyone.

In the words of one against two.

Covering the sun with sword energy covering the sky and the sun, but it can only protect itself.

But if you want to win, you need a little help from outside.

All it takes is a little outside assistance.

But that external force is now...

"Wu Kuang, help me, I promise, Luo Wang will never liquidate you because of your identity in the future!"

"Hurry up, after killing him, the Shocking Salamander Sword will be assigned to you, and you will be Luo Wang's new Tianzi-level killer!"

"With my strength, I'm on the same level as these two...well..."

Hid the sun and let out a low cry.

The left arm has been cut directly by the double dragon phantom sword.

In an instant, many distracting thoughts and fears surfaced in my heart.

Bi Ri's heart is as cold as iron, no matter how cruel the scene is, he is never afraid, but it is just a wound, which makes Bi Ri's long-sleeping fear come back again.

will die!

I will die!
Overcome fear with fortitude.

He continued to shout: "As long as you help and break the deadlock, I can easily win... um... despicable, you witch actually sneaked up behind..."

"Hee hee, who made you brag so much?"

The initial battle between the three was indeed evenly matched.

But when Lin Bin took out the Ssangyong Phantom Sword, Zhe Ri was already exhausted.

The Eight Swords of the King of Yue are truly unworldly soldiers.

But more is actually the sharpness of the blade, plus the characteristics such as the ability to cover the sun and the sun with the sword light.

When it comes to grades...

Naturally, it is far inferior to the Shuanglong Phantom Sword.

This is Tang Tianhao's painstakingly chosen weapon for his son after careful selection, plus its extreme... The lethality is naturally needless to mention.

Especially the suppression of the double dragon phantom sword.

How powerless this sword is to dark creatures like vampires, it is terrifying to these ordinary people.

No matter how strong it is to hide the sun, it is still a human being, and a human being cannot resist the dark erosion of the Double Dragon Shadow Sword.

Seeing that he has the upper hand, Hou Hou still has time to joke around.

Lin Bin, on the other hand, kept silent and outputted blindly.

"Death to me!"

He didn't give Wu Kuang too much chance to hesitate.

Taking advantage of Houhou's sneak attack and serious injuries to cover up the sun, the sword energy of the Shuanglong Phantom Sword burst out.

A pitch-black crescent-shaped sword qi slashed out, as fast as lightning. Even if the strength is as strong as covering the sun, and if you lose your balance under serious injuries, it is difficult to avoid this deadly attack!

Seeing life and death crisis.

He only had time to turn sideways urgently.

Lin Bin swung his sword slightly to the head...accompanied by a shrill scream.

The right hand holding the sword was splashed high into the sky, accompanied by splashes of blood.

"Hiding the sun sword, I will not be polite."

Seeing the broken arm in front of the sun, he still wanted to use his seriously injured left arm to catch the sword.

Lin Bin didn't give him a chance.

Take a kick.

Kicking Zheri away fiercely, he stretched out his hand to hold the Zingri sword.


Covering the sun with a low cry of pain.

Seeing that even the weapons were taken away, and there was nothing he could do, he turned around and fled outside without hesitation.

"Wu Wan, go after it!"


Wan Wan gave a soft drink.

With a light figure, he chased after the direction of the net and attacked.

Lin Bin looked back in Wu Kuang's direction and said, "Your time for hesitation is over."


Wu Kuang smiled wryly.

He really wasn't afraid, it was Lin Bin's words that concealed the sun, it might be Tian Guang, which made him flustered...

If this is true, then his decades of lurking is really just a joke.

This hit him so hard that he couldn't help but want to see, if Zheri was really defeated, or if the mask on his face was knocked off and his true face was revealed, who would he be?

It's just that he didn't expect Lin Bin and the two to be so strong, and the strength of the concealed sun was beyond imagination. Even in the face of a joint attack by the two of them, his reaction was extremely fast...and he was able to escape with the help of Lin Bin.

Wu Kuang asked, "Are you going to kill me?"

He has seen it.

Lin Bin's real strength is not under the cover of the sun, but naturally above him, coupled with his mysterious and unpredictable means... If he really wants to kill him, he has no chance.

"Whether to kill you or not, I'm still talking. Right now, I want the Han Chan Sword in your hand!"

Wu Kuang wondered, "What?"

Lin Bin said: "Han Chan Sword is a thing of Luo Wang, Luo Wang's sword is Luo Wang's identity, and Luo Wang is my enemy, as long as you abandon this sword, it is equivalent to abandoning Luo Wang's identity, I may be able to forgive you temporarily Of course, I might kill you one day in the future, after all, once you get caught in the net, you will be innocent from now on."

This was an idea that suddenly came to Lin Bin just when he was teasing the heart of the sun with words.

His previous mission was to destroy Cihang Jingzhai.

But in fact, he destroyed Cihang Jingzhai, but he didn't kill all the people in Cihang Jingzhai. At least, Shi Feixuan didn't die.

But even so, his task was still judged to be completed.

This means that destroying an organization does not necessarily mean killing all the people in it, just like Cihang Jingzhai destroying their sect's residence.

The net has no base, but the core of the net lies in the sword.

Just like the sword of the startling salamander was taken away by the startling salamander for many years, and the position of the startling salamander has really been vacant for many years... Is there no one who is qualified?Of course not, the real reason is that there is no startling salamander sword, so why startling salamanders?
if it is like this.

Killing people is one method, but besides killing people, grabbing the sword is also a method to eliminate the trap.

And Wu Kuang in front of him is a good experiment.

Anyway, plenty of time...

If there is really nothing to do, just come and kill this Wu Kuang when the time comes.

Don't delay.

Wu Kuang hesitated for a while, and said with a wry smile: "Forget it, my identity was just a joke... Now that Tian Mi's identity is exposed, my innocence will naturally be cleared, and it's time for me to return to the farmhouse, but it's just about concealing the sun. It may be a matter of the hero..."

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter who the sun is, because he is dead."

Lin Bin paused, and his extremely sensitive ears suddenly moved.

Already heard a very crisp whistling sound.

It's 婠婠!
There are strong enemies!
Lin Bin shouted: "There are enemies again, give me the sword quickly, I will spare your life for the time being today, or I will kill you today!"

Wu Kuang's eyes also moved slightly when he heard this, but without thinking too much, he threw the sword to Lin Bin directly.

Lin Bin took it and put the sword away as if by magic.

Without hesitation, he turned around and ran towards the direction of the howling sound.

He can hear clearly...

Houhou encountered a strong enemy, otherwise, she would never have asked him for help like this.

Boots of Lightness + Lai Yunzong.

Lin Bin's speed was much, much faster than that of Houhou, and Wu Kuang could no longer see him in a flash.

Wu Kuang took a deep look at Lin Bin's leaving back, and heaved a long sigh, thinking that it was time to see his old friend.

He turned and left lonely.

On Lin Bin's side, he had already rushed to the place where Houhou had just made his voice in an instant.

It's just that at this time, there are only sword marks and sword aura everywhere, but there is no trace of her or the enemy.

over there!
Lin Bin's gaze was like a torch, and he quickly saw the position where the two were fighting and retreating... quickly rushed over.

Just go and go.

He couldn't help being slightly stunned.

It's midsummer, and the trees and grass in the forest are at their most luxuriant, full of vitality and greenery.

But as he ran, the scene in front of him gradually changed to black and white... There was a feeling of running from a color TV to a black and white TV.

Even the incomparably keen five senses of the "Secret of Longevity" were suppressed accordingly.

The zhenqi displayed when performing lightness kung fu also greatly increased...


Lin Bin let out a cry of surprise, and suddenly stood up.

There was a serious look on his face.

Seeing that the surroundings have completely turned into black and white scenes... surprised: "The world has lost its color?! Taoist Xiaomeng?"

He went on.

I can clearly feel that the deeper I go, the stronger the suppression around me becomes.

But it is not unsolvable.

As the surrounding air squeezed towards this side, Lin Bin could see that as the pressure on his side increased, the surrounding area was constantly weakening, even if he only observed it with the naked eye.

"I see!"

In just a short moment, Lin Bin understood the mystery of this move.

Use your own true energy to form a field similar to the magic field to suppress the enemy in all directions, speed, strength, reaction, and even the display of true energy. When the strength gap between the two is too large, they can even directly suppress the enemy to death.

But if the enemy's strength is too strong, then the more true energy is needed to suppress the enemy.

It is also a lot of pressure on the performer.

It is a lose-lose style of play.

"Wu wo~!"

Lin Bin opened his mouth, gathered the immortal energy in his body, and burst into a loud drink.

Although he has never practiced lion's roar or other exercises, his exercises are profound and full of vitality.

There was a burst of shouting, and the surrounding trees and shrubs within a radius of [-] meters were shaking and shaking, and the silent black and white picture that was so calm that it seemed to have stopped was also fluctuating.

"Here I am, witch, eat me with a big sword."

All of a sudden, there was a yelling sound from afar.

Then there was an extremely dense interlacing sound of weapons...

Lin Bin rushed forward.

However, it seems that Hou Hou finally got rid of the oppression of the eclipse of heaven and earth with the help of Lin Bin's power.

At this time, he used all his strength to display the Heavenly Demon Force Field, and the Heavenly Demon Double Blades were fighting fiercely with a girl in a green skirt and white hair.

The two of them have a graceful figure, and their steps are like winning and walking in the courtyard, and they seem to be floating like immortals.

Hou Hou is dexterous in posture, quiet as a virgin, moving like a mad rabbit, and can switch freely between movement and stillness... Although he has just obtained the Mohist kung fu, and he has not even had time to practice it deeply, but after all, he has the same origin and the same root.

It's just the broadening of her horizons, but she has gradually begun to control the majestic true energy in her body.

This gain...

Even the green-clothed girl can't completely suppress it...or Lin Bin's existence, as long as he stands in the realm of the eclipse of the world, will consume most of her true energy that was originally used to deal with Houhou.

Fight for a while.

An angry look flashed in her eyes.

While the magic weapon in his hand was fighting fiercely with the double-bladed Houhou, his whole body suddenly disappeared into nothingness, and his figure had already crossed a distance of tens of meters out of thin air and came to Lin Bin.

The magic soldier was forced down.

He shouted: "Look at the sword!"

Lin Bin raised the Shuanglong Phantom Sword.

Connecting with the intention of Taiji rounding, but Xiaomeng seemed to have expected it long ago. After the sword was released, but before it came into contact with Taiji sword intent, the Qiuli sword in his hand suddenly deviated...

This seemingly inevitable sword was actually a false move.

And she turned the virtual into the real, and the virtual and the real intertwined.

The sword energy had passed through the sword ring of the Shuanglong Phantom Sword, and it was directly approaching Lin Bin's chest.

Lin Bin didn't bend his legs, didn't kick his feet, and his body moved a few meters suddenly, avoiding the range of the sword energy.

Wan Hou shouted in dissatisfaction: "Senior brother, this woman is blocking him. If it wasn't for her, he would have already killed that masking sun."

"Don't worry, Zheri was cut by my Shuanglong Demon Shadow Sword. There is no way to heal his wounds in this world. He is dead. The difference is that he died by our hands, or he rotted like a dead mouse in the corner alone." Lose!"

Lin Bin pointed his sword at Xiaomeng, and said, "Master Xiaomeng, could it be that you are also a trapper?"

"Me? A trap?"

Only then did the figure of fighting Houhou first and then Lin Bin show his true face.

He is tall and slender, but he doesn't give people the slightest sense of weakness, especially those unruly eyes, which are weakened by the bun on his head...but still give people a sense of weakness. A kind of demeanor that if you don't agree with each other, you will do it.

Xiaomeng, the patriarch of Taoist Tianzong.

It was the first time that Lin Bin met someone who could see the mysterious flaws of Tai Chi sword in the first confrontation.

Can it only be said that he is worthy of being a Taoist?
But at this time, she looked at Lin Bin with contempt in her eyes, and sighed: "You are really going back, Lin Bin... If I answer yes, are you going to join hands with this woman to deal with me? ? If so, then come on, both of you, why should I be afraid?"

Wan Wan: "Huh?"

Lin Bin's eyes also shrank suddenly.

Surprised: "You recognize me?"

(End of this chapter)

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