when reincarnation invades

Chapter 172 I Didn't Come To Exterminate You, I Came To Join You

Chapter 172 I Didn't Come To Exterminate You, I Came To Join You
Tomb of the Six Sages of Emperor Yan.

As a farmer's sanctuary, few people come here on weekdays.

But today, there are thousands of people gathered together!

Everyone from the Mohists, Guigu Zongheng and others are here as witnesses.

And not only that...

The remaining more than a thousand people are the important backbone figures of the farmhouses.

Just as Lin Bin ordered, Tian Hu is not worried that he will not be able to beat the Zhu family, what a joke... Except for Tian Hu who needs to temporarily avoid the edge when facing the combination of Zongheng and Hengheng, at other times, who is he afraid of? Come?

But he had to worry that the Zhu family would not admit it if they lost.

So the news spread throughout almost the entire farm.

When it is learned that the peasant family has produced a large number of spies, and in order to stabilize the morale of the army as soon as possible, Tian Hu and the Zhu family will use force to determine the real hero at the Yandi Six Sages Tomb.


Under his deliberate publicity, almost the entire farm family knew about it, and everyone came to witness it!
At this time, Wu Kuang and Chen Sheng were also among them.

Tian Mi's death completely eliminated the rift between them... Good brothers, although they used to fight each other with sharp swords, but the misunderstanding resolved the past, and the troublesome woman was dead, so they naturally returned to their old views.

The Zhu family was not surprised when they saw such a scene deliberately arranged by Tian Hu, and just praised from the bottom of their hearts that you are full of confidence.

No need for any other nonsense.

There has been an open and secret struggle between the two for a long time.

Now that there is a consensus, there is no need to be polite to each other.

One draws out the Amber Soul, and the other also conjures up an angry red mask.

Quickly fight in one place.

One is the hall master of Chiyou Hall, who is in charge of fighting and killing, and his moves are opened and closed, like a whirlwind tornado, and the stones and the ground are cracked wherever he passes!
One is the head of the Shennong Hall, who never shows off his talents, but his physical strength ranks first among the farmers, and his offensive is sensitive and delicate, and ordinary people can't resist it at all.

There has been resentment between the two parties for a long time, and the shot is unreserved.

For a moment, on the platform under the Tomb of the Six Sages, wild sword energy spread freely, and exquisite true energy splashed everywhere.

The two sides have not yet decided the outcome, but those people with high vision have already seen the clues.

Gai Nie said in a deep voice: "Both of them are thinking of a quick battle, so the battle will end soon!"

Wei Zhuang said: "It seems that after all, the master of the Zhu family is superior in skills. It seems that they are evenly matched. Tian Hu has gone all out, but the Zhu family still has spare strength."

"It's not entirely true. Tian Hu dared to propose a duel, so he must be quite sure."

Gai Nie took a deep look at Lin Bin who was watching the battle from a distance, and said: "And most importantly, this martial arts champion is really like that A Bin, so Tian Hu must have a hole card... ..."

Sure enough, the voice fell.

Seeing that the Zhu family had already taken advantage of Tian Hu's old moves and exposed his back, he pointed at the key acupoints on his waist, and then he covered his fingers in pain and backed away again and again, the mask on his face became even more angry, He shouted: "Tian Hu, you agreed to a fair duel, but you actually temporarily wear armor on your body?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

"Nonsense, I have had a body armor since I was a child, but for many years no one has been able to get within three feet of me, let alone hurt me. Naturally, no one knows about it."

Tian Hu arrogantly said: "Why... I have tiger souls for attack and soft hedgehogs for defense. They are both my weapons. Do you think it's unfair? It's really not fair. I have weapons. Do you want me to take them off? Armor, put down Amber Soul, is it fair to fight you empty-handed?"

When everyone knew that Tian Hu was wearing armor, they were a little contemptuous at first.

But after hearing his words, I suddenly felt inexplicably...


If the competition is absolutely fair, wouldn't it mean that Tian Hu can't even use a sword?

Equipment is also a part of strength. If hall master Tian has armor himself, it is really not fair to take it off.

Tian Hu proudly said: "However, you can be proud to find that I am wearing armor, Zhu family."

"you you you you……"

The Zhu family was dumbfounded in anger.

For a while, he didn't know how to refute.

"Hahahaha, look at the sword!"

Tian Hu's tiger soul sword was full of power, strangling towards the Zhu family like a meat grinder.

But the Zhu family's fingers were injured, and half of their acupuncture skills were wasted...

In addition, the enemy is wearing a treasure armor, which protects most of the vital points on his body, and the other half is also abolished.

Although the Zhu family is strong, their advantages have been abolished.

Tian Hu is also a person with real materials, especially his moves are open and closed. After giving up defense, the attack range is even greater. The Zhu family can only retreat and retreat, and then retreat... until he exited out of breath Round table.

At this time, his ten fingers were already dripping with blood.

No longer able to fight.

"Everyone from the farm family witnessed that I, Tian Hu, won this battle!"

Tian Hu said proudly: "The position of the hero belongs to Tian Hu. Everyone, rest assured that the net is plotting against my farm family. With Tian Hu in charge, I will surely seek justice for the farm family and use the destruction of the whole net to rebuild my farm family. Prestige, all schools of thought, farmers are respected!"

"Hundred schools of thought, farmers are respected!"

Many disciples shouted together.

I have to mention that Tian Hu's mind is really not very good...

But he is tall and majestic, with a dignified appearance, coupled with the prestige of winning, it seems that he really has a bit of a heroic demeanor. For a while, the peasants who have suffered from being a hero for a long time seem to have found their backbone, and there are even many Shennong Tang's disciples also shouted.

Tian Hu laughed loudly and said: "Everyone wait a moment, I will go to see the six elders right now, and when I get their consent, I will truly be justified."

After all, he walked in proudly.

But Lin Bin looked at the Zhu family with a desolate and masked face, and thought that the Zhu family had lost under the eyes of everyone. is a gambler.

This time, a sure win!


Only half an hour passed.

An old man came out together with Tian Hu, and seeing this old man... the faces of many farmers showed reverence at the same time.

This person is the military leader of one of the six elders of the farm family, and he is the strongest among the six elders!
It's just that they don't know what's going on, but everyone always feels that his face is a little dark.

And this time...

He coughed a few times, and said: "From today on, Tian Hu, the head of the Chi You Hall, is officially the leader of the peasant family. All members of the peasant family must obey his orders and not disobey them!"

Tian Hu immediately burst out laughing triumphantly.

The soldier's face turned even darker.

He sighed and said, "Oh, talents are withering, but why... how..."

Dejectedly turned and left.

Tian Hu laughed and said: "Okay, okay, I will issue the first order, that is, from today on, anyone who sees a snare, the farm family must take action, regardless of the reason, it doesn't matter if they are shot or killed. People bully and don't know how to fight back... Zhu family, now there are six halls in the farmhouse, and three hall masters are vacant, please quickly list for me the candidates who are suitable to be hall masters, and I will select them."

The Zhu family, who was originally lonely, was stunned. Even with the mask on his face, the shape of his mouth became O-shaped. He pointed at himself in shock with bloody fingers and asked, "I'm coming? Are you going to peel off my Shennong?" Is it the position of hall master?"


Tian Huli said bluntly: "Tian Zhong and Tian Mi are both spies. After they died, you are the fastest thinking person in the entire farm family. You naturally want to work harder for those who are capable. I am a hero. Do you still expect me to do everything by myself?" ? Naturally, you need to know how to use them well...you can do what you can, and if you can't, I can't take away the position of hall master for you."

"The Zhu family is willing to share the worries of Xia Kui!"

The Zhu family scratched their heads in a little confusion, feeling a little dazed for a while, wondering if what you are fighting for is the title of hero?

Do you not care about specific rights?If I had known earlier, I was fighting openly and secretly with you.

But even though he was confused, he still responded quickly.

He took a deep look at Lin Bin...

Xin Dao is afraid that this kind of mentality may still have something to do with this kid.

However, Tian Hu won the title of Xia Kui, and according to his tone, the real power fell into the hands of his Zhu family...

Not a bad result either.

It's just that I don't know what Lin Bin is thinking. Could it be that he wants to use Tian Hu's power to control the farm?
It seems that we should pay attention to it in the future.

He said: "Xiakui, according to reliable sources, Qin's hundred-war armor-piercing soldiers are close at hand. Although the farmer's family claims to have one hundred thousand disciples, it is inconvenient to fight with them... In my opinion, we should break it up into pieces." , hide in Daze Mountain, and let them return without success is the right thing to do."

Tian Hu said dissatisfied: "Fleeing before fighting? I don't agree."

"But if we fight against the armor-piercing soldiers, even if we are tough, we will probably suffer heavy casualties by then. How will we deal with the trap?"

"This... I didn't think about it. Revenge on Luo Wang is the most important thing. Well, according to the Zhu family's words, I will leave this matter to you!"


The Zhu family suddenly felt that they had figured out how to communicate with the rough man in front of them.

Even suddenly felt that this person was much more pleasing to the eye.

so cute.

Lin Bin nodded equally satisfied.

As such...

In the plane of Qin Shi, the most powerful force has arrived.

Although it has nothing to do with him, as long as it is dealing with the net, the farmer will be his most loyal backing and assistant.

After half a day.

Also back to the soft hedgehog.

Lin Bin also officially bid farewell to Tian Hu...

Instead, the Zhu family, who had had some dark thoughts about Lin Bin before, was completely confused. He really came to kill Luo Wang?His purpose is really just a trap?
Is he really not greedy for the power of the peasant family?
Tian Hu held Lin Bin's hand reluctantly, and asked, "Brother Abin is leaving so soon?"

Lin Bin sighed and said: "I am not at peace with the net. In fact, I should have left after the farm's net was eradicated. It was only a few days before I hit it off with you, Brother Hu. Now that the farm has not been infiltrated by the net, I will leave now." not worried."

"In the future, whenever there is news about Luo Wang, I can safely tell you, Brother Hu, that you, Brother Hu, are people that Luo Wang cannot penetrate. As long as it is related to Luo Wang, even if there are thousands of rivers and mountains, you, Brother Hu, will never die with him!"

Tian Hu patted his chest and said: "Even if it has nothing to do with Luo Wang, whenever you are bullied, I will tell you Brother Hu, Brother Hu's Tiger Soul Sword is not a vegetarian!"

"Then thank Brother Hu in advance."

Lin Bin held Tian Hu's hand gratefully, with a reluctant expression on his face.

Wait until you turn around...

His expression immediately returned to normal.

Riding on the steed, looking back again, with a look of reluctance, he said excitedly: "Brother Hu, see you in Jianghu!"

"Brother always come back to see me!"


Lin Bin turned his head, looked normal again, and rode away at a gallop.

This trip to the farm has been very rewarding.

Not to mention the successful beheading of two sky-level killers, but also the great help of the farm family... The cutting-edge combat power of the net may need to be cut off by him, but if the entire net is to be wiped out, the existence of the farm is indispensable!
And also met Xiaomeng.

The bamboo slips had been burned by him, and all the contents were recorded in his mind.

Cultivation techniques can be regarded as the most cost-effective thing in the samsara space. Although the exchange price is extremely high, if there is a way, how many samsara points can be saved by obtaining it in the secret realm?
Especially Taoist Tianzong Gongfa.

After memorizing these contents, Lin Bin was almost certain that the value of this little bamboo slip was probably more precious than the sum of the four B-level merits he currently held.

After all, Ru Tiandi Bian Lu and He Guang Tong Chen can both be regarded as B-level skills respectively. In theory, they need to pay B-level merits to exchange them.

But now it's packing...

Earn fat.

Just as he was thinking, the galloping horse under him sank slightly.

A figure has landed behind Lin Bin...

Warm and fragrant nephrite feels great to the touch.

It's a pity that Houhou is no longer the little witch she used to be in the Datang plane, bra or something...

Compared with the bellyband, the touch is really much worse.

Lin Bin cursed in his heart.

Behind him, Wan Hou smiled lightly and said, "Brother is so powerful, you have recruited the farm so quickly, where are you going to go next?"

Lin Bin didn't answer but asked instead: "You don't stay in the Mohist family anymore? Didn't you say that they already regarded you as a Mohist disciple? How could they let you go?"

Hou Hou sighed: "People say that they are pregnant with your child, and you have to leave. If they don't follow, the child will have no father... No matter how reluctant they are, they can only let him go, but the one who took it along scolded him severely. Just a few words for you."

"speak English!"

"The Mo family has already been squeezed dry by others. It is useless. What are they still doing there? Just find a reason to come out with you, brother. They have not forgotten their mission!"

Wan Hou asked: "By the way, brother, you haven't answered my question yet, where shall we go next?"



"Because our next goal should be there, and if my guess is right, Tang Tianhao and the others should also be there. After all, that is the main scene. Even if the saint-level reincarnation is far behind us, it should be there now." Slowly catching up."

"What? Are we going to deal with Luo Wang and Tang Tianhao at the same time?"

Although Hou Hou didn't know what the main scene meant, she still recognized Lin Bin's meaning, and said in surprise, "Brother, you've drifted away..."


Lin Bin snorted lightly, and said, "We're not here to eliminate the trap, we're here to join the trap."


"No, it's better to say that we are actually the people of the net, after all, the net is named after the sword."

Lin Bin said: "From today onwards, you will be a startled salamander, and I will cover up the sun, understand?"

Hou Hou was pleasantly surprised: "Do you want to give away the startling salamander sword?"

"Temporary loan, remember to return it to me!"


"Forget it, I will complete the task myself!"

"don't want……"

Wan Wan said coquettishly: "I want a high evaluation. If I can double the points this time, I can not only exchange weapons, but also exchange some other props!"

"Then just be obedient."

"Yes, yes, you are so good, you can do whatever the senior brother asks you to do."

(End of this chapter)

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