when reincarnation invades

Chapter 173 frame the blame

Chapter 173 frame the blame

The center of the current plot...Of course, it might have been overlooked.

But in fact, today's Songhai can be called a gathering of wind and clouds.

The Six Swordsmen and Zhao Gao are here.

The foundation of Yin Yang school is here.

Even Xiaoshengxianzhuang, the base of Confucianism, is here.

It is conceivable that no matter what Tang Tianhao's mission is, nine out of ten, he is very likely to be here as well.

"So after we get here, we must not show our true colors to others, especially we must not let anyone find our tracks, you know?"

Lin Bin and Houhou each put on a pair of Qin army uniforms.

Even with the iron armor covering his face, no trace of his past can be seen from his figure or face.

"Yes, Lord Zheri!"

With a hoarse voice, holding a startling salamander sword, she knelt down on one knee facing Lin Bin...

However, inexplicably, the joke she had with Shi Feixuan appeared in her mind... Kneeling and licking... Hmph...

She hastily stood up straight.

Dissatisfied: "It's not fair, they are obviously killers at the top of the sky, why should I kneel down to you?"

"Because it is likely that the relationship between Mangri and Luowang is a cooperative relationship, and Mangri's true identity is likely to be an existence that is equal to Zhao Gaoping, the master of Luowang."

Lin Bin regretted: "It's a pity that we didn't get to see the death of Biri with our own eyes. Otherwise, we might be able to know his true face... At that time, there will be more things that can be done, but if we get the Birijian That’s right, if you know that if you get the cover, I’m cover, who dares to say otherwise? Zhao Gao has the guts to come out and hold a press conference saying that their cover has been killed by someone, is my cover up an imposter?”

Wan Hou suggested: "And people think that we can take advantage of Luo Wang's status to severely offend the Yin Yang family, and then put the blame on Luo Wang. In this way, the Yin Yang family will become our tool to deal with Luo Wang?"

"Good idea, I want to go with me, but right now, we have to go to a place first."


"Little Sages Village!"

Lin Bin and Hou Hou were like soldiers of the Qin army on patrol, talking while walking.

It's just that the mouths of the two of them didn't move, and they didn't even make a sound.

Sound of nature.

Taoist secret technique... can directly make one's own voice resound deep in the other party's heart.

No one can hear it except the bearer.

And the method of his cultivation is in the bamboo slips that Xiaomeng gave Lin Bin before.

A few days of hard work.

Lin Bin was not idle, except that he was practicing with Houhou immediately, in order to improve the strength of the two of them as soon as possible.

He specially handed over the luck method of Tian Lai's sound transmission to Hou Wan...

Both of them can be said to be the masters of a generation.

As long as you figure out the tricks of this method, you will be quite proficient soon.

In this way, the two can communicate freely no matter where they are, which is much more convenient.

"What are you going to Xiaoshengxianzhuang for?"

"Just like you said, it's to do something."

Lin Bin said: "Confucianism is different from the peasant family. Farmers generally have no brains and can easily get their help. But Confucianism is different. Confucianism is a group of elites. Whenever you show a little bit of cheating, they can infer A lot of truth comes, so we must deal with them quickly, we must not linger, and we must not do too much, we must let them think about it.”

"What are you going to do?"

"Assassinate directly as a snare!"

Lin Bin looked at Houhou, and said: "It's up to you to do it, remember, use the sword of startling salamander, do it with all your strength, don't hold back the slightest bit, it would be great if you can really kill it. "

"Who do you want to kill?"

Lin Bin paused, "Yan Lu!"

Wan Hou blinked her eyes, and muttered, "It's so dreamy. In the history books I studied before, these people should be all people who play with words and ink, but now they have all become martial arts masters."

"In the real history books, Confucius is still an eight-foot-long man. He belongs to the type that you can't argue with him, and you can't fight with him."

Lin Bin said: "Okay, let's check the information about Xiaoshengxianzhuang."


After listening, Wan Wan nodded obediently.

Now she shows signs of changing to Lin Bin's double red flower stick, or after knowing Lin Bin's ability in the secret realm, she gave up using her brain... Anyway, no matter how much she uses her brain, Lin Bin has already thought of her proposal .

And in fact.

Lin Bin's thoughts were far more than what Hou Hou thought.

The previous owner of Han Guangjian was Wuming who was hunted down by Luo Wang, and Zhao Gao's psychological activities also admitted that Luo Wang had been chasing Han Guangjian for many years.

Since the Hanguang sword cannot enter the Eight Swords of the King of Yue, it is naturally impossible for Zhao Gao to add another Tianzi-level killer to Luowang.

most likely...

It is that the Hanguang Sword is likely to be related to Canglong Qisu, after all, the only thing Luo Wang cares about is these two.

And Yan Lu, as an unknown relative, obviously knows this...so he has never shown his weapon in these years.

It's just that Li Si calculated Confucianism before.

As a result, he had to expose the lightsaber.

Thinking about it, he also knows that the sword with lights is a must-have for Luo Wang...

That being the case.

Then it is very reasonable and reasonable for the two people of the net to come together to grab the sword, the sun and the startled salamander?

As for whether Houhou will accidentally kill Yan Lu... Lin Bin doesn't care.

First of all, it was said that it was impossible for Fu Nian to defeat Yan Lu, but this guy was a true [-]/[-] split in the Qin Shi plane, no matter who he met.

Secondly, even if Yan Lu really died in the hands of Houhou.

On the contrary, it will make the relationship between Confucianism and Luo Wang even more endless.

The task is difficult.

Even if it really affects the innocent, it can't be cared about.

That night.

Wan Wan first recharges his batteries.

Lin Bin, on the other hand, was wearing an optical camouflage cloak, with footsteps and light-like dust gait.

Although still very rusty.

But at the very least, it has to start with B-level footwork, and it may even approach A-level infinitely, which is much stronger than Ti Yunzong.

Coupled with Lin Bin's extraordinary comprehension of Taoist exercises, he even concealed his final figure...

Unless scientific and technological means are used, it is basically impossible to find his traces by manpower alone.

Lin Bin went in and out of Xiaoshengxian Village dozens of times like this, but no one could find his trace.

Only half a day.

He drew the map by himself, handed it to Houhou, pointed to the red dot on the map and said: "This is the range of Yan Lu's activities... When I met Yan Lu just now, I saw that he sent his disciples to some places. I went to an inn to pick up a few dishes of vegetarian dishes and a jug of sake, it seems that I plan to drink alone to the moon, but it is just right for you to do it."

"Don't worry, I'll leave it to you. Although I don't specialize in swordsmanship, my swordsmanship is not much inferior to that of Shi Feixuan."

Holding the map, Wan Wan was full of confidence.


night time.

It's getting late.

But inside the Little Sage's Village, the sound of reading can still be heard loudly.

Among the hundreds of schools of thought, Confucianism is not the strongest, but its influence is definitely the greatest.

In particular, Xiaoshengxianzhuang, as a Confucian holy place, has a very strong learning atmosphere. It seems that if you go to the gym and don’t exercise, you won’t fit in with others. When they come here, they feel sorry for their hard study and meditation over the years.

But at this time.

When the moon is in the sky.

Among the three heroes of Qi and Lu, Yan Lu, who has the most gentle temperament like Yuyu, rarely did not rest in the study.

Instead, in the pavilion in the center of the lake, with the gentle breeze and the bright moon in the sky, we drank a glass of fine wine together.

It's just that the surface of the lake is constantly rippling, just like his mood at the moment.

Ever since Han Guangjian came into the world, he saw the greedy light in Zhao Gao's eyes, understood the meaning behind Han Guang, and he understood it.

Confucianism may not be able to escape the subsequent turmoil.


He left Confucianism.

But it's not okay to leave.

If he left, relying on his own strength, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the snare net, and the light sword will inevitably fall into the snare's hands at that time.

During this period of time, Yan Lu thought of a fairly pertinent solution.

Leaving Han Guangjian behind and leaving by himself to attract Luo Wang's attention, based on what he can do, it is absolutely impossible to be Luo Wang's opponent.

But it is not difficult to persist in entanglement. As long as he remains anonymous and is not discovered by the net, then as long as he lives one more day, Confucianism will be stable for one day.

And even if he is captured, he can use some clues to mislead Luo Wang, making them think that he hid the light sword somewhere other than Confucianism.

It's just that although the magic weapon is precious, what Yan Lu values ​​more is the meaning behind it.

This is the weapon left to him by his master, so let it go...it is inevitable...

Therefore, during this period of time, he had to drink to drown his sorrows every day.

It's a pity that I have a lot of thoughts, but no one tells it. I can only talk about the moon in the water and the moon in the sky.

And the ripples on the surface of the lake seem to be pity for his troubled thoughts...

Yan Lu, who was somewhat drunk, watched the ripples gradually expand, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and was about to talk more with Shuiyue, but a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart.

This ripple is wrong...

Almost instinctively, he held the emerald green hilt of the lightsaber in his palm.

Raising his hand to block, he was already in contact with a slender and cold sword blade, and sparks burst out amidst the violent friction.

From the water, an assassin dressed in Qin Bing's armor, undistinguishable male and female, rushed out of the lake, and the first strike made Yan Lu walk through the gate of life and death.

What shocked Yan Lu even more was the weapon in the assassin's hand, a weapon he had seen more than once when he was a child.

"Striking salamander sword?!"

He exclaimed and shouted: "Are you a trap?!"

My heart couldn't help sinking, did the startled salamander still fall into the hands of the trap?
They came so fast?
He thought that his side had just shown Hanguang, but now with the influence of Confucianism in Qin, Zhao Gao would be more or less scruples, he would not show his face there, so he immediately started to grab it, no matter what, he would have to wait for a while .

But who knew they could be so impatient...

"If you want to blame, blame you for taking something you shouldn't have."

The voice that was deliberately lowered was a female voice.

Yan Lu's heart moved slightly, invisible sword blades appeared from both sides of the light.

Already interleaved with the Shocking Salamander Sword for more than ten rounds...

He fought and retreated, except for the slight astonishment and panic at the beginning, he quickly calmed down at this moment.

Afterwards... No matter how violent the attack of the Shocking Salamander Sword is like a storm, it will still be difficult to affect him in the slightest.

The sword energy surged, and more frenzied ripples appeared on the lake.

The air of Xiaosha diffused in all directions, and the originally elegant and quiet gazebo was quickly covered with a large number of dense sword marks.

But none of the sword marks hit Yan Lu's body.

Even if Houhou followed Lin Bin's instructions perfectly, he did not show mercy.

There are two sects and six ways of magic, and there are so many martial arts and martial arts.

Houhou is extremely talented, and he has learned a lot of swordsmanship.

She said that her swordsmanship is as good as Shi Feixuan, so she is not boasting...

It's just that even though Zhu Yuyan's skills are not inferior now, but she shot with all her strength, more than a hundred moves like a storm, almost cut the surrounding pavilions to pieces, but still couldn't touch a single finger of the opponent.

Hou Hou was secretly startled.

Indeed a master!
No wonder senior brother told me not to hold back...

I'm afraid that even if I go all out and hide nothing, my chances of winning against this person will never be too high. Well, even if I have the right time, place and people, it will be at most [-]%, not more.

However, the senior brother probably didn't expect me to achieve any success.

I just need to show my prestige...

Thinking about it this way, Wan Hou immediately let go of all the restraints, making his moves more free and easy.

"Are you from the Mo family?"

As for Yan Lu's more than a hundred moves, he quickly realized that although it was specious, what the startled salamander used in front of him was the work of the Mo family.

Mo family has spies?
Suddenly, an extremely terrifying thought appeared in his mind... While fighting and retreating, he suddenly bumped into something on his back.


Yan Lu was startled, he knew the surrounding environment very well, he could almost conclude that there was nothing around, but this collision...

Too late to be shocked.

Both arms had already been grasped by someone with a very ingenious method, at this moment, the enemy showed his figure.

With a hoarse voice, he said with a low laugh: "You can be proud of the fact that the two of us can go out at the same time, Yan Lu."


Yan Lu hurriedly mustered up his true energy, intending to get out of the enemy's control.

But the enemy's methods were beyond his imagination, his hands were like vines, and the two fought fiercely. Not only did he fail to break free from the enemy, but his arms were tightly bound by him instead.

"Your sword, I accept it!"

Hou Hou let out a low laugh, and had already snatched the lightsaber from Yan Lu's hand. He was shocked, and Lin Bin from behind also shot at the same time.

The magic soldier is here.

Instead, Wan Wan fell into hesitation and glanced at Lin Bin.

This Yan Lu is extremely powerful, and has no enmity with her...

Tian Lai said via voice transmission: "Are you really going to kill him?"

"Don't worry, what do you think I was doing before? I have already arranged, kill!"

After hearing the words, Hou Hou felt relieved immediately, and said with a low smile, "It took us so many years to find the Han Guangjian, Yan Lu, you should die."

The startling salamander sword is like a swimming dragon, directly piercing Yan Lu's heart.

The five-five-five-year-old Confucianism fell into a life-and-death situation in an instant. Yan Lu wanted to break free, but had no chance.

I can only close my eyes helplessly...

Sighing the lawlessness of the trap, dare to do it at this time.

But right now.

There was a burst of shouting like thunder.

Along with the lake surface on both sides of the curved corridor suddenly turbulent waves, countless lakes turned into tornadoes, sweeping towards Lin Binhou and the two of them.

"It's Fu Nian!"

Lin Binxiao said: "With Han Guang in hand, it doesn't make sense for Yan Lu to die or not... Withdraw!"


The two of them galloped away into the distance at the same time!

"Senior brother!"

At this time, the real head of Confucianism, Fu Nian of Confucianism, was holding the Tai'a Divine Sword, rushing towards this side with an angry face.

Confucianism puts the most emphasis on nourishing Qi, which can make him so angry...

Obviously, Fu Nian was really angry!

(End of this chapter)

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