Chapter 174
When Zhang Liang got the news.

It's been half an hour...

Knowing that the second senior brother had been assassinated, he immediately put down all the important tasks in his hands and rushed to visit Yan Lu.

Fortunately, Yan Lu's injuries were not serious. Although he suffered some minor internal injuries, he could recover within a few days of recuperation.

Only then did Zhang Liang breathe a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but rejoice and said, "It's good that people are fine."

"But Hanguang was taken away."

Yan Lu said bitterly: "Hanguang contains a great secret that is related to the survival of the seven kingdoms. This sword must not fall into the hands of the net. I planned to keep the sword in Confucianism, and then go out to attract the attention of the net, so as to protect it. This sword is in danger, but I don't want the enemy to come so fast and never give me a chance to use it!"

Zhang Liang was shocked when he heard this.

seems to think of something,
He asked: "Who did it? Someone was able to take the weapon from your second brother..."

He knew Yan Lu's strength.

His ability to force a [-]-[-] split, even if Fu Nian, the master of Confucianism, could not defeat him.

"It's a trap!"

Yan Lu smiled wryly and said: "I guessed that Luo Wang would not give up the lightsaber so easily, but I didn't expect them to be so blatant. They just came as a guest, and then sent someone to take the weapon away. Ambition!"

"A net?"

Hear the name of the net.

Zhang Liang was not surprised. They all witnessed the terrifying strength of the Six Sword Slaves.

Almost no one in the world can compete with it alone.

If they really did it...

"It wasn't the Six Swordsmen who made the move, but the Shocking Salamander and Hiding the Sun!"

Zhang Liang's pupils shrank slightly when he heard that, he said in surprise, "Are you sure?"

"If I hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid the second junior brother would have lost his life and escaped in my hands, holding a startling salamander and a pair of sun-shielding swords. Hey...they are very blatant."

Fu Nian couldn't hide his anger in his voice, and said coldly: "The net... Hey... What a lawless net, do you really think that Confucianism is a place where they come and go when they say it?!"


"This account won't just be settled like this."

Fu Nian stretched out his hand and patted Yan Lu's shoulder lightly, his tone regained a little softness, and said, "You don't have to think too much, just rest at ease, the sword with lights is your most cherished thing, even if you are a brother, you can destroy the net." , and will definitely help you find it!"


"Your hesitation during this period of time is actually seen by Brother Wei. We wanted to talk to you after we finished this section, but we didn't expect that Luo Wang would make a move so quickly. It was also Brother Wei's mistake. If Brother Wei had Also, you and my brother join forces, we will not let the enemy please us."

Fu Nian signaled Yan Lu to take a good rest, turned to look at Zhang Liang, and said, "Third Junior Brother, follow me, I have something important to discuss with you!"


Zhang Liang understood what was going on.

Over the years, because of the existence of a close friend back then, he has been targeting the Yin-Yang School, and even wanted to make the Confucian School do the same.

It's just that Fu Nian has many concerns, but because of his existence, Confucianism does have a bit of animosity with Yinyang School!
But now Luo Wang took the initiative to jump out...

Get into a quiet room.

Fu Nian took the initiative to ask: "Junior brother, what have you been up to lately?!"

Zhang Liang replied: "My little brother heard that during this period of time, several extremely powerful masters were targeting the Yin-Yang family, so I wanted to try to see if I could find their traces. If we can make friends, maybe everyone can interact with each other." To help..."

Say it.

He paused, and said: "But right now, the matter of senior brother Yan Lu is naturally the main thing. The trap has been deceived by my Confucianism. Naturally, our Confucianism has no reason to avoid it. We will temporarily put aside the affairs of the Yinyang family. At present, Luo Wang should be the first priority, after all, we don't know the secret of Canglong Qisu, but this is a big matter, we must not let this secret fall into the hands of ambitious people like Luo Wang."

"It's rare for you, junior brother, to have such a heart."

Fu Nian sighed.

He also knew what his junior brother had in mind against the Yin Yang family.

He patted him on the shoulder and said, "You and I, the three of you, should work together. After Hanguang is recaptured, the elder brother and the second junior brother won't turn a blind eye to your affairs."

"I understand that things have priorities, and my things are not urgent."

Zhang Liang said: "I will immediately send someone to investigate the whereabouts of Luo Wang!"

"it is good."

Several people quickly agreed on a plan.

How did Lin Bin know that he wanted to lure the Confucianists to deal with the trap, but Tang Tianhao lost a huge help.

at this time……

The two had already changed their clothes, and Houhou disguised them as an ordinary couple and lived in the inn.

Just get in there.

Hou Hou couldn't help cheering, holding the emerald green sword hilt, the sharp sword was invisible, hehe a few times, the originally square table had been directly cut off a few corners.

She looked at the lightsaber and couldn't put it down!

This kind of meticulously crafted weapon also bears ancient legends...

If you take back the plane of Datang, it will definitely make anyone who knows the origin of this sword envious of you.

Especially although Shi Feixuan already has the Sekong sword.

But there is no doubt that compared to this invisible sword containing lights, the Sekong Sword is inferior.

"This sword belongs to someone else."

Hou Hou cheered happily, but his eyes never left Lin Bin.

This cheer is not so much joy as it is a temptation...

Although the relationship between the two is an equal teammate relationship, it is just like what she joked at the beginning.

Team S is really starting to become Team S·M, and she is that M.

Although she took the sword, if Lin Bin said she wanted it, she would just hand it to Lin Bin reluctantly, and then say a few cruel words... Bright Claws absolutely dare not.

"Give it to you."

Lin Bin was quite magnanimous, and said: "This sword is not only a magical weapon, but also contains a big secret. It is not impossible to hand it over to you, but we have allocated it in advance. Want it all!"


Lin Bin said, "Use it."

"Are you an octopus?"

Hou Hou complained, but didn't say much, she is not greedy... having this lightsaber is enough.

She asked, "Is this enough for Confucianism?"


Lin Bin said: "Didn't I say it? Do more and make more mistakes, do less and make less mistakes. We seized the sword because Luo Wang wanted the sword very much, and Yan Lu knew about it very well, so we concealed it." Any one of the Day-Frightened Salamanders who made a move might be a frame-up, but if the two of them made a move together, they would only think that the trap was inevitable, and when the time came, they would naturally target the trap. knew."

"Okay, then wait for two days."

Hearing this, Wan Wan knelt down on the bed and said with a hey smile, "But brother, the night is long, and if we don't do something, it will be boring, right? Especially since we are acting as husband and wife, sleeping in separate rooms is even more suspicious gone."

Hearing this, Lin Bin took out the relics of the evil emperor, and reprimanded him, "Can you save some for your master?"

"Hmph, my master's skill is so high, I don't need it long ago."

Lin Bin thought to himself, just talk nonsense, if I hadn't seen your master smile, maybe you would have really fooled me.

That night, the two practiced together.

As expected, Confucianism quickly took action.

The strength of Confucianism is not as direct as that of the peasant family, but its disciples are all over the world. Even Han Fei, the legalist, and Li Si, the current prime minister, once studied in Confucianism.

Therefore, the channels of Confucianism are extremely wide.

As for Confucianism, it is impossible for Confucianism to stand upright among the schools of thought just by relying on Fu Nian and the other three.

Especially today's Confucianism has never been castrated, and strictly believes in the saying that repaying grievances with virtue, how to repay virtue.

The enemies are coming to slap you in the face...

How can they bear it?

As a result, within hundreds of miles of Songhai, almost all the people in the net who were still active were directly wiped out.

Their intelligence system is extremely developed, coupled with their decisive action, they will act immediately when they find the trace...

No mercy.

This move can also be regarded as a serious wake-up call to the trappers, letting them know that Confucianism is not so easy to deal with.

That is to say, Luo Wang's strength is no longer able to compete with any of the current hundred schools of thought, especially the strength of the Six Swordsmen is too strong, and Luo Wang has a large number of people. If he wants to win, he must first cut off their vital strength.

Therefore, for the time being, they can only express to Luo Wang in this way—we are not easy to bully.

If you move one of us, we will move a hundred of you.

In particular, the Confucianism is very polite, trying not to disturb the innocent people... Therefore, the only ones who know that the Confucianism is suddenly attacking the net are probably only those with a heart...

And the sufferer.

People with aspirations refer to Lin Bin and Hou Wan.

After they learned that Confucianism had officially declared war on Luo Wang, they happily kicked their legs on the bed for a long time, and then forced Lin Bin to double cultivate for a long time to celebrate.

Then he began to study the Mohist method, intending to integrate the Mohist method into the Heavenly Demon Dafa...

After cultivating until now, she has discovered that the Demon Gate is probably born out of the Mo School, but the Heavenly Demon Dafa is not as simple as she imagined. At least, it has the same origin as the Mo School, but it is by no means limited to the Mo School.

It should be based on Mohism, but at the same time, it also mixed with other methods of various schools of thought.

But just one branch of the Mo family is enough for her to break through the No. 18 weight of the Heavenly Demon Dafa.

Especially with the help of a large amount of true energy, in just a few days, Hou Wanxiu's reputation has improved by leaps and bounds.

But Lin Bin made faster progress.

Before, his brows and eyes were crystal clear, full of blood energy and essence, and he was very fragrant and delicious at first sight. Those vampires could smell the fragrance of him even if they were traveling against the wind.

But now.

Almost [-]% of the essence in the evil emperor's relic was absorbed, and the essence of several evil emperors' hard work all their lives became Lin Bin's background.

After being filled to the extreme, it returns to its original nature, and the recovery is no different from that of a normal person.

But Lin Bin once tried to pierce his finger, and the blood oozing out was crystal clear, like red amber... and even exuded a faint fragrance.

In the words of 婠婠.

Good appetite.

And the improvement in cultivation base is also huge, up to now, the improvement in "Longevity Secret" has reached 86%!

In just over a year, the "Secret of Longevity" has almost reached the normal Dacheng stage.

The help of the evil emperor relic may be even greater than that of He's Bi... He's bi raised his upper limit, but the evil emperor's relic deepened his background.

The two went up and down, and this constituted Lin Bin today.

In addition, during this period of time, he has intensively studied the Taoist Tianzong method, which made his progress even greater!

Lin Bin has full self-confidence. If he fights against Yan Ri alone, maybe he can kill him successfully by himself instead of relying on the help of Hou Hou.

Of course, the price is not without cost.

Lin Bin found that he had begun to transform into Tang Seng.

The flesh and blood are delicious. If I meet a female fairy in the future, I'm afraid I can't wait to suck him dry.

Interested people point to Hou Hou and Lin Bin.

And the words of the suffering master...

Naturally, it was Zhao Gao, and Li Si who was not in charge of Luo Wang in name, but was in command of Zhao Gao, the leader of Luo Wang.

Songhai, in a magnificent mansion.

While drinking tea slowly, Li Si said, "You seem to be very busy these days."

Zhao Gao said in a low voice, "The trap is a bit troublesome."

"Oh? Can there be trouble with the trap?"

"It's not a big trouble, it's just that the farmer's side... We have completely cut off contact, and the farmer's hero has already been determined. The first thing Tian Hu did when he took office was to target the trap."

Zhao Gao originally suspected that something unexpected happened.

But thinking about the identity that concealed the sun, it seemed that everything could be under control.

He said: "The Confucianism also suddenly targeted Luo Wang, hunted and killed Luo Wang's killers around Sanghai, and even issued a proclamation saying that Luo Wang's crime is unforgivable and should be wiped out..."

"Targeted by the peasant family and Confucianism at the same time? And the masters who targeted the peasant family were sent there, and they lost contact?"

Li Si said: "It may be a coincidence to be alone, but twice in a row, the snares were targeted by people with good intentions."

"Yes, my subordinates think so too, so I have dispatched all my subordinates to find out what happened...Don't worry, my lord, but it's just a mere peasant family and Confucianism, which can cause headaches for my subordinates, but as long as the head of the thief is cut off , can’t move the roots.”

Li Si took a deep look at Zhao Gao and said, "I'm worried that the enemy thinks the same way. Let's wait for the news first, find out who the enemy is, and send out six sword slaves to behead him immediately."

The net is said to be all-pervasive, so the news will naturally come very quickly.

In particular, their spies are almost all over the entire school of thought.



The real news was already on the desks of Zhao Gao and Li Si.

"Zhiri and Shocking Salamander attacked Confucian Yan Lu and took away the Han Guangjian?!"

When Zhao Gao got the news.

Pupils tightened suddenly.

For a while, even with his profound wisdom, he didn't know whether he should be angry at the fact that the lightsaber was captured first, or at the death of his two most powerful killers, Blinding the Sun and Shocking Salamander. .

"It seems that the enemy's strength is even higher than imagined. He even died in the hands of the enemy... No, he is definitely not dead, maybe he was just taken away from the sword."

Thinking of his true identity, Zhao Gao really didn't think he would die so easily.

"Both things are big things, and we didn't even know about it before. It seems that we were framed by someone with a heart."

Li Si sighed: "Do you want to explain? should I explain it? Said that the two sky-level killers in our trap were beheaded and their weapons were taken away? It seems like they won't believe it."

"No, it's not two things, it's one thing."

Zhao Gao said: "Blanking the Sun, Shocking Salamander and Hanguang are now in the hands of the same person... At least kill him, and all the weapons will come back. This is one thing at all, and it's time for Six Swordsmen to strike again!"

(End of this chapter)

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