when reincarnation invades

Chapter 175 Make a Patch

Chapter 175 Make a Patch
The Net is indeed a huge organization spanning the Seven Kingdoms.

When they really used all the resources... Soon, a lot of useful information was retrieved.

Especially after they used the deepest nail buried in the Mo family, some extremely important news was known by the net.

"The startled salamander is indeed dead. He died at the hands of an unknown master, and even the plan of the farm family was destroyed. It was also done by that person. He helped Tian Hu ascend to the position of the farm family. Unstoppable, capable of simultaneously killing Concealing Sun and Shocking Salamander, and also has such obsession with us, it seems that we have encountered an unprecedented enemy."

Zhao Gao and Li Si sat opposite each other, sipping tea, Zhao Gao said softly, "The identity of the unknown master is unknown, but he has a companion who practices the skills of the Mohists, and this master is also suspected to be It is related to the Mohist..."

As he spoke, he handed over the two portraits in his hand.

In the portrait, the male is impeccably handsome, while the female is delicate and cute...they are clearly Lin Bin and Wan Wan.

"From this point of view, the two of them pretended to be the Shocking Salamander and captured the Han lightsaber. It just so happens that the Shocking Salamander and the Shocking Sun are also a man and a woman!"

Li Si said: "Now they must have arrived in Songhai, can we find them based on this portrait?"

Zhao Gao shook his head and said, "Since they dared to come, they must be in disguise. Looking for people based on this portrait, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find their traces if you search all over Sanghai."

"What are you going to do?"

"I estimated the time. It took about four days to drive from the farm to Songhai. At that time, they had not been exposed to our snares. They must not be too meticulous. Push forward one day and backward One day, a total of 220 people entered Songhai during this period! Among them, 110 couples, 210 brothers and sisters, 320 five fathers and daughters and mothers and children!"

Zhao Gao said seriously: "They must be among them."

"How to find it?"

Zhao Gao said: "The opponent took the Lightning Sword not because of the Lightning Sword itself, but because the Lightning Sword belongs to Confucianism. Their intentions have been exposed, and they intend to push the power of all schools of thought to fight against our net. Now Mohism and Guigu was already my enemy, and the farmers and Confucians were encouraged by him... Who will be next?"

When Li Si heard this, his pupils moved slightly.

He didn't say much, just turned his head and looked into the distance.

Even through the high wall and the deep courtyard, you can still see that huge ship.


A huge warship that gathered all the knowledge of the Yin Yang family and the resources of the Great Qin Empire!

In this era, this warship is invincible!

He said slowly, "You're playing with fire."

"The fire has already burned on us, and the same sentence, the enemy is using our identities to mess around, with the two swords of the cover-up salamander, dirty water can easily be poured on us, in this case, it's better to sit on the sidelines and wait for rabbits! "

Zhao Gao smiled and said: "I have already told the slaves of the Six Swords to lurk into the mirage, they will surely throw themselves into the trap, then kill them and take back the double swords, even if there is already a conflict with the Yin Yang family, as long as you speak from it, Mr. Prime Minister, They are all serving the empire, so they can naturally turn hostility into friendship."

"You have a good plan."

Li Si frowned and said, "But it's hard to say whether they will follow your steps."

"I didn't scare the snakes because I didn't want them to know that I already knew of their existence."

Zhao Gao shook his head and said: "Otherwise, Luo Wang's reputation will be ruined, so what else should I worry about?! I will send out all Luo Wang's killers and kill them all. I would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let two of them go. indivual."

"The trap belongs to you, you can figure it out."

Li Si said no more.

To be able to get so much information in just two days, and arrange a follow-up plan to wait and see, Zhao Gao's reaction speed is already impeccable.

No matter how strong the enemy is, when they are exposed to the public.

It's just two people, how can we fight against the net?

Zhao Gao looked at a shadow in the distance...

On weekdays, Six Swordsmen would be there to stand by, but now, they are all gone.

Obviously, they have gone in the direction of the mirage.

And this time...


A handsome young man in white clothes is walking freely on the streets of Songhai.

He is handsome and tall.

There was a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

Fusu, the prince of the Great Qin Empire.

A pampered life and an overly noble status made him yearn for the fireworks in the world... Therefore, it was rare for him to leave the palace and come to this crowded place.

Just being honorable.

Once something went wrong, like the previous crisis, several guards were killed.

It was clearly his fault, yet others were punished...

This also caused him to not go out for several days.

Until recently, after ensuring that the surroundings were safe, he specially took a few guards to disguise themselves as ordinary people and went out for an outing.

Along the way, I saw the people in Songhai living and working in peace and contentment.

He couldn't hide his joy on his face...

Just walking, but was attracted by the noise ahead.

There are a large number of people, all gathered in one place, accompanied by exclamations from time to time.

I can't see what happened inside, I can only see a piece of white cloth hanging on a bamboo pole above, with the four big characters of Immortal Guidance written on it!


Fusu suddenly became interested.

"My lord, there are a lot of people, just in case there are frauds!"

There is a guard reminder on the side.

"It doesn't matter, the terrain here is wide and the view is clear. Even if there is a killer, you can protect it in time!"

After Fusu finished speaking, he took the initiative to move over.

Everyone saw that he was dressed luxuriously, so they didn't dare to crowd with him... They gave way one after another...

At this time, inside, at a small stall.

An old farmer got up from his seat in gratitude and threw a copper coin to the side.

Fu Suqi said: "You can tell your fate with a copper coin? Isn't that too cheap?"

Especially when I saw the young man sitting on the other side, he had an extraordinary handsome face and a gentle demeanor, which made people feel good at first glance.

An old farmer next to him laughed and said: "Oh, this fortune teller only charges [-]% of the money bag for looking at people's lives. If you bring more, you will charge more, and if you bring less, you will naturally receive less. It's really accurate, the cause and effect, and the troublesome things are all cleared up."

And this time.

The astrologer looked up and thought about Fusu, and said with a smile: "Young master, do you want to come? You can jump in the line to see that you are facing extraordinary."

"Then I'm welcome."

Fusu smiled and said, "I didn't bring any money today, [-]% of the purse..."

"One tenth of zero is still zero."

The physicist smiled and asked, "It's free this time! I wonder what you want to see?"


"Yes, please give me your hand!"

Fusu held out his hand.

The astrologer looked at it carefully for a while, then shook his head and sighed: "Young master's fortune is beyond words, but it's a pity that fate is doomed."

"Catastrophe? What disaster?"

"The calamity of life and death, starting from the calamity of the young master, will lead to a catastrophe that will last forever..."

"Thousands of Tribulations?"

Fu Su joked: "Could it be that you deliberately said some harsh words because you were annoyed that you were free?"

"Anyway, I don't need money. I won't accept money even if you give it to me, so I might as well say it. You might as well listen to it. If you believe it, you will think it over carefully. If you don't believe it, you will laugh it off. It's right for entertainment..."

"Alright, how to solve this great calamity?"

"It can only be slowed down, but it cannot be solved!"

Fusu asked: "How to slow down?"

"do not know."

The phase master sighed: "Forgive me for my ignorance and lack of knowledge. I can see it, but I can't solve it. Besides, the general trend of the world, the long-term division must be united, and the long-term union must be divided. This is a definite number. Even if the young master solves this catastrophe, there will inevitably be other catastrophes in the future... But today, because of fate, all I have learned is in this book, and I will give this book to you, young master, if you study it yourself, maybe you can find the way to break the catastrophe?"

After all, leave a book in Fusu's hands.

Then, get up and walk out.

"Sir, please slow down...huh?"

Fu Su was taken aback, and saw that the surroundings were still bustling, but the physicist who was full of mystery just now had disappeared.

A guard with high vision said in a low voice: "It's the Taoist He Guang Tongchen body method! This person is a member of the Taoist Tianzong, and I'm afraid this person is here for the young master!"


Hearing the word Tianzong, Fusu felt relieved a little, Tianzong Xiaomeng was close to Daqin, if this person is really Tianzong, at least he can conclude that there is no malice...

He looked down at the book in his hand.

He said softly, "5000 years in China?"

I opened it and took a look, but didn't notice anything, but after looking carefully for a while, my pupils suddenly constricted.

Immediately, his expression became extremely solemn, and he shouted: "Go back to the palace quickly and make arrangements, the lonely king is going back to Xianyang!"


The subordinates were puzzled, but did not have any doubts, and immediately respectfully complied.

And here...

Xiangshi Lin Bin returned to the inn.

"how is it going?"

Wan Wan asked curiously, "How did that Fusu react when he saw the book?"

She couldn't help but be curious. You must know that although Lin Bin is the orthodox time traveler, in terms of history, Wan Wan is a better learner.

The first half of the content is almost entirely written by Hou Hou, but the second half is written by Lin Bin.

Hearing her question, Lin Bin smiled and said, "Don't worry, Li Shimin couldn't resist my trick back then, and it's the same if he changed to Yingzheng... The more emperor he is, the more arrogant he is, he won't accept his fate when he sees history , and after it changes its policy, maybe the Great Qin Empire will last forever."

Wan Hou asked curiously: "Then why didn't you cooperate with Ying Zheng at first, but went to various schools of thought? Wouldn't it be enough to let Ying Zheng get rid of the trap?"

"I'm not surprised that Yingzheng was able to kill the net, but don't forget... When Yingzheng sent an army to hunt down Gai Nie, he couldn't be caught for several months. There are many masters in the net, who can fight against Gai Nie Do you really think Yingzheng can eliminate the trap within three months?"

Su Wei shook her head and said, "I'm just patching up this mission. After all, we can deal with experts, but we can't deal with trash fish...and in order to prevent trash fish from slipping through the net and escaping, we must gather all the strength we can muster." !"

"Then what do we do next?"

"The battle between Confucianism and Luowang has gradually heated up, and it is time for us to move."

Wan Hou also hesitated and asked, "Which one will do next?"

Lin Bin said: "The hundred schools of thought sound awesome, but in fact, most of the schools of thought are good and bad. For example, the Gongsun family is just making up numbers. The real powerful ones are Taoism, Confucianism, Ghost Valley, Mo Family, Nong Family, Yin Yang Family, etc., have you seen that ship?"

Wan Wan turned his head and looked at the mirage in the distance.

As long as you are on the Songhai Sea, you will definitely be able to see this ship.

She nodded and said, "The Yin Yang family and the Great Qin Empire jointly built the ship!"

"Let's go, next, it's time to go to the Yinyang family, and continue to stay here. Once we are caught by the net, we will be finished... and we must speed up our pace, don't forget The mission is still in the second place, if you really fail, you will only deduct the reincarnation points, but if you can't kill Tang Tianhao in this plane, then we will have an extra poisonous snake behind the real world that will always kill us, this is the real confidant Big trouble."


Speaking of Tang Tianhao, Wan Hou was full of fighting spirit again.

Thinking about her, the little demon girl has always taken advantage of others, how can she not fight back when she is raped by others?

Now it is natural that it is very suitable for her to directly fight back against the leader.

Lin Bin said, "Come on, help me put on my clothes first, and then I'll help you put on..."

"Hey... here we come."

There was a look of excitement on his face.

Naturally, they are not wearing normal clothes, but armor... Both of them have disabled hands, so they can only help each other get dressed.

And what she likes the most is this kind of insidious method of framing.

Originally, I wanted to check out...

But for safety's sake, Lin Bin didn't let her check out. What was she doing with the little money? He always felt that this girl showed signs of turning into a money addict after entering the real world.

Lin Bin held the sword alone and walked towards the mirage.

And Houhou followed him invisibly with an optical camouflage cloak. When the cooldown was about to end, she ran to a distance and came back again after the cooldown was over.

Make sure that the two of you are connected to each other without being known.

Lin Bin has never underestimated the enemy. Luo Wang can fight against hundreds of schools of thought with the strength of an organization. Even the destruction of the Six Kingdoms has their shadows in it. Their power is by no means general. They jump up and down like this Jump, I'm afraid they have noticed it.

If two people act together again, it is easy to be caught by the enemy.

That being the case...

It's always right to be careful about everything.

Especially Houhou didn't think it was too much trouble, she liked the optical camouflage cloak very much, so she knew that she could wear this thing even when walking, and she was very happy to take the initiative to take this glorious but arduous task.

Until you come under the mirage boat.

So far...

The defense has become extremely tight.

And at the same time.

It is no longer limited to the soldiers of the Qin State, but also the disciples of the Yin Yang family are stationed here...

It is not easy to get past these people and enter the mirage.

But this is naturally not difficult for Lin Bin and Hou Wan.

Wan Hou strutted up directly... and Lin Bin tried his best to show harmony, every step was a distance of several feet, coupled with the five keen senses given to him by "The Secret of Longevity", he could easily avoid everyone eyes and ears.

Just got on board.

Lin Bin's keen senses noticed something strange.

He moved his gaze to the left, and saw a deep hole on the deck...


(End of this chapter)

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