Chapter 176

"Is this ballistic?"

Following Lin Bin's gaze, Houhou also saw that deep bullet hole...

After realizing something was wrong, they all discovered that the deck here is actually slightly different from the surrounding color.

Extra new.

It's just that the ballistic trajectory was extraordinarily deep and couldn't be repaired, so it stayed here.

"There was a battle here... and one of them is probably Tang Tianhao?"

Wan Wan was a little confused before, and didn't understand why Lin Bin was so sure that Tang Tianhao would definitely appear in Sanghai.

But I didn't expect that this guy really has a particularly magical ability to deal with secret realms, and he double-guessed again.

"It actually appeared here, I think I probably guessed Tang Tianhao's mission."

Lin Bin had a strange look on his face.

Haven't been able to guess before...

But now that the task of expanding the fire seed has expanded, he can confidently go directly to the highest difficulty and think that there is nothing wrong with it.

Especially Tang Tianhao still appeared here, I'm afraid nine times out of ten, Tang Tianhao's task is not to kill the entire Yin Yang family, right?

If so……

That's really pitiful.

Lin Bin couldn't help laughing in a low voice gloating.

It is very difficult to deal with Luo Wang, not only because there are so many Luo Wang masters, but there is more than one master-level master...

What's more difficult is that Luowang has a wide range of branches and thousands of soldiers.

With the strength of the two of them, the possibility of trying to destroy the trap is very small... But even so, it is not impossible to succeed.

Luowang itself is an organization gathered for profit. When they are in decline and are enemies of the world, they will become chaotic and even defect.

But for the Onmyo family...

Leaving aside the fact that Moon God, Xinghun and Concubine Yan who were imprisoned are really powerful.

Not to mention the five elders...

Compared with strength, maybe those many cunning methods are more difficult to guard against. Didn't you see that Yan Dan, who was at the head level, died under the curse of the six souls?
What is really scary is actually the extremely mysterious Donghuang Taiyi.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

Even Concubine Dongjun Yan can say that she is captured alive, and strictly speaking, he may still be Dongjun's master.

Its strength is so strong that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the No. 1 in the entire Qin Shi plane.

Tang Tianhao picked up a hard bone and gnawed on it... No, I almost forgot.

I forcibly threw this bone to him.

Lin Bin instructed: "Remember, from now on, don't use the magic force field and all the martial arts you have used in the real world. Have you mastered the Mohist swordsmanship? How many times have you reached the tenth level of the Mohist kung fu?" Layer? Use it first, anyway, you are a soy saucer... It doesn’t matter if you are weak at all, just don’t expose yourself, the trap almost has its own spies in all schools, so the trappers use the Mohist or Taoist exercises are very reasonable."

"I understand."

A narrow look appeared in Hou Hou's eyes.

She already knew what Lin Bin meant.

"Let's go."

Waiting for the cooling to end, Hou Hou turned on the optical camouflage cloak again, and followed Lin Bin to the inside of the mirage.

And at the same time.

within the mirage.

A cloud-shrouded place.

Tang Tianhao and the other three were surrounding a dead body.

At this time, the body had already been chopped into several pieces. Obviously, the enemy's methods were so incredible that they couldn't be sure if he was really dead without cutting him into pieces.

Tang Tianhao had a calm expression on his face, and he never made a move from the beginning to the end.

But his two juniors, Tang Mu and Tang Feng, were quite out of breath.

Before the corpse became a corpse, its strength was not weak. What is even more surprising is his many miraculous methods. The combination of illusion and reality is very magical. It took a lot of work to win him.

"Is this the strength of Yun Zhongjun, one of the five great elders?"

Tang Mu stroked the blood-stained hair, laughed and said, "That's all, it's too dead to see through."

"Can't be careless."

Tang Feng said in a deep voice: "Speaking of which, our original task of beheading the five elders was actually quite difficult. As a result, the task has been elevated by several levels. The information we have obtained during this period, the five elders Above the elders there are left and right protectors, above the protectors are the real leaders of the Yin-Yang family, this task may be very troublesome."

Tang Mu said arrogantly: "Hey... Our patriarch hasn't made a move yet? King against king, general against general, I am not afraid of ten more of the five elders of this level."

Tang Feng splashed cold water without hesitation, and said contemptuously: "If you come to two, you will have to kneel!"

"Bastard, won't you follow me?"

"Are you shunning the donkey, do I have to stroke it? Besides, even the donkey doesn't belong to me, so why should I stroke you?"


"Stop arguing."

Tang Tianhao picked up Tian Congyun next to Yun Zhongjun's corpse, looked at the introduction, and praised: "It's a good weapon. Although this plane has not yet reached the killing level, it has clearly surpassed the extraordinary level of difficulty. This weapon The B-level weapon seems to be Dong Ying's founding knife, which is good enough in itself. If you encounter Dong Ying's secret realm in the future, there may be additional bonuses... Tang Feng, your performance just now It's better, take it."

"Thank you, Patriarch!"

Tang Feng nodded.

After receiving the long knife and seeing the introduction, I couldn't put it down.

Tang Tianhao ordered: "Let's go, the more we investigate these few days, the more we know how difficult this mission is. Since the mission extends from the five elders to the entire Yinyang family, then we will start with the five elders first, and then It's the left and right protectors, and then the head of the Yin Yang family, after killing all these leaders, we will find a way to deal with the people below."

Tang Mu exclaimed: "The Patriarch has such an exquisite plan."

"I am also helpless."

Tang Tianhao said seriously: "At any rate, I am also a saint-level reincarnation. I am confident that even if I face the head of the Yin-Yang family, I will never lose. I should be invincible in the extraordinary-level secret realm. This is our advantage. Since In this way, we must make good use of our advantages and destroy the enemy's vital forces with a devastating force..."

"The master is right."

"Although we have already delayed a lot of time, this inflated fire seems to be the type that does not distinguish between enemy and friend. In addition to Hong Yun, their mission has been strengthened twice, and it is probably much more difficult than ours."

Tang Tianhao said: "We should be in the upper hand at the moment, and what we need to do is to ensure our advantage. If there is no accident, I am afraid that the five elders and the two protectors of the entire Yin Yang family are all here. What we need to do is Try not to make too much noise so as not to be known by their leaders, and then secretly remove them one by one."


The Patriarch's order and the two of them naturally did not have any disagreement, especially Tang Tianhao's analysis was meticulous. To become the patriarch of the family, at least the experience of breaking through the secret realm is not comparable to the two of them.

The three quickly rushed towards the distance.

Since they are the five great elders, their status must be equal.

Now that the residence of one of the elders has been found, it is not difficult to find the location of the other elders only by finding the relative location.

It's a pity that they didn't know that at this time, the Yin Yang family has already been bleeding like a river.

And the perpetrators were none other than Lin Bin and Hou Hou.

The infiltration of the two was not very secretive, even with some fanfare... All the members of the Yin Yang family they met died tragically under the swords of the two.

This was what they had already discussed, after all, they were acting under the cover of a trap.

Killing people is naturally also counted as a trap.

It's just that Wan Wan is obviously a little unhappy.

With one sword, he killed the last disciple of the Yin Yang family in front of him.

Complained: "We are helping others to make wedding dresses, right? Tang Tianhao's mission is to destroy the Yinyang family, and our actions are actually helping Tang Tianhao complete his mission."

"Don't worry, I have a plan in mind. We can kill these miscellaneous fish like chopping melons and chopping vegetables. Tang Tianhao is even better. Let's not talk about sending charcoal in the snow. It's not even the icing on the cake... And I'm thinking about a problem... "

Lin Bin wanted to kill the members of the Yin-Yang family, and then put the blame on Luo Wang, so that the two most mysterious behemoths in the Qin Shi plane would face each other.

This is actually not easy,
After all, the bigger the family and the bigger the business, the more it is necessary to calculate the gains and losses of advances and retreats. I am afraid that a few ordinary disciples are not enough to keep the two sides alive.

His original idea was actually to kill people who were at least at the level of the five great elders, so that the Yin-Yang family could really suffer... But who would have expected Tang Tianhao's mission to be the Yin-Yang family, how can he continue the original mission at this time? Didn't you help the enemy?
Wan Wan felt aggrieved, not to mention his narrow-mindedness.

Plans have to change.

As for how to change it, he hasn't figured it out yet. After all, the mirage is too huge, like a small world.

He is not familiar with the place...

Maybe when he turns a corner, he might collide with Xinghun or Yueshen and others. Does he decide whether to fight or not?

Or maybe he would directly confront Tang Tianhao and the others face to face...

Even if he doesn't reveal his identity at that time, isn't everything he sees an enemy to Tang Tianhao?Still counting on him to be merciful... er... er...

Round the corner.

A bloody smell rushed towards his face.

Maybe the other side also smelled his breath...

For a moment, the two sides looked at each other.

Lin Bin and Hou Hou were stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the familiar face opposite them.

On the other side, Tang Tianhao and the others were also full of vigilance.

For them, the whole mirage has no friends, only enemies.

But who knew that they bumped into two people at this corner, but felt something was wrong.

These two men were dressed in Qin Bing armor, and they looked like they should be from Qin, but they were covered in blood, and the smell of blood was heavier than theirs... You know, they almost killed Yun Zhongjun and all his subordinates It's clean.

Is the enemy of my enemy my friend?
But it doesn't look like a sinister one.

After a brief moment of confusion.

Lin Bin was the first to react, and shouted: "Everyone in the Yinyang family deserves to die!"

After saying that, the sun came out of the sheath, and the sky and the earth became gloomy for a moment, leaving only the scarlet light flickering ominously, and slashed towards Tang Tianhao.

The enemy made a move, and his strength was superior, and he should return with the momentum of thunder.

But Lin Bin's words cut his hostility by half.

An enemy's enemy is a friend. Although the person in front of him doesn't know who is sacred, he is very powerful, and he seems to have a strong hostility towards the Yin Yang family.

If he could draw on the power of these natives, he might be able to complete his mission better... You know, no matter how thorough Tang Tianhao's plan was, he couldn't hide that he didn't really think about how to destroy the Yinyang family.

The high-level is easy to deal with, but how to destroy the low-level?
But he can't do anything, it doesn't mean that the aborigines have no way...

Therefore, the movement that was intended to hard-catch the opponent's weapon with the palm of his hand also stalled for a moment, and then he retreated freely, easily avoiding the edge of the sun with a slight momentum.

"Hmph, above the mirage, there are all people from the Yin-Yang family, everyone from the Yin-Yang family deserves to die! Startled salamander, kill them!"

It's just a word of shock. Although Hou Hou didn't understand what bad idea Lin Bin had thought of again, he also understood what Lin Bin meant.

He shouted: "Understood!"

The voice fell.

Transforming his own Heavenly Demon True Qi into the Mohist True Qi, the black sword Qi criss-crossed from behind Lin Bin... and Lin Bin did not stop at all.

The eclipse of the world unfolded, and the originally gorgeous colors around it gradually lost their color at a speed visible to the naked eye, and what was also lost was the free air.

The complexions of Tang Mu and Tang Feng changed slightly, and they already felt as if they were being pressed by a weight of more than a hundred catties.

Although it does not affect the action, but it will be affected to some extent...

"Huh? Is this the domain?"

Tang Tianhao's face also moved slightly, and there was a look of approval in his eyes.

Maybe it was for demonstration.

He gave a low shout, and the corridors made of wood beside them and the doors and windows of the houses next to them suddenly regenerated, and countless vines and branches bloomed with pink, red, and blue flower bones.

During the entanglement, it was like countless steel whips rushing towards Lin Bin.

And even if the world loses its color, it cannot cover up the vitality and color of these plants...

The world began to come alive again.

Lin Bin spat.

Knowing in the heart, it is indeed worthy of being a saint-level reincarnation, which has surpassed the limit of human physique.

This type of plant entanglement can actually break through the shackles of the eclipse of the world...

Of course, it was the main reason why there was a gap between his true qi strength and the opponent's.

With a muffled snort, Wan Wan was knocked out directly.

Lin Bin was not surprised.

Still persistently brandishing the long sword, he cut off the incoming vines one by one until they were broken... He couldn't help but let out a muffled groan, and exclaimed in surprise: "What a powerful grass...Damn it, what kind of demon technique is this? !"

Say it.

There was another sharp bang.

Lin Bin threw out the sun-covering sword in his hand, whirled in the air one after another, and then stabbed obliquely on the ground with a bang.

Lin Bin retreated while holding his bloody jaw in pain, and shouted: "The idea is hard, it hurts your hands, the wind is tight, it's hard to pull!"

After all, he retreated in embarrassment.

Supported by Houhou, she exclaimed in surprise, "Lord Zheri..."

"Get out."

Lin Bin grabbed Houhou, and his figure disappeared suddenly, appearing several meters away.

"Stay here, brother, I'm not from the Yin Yang family..."

It is not surprising that Tang Tianhao made a success with one move.

A saint-level reincarnation person still has a little bit of self-confidence.

It's just that he didn't intend to kill the enemy.

He hastily chased after...

Then... around the corner, where else is there?
"So fast!"

He couldn't help being slightly startled, and sighed: "As expected, it is a secret realm that transcends the extraordinary. Someone can have such a powerful strength that even I can't catch up..."

Isn't it?

In just the blink of an eye, there was nothing in sight at this time, only the shattered corpses on the ground proved that the two men were ruthless in their attacks, and they were indeed the mortal enemies of the Yin Yang family.

But now, they flooded the Dragon King Temple.

Not only wounded the opponent, but even forced the opponent to throw away their weapons.

Tang Tianhao raised his hand to pick up the covering sun, couldn't help being slightly startled, and said in surprise: "Good sword! This is much stronger than the Tian Congyun just now, Tang Mu, this sword is up to you to use."

"Thank you Patriarch! Hehe, I knew you would never forget me, Patriarch."

Tang Mu laughed in surprise upon hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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