Chapter 177
rough encounter.

After losing a sun-shielding sword, Lin Bin and Hou Hou fled quickly with an optical camouflage cloak, and the other used all his own skills to perform the light and dust, and disappeared around the corner in a blink of an eye.

escape again...

Even Tang Tianhao couldn't catch up.

After making sure to leave Tang Tianhao aside, the two stopped.

Wan Wan asked with concern: "Brother, are you alright?"


Lin Bin wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, the brief confrontation just now...

Without any frills, Lin Bin completely gave up his specialty of fighting or using softness to overcome rigidity, and directly used his own true energy to fight head-on with the opponent's strange power.

Dozens of tricks down.

He had already suffered some slight injuries in his body.

He sighed: "I originally thought that with my strength, I would be able to PK with a saint-level reincarnator, but I didn't expect that I would be injured after such a reckless move... This Tang Tianhao's strength may still be higher than ours. above expectations.”

Wan Wan comforted in a soft voice: "Brother, don't be too discouraged, that guy is also the head of the reincarnation family, and he must be different from ordinary saint-level reincarnations. It's better to say that you have only been a reincarnation for two years, brother." In less time, to be able to compete evenly with him is already a very remarkable thing, he has been practicing hard for so many years, and he can't compare to you."

"You don't need to comfort me, I'm not as weak as you think... Why do I want to take advantage of the situation to kill Tang Tianhao? To put it bluntly, isn't it because I know that with the strength of the two of us alone, it is impossible to be their opponent? This kind of I'm not surprised by the results."

"It's a pity that the sword that conceals the sun is gone."

Wan Hou glanced at Lin Bin quietly, and said regretfully, "That sword is very powerful. It can hide people's sight with one strike. It feels much better than the three-edged sword you are using now, senior brother. .”

"It's just in his hands temporarily. The relationship between us and Tang Tianhao is already endless. If we die in his hands, then everything we have will be taken away by him, but if we can kill them , let alone cover up the sun, even if the king of Yue gave him the eight swords, so what? Isn't it still ours?"

"I knew you did it on purpose, brother."

Hearing this, Wan Wan laughed and said, "You want to stir up a dispute between Luo Wang and Tang Tianhao?"

"Don't take the aborigines for fools."

Lin Bin said: "We jumped and tossed around like that before. If Luo Wang didn't know our existence, then you would underestimate the strength of this organization too much. I was in a hurry to go to the mirage, and I also wanted to avoid them. Attacking... After all, this is the territory of the Yin Yang family, so we should be cautious about snatching the net."

"So when the mirage comes out, people need to put away the startling salamander sword?"

Hou Hou woke up and said: "Because from now on, it is not we who instigate farmers and Confucians to deal with the snares, but Tang Tianhao and the others... Naturally, the Hidden Sun Sword and the Shocking Salamander Sword are also in their hands. The mind is spinning so fast, people don't think about it, otherwise I will throw the startling salamander sword to them."

Lin Bin said: "It's enough to cover up the sun, but if you do it too deliberately, it will leave a hole. Tang Tianhao and the others don't understand the secret of Yuewang Bajian. The more people they kill from the Yinyang family, the more they help us." No matter how scruples the Yin-Yang family is about Luo Wang's mission, if its leadership dies in Luo Wang's hands on a large scale, Donghuang Taiyi will never give up with Luo Wang."

Hou Hou understood what Lin Bin meant.

That is to say, both Tang Tianhao and them are now marked as a trap.

If she was upset before because they were actually helping Tang Tianhao complete the task by killing the members of the Yin Yang family, then now, as long as Tang Tianhao uses the sun-shielding sword, he will definitely be mistaken for a trapper.

As for whether Tang Tianhao will use this sword...

I'm not sure.

Lin Bin was quite sure.

That Dongying can't be such a coincidence that the Tang family just happened to have a Dongying knife in their hands, and it could only be a spoil of war snatched from Yun Zhongjun.

Lin Bin got up and said, "Let's go."

"Where to go?"

"go back."

Lin Bin said: "My original plan was to sneak into the deepest part of the mirage, and then find a way to rescue the wife and daughter of the former giant of the Mohist family who were secretly imprisoned here. If you snatch it, you must know that the Phantom Sound Treasure Box involves the secrets of Canglong Qisu. They will never allow this thing to fall into the hands of others, let alone the snare that covets the secrets of Canglong Qisu like them. At that time, they will not want to fight You have to fight too."

Wan Hou blinked his eyes and asked curiously: "The wife and children of the former Juzi of the Mo family were secretly imprisoned in the mirage? Brother, your skill in detecting information is so good, you can find out all of this."

"What's so strange, in fact, the current big son of your Mo family is also on this ship..."

"So we just dropped all plans?"

"With Tang Tianhao helping us desperately to trap shit in the net, why should we take this risk? And if we bump into Tang Tianhao and the others, once our identities are broken, we will have to stay here forever."

Lin Bin said: "My plan is to adapt to the situation, so our goal has been achieved, and we should go."

"Senior brother is mighty, people thought it would be a life-and-death battle this time, but I didn't expect to instigate another family so easily!"

Hou Hou sighed contentedly: "This time in the secret realm, I have completely passed the addiction of sowing discord, so comfortable."

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go... If they find them, they will really cry and don't know why."

Lin Bin took Houhou with him, and the two quickly ran towards the way they came.

For now, let Tang Tianhao and the Yinyang family consume each other... Donghuang Taiyi is not here, and with Yueshen and others occupying a favorable location, Lin Bin doesn't think he can kill all directions within this mirage.

And once the battlefield moves beyond the mirage.

The Yin Yang family will definitely put this account on Luo Wang's head. Similarly, Tang Tianhao will also provoke Luo Wang to chase and kill him at all costs.

Dogs bite dogs among the three forces...

And he can sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

After half an hour...

The two had already returned to the deck of Mirage at this time.

Standing on the top of the boat, Hou Hou said with emotion: "People originally thought this ship was so huge and complicated, and thought it was such a difficult dungeon. I didn't expect to find a power leveling so soon, and it was free... let's go, brother ... Huh? Brother, what are you looking at?"

"I sensed a very strange breath, somewhat familiar, but very strange."

Lin Bin also jumped to a high place, with a strange look on his face.

Raising his hand slowly, he said, "It seems that something is resonating with my true energy, attracting me..."

While speaking, he looked at the corner at the end of the deck.

walked slowly over.

"Senior brother... what did you see... what... uh..."

Hou Hou followed behind him, and in the middle of speaking, he couldn't help but pause his voice.

He whispered: "No, we didn't kill these people, could it be Tang Tianhao did it?"

"Tang Tianhao just separated from us not long ago. They have been operating inside the mirage before, so it is impossible for them to go outside and kill people."

Lin Bin's expression was serious.

Looking at this corner, there are more than [-] corpses strewn all over the field, blood flowing... and the blood is still warm, it is obvious that they did not do it, and it is impossible for Tang Tianhao and the others to do it.

The one who attracted Lin Bin was the disciple of the Yin Yang family in the outermost circle.

The other disciples all had distorted postures, but he maintained a posture of climbing outwards, his fingers were stained with blood, and he drew half a mark on the deck... It was this mark that aroused Lin Bin's reaction.

"The Yin-Yang School was born out of Taoism. It seems that after I practiced the Taoist Tianzong mental method, I have something in common with the Yin-Yang School. This person obviously wanted to warn the other members of the Yin-Yang School for help, but I noticed it instead. "

After inspecting the corpses, Lin Bin said, "All the dozens of corpses were sealed with a sword. Those who are qualified to go to the mirage are definitely the elite disciples of the Yin-Yang family. More than [-] people were instantly killed at the same time, and the wounds were deep and shallow. , it seems that it was not done by one person, and according to the warmth of their blood, they were clearly killed at the same time, the tacit understanding is very high!"

After He's Bi's calcined bone and marrow cutting.

Today's Lin Bin's eyes and ears are extremely keen, and his observation ability can be called subtle.

After confirming it with the plot he knew before, he quickly guessed the truth.

"It's the Slave of Six Swords!"

Lin Bin said: "The people who snare the net also went to Yin Yang's house, it's strange, what are they doing here?"

Hou Hou sighed sincerely: "This ship is really filled with monsters and snakes. What is the strength of the Six Swordsmen?"

"Each of them is at the level of Tianzi, and they are six in one, and they can display the strength far beyond the six of them. Even if you and I join forces, if we fight hard, we will die in their hands in all likelihood!"

Hearing this, Hou Wan clicked his tongue.

He said with emotion: "It turns out that this is the real reason why you, senior brother, are jealous of the trap."

She had witnessed with her own eyes how powerful Zheri's strength was, and the two teamed up to barely defeat him, and he escaped just like that.

And these six people are all heaven-level, even if their individual strength is not as good, I'm afraid they won't be too inferior, and they also have the skill of combining attacks.

"Brother, how do you plan to deal with them?"

Lin Bin thought for a while and said, "The plan has changed again."


"They must be coming for us. The net is really powerful, and they even guessed our strategy for this step. In this case, why don't we take the initiative to find the traces of the Six Swordsmen? They will definitely hunt us down. When the time comes, we will take them Go find Tang Tianhao!"

Wan Wan blinked her eyes and said in surprise, "Senior brother, grab the bamboo shoots."

"Instead of letting Tang Tianhao and the Yinyang family suffer both defeats first, and then deal with Luo Wang at the same time, it is better to take advantage of Tang Tianhao's strength now and let him suffer both defeats with the Six Swordsmen...and also let him fail the mission by the way, so that we can get The benefits are even greater."

Lin Bin said: "It seems that this time, I have to take the initiative to reveal my identity in order to attract their endless pursuit."

"I understand!"

Wan Wan nodded earnestly.

And this time.

The slave of six swords had already followed Zhao Gao's order and lurked into the mirage.

It's just that although the Six Swordsmen are killers, their task has always been to find the enemy and kill the enemy. As long as all the witnesses are killed, then it is a perfect assassination.

But this time even Zhao Gao had to consider the price of offending the Yin Yang family.

Therefore, they are ordered to lurk carefully and never expose...

They can only go all the way, killing all witnesses.

Only in this way, the process will naturally be delayed a lot.

The sprites, who are not very patient, started to complain not long after, and said irritably: "This mirage is so big, if we want to find two enemies inside that we don't even know their faces, we can't be discovered by the owner of this place. When do I have to hide it?"

Zhen Gang said in a deep voice: "Look slowly, the enemy this time is not easy, even Mr. Zhe Ri died in the hands of the enemy, and the startled salamanders are gone..."

Luan Shen nodded and said: "So no matter how difficult this mission is, we must not divide our forces, because once separated, we are likely to be defeated by the enemy!"

Mie Hun frowned and said, "But it's hard to say whether the enemy is here..."

"Since the lord has this order, we have full confidence in thinking about it. We only need to do what we need to do. Even if we can't find it, the lord will not blame us!"

As the leader, Zhen Gang decisively cut off the complaints of his subordinates.

"Wait... someone."

Guanshui suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Hurry up and hide!"

While speaking, the six of them performed lightness kung fu and disappeared quickly.

And just a moment after the six people disappeared, two figures rushed over quickly.

The two men were armed with magic weapons, dressed in Yin Yang family costumes, and looked angry.

The man in the lead yelled: "Damn it, how dare you kill my disciples from the Yin Yang family? Don't let me, Wu Yanzu, catch them. If I catch them, I'll cut off their heads one by one!"

The woman behind said respectfully: "Elder Wu, don't panic. According to the information from the disciples who were attacked before they died, they are heading in this direction... It's just that they are so vicious, it's better to be more cautious. Should we go?" Can Elder Tang come over?"

"Elder Tang is busy with his affairs, let alone a small fish, I will take care of it by myself, it's better not to disturb Elder Tang."

talking room.

The two had already rushed to the middle of the hiding place where the Six Swordsmen were hiding.

And at the same time...

At the same time, the six sword slaves were shocked.

Because the man named Wu Yanzu held in his hand, it was clearly the Shocking Salamander Sword!
And the weapon held by that woman is also related to the net, it is the killer-level Han Chan Sword!

The six sword slaves exchanged glances with each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes...

They knew that these people were coming to the Yinyang family to do things, so they came to kill them, so as to prevent the conflict between the Yinyang family and Luowang.

But he didn't expect to learn the shocking news by accident.

The chief culprit who stirred up the peasant family and instigated the Confucianism to deal with the net was none other than the Yin Yang family!

For a moment, even if the Six Swordsmen were warriors who were not good at using their brains, they couldn't help being shocked...

The Onmyo family wants to attack the trap, why?
Is the sky going to be messed up?
As a matter of fact, any smart person here would more or less find some clues and mistakes. After all, Lin Bin hastily changed his plan, and it was difficult for him to do it perfectly.

But unfortunately, how could six warriors with brains full of muscles predict this?
They were only caught in hesitation at this time...

They came to prevent the conflict between the Yin Yang family and the net, and then they entered the mirage to ambush the real culprit.

But now the real culprit is a member of the Yin Yang family, so their tasks and goals are in conflict.

Then do you want to do it?

(End of this chapter)

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