when reincarnation invades

Chapter 178 Do you know what fine details determine success or failure?

Six Swordsmen is not the type with high IQ, otherwise Zhang Liang wouldn't have been so arguing that he couldn't even speak.

Let them make the big decision for themselves now.

For a moment, the six people exchanged glances with each other, exchanged thousands of words quickly, and quickly made up their minds.

They didn't want to be enemies of the Yinyang family, but now the Yinyang family first killed the startled salamanders and concealed the sun, and then instigated the farmers and Confucianists, and their hostility towards the nets is clearly undisguised.

How else could they avoid it?

It would be better to cut off the opponent's vitality first, at least the loss of the Yin Yang family can be equal to that of the net.

Do it!

Seeing that the other party has taken the initiative to step into their encirclement.

The six people just made eye contact, and they immediately united in one place tacitly. The six people shot at the same time, and the seven divine swords either interfered, blocked, or disturbed the enemy... In just an instant, a lore formation formed has been formed.

Just in the blink of an eye.

The high-ranking member of the Yin-Yang Family holding the Shocking Salamander Sword was already deeply surrounded.

"The murderer has been caught!"

Facing the combined attack of six people, the senior Elder Wu of the Yin Yang family did not panic at all.

Seeing the enemy falling from the sky, the sky and the ground, the left and right, the front and back have been blocked, there is no way to avoid it.

There was also a look of shock in his eyes.

It is too late to block with a sword, and it is difficult to block the might of the seven swords with one sword.

In a critical moment, he raised his hand.

A soft and soothing flower petal unfolded accordingly. No matter how aggressive the enemy came, they all fell from the sky after all, but the opponent seemed to blow up a balloon, directly filling the petals with a radius of several meters.

The seven swords slashed at the soft petals at the same time.

Like a mud cow exploring the sea...


"What kind of trick is this?"

All six were shocked.

They had anticipated all the possibilities of the enemy's defenses, but they didn't expect that the opponent would not play cards according to the routine... They had never heard of such a magical technique from the Yin Yang family.

Elder Wu hid under the petals and exclaimed: "The enemy's strength is beyond imagination, I will hold them back, you go and invite Elder Tang!"

Not a word was left.

Missing a hit, the Six Swordsmen had quickly changed their phalanx... At this time, Duan Shui, who had the weakest sense of presence among the six, had quietly crossed the range of the petals and lurked under the elder Wu Yanzu.

The blade almost wiped out all the wind noise.

Although it was a clear killing, it was even more silent than an assassination. From bottom to top, it stabbed directly at Elder Wu's rib!

"Come on, leave me alone, I can only leave when you leave! They will be dead when Elder Tang comes."

Elder Wu shouted again.

The Onmyo family disciple who was frightened by the sudden attack just now seemed to be able to react at this moment, he let out an oh, and quickly turned around and ran back.

"Stop her, don't let her ask for help!"


Zhuanpo and Miehun quickly abandoned their target, the blade dropped from their hands, wrapped around the iron chain, and stabbed straight at the disciple's back.

"Damn it, with me here, you don't want to kill anyone!"

Elder Wu shouted angrily, stretched out his hand and pinched out his knuckles, and shouted loudly: "Look at my Yin Yang family's art of invisibility!"

The voice fell.

His body disappeared in an instant in front of all of them.

Even the two chain swords that flew out were shot down to the ground with two bangs...

"Everyone be careful, the methods of the Yin Yang family are too weird!"

I really just couldn't help but talk to each other this time...Although they have never really fought against the enemies of the Yin Yang family, but in order to train their tacit understanding, Zhao Gao also recruited various enemies to feed them. , among which there are many techniques of the Onmyoji School.

But now it seems.

What they saw at the beginning was probably only the lowest level of Onmyoji techniques, but now they are truly advanced.

Even they are hard to detect the clues.

For a moment, the six people stood each holding their swords, protecting themselves while still observing the surroundings carefully, not only afraid of being attacked by the enemy, but also afraid of the enemy escaping... Now that it has been exposed, it is imperative to regain the startling salamander sword!

Suddenly, sprites let out a yell.

The two swords in his hands attacked one of the faint ripples.

Sure enough, the Yin Yang family's techniques are not without flaws, they are difficult to distinguish when standing still, but once they move, they will immediately reveal their appearance.

Several people surrounded and suppressed the incoming people at the same time!

But this Elder Wu didn't fight them head-on at all, his figure disappeared out of thin air, but everyone observed him clearly, and they could see that he took this step and disappeared more than ten feet out of thin air, directly forcibly breaking away from the six people. encirclement.

"Don't let him run away!"

They immediately understood that as long as they don't give him a chance to stand still, even if he uses the Yin Yang family's technique to make himself invisible, they can still see some clues of him.

But the premise is that he must be locked up!
Six people rushed towards that person at the same time...

Never give him a chance to rest, this kind of invisibility technique is so miraculous, it must be extremely exhausting, and he can't last long.

As for the person who just fled to find Elder Tang.

They don't care at all...

This person's tricks are just so wonderful that they have never heard of them, but if they really fight, the six of them will join forces and it may not take a few breaths to end the battle directly.

Not to mention that Elder Tang didn't have time to rescue them, even if they did come, they wouldn't be afraid!
Six people chased and one escaped.

In the perception of Zhen Gang and others, this person has been pushed to the extreme. Every time he teleports is originally more than ten feet, but slowly, the distance is getting shorter and shorter.

Evidently, he was beyond his powers.

And along the way...

The seven made several short and hasty shots.

The enemy's strength is very strong, at least he must be a person above the elders of the Yin-Yang family... But compared to his strength, the endless eccentric methods are even more troublesome to Liu Jiannu.

The enemy didn't confront them head-on at all, but kept running away.

Once the invisibility status is forcibly broken, and he cannot escape, he throws a pink virtual petal. The petal is very wide, and he hides behind the petal and plays peek-a-boo with them...

And after holding on for a while, he quickly cast his spell to enter the invisible state.

Then it's hard to deal with again.

So much so that the enemy, who could be dealt with with a few moves, was delayed all the way, but he still couldn't take him down.

"Damn! There is a kind of fair confrontation with us!"

"Don't run away! Are the members of the Yinyang family all shrinking heads?"

"Don't let me catch you, or you'll die with three knives and six holes."


The slave of six swords is not a talkative person.

But at this time, Wu Yanzu was furious, and the anger was obviously extremely hot, hard to suppress, but he couldn't hit him, so he could only yell verbally.

Fortunately, the six of them teamed up, even if the other party's methods were superb, they were still tightly locked up, and it was only a matter of time before they were caught.


But at this time, Wu Yanzu... No, Lin Bin hanged the Six Swords Slave for more than ten minutes.

Seventy-eight out of ten of the true energy in the body has already been consumed.

The "Secret of Longevity" is endless, but the consumption of confrontation and entanglement with the Six Swordsmen is beyond imagination.

The blazing sky-covering seven-layer ring itself has already consumed a lot of true energy, and when he is entangled with the slave of the six swords, he must use all his strength to display the light and dust, and coupled with the invisibility effect of the optical camouflage cloak, he can easily escape the six swords Surrounded by slaves, thanks to the existence of the optical camouflage cloak, many of his methods are invisible to others!
Do not ask.

The question is that the techniques of the Yin Yang family are too miraculous.

But according to the previous plan, it is almost the same.

Lin Bin forcibly mobilized the remaining zhenqi in his body, and used Light and Dust to cast the furthest distance. This charge was a full distance of more than ten meters... and landed at a corner.

Then, it disappeared again.

"Follow me!"

The slave of six swords didn't hesitate at all, fearing that he might lose the startling salamander sword, he hurriedly chased after it.

Can be rushed to the corner.

Where are Lin Bin's ripples?
On the contrary, it is far away.

Six Sword Slaves and the three people facing each other looked at each other...

And soon, their attention was drawn to the sun-shielding sword held by a man behind the leader.

Zhen Gang's pupils shrank suddenly, and asked, "Your surname is Tang?"

Tang Tianhao said in surprise, "How do you know my surname is Tang?"

"Hahahaha, Elder Tang of the Yinyang family, how could we not know, it seems that Wu Yanzu will escape, and has been approaching your direction..."

Zhen Gang shouted: "Since this is the case, let's kill the leader of the thief first, and then kill the murderers! Let's do it!"

The six of them rushed towards Tang Tianhao at the same time!
Six in one, but the seven swords are like a net of heaven and earth, and the three of them are instantly engulfed in the sword net.

"Wait... Is there some misunderstanding?!"

Tang Tianhao, Tang Mu and Tang Feng hurriedly dodged and retreated, explaining: "I am not from the Yin Yang family, there must be a misunderstanding, have you been induced by someone?!"

Tang Tianhao keenly sensed something was wrong.

That Wu Yanzu, there is definitely a problem.

"Shut up, do you know what success or failure is determined by the details? Your sword betrayed your people!"

Zhengang slashed down with a sword, and the five people beside him cooperated at the same time...

Six people, six in one, and the moment he makes a move, it is a deadly move.

The three of them were all well-informed, but they felt dizzy for a while when facing the sword qi and sharp blade that was almost overwhelming.

After all, he is not a warrior. Although his eyesight is strong, it cannot compare to the dynamic power of a professional warrior.

But the enemy is menacing.

They also have their own way of resisting.

There was a hint of blue in Tang Tianhao's eyes, and the palms of his arms gradually turned to wood, and countless blue vegetation extended from the vigorous wooden arms, regardless of the attackers, countless vines Winding towards the six people.

No matter how dense the net is, it is only composed of seven swords... But when Tang Tianhaofu made a move, there were more than thousands of vines?
The moment is just a move.

The six of them were forced to retreat by Tang Tianhao...

Tang Tianhao shouted loudly: "Stop it, listen to my explanation, I am really not from the Yin Yang family!"

"Hahahaha, do you really think we haven't seen the Wanye Feihualiu of the Yinyang family? You have said that the details determine success or failure. You have too many flaws, Elder Tang."

I was so angry that I was speechless.

Why are the members of the Yin Yang family so shameless, one can only run away in embarrassment, and they don't confront each other at all...

And this one was holding their sun-shielding sword, while using the Yinyang family's Wanye Feihualiu, while explaining that he was not from the Yinyang family at all.

Take them for fools?
Tang Tianhao was speechless for a moment... He really didn't know, did the Yin Yang family have moves similar to their Tang family's wooden transformation technique?
But at this time, Six Swordsmen didn't want to say more.

This person is extremely powerful, and can repel six people with one blow.

But the Six Sword Slaves are not jealous... If you can't work together, you can divide your efforts. The six people are different bodies and one heart, and they have a perfect understanding.

It can be seen that Tang Tianhao should be a master of spells, and his temporary reaction is bound to be inferior to that of a real warrior.

They immediately dispersed.

Wanting to come from all directions, Tang Tianhao was dizzy and unable to react in time.

In an instant, Tang Tianhao was caught in a boundless net.

Although changing rapidly, the tree cage keeps itself.

But the sword energy was unparalleled, and the vines and tendrils scattered all over his body.

"Patriarch, don't panic, I'll help you!"

Tang Mu let out a loud shout, holding the Sun-Blanking Sword in his hand.

But behind him, Tang Feng didn't say a word, but his speed was a bit faster than him.

The two rushed up at the same time...

This time, Tang Tianhao didn't say anything about you stepping back.

He has already seen that the strength of these six people is actually not too strong individually, but they are better than the tacit cooperation, and the level of weapons in their hands is so high that when they join hands, their strength seems to have surpassed The limit of this plane has reached the level of a saint!

Even he didn't dare to be careless.

For a moment, nine people from both sides fought in one place on this wide mirage.

And the momentum is getting bigger and bigger...

None of them noticed that Lin Bin had already used Light and Dust at this time, and was slowly fleeing towards the distance at an extremely slow speed... With his skill, he could actually do it quietly, just to attract the Six Swordsmen , That's why I deliberately left clues.

But now of course there is no need.

Slowly receding farther and farther...

Until retreating to a hidden corner.

At this time, Yaoyao could still see the fierce battle between several people in the distance.

Soon, Hou Hou also came to his side, and said in a low voice: "Brother, according to your order, I have deliberately attracted real masters of the Yin-Yang family... Hiss... These people are so powerful, I almost killed you!" It was wounded in the child's hand."

Lin Bin nodded, and said: "It just so happens that although the Six Swordsmen are strong, they may not be Tang Tianhao's opponent. In addition to the Yin Yang family, let's kill the deadly enemy first!"

"What if the Onmyo family used the net to deal with the enemy together?"

"Didn't you notice what Tang Tianhao's teammate is holding? It's the saber of Yun Zhongjun, the fifth elder of the Yinyang family... It's like if you have a sword that conceals the sun, you will be targeted by the net. Don't the Onmyo family deal with them?"

Lin Bin sneered and said, "I'm afraid Tang Tianhao thought he got two magical weapons, but he didn't know that they were two DEBUFFs at all. With these two DEBUFFs, I'm not afraid that he won't die!"

"Then we..."

"It's cheap, whether to kill Tang Tianhao first or Liu Jiannu first, anyway, we are the ones who win in the end!"

Lin Bin gripped the Double Dragon Phantom Sword tightly.

In this plane, the power of this sword is more suitable for the next killing.

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