Six Swordsmen.

The battle power ceiling of the Mingyue Plane in Qin Dynasty.

Even in the face of vertical and horizontal, if it is singled out, it can be killed in seconds.

Even if they join forces vertically and horizontally, without using the Hundred-Step Flying Sword and crossing all directions...these six people are definitely not opponents.

And Tang Tianhao was a saint-level reincarnation.

Becoming a saint means surpassing the limits of human beings, and normally speaking, it is a height that human beings will never be able to reach through normal means!
That is to say, the infinite possibilities of the countless secret realms in the reincarnation space make it possible for reincarnators to surpass this level.

Its strength is in the extraordinary level secret realm, and it is also said to be invincible and invincible.

Its weakness is indeed obvious...

Tang Tianhao is obviously taking the path of magic attack, he can transform himself into a plant, and even control the aura of wood and plants, but because he is not a warrior, his dynamic response is not as fast as that of the Six Swords Slave.

But there are two people, Tang Mu and Tang Feng, one is holding the cover of the sun, and the other is slashing the sky from the cloud.

The strength displayed was no less than that of any of the Six Sword Slaves, and the three cooperated tacitly... making up for Tang Tianhao's flaws to the greatest extent.

For a moment, nine people fought fiercely, and the momentum was horrifying.

And not far away.

The handsome young man in a gorgeous purple robe stared at the battlefield in front of him with gloomy eyes, frowning and said: "Tian Congyun... so these three people killed Yun Zhongjun? The slaves of the Six Swords started a fight at our Yinyang house? Could it be that a dog bites a dog?"

The Yin Yang family's right guardian star soul!

Although he is young, but at the age of 12, he is far superior to ordinary people in terms of resourcefulness and strength.

At this time, he looked at the battlefield where the fierce fighting was taking place. Although he knew that Yun Zhongjun of the Yinyang family died at the hands of those three people, but his eyes were only fixed on the Six Swordsmen, especially one of them. A petite girl.

Although they are siblings, they look exactly the same.

But he still recognized which one he knew at a glance...

A ferocious smile appeared on his face, and he sneered, "This is really a narrow road to Yuanjia!"

Da Si Ming said respectfully: "From what the Six Swordsmen said, it seems that they don't want to be enemies with the Yin Yang family..."

"I don't want to be an enemy of the Yin Yang family, but they all came to our territory. This is really interesting."

Xinghun laughed and said: "Then let's not be in a hurry to make a move, let's see...see how far they can go, interesting..."

Da Si Ming worried: "Master Xinghun, behind this, there may be someone with ulterior motives."

"Then what happened?"

Xinghun asked back: "This person killed Yun Zhongjun, is it our enemy? Luowang is eyeing our Yinyang family, is it our enemy? They are all our enemies, and they have broken into our territory. If it is true Some people have ulterior motives to help us make the two parties kill each other, then I really want to thank them!"

Da Si Ming was speechless for a moment.

She figured it out... No matter how deep the wisdom of this Master Zuo Dharma Master is, he has the character of a child after all.

Especially the point of holding grudges.

However, some enmity should be remembered... The reason why Xinghun's family was killed was inseparable from Luo Wang.

It's just because Luo Wang and the Yin Yang family are both working for Da Qin, so it's not easy to retaliate on the surface.

It was Xinghun who forcibly suppressed it.

But now that the enemy came to him on his own initiative, he was naturally happy to watch the fun and pick up some bargains by the way.

She couldn't help being a little worried, Mr. Xinghun was a self-proclaimed oriole, could it be that he was behind them, and there were still people waiting to take advantage of it?

"But it's true, these people are not so easy to deal with... How about it, Shao Si Ming, you go and ask Luna to stop thinking about things like the Phantom Treasure Box. Others are calling at the door."

Finally, Xinghun still has some feelings for the Yinyang family, and felt that he was really not very authentic, so he continued to give orders.

"Let's go down."

Da Si Ming couldn't help but rolled his eyes, Xin Dao Shao Si Ming can't speak, she can deliver a fart message.

He turned and left in a hurry.

And in fact.

It is indeed as the chief commander was worried.

Just farther away from the environment where Xinghun and the others were hiding.

Lin Bin and Houhou were also watching the battle, and they communicated through sound transmission.

"It's amazing. The Six Swordsmen teamed up. Even if I'm trapped inside, it's not difficult to get out, but it's basically impossible to defeat them. I didn't expect Tang Tianhao to be able to fight against them to such an extent. I still feel a little apprehensive." He has the upper hand...but if he really fights, even if Tang Tianhao wins, he will probably suffer five or seven injuries."

Lin Bin said with satisfaction: "This is really a sleepy pillow. I was having a headache before the Six Swordsmen, but I didn't expect Elder Tang to help me here. As long as one of the Six Swordsmen dies, their strength is at least [-]%." We have to weaken it by half, and then our goal will be accomplished."

Hou Hou asked very considerately: "Then shall we be praying mantises catching cicadas, with the oriole behind and the goshawk behind?"

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Bin glanced at him in surprise, and said: "An enemy's enemy is a friend. Even Tang Tianhao knows this. Have you forgotten the original purpose of our coming? Our main purpose is to eliminate the trap... The Yin Yang family does not They are not our enemies. If we kill them, we will not be able to share Tang Tianhao's rewards. Instead, we will add countless problems to ourselves. Don't do unnecessary things. The enemy can have such strength. Without a fool, we can fool Liujian slaves It's because they are stupid, and they can fool Tang Tianhao because they don't understand the world well enough for us, but if the Onmyoji family is a little careless, we may have an extra powerful enemy who is not inferior to the net!"

"Understood! Brother, I listen to you."

Now Hou Hou is really convinced of Lin Bin.

Obviously there is no particularly rigorous plan, and it is almost completely improvised, but he can always get the greatest benefit from it.

Now if Lin Bin asks her to undress, saying that doing so will help the mission a lot...

Perhaps her first thought was that maybe a certain part of the mission required me to take off my clothes.

"Then take off your clothes quickly, the Yin Yang family's clothes can't be worn anymore."

Lin Bin actually started to undress.

Hou Hou's face showed a bit of sluggishness, but when he looked around, he could only shyly take off the outer shirt on his body... I couldn't help cursing myself as a crow's mouth.

Really want what to come.

And this time...

on the battlefield.

After a fierce battle, the outcome is about to be decided.

Although the Six Swordsmen are strong, what they are facing this time is a type they have never encountered before.

In particular, Tang Tianhao is not just as simple as controlling the energy of the wood spirit.

Being able to become a saint-level reincarnation means that he has indeed achieved this identity in the reincarnation space... The means are naturally by no means general.

After learning that the enemy's strength is strong, it is not inferior to the saint-level reincarnation.

Tang Tianhao didn't hold back any more.

Directly borrowing the fact that the mirages are all made of wood, it seems that the tree world has descended, filling the surrounding empty environment.

And the entangled tendrils gave birth to more than ten wooden giants.

These methods are beyond the comprehension of the Six Swordsmen... They even couldn't help but marvel at why the Yinyang family has such a magical method, why hasn't it dominated all schools of thought? Could it be that they have been acting?

By surprise.

Mie Hun had already been hit in the waist by a giant's fist that was almost bigger than her.

With the fracture of the lumbar spine.

No matter how high the skill is, it is useless, Miehun didn't even have time to scream, and he was directly smashed into two pieces from the middle.

Afterwards, the Soul Extinguishing Sword was thrown high, and fell helplessly to the ground...

"Hahahaha, I know that the Patriarch is invincible!"

Tang Mu laughed wildly.

But Tang Tianhao forced the six of them to kill the enemy with one blow, and the loss was also great, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

Even the originally straight waist slowly bent down, panting heavily.

He's not stupid, so he naturally guessed that he might have fallen into the enemy's scheme... Is it because the Yin Yang family discovered his plot, so they are taking advantage of it to weaken him?

In this way, these people are definitely not the ultimate enemy.

They're not even from the Yin Yang family...

This battle is completely unnecessary.

It's a pity that he can see it, but the enemy can't.

They killed him and he was a member of the Yin Yang family.

"Kill them all!"

It is useless to explain now.

Even if there is a misunderstanding, life and death are actually caused.

Now it is obvious that it is justified to do everything possible to eliminate the enemy.

However, before the Six Sword Slaves teamed up with six people, they could barely compete with Tang Tianhao, but now they suddenly lost one member, but their strength dropped exponentially.

In just a short moment, everyone was wounded.

"Damn it, nothing can be done, let's retreat first!"

Zhengang shouted loudly, and the sword energy swayed, and the sharp and fierce sword energy chopped all the surrounding tendrils to pieces, tearing out a passage.

He shouted loudly: "Run away!"

"Don't try to escape!"

Tang Mu laughed loudly, and was about to beat the dog in the water...but suddenly his heart turned cold.

The concealed sun he was holding could not be cut down no matter what.

At this time, behind him, a figure wearing Qin Jun's costume and an iron armor cover his face quietly lurked around at some point, and the sharp blade in his hand pierced his heart.

Taking advantage of the situation, he snatched the Hiding Sun Sword from his hand, raised his foot to pick it up, and the Miehun Sword also appeared in his hand.

He shouted: "This subordinate is a killer-level cold cicada. I have seen Lord Six Swordsmen. This subordinate is ordered by Lord Zhao Gao to come to meet the five of you!"


The eyes of the five glanced at the blade in his hand, and it was undoubtedly chilling.

"Come on!"

Hou Hou in the armor snorted.


The Five Sword Slaves didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly fled out along the passage that was opened just now!

"Damn it... hurry up..."

Seeing Tang Mu's death, Tang Tianhao's expression changed drastically.

This was his Tang family's right-hand man, but he was attacked and killed for no apparent reason.

Between the two parties, this time it is truly endless.

Just about to catch up.

Suddenly, a deep and pleasant voice sounded, and he shouted: "The people who killed my Yinyang family still want to leave? Where do you think my Yinyang family is?"

A graceful figure slowly descended from the sky.

He stared at Tang Tianhao who was about to chase after the enemy...

She covered her eyes with a light gauze, her expression calm.

Isn't it Luna? !

Luo Wang and an unknown powerful enemy came to the Yin Yang family at the same time, especially this powerful enemy was so powerful that it was able to defeat Liu Jiannu with three enemies and six... This level of strength is indeed beyond the ability of Xinghun alone.

It is also reasonable to send someone to invite Luna.

In particular, Xinghun was already gone at this moment, obviously following the direction of Six Swordsmen, and his attitude of dereliction of duty was not concealed at all.

And even though Moon God had just arrived, he could see that the person in front of him had superb skills in spells, probably even higher than her.

Therefore, seeing that he was at a great loss, and even ignoring to find out his origin, he immediately showed up...

After all, if he returns to his full state, I am afraid that even with the power of her and the star soul, it will be difficult to match this person.

Tang Tianhao's pupils shrank slightly, even though the wear and tear was huge.

He still slowly straightened his waist and asked, "Are you from the Yin Yang family?"

"You are the one who killed members of the Yin Yang family... It's useless to talk too much, since you killed Yun Zhongjun, it's fair to take your life for it!"

Say it.

Pinch out the formula with both palms.

Immediately, the arms spread out like Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands, and ripples appeared in Tang Tianhao's surroundings.

"Is this... a technique?"

Tang Tianhao immediately recognized that what the other party used was a spell or something, but it was obviously different from the power of his bloodline soul ring.

Since he is his own enemy, there is no need to keep his hand.

Explosive drink.

After opening the second soul ring, raging flames ignited around him.

It was completely opposite to the previous wood attribute, and the raging flames ignited towards the moon god!

Luna also looked solemn. Although she had expected the enemy to be strong, it was beyond her expectation that she was so strong. She was even more grateful for her choice at this time.

The tactics of both hands changed again.

The yin and yang air on both sides circulated, and what was cast was the highest level of the yin and yang curse seal of the yin and yang family. Countless golden formulas circulated around her, and with her low voice, they turned into countless sharp arrows and attacked Tang Tianhao.

"Tang Feng...cover up for me!"

"Patriarch, don't worry, I'm for Your Excellency...err..."

The loss is huge, and the perception is also weakened a lot.

Before Tang Feng finished speaking, he was severely injured and fell to the ground powerlessly.

And behind him, Da Si Ming stood gracefully, with red true energy in his palm, containing an ominous aura.

She sighed leisurely: "You really regard yourself as the master, sneaking into other people's residences secretly, why don't you pay more attention to guarding your back?"

Although she and Shao Siming are both loyal to Xinghun.

But now Xinghun is obviously going to focus on his own private affairs... and they are still members of the Yinyang family after all, so naturally it is better to assist Moon God at this time.


Tang Tianhao's eyes were red.

He still doesn't understand what's going on until now. Obviously, the situation was good before. After investigating the details of the enemy, he quietly lurked into the enemy's territory, and then he just waited for each one to be defeated.

But who would have thought that suddenly there would be an outside force who would attack them regardless, and let the Yin Yang family take advantage of the fisherman.

" underestimate the strength of the saint-level reincarnation!"

Tang Tianhao shouted angrily: "Since this is the case, I don't have to keep my hands anymore. I want your Yinyang family... to stay behind!"

From around his body, six spirit rings of different colors flashed with various special auras.

With a long howl...

A giant hammer of the soul tool has been taken out of its hand.

It is the gift of the plane they control.


Fa Ye, who hadn't mastered martial arts just now, instantly turned into a berserk god of war... charging towards Luna and the others!

sudden change.

In particular, the giant hammer seemed to carry some kind of unique ripple power, which made it impossible for them to guard against it. The moon god's spell had already been neutralized invisibly before it approached.

For a moment, Yueshen, Da Siming and others did not dare to defend their front... they could only retreat hastily...

Even though Tang Tianhao was seriously injured, his momentum was still rising steadily.

And right now.

A long whistle sounded, and accompanied by the voice of Qingyue, he shouted: "Friends of the Yin-Yang family, don't panic, Zhang Sanfeng, the Daoist sect, is here!"

Lin Bin just appeared above Tang Tianhao's head out of thin air.

The blade of the three-edged sword shook off, and the three flying blades directly attacked Tang Tianhao's vital points from different directions!

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