when reincarnation invades

Chapter 180 Anti-water

The enemy fell into weakness.

Now is the best opportunity!

Lin Bin finally stopped hiding his tracks, and now he changed into normal clothes.

In one hand, he holds a three-edged sword and uses a hidden weapon to fly, and in the other hand, he holds a double-dragon phantom sword.

This weapon was originally used by Tang Tianhao to defend his son, but now it is used against him.

"Abin! It's you!"

The moment Tang Tianhao saw Lin Bin, he immediately came to his senses.

How can I still not understand why I was targeted...

Although I don't know exactly how he did it, but seeing that he was able to make a move at such a coincidental time, we can know that he may have been planning for a long time.

"Hahahaha, didn't expect it to be me, did you?"

Lin Bin held the shit pot for him without hesitation, and shouted loudly: "Dizong rebelled, tried to live forever, and went so mad that he practiced Wuling Pill, and even shot at the five fellow Taoists of the Yinyang family. I can't keep you here today!" Already!"

"What kind of shit is the Dizong rebellious?"

Tang Tianhao became impatient.

First, he was mistaken for a member of the Yin Yang family, and now he has become some kind of shitty sect... He has never heard of this sect at all.

In fact, not only he hadn't heard of it, even Luna and the others hadn't heard of it at all. They only knew about the dispute between Tianzong and Renzong, and that their Yinyang family was also a side branch of their own Taoist sect.

But what is this place.

But it's the first time I've heard...

But this person is so powerful, his strength is simply appalling, even the strongest killing machine in the net, Six Swords Slave, was wiped out by him.

Why has this kind of strong man never been heard of?
Luna, Da Siming and others suddenly felt that they and others must have accidentally contacted the new profession in the next version, right?

And Lin Bin shouted: "Two fellow Taoists, this son was ambitious and even killed your Lord Yunzhong. My Dizong is willing to help the Yinyang family kill this beast with all our strength, and avenge this honor for the slain of your clan." hatred."

Although Luna and the others were puzzled.

Especially Yue Shen, who had a very keen mind, had faintly sensed that the dispute between Luo Wang and Tang Tianhao might be related to this harmless young man in front of him.

But still the same.

Tang Tianhao's strength is too strong, and now he has lost most of his strength by the slave of the six swords, and has suffered serious injuries... Even so, she and Da Siming are still invincible.

Although he knows that he is likely to be used by others, the hostility of this strong enemy towards the Yin Yang family is naked and clear.

Yun Zhongjun's Tian Congyun will appear in the hands of this man's subordinates, which is the best evidence.

Therefore, she could only pretend to be ignorant, and said softly: "Thank you so much for your help."

"Don't get me wrong...I..."

Seeing that Lin Bin had reached an agreement with the other party in just one or two sentences.

Tang Tianhao instinctively wanted to explain.

But thinking of those Yin Yang family members he killed before, and that elder... Now the murder weapon is still in Tang Mu's hand.

He froze for a moment.

This time it was really not a misunderstanding.

But Lin Bin didn't want to give him too many opportunities to explain.

He shouted: "You rebellious, you will surely die today."

After all, the true energy in the body was surging.

With all his strength, the color of the world faded away, and the black and white colors started from him again, expanding in all directions...

A very familiar move.

Tang Tianhao came to his senses in an instant, and shouted sharply, "You were the one who fought against me before?"

Only then did he realize that the sword he had seized was probably the cause of everything.

The raging flames burn endlessly.

The 10-year soul ring he had acquired after several years of hard work was finally fully unfolded, and his only skill, Raging Flame Burning Heaven, was burning towards Lin Bin.

This Taoist magical skill, which is omnipotent in the Mingyue plane of Qin Shi, has no effect against Tang Tianhao...

The raging flames burned the place, and everything was reduced to ashes.

And the three hidden weapons flying out of Lin Bin's three-edged sword were directly melted into molten iron under the burning of the flames.

A 10-year spirit ring can bring several skills, but he has integrated all the skills into one, bringing the most simple and direct destructive power, and the temperature of its flames has obviously far surpassed that of normal flames.

Lin Bin's pupils shrank slightly, and he was secretly shocked by the power of the holy reincarnation.

Facing Tang Tianhao's desperate move, he didn't fight the enemy forcefully, instead, his figure suddenly turned into an illusion, rushing fast, and retreating extremely fast.

It dissipated into the invisible like a cloud, and even the figure disappeared without a trace.

Then there were several loud bangs.

The Zhanlan Rose has amazing lethality, after all, it is a B-level weapon.

However, limited by the limitations of firearms, it is difficult for real masters to display their functions.

The moment the enemy sees the firearm, you may have avoided the aiming position before you have time to pull the machine.

But now Lin Bin is first using the optical camouflage cloak and the Taoist Heguangtongchen technique to hide all his figure...

Tang Tianhao not only couldn't see Lin Bin's attack method, but also didn't know where he was standing. When he heard the gunshot in his ear, he immediately dodged instinctively.

But it was obviously too late to hide at this time.

Two streaks of blood bloomed on Tang Tianhao's shoulders and waist at the same time...

His face was pale from the pain.

"The enemy is powerful, and we are no match for him alone. I also ask Friends of the Moon God to kill this beast quickly. Otherwise, when he returns to his full strength, I am afraid that we will be far from his match!"

Lin Bin shot again and again.

But after Tang Tianhao was injured, he immediately hid himself in the flames, almost turning his whole body into flames... The bullet passed through without any effect.

Lin Bin shouted.

Now that it has been exposed, he naturally has no reservations.

The Shuanglong Phantom Sword slashed at Tang Tianhao again... The dark lightsaber had an ominous atmosphere, which made Tang Tianhao feel chills.

Da Si Ming asked respectfully, "Lord Moon God."

"Kill this elder Tang first."

Moon God pondered for a very short moment, and said: "This person first killed a member of my Yin-Yang family, and then pretended to be an elder of my Yin-Yang family. He, there will be no chance again in the future, this Abin may have ulterior motives, but with the strength of my Yin-Yang family, it is not impossible to deal with it."


At the moment, Da Si Ming quickly joined the battle group.

Even behind him, countless green leaves attacked Tang Tianhao's vitals like sharp swords, but they were evaporated and turned into powder the moment they approached him.

Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming teamed up, but they had little power to fight back against Tang Tianhao.

But soon.

With the shot of Luna.

Suddenly a huge magic circle suppressed in the sky, the finger art in the hand of the moon god changed, and the yin and yang mantra of the Yin Yang family suppressed Tang Tianhao from the outside, which was somewhat similar to the eclipse of heaven and earth.

Especially with the addition of Lin Bin.

Even if Tang Tianhao's whole body turned into flames with the Shuanglong Phantom Sword in his hand, Lin Bin didn't think of being lazy and slippery at this time, just like Luna thought at this time, this is the only chance to kill this powerful enemy.

Six sword slaves have been abolished.

If you want to find a suitable opportunity to weaken the person in front of you, I'm afraid it will be very difficult!

Therefore, he entered the realm of telepathy.

Exercising the Tai Chi swordsmanship with all the strength of the Shuanglong Phantom Sword, one after another the sword circles are continuous, enveloping Tang Tianhao...

Occasionally mixed with the Sword Art of the Other Side.

Although the flames are scorching, he uses the "Longevity Formula" to protect his body.

Although it cannot be completely free from vulgarity, it can also be strong and self-supporting.

One man and three women work together and cooperate with each other tacitly.

Tang Tianhao himself was not in his prime. Facing Lin Bin's inability to kill him, the interference of the Moon God made him howl again and again angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

What shocked him even more was that he lost a lot of physical strength, and the previously surging flames were gradually weakening.

There is no escape.

Two capable men are dead.

Now he is also in prison, especially since he has been in this mirage for two days, he naturally knows how heavily guarded it is, and he was naturally not afraid in his heyday, but now those countless miscellaneous fish disciples can survive for life. He was piled to death.

"Damn it! Abin, I want to die with you!!!"

Tang Tianhao was also extremely decisive.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, he shouted angrily.

The flames are more intense...

If it was said before that it seemed to be covered with a layer of flaming prison clothes, it looked terrifying, but it did not harm its body.

But now seeing no hope of escape, he mustered his last breath.

The temperature of the flame was suddenly raised several levels again. This time, even a person like him who has controlled a soul ring for 10 years couldn't stand it.

The last regret in my heart is that the one who died with him was not the little demon girl who killed his son with her own hands, but this accomplice... I really can't understand the hatred...

Lin Bin's pupils shrank suddenly.

Before he even had time to turn around, he used all his strength to cast Light and Dust one after another, coupled with the bonus of the Light Boots, the speed was as fast as a ghost.

Fly away in the direction of the back.

And Tang Tianhao was completely elemental, the flames were raging, and he was completely free from the shackles of gravity, but his speed was obviously much slower than Lin Bin's.

The two ran away...

Seeing Lin Bin, he was about to escape from birth.

Tang Tianhao suddenly took out a mirror, pointed it at Lin Bin, and shouted loudly: "Lin Bin!!!"

Apparently, although he said that he would never violate the taboo of reincarnation, he still found out Lin Bin's true identity in private.

And this call...

Lin Bin was in a trance for a moment, even though he was galloping fast, he couldn't help turning his head back instinctively, staring at the mirror.

The speed suddenly slowed down.

"Let's die together hahahaha!"

Amidst Tang Tianhao's loud laughter, the flames around him became even more blazing, and they rushed towards Lin Bin.


It's props!
Or a control type prop.

The crisis of life and death is still coming. It can only be said that even though Tang Tianhao has been overestimated as much as possible, Lin Bin still underestimated his background.

Even if Lin Bin knew that if he didn't react in time, he might be seriously injured.

In a state of tacit understanding, there is no panic at all.

Facing the same, he quickly backed away, broke through the deck, and rushed out of the mirage.

Being in the air, he immediately took out the Blood Bodhi from his belt, and stuffed it into his mouth without hesitation, and then three soft petals unfolded.

The blazing sky covers the seven-layered ring!
And Tang Tianhao also rushed out of the sea, and the next moment, blazing flames exploded.

Even if it didn't explode on the mirage, after the impact, a huge hole several feet wide was blasted out of the huge mirage, straight into the sky...

The surrounding area suddenly filled with scorched smoke.

But at this time, Luna and the others came belatedly, looking at the deep pit that was pouring water upwards.

Several people were all terrified for a while.

Tang Tianhao's fiery appearance just now, if he really wanted to, he could actually bring any of them to hell.

But he found that mysterious person and died together, which shows that these two people are indeed sworn enemies.

And this kind of explosion with a radius of tens of feet, I am afraid that it is difficult for ordinary people to get out of the sky.

Luna stood at the scorching gap, staring fixedly at the turbulent sea after the smoke and dust gradually dissipated.

As a large amount of wood debris fell to the sea surface, countless ripples were added.

Where is the movement between the two?

"It's a coincidence. I was still worrying that this person who claimed to be the Dizong would not die. I'm afraid it was also a problem for our Yin Yang family... Unexpectedly, the two of them died together, which is the best result."

Moon God nodded in satisfaction, turned to look at the two elders who had never been close to him, and asked, "Where is Master Xinghun?"

Da Si Ming said respectfully: "He... he went to pursue Liujian slave, presumably he wanted to take this opportunity to settle some personal grievances."

"Hmph... I don't know the severity, can't you tell which is more important, the Yin-Yang family or the personal enmity? After all, you're just a child."

Luna said something contemptuously, then turned and left.

And Da Si Ming glanced at the sea that was slowly returning to calm, and remembered the strength of those people she had just met. Compared with her self-proud skills, she was as tiny as an ant.

"It's a good thing they're all dead."

She sighed and said, "Young Commander, let's go."

Shao Siming covered his face with a light veil, and his delicate brows that were exposed outside were suddenly frowned tightly.

Her physique of the five spirits is extremely sensitive, and she seems to be vaguely aware that there is an extremely vigorous and powerful force constantly breeding under the surface of the sea... as if it is about to break out of its cocoon and become a butterfly.

And the strength of this force is simply the only one she has seen in her life... Except for the man who just spontaneously ignited and exploded, there is no other person who has reached this level.

Is that monster still alive?
But it doesn't feel like it, it feels very close to people, it seems to be the same physique as her five spirits, no... a more comprehensive and pure physique than hers.

She thought about it, but didn't say anything... She turned around and followed Da Si Ming, and walked out obediently.

Two flowers, one on each table.

While Lin Bin successfully beheaded Tang Tianhao.

On the other side, after successfully helping the slaves of the five swords out of danger with the Han Chan Sword, they quickly led them to flee outside the mirage.

The six people fled extremely fast.

But behind him, Xinghun chased after him endlessly.

His goal is clear...

Turn around.

"What are you running for? What are you running for? Have you forgotten who I am? Have you forgotten how embarrassing I was under your subordinates? Now that you see me as a defeated general, why are you running away in such embarrassment?"

Star Soul's hands gathered Qi into blades.

The purple blade turned into a whip, and strangled several people in front at the same time.

The six people dodged to avoid it.

Wan Hou shouted loudly: "My lords, this man's pursuit is really annoying, why don't we kill him before leaving...Anyway, the Yin Yang family has made it clear that they are against us, so there is no need to worry about anything else. "

"Yes, kill him!"

Afraid of that monster, but this star soul is certainly powerful, and the slave of five swords may not be able to kill him successfully.

Seeing him chasing after him like a mad dog.

Zhen Gang and the others turned to face Xing Hun at the same time, and shouted: "Han Chan, you replace Mie Hun first, and the six of us join forces to kill him!"


Shouting loudly...

Then, at the moment when the five people turned around at the same time.

Take out the demon double blade.

It directly entered the back of Duan Shui and Zhen Gang.

Zhengang: "........."

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