when reincarnation invades

Chapter 181 Trading

Xianyang City.

Self-help Su returns.

In the entire palace, there was a panic.

The atmosphere was so oppressive that even the sky above Xianyang City became gloomy and dark...

Although their king is still the same as usual, with a look as deep as the sea, with no expression of joy or anger.

But no matter whether they were civil and military officials or servants in the palace, they could clearly feel the boundless anger in their king's heart.

In this situation……

Even Xiaomeng, head of Tianzong of Taoism, was unwilling to disobey Yingzheng's order.

As soon as she returned to Xianyang, she received a summoning letter from Yingzheng, asking her to enter the palace as quickly as possible to meet her.

Xiao Meng was surprised: "Oh? The fastest speed? So, does His Majesty allow me to use force in the palace?"

"Yes, His Majesty has something important to discuss with Head Xiaomeng!"

"Understood, I'll be there soon."

The voice fell.

Xiaomeng's figure has disappeared without a trace.

After all, she is young, and her skills are not as profound as Lin Binlai's...

But she has practiced Taoism and Guang Tongchen's mentality for many years, and under her feet, one step is a distance of more than ten feet.

With one step, he appeared on the bustling street, with the next step, he stepped into the turbulent crowd, and with the next step, he passed the turbulent crowd.

Only half a column of incense time.

Xiaomeng has already entered the palace.

Without disturbing any patrolling soldiers, he just stepped into the palace of the king.

At this time, on the palace of the king, apart from Ying Zheng, there was no other figure.

But the table has already been set up, with a plate of wine and fruit...

A burst of light green brilliance flowed, and Xiaomeng was already kneeling on the seat prepared for her in advance.

With an inscrutable smile on his face, he asked with a smile, "Your Majesty is looking for me?"

Ying Zheng sees Xiao Meng coming.

He also sat back in his seat and said, "It seems that Xiaomeng's head is not surprised that I will call you here."

"Well... I also guessed that His Majesty probably didn't want too many people to know that I was here, so I kept it from everyone."

"very good."

Ying Zheng stood up, handed the things in Xiaomeng's hands, and said, "I have something here, I would like to ask Suzerain Xiaomeng to take a look."

"5000 years in China?"

Xiaomeng flipped through it for a while, her pupils shrunk, and she exclaimed, "Daqin actually died in the second generation? This is really beyond my expectation."

"When I first saw these words, I thought they were the curse words of a lunatic, but the more I looked back, the more shocked I became. The person who wrote the book is fabricating it, so I am afraid that this person has the talent of the world, the ancient times, and the present, and he really wrote the inevitable way for the development of the people."

Ying Zheng said: "And this book is from the Tianzong of Taoism. Has the head Xiaomeng read this book?"

Xiao Meng shook her head and said, "I haven't read this book, but I'm not surprised."

"What's the meaning of this?"

"Because I guessed who this book came from."

"Sect Master Xiaomeng really recognizes that person?"

Xiaomeng smiled and asked, "Have you ever heard of reincarnation, Your Majesty?"

Ying Zheng asked, "What is a reincarnation?"

Xiaomeng replied: "People from beyond the sky, enter our world, and complete their missions... If they succeed, they will be rewarded. If they return to their homeland, if they fail, they will receive severe punishment, and may even be killed directly!"

"Isn't this taking the world as our country?"

Ying Zheng was keenly aware of the true meaning of Xiao Meng's words.

In this way, wouldn't the world be equivalent to a kingdom of one life dozens of times larger than a normal empire?

"It may be more complicated than His Majesty imagined. For example, we come from the same world as us, but hundreds of years later..."

"So it can record a complete history... But for us, it is a book of prophecy, but because it is a history that has happened, so in terms of authenticity, it is even more accurate than the divination technique of the Yin Yang family Much more."

Ying Zheng asked: "Sect Leader Xiaomeng knows so well, could it be that he has had an encounter with reincarnated people before?"

"There is a reincarnation in the future who once saved me in the past!"

"It's totally against the clock."

Ying Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

For this matter, he accepted it much faster than Xiaomeng imagined... But in fact, Ying Zheng is already trying to pursue the technique of longevity.

Doesn't the longevity he pursues violate time in a sense?
And since it is determined that there is longevity in this world, it is naturally determined that there must be other extraordinary things in this world.

He said: "The reason why he knows Taoist exercises is..."

"He has the grace of saving my life. As the head of the Taoist Tianzong, I donated the exercises. In fact, he is a member of my Taoist school. It is not a violation of the ancestor's precepts to give away the Taoist exercises!"

"Then the reason why he handed over this book to me is..."

"I'm afraid there is something to be asked of His Majesty, and the truth that if you take something in advance, you must give it first, that Abin still understands, at least, that's how he treated me back then."

Ying Zheng said: "He actually handed over such a precious thing to me... I'm afraid his plan is not small."

"Perhaps what he planned coincides with what His Majesty thinks?"

Xiaomeng said: "Although I don't know what his mission is, when I saw him, he was chasing and killing the trapping Sun..."

"I see!"

There was a weird smile on the corner of Yingzheng's mouth, playful: "I can't tolerate being caught, no wonder he is so generous, he wants to turn me into his ally... And if I want to change my fate against the sky, You must give him a helping hand, indeed, turning a deer into a horse... oh...my good son..."

He looked at Xiaomeng and said, "It turns out that what kind of Abin is plotting these things... Then Xiaomeng, the head of the sect, you answer every question, so what kind of plot do you have?"

Xiaomeng said seriously: "I don't want much. The reincarnated people are not as miraculous as your Majesty thinks. They are just like your Majesty's advance soldiers. They just follow orders, but I am very curious about the world they live in... Abin Their arrival is just a harbinger, and there will be new reincarnations arriving one after another, I guess His Majesty will definitely arrest these reincarnations?"

"If they are willing to accept themselves as my people, then it's not like I can't tolerate them."

Ying Zheng said: "After all, although the Great Qin Dynasty has not been passed on for generations, the title of Emperor Zhenshi is worthy of its name."

Xiaomeng said: "But reincarnators are also good and bad, and if there are reincarnations who violate the law, your majesty will rule the country by law, and naturally they will not be tolerated... At that time, I want a reincarnation table! And I want your majesty to help me enter that world!"

Ying Zheng asked in surprise, "Can we invade that world?"

"Obtaining the reincarnation table is the most important medium to enter the main world. Although I can obtain it, it is obviously much faster with His Majesty's help!"

Xiaomeng shook her head and said, "Why are there no big differences in the strength of the masters of the various sects? To put it bluntly...we have already reached the limit of this world, and if we want to go further, we need to pay ten times or even a hundred times... ...But if I can go to the main world, without the suppression of the world, I can quickly improve my strength again, I am still very young, and I don't want to waste my time for too long."

"Yes, I agree with you, but I need you to tell me all the information and clues about the reincarnation. If possible, I want to have a face-to-face talk with that Abin!"

Ying Zheng looked at the 5000 years on the table and said, "I have some very important questions and I want to ask him."

"Xiaomeng is willing to speak for you."

"Thank you Xiaomeng, Sect Leader!"

Ying Zheng and Xiao Meng looked at each other and smiled, a major decision that might have far-reaching impact on the Great Qin Empire was just decided between the two of them in a few words...even without consulting the opinions of third people, including Fu Su!

There was even a faint flame burning in Yingzheng's chest.

After sweeping the world, clearing the eight wastelands, and establishing the achievements of the Great Qin Dynasty, when he dreamed back at midnight, he was actually quite lonely and empty.

but now.

He felt that he seemed to have found the motivation to fight again... he even had a feeling of high fighting spirit.

"Reincarnation, I really want to see how talented the reincarnation who can write this book is."

he murmured.


And this time.

Far away on the shore of Songhai.

A very secret deep in the jungle.

Zhen Gang and Duan Shui still had a resolute look on their faces, as if they were planning to kill the guardian of the Yin Yang family...

But everything happened so fast that before they even had time to be surprised, they fell helplessly to the ground.

They really didn't suspect Houhou.

You know, in the fierce battle with that Elder Tang, they have actually fallen into a disadvantage.

If she really wanted to kill them, why didn't she join forces with that Elder Tang?
And they really didn't expect that this killer-level killer would be so powerful...

In fact, not only did they not expect it, even Star Soul never expected it.

Then it turned into a sarcastic laugh, laughing wildly: "Are all the people in the net stupid? I just mistook the enemies of our Yin-Yang family for people from our Yin-Yang family, and now I mistake your enemies for people from our Yin-Yang family." Those who have caught your snares... You do not judge people by eyes, but by the mouth of the enemy?"

The two were unable to speak back.

Houhou's strikes are ruthless, and the strikes are aimed directly at the vital points, especially in the face of Duanshui. This person's strength is even more hidden than the leader of the six people, Zhengang. She goes all out, for fear of revealing the slightest Children's wind.

Directly kill the two of them with one blow!
"Traitor, we want your life!"

Zhuanpo screamed angrily, and rushed towards Houhou with a sword in hand.

But Wan Hou dodged it, and said with a charming smile: "Little brother... Is this snare your strong enemy? Why don't we join forces to kill the remaining three and make the Six Swordsmen disappear completely in this world?"

Xinghun sneered and said, "I can kill them all by myself, why should I cooperate with you?"

"Because you don't cooperate with me, I will deal with you and let them go!"

Houhou's smile turned cold, and he said coldly: "You are the protector of the Yinyang family, with a high status, but you dare not find a killer to take revenge... Poor thing, I'm afraid you have some scruples? It's rare that the net actively invades your Yinyang family. It is reasonable to chop them into meat, such a good opportunity, do you want to give up? Or, are you fully sure that you can face the four of us at the same time?"

Xinghun's expression turned cold.

Unexpectedly, this crazy woman was even crazier than him.

Although she knew that the other party was making trouble with him, her words were indeed reasonable...

Wan Wan asked with a coquettish smile, "Now, do you still want to join hands?"

Xinghun stared at Zhuanpo, and said, "Okay!"

"Let's talk about it first, everyone wants all the Eight Swords of the King of Yue, little brother, you are not allowed to snatch them from them!"

"I only want their lives!"

"Then we're done."

Wan Hou put all his strength into displaying the heavenly magic force field, and said with a charming smile, "Wu Hou, the master of the Holy Gate, invite you to die today!"

The Heavenly Demon's double blades slashed down countless sharp blades, and while several people were being drawn by the invisible aura of the Heavenly Demon's force field, they attacked and killed the three of them!

Star Soul snorted coldly.

Both palms slowly condensed purple sword energy.

Gather into a blade.

Six successes!

Rush towards Miepo.

Chaos God yelled: "Let's go, report the news to the master...just say that everything is being manipulated by the people from the Yin Yang family behind the scenes, so the master must be careful..."


The sprite turned and left without hesitation.

"You can't go anywhere."

Wan Wan giggled coquettishly, under the torn force field, she immediately slowed down Yaoyao's footsteps a bit.

The Heavenly Demon Ribbon was wrapped around the Heavenly Demon Double Blades, and he shot several feet in the air, and had exchanged more than ten strokes with his Demonic Swords one after another.

At this time, Xinghun had already been crushed and retreated steadily, in a panic.

He laughed maniacally and said, "What's the matter? What's the matter? What about the arrogance at the beginning? At that time, he looked like he was determined to eat me...Why are you so embarrassed now? Answer me? Answer me why..."

Zhuanpo let out a muffled snort, and was blown away by Xinghun.

"Turn your soul!"

Luan Shen held the Luan Shen sword and rushed towards Xinghun.

"Hee hee... Did you ignore him?"

Wan Wan smiled coquettishly.

Without Lin Bin by her side, she was finally able to display her characteristics as a little demon girl.

Obviously, the battle with sprites is extremely fierce.

However, she turned around and helped Xinghun block Chaoshen, slashing with two blades, under the blessing of Heavenly Demon Dafa, her sword skills were superb, just a few moves were enough to make Chaoshen stumble.

But sprites found an opportunity.

Taking advantage of the momentum, he galloped away towards the distance.

Xinghun shouted: "He escaped!"

"Yeah... People saw that you wanted revenge, so they wanted to kill this woman for you... Negligence..."

Wan Wan stuck out her tongue cutely.

The Six Swordsmen still think that it was the Yin Yang family who took away the concealed sun and startled salamander.

Six Sword Slaves Six in One is indeed terrifying, but there is nothing to be afraid of if there is only one person left.

It would be better to take the initiative to let him go back and give Zhao Gao a false message...it will be beneficial to them and not harmful!
Of course, it is absolutely impossible to explain this thought.

She smiled coquettishly: "People think it's important to avenge the little brother!"

Star Soul snorted coldly.

Say no more...

But when the two join forces, their strength is much stronger than that of Chaoshen and Zhuanpo.

After a moment.

Five of the six sword slaves have gone.

"Thank you, you're such a nice guy."

Hou Hou quickly picked up the weapons in their hands.

True Steel Sword, Broken Water Sword, Turning Soul Sword, Chaos God Sword, and the previous Soul Extinguisher Sword...

Hou Hou thought in his heart that I would like to see how the senior brother wields eight swords at the same time. Could it be that he is holding weapons in his elbows and knees, jumping like a hedgehog to kill the enemy?

This way you will exhaust yourself to death before injuring the enemy, right?
When the time comes, I must let him demonstrate it to me.

Star Soul avenged him and closed his eyes.

After a long time...

Open it, and there is no wave in the ancient well inside, and there is no madness during the revenge just now.

He took a deep look at Houhou, knowing that this was not an opponent that could be easily defeated.

He said lightly: "Don't offend my Yin Yang family again, otherwise, I won't spare your life!"

After all...turn around and leave.

Hou Hou snorted softly, and muttered: "What are you dragging? The reason why you are still alive is because you are not our mission target, otherwise you may have staged a tragic drama now... Yes Now, hurry up and find senior brother, I have to ask him for credit!"

She quickly followed behind Xing Hun.

Xinghun said angrily: "What are you following me for?"

"Looking for someone...not for you...Don't worry, if they find someone, they will leave immediately."

Wan Wan chuckled, thinking in his heart that he didn't know if his brother had killed Tang Tianhao.

It would be really nice if there was one.

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