when reincarnation invades

Chapter 182 Wife... You don't want anything to happen to your daughter, do you?

Chapter 182 Wife... You don't want anything to happen to your daughter, do you?

If Lin Bin knew, with the power of the star soul, Wanhou could easily wipe out the Six Swordsmen, leaving only an insignificant sprite.

Moreover, he even poured a pot of dirty water on the Yin Yang family.

I can't help but press her head excitedly and praise her fiercely.

This girl is worthy of her reputation as a little demon girl, and she is becoming more and more like him.

Now Lin Bin knew nothing about everything, and was lying in the middle of a rocky reef in the deepest part of the sea, with his eyes closed and unable to breathe at all.

Tang Tianhao died.

But how terrible is the desperate counterattack of a saint-level reincarnation?
With Lin Bin's current skills, even if all the longevity qi is channeled in, he can only display three layers of blazing sky-covering seven-fold rings, which is equivalent to the defensive power of three city walls.

In addition, he didn't delay at the time, and took the blood Bodhi immediately.

[Blood Bodhi (C-level props): Infiltrated with the blood of the fire unicorn, it is a spiritual fruit that is born after a long period of time. 】

[Note: Who said blood-soaked steamed buns can't be eaten? 】

I kept this thing before, because I planned to take it when I was injured, so as to maximize the benefit.

And just now is obviously the most suitable state.

The fire unicorn belongs to fire, and the fruit produced by its blood after years of precipitation, in addition to the effect of healing injuries and increasing power, the biggest effect is probably the resistance to flames.

That is to say, Lin Bin was extremely calm when he was in a state of tacit understanding, otherwise, if he was even a little flustered, he might not be able to remember it.

But even so, as Lin Bin's resistance to flames was greatly improved, it was still difficult to stop the full force of the 10-year soul ring from exploding.

As Tang Tianhao's soul fire burned, he tore apart the defense of the seven rings covering the sky.

Lin Bin was burned seriously at the first time, and then fell into the sea water.


This is the state it is now.

Blood bodhi is extremely resistant to flames, and when taken into his stomach, Lin Bin's instantly depleted zhenqi became vigorous and powerful, and there was more scorching breath in it...

Especially after tearing apart the seven rings of Blazing Heaven, Tang Tianhao's attack left only the purest soul fire, which is also the most powerful weapon for killing enemies.

After entering the body, it should have continued to destroy Lin Bin's body, making his life worse than death.

However, the medicinal power of Xuebodhi and the soul fire of the soul ring are both fire attributes, and it seems that they have the same effect. The soul fire was directly transformed into medicinal power, and then it was forcibly integrated into Lin Bin's body.

The medicinal power of Xue Bodhi is gradual and will not make people feel too much pain.

But after merging into the soul fire, not to mention that the potency of the medicine has been greatly improved, and the way of entry is also much rougher...

So much so that Lin Bin sank directly into the sea water, unable to move.

The power in the body is like a tsunami wave, turbulent and surging, becoming stronger and stronger.

Lin Bin simply closed his eyes, quietly digesting the medicinal power of the blood bodhi...

At the beginning, I still felt a little short of breath, but with the circulation of the true energy of the "Longevity Jue", I couldn't stop absorbing the seven formulas of flaming power transformation in my body, the pain eased a lot, and gradually, it turned into internal breathing.

In order to suppress the soul power, Lin Bin simply took the Great Return Pill he had prepared in his hand.

In this way, while recovering from the injury, the medicinal power also neutralized the soul power in the blood bodhi, which reduced Lin Bin's pain a lot.

A full day.

Lin Bin was lying on the bottom of the sea without moving.

And this whole day of hibernation.

When he woke up completely, the injuries Tang Tianhao had caused to him had long since ceased to exist.

He was even so refreshed that he felt so strong that he could kill a cow.

There are also great changes in the body.

【Reincarnation: Abin】

[Level: Extraordinary]

[Qualifications: Slaughter-level Secret Realm Independent Customs Clearance Experience × 2 (Evaluation: S, A), Adventure-Level Secret Realm Clearance Experience × 3 (Evaluation: S, S, S)] (The first three items are visible data for all reincarnations)
[ Merit: B-level merit × 4! 】

[Reincarnation points: 8000 reincarnation points]

[Equipment: Light Boots (B+), Double Dragon Phantom Sword (B), Azure Rose (B), Money Sword (B), Optical Camouflage Cloak (B), Soft Hedgehog Armor (B), Wrist Controller ( B), three-edged sword (C)]

[Items: Expanding Fire Seed (A), Holy Blessing Potion (A), Random Teleportation Scroll (B), Primordial Bloodline (B) x 1, Blood Ancestor Bloodline (C) x 1, Werewolf Primordial Bloodline (C) x 1, Changing capsule (C), storage belt soul guide (D)]

【Enhancement: Heshibi】

[Cultivation method:]

[Level B: "Secret of Longevity" (102%) (upper limit: 200%)]

[Grade B: "And the Light and the Dust" (29%)]

[Level B: "Heavenly Demon Dafa" (72%)]

[Level C: Fragments of the Sword Code (95%)]


[Level B: Heavenly Magic Force Field (79%), Tai Chi Sword (81%), Heaven and Earth Lost Color (54%), Sword Heart Illumination (5%)]

[Level C: Ti Yunzong (100%) Taiji Qishangquan (100%)]

The longevity true energy at this time is no longer the vast ocean it was before.

Instead, it was completely integrated into his body.

The body appears to be empty.

But as long as the mind moves, this power can be transferred to all parts of the limbs and bones immediately, as one likes.

Lin Bin was not too surprised. You must know that the upper limit of normal exercises is 100%.

He once asked Lei Meng about the details of the progress ratio of the exercise. In theory, when it reaches 100%, the comprehension and comprehension of this exercise, and even the purity of the exercise has basically reached the limit.

Even if you continue to practice in the future, it will only increase your skill, and there will be no improvement in purity.

It was only because He Shibi broadened his veins that his ability to withstand and adapt to the "Longevity Formula" was greatly improved, which led to the increase of the upper limit of "Longevity Formula" from 100% to 200%.

So up to now, normally speaking, his "Longevity Formula" can be regarded as almost complete.

From this point of view, the Tianzong Gongfa given by Xiaomeng should have been of great help.

After all, stones from other mountains can attack jade, but the biggest hero should be Tang Tianhao. After being purified by the blazing seven-fold ring, what really blasted into his body was the purest soul power, although it was not true energy. But Blood Bodhi is not true qi either, as long as it can transform true qi, naturally it is not a problem.

And maybe it's because of getting the Taoist Tianzong Gongfa.

Even the proficiency of Tai Chi sword has improved a lot.

All-round strengthening.

When Lin Bin opened his eyes, there was a flash of brilliance in his eyes.

Although he was in the water, because the "Secret of Longevity" contained seven different attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, he felt like a fish in water right now.

"Very good, even if the Six Swordsmen are resurrected this time, with my current strength, even if I fight one against six, I may not be defeated."

Lin Bin understood that although he was still a reincarnation in the Transcendent Realm.

But in fact, his absolute strength should have surpassed the Nine Realms of Transcendence and reached the level of becoming a saint.

Maybe it's not necessarily Tang Tianhao's opponent, after all, Tang Tianhao is a veteran saint-level reincarnation, much stronger than ordinary saint-level reincarnation.

But self-defense is not difficult.

"It's time to go up... I'm afraid I should panic if I don't see me."

After coming to this secret realm, Hou Hou kept following him like a rice worm almost the whole time, so that now Lin Bin always felt that Hou Hou couldn't do anything... Naturally, he couldn't help worrying.

But even though he was worried, Lin Bin didn't swim up immediately, but wandered around.

He is now completely melted in the water, and he can travel several meters away with a light kick... faster than a fish.

Quickly searched around.

He and Tang Tianhao's... dregs fell down together.

You must know that Tang Tianhao's strength is extremely strong, and as the head of the Tang family, his wealth is by no means comparable to that of ordinary reincarnated people.

For example, the prop mirror, if it wasn't for this mirror, Lin Bin might have escaped from birth directly. Who would have known that he had such a powerful field control prop in his hand, which directly detained him in place.

It can only be said that the characteristics of props are ever-changing, and it is really necessary to guard against.

But since he is dead now, even though his body has been broken into pieces, there should be some useful things left behind.

As expected.

After searching for a while, Lin Bin successfully found a small mirror.

【Magic mirror (a-level prop): Call his name, when his voice is imprinted in the mirror, when he sees himself in the mirror, he can no longer look away. 】

[Note: If you love me, just look at me. 】

Lin Bin immediately said a word, and then gulped down a mouthful of sea water.

He was so salty that he almost fainted.

The effect of this item doesn't seem to be very good. You still need to know the name, and you need to print the enemy's figure into the mirror... But if it is an A-level item, then the weight of the effect is quite amazing. I am afraid that once locked in the line of sight At that time, even if the enemy uses thousands of methods, I am afraid that they will not even want to look away even half of it!
More importantly, this treasure is almost a perfect match for him.

To know the restriction is to know the name of the other party, but for Lin Bin, is it difficult to know the names of some people in the secret realm?
too easy.

Tang Tianhao, you are really a good person.

Lin Bin was moved and continued to search.

After a long time...

But nothing was found... Tang Tianhao theoretically should still have leftovers.

It is estimated that it was eaten up by the surrounding fish.

However, getting an A-level item can be regarded as a surprise.

In addition to being a little frustrated in the secret realm... you need to spend money to take it out.

But in a sense, he has already made a lot of money.

Lin Bin no longer stayed on the bottom of the sea, and swam directly towards the mirage.

After half an hour.

He has appeared at the bottom of the mirage...

Taking out the Ssangyong Phantom Sword, he cut the iron like mud, and directly and lightly cut a hole out of the extremely strong ship.

Lin Bin flipped over easily.

As the two feet set foot on the land, the true energy in the body circulated slightly, and the fog filled the body...

All the wetness on his body has dried up in a mess.

Only then did Lin Bin step forward...

Ever since he fell into the mirage, his plans have been changing one after another.

Although the process was extremely chaotic, fortunately, we won the final victory.

While successfully eliminating two waves of powerful enemies, he also strengthened himself severely.

It's just that the sea is too far away from the land, and if you want to leave, you still have to go through the mirage...

Lin Bin didn't know where he was in the mirage, but he knew that he only needed to move towards the land.

Moreover, after Hu Hou caused the second injury to Six Swords Slave, he will definitely come back here to meet him, and check whether Tang Tianhao is dead by the way. Dafa, as long as you get close to each other, you can react to each other, and the possibility of encountering them is still quite high.

Now the strength has risen greatly.

In addition, the hidden enemy Tang Tianhao was dead.

Lin Bin's footsteps are no longer as cautious as before. His footsteps are fast, and he doesn't even need an optical camouflage cloak...to prevent encountering a strong enemy at a critical moment, but the cloak is in the cooling time and he is confused.

Just walk and walk.

Around the body, a chill gradually began to pervade.

Lin Bin gasped in surprise, knowing that this must be the magical effect of the Yin-Yang School's technique.

Although the Yin-Yang School was born out of Taoism, there is no doubt that the Yin-Yang School has developed and grown over the years, and its strength has far surpassed Taoism.

but around...

After taking a closer look, he realized that at this time he had arrived at a similarly luxuriously decorated place.

All the buildings are made of red sandalwood, which is luxurious and noble.

But on the other side... is an extremely transparent screen wall.

The outer lake is rippling continuously.


On the right, a huge colorful koi that was almost bigger than ordinary boats swam past, causing waves of ripples.

Lin Bin was stunned, and said in surprise, "This is...Zibei Water Pavilion? It's very interesting to come here by accident."

The voice fell.

From the depths of Zibei Water Pavilion, a very slight fluctuation suddenly came faintly.

That is to say, Lin Bin practiced the Taoist method, which has a lot in common with the Yin-Yang School, otherwise he might not have heard this subtle sound.

The quiet and quiet voice was slow but not in a hurry, revealing a graceful attitude, which caused the huge koi to panic for a while, and then quickly dispersed.

"The honored guest is here, please come in and see him."

Lin Bin raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, "Are you inviting me in?"

"Exactly, please!"

From a distance, a golden three-legged Golden Crow flapped its wings and flew around Lin Bin... and then flew towards the distance.

It was obvious that Lin Bin was motioning to follow her footsteps.

"It seems that he is no stranger to me, so he has been secretly spying on me through this method, right?"

Lin Bin glanced at the three-legged Golden Crow, which was not flying very fast.

There was a playful look in his eyes...

He naturally knew who was imprisoned in the Sakura Prison.

But he knew that the other party invited him in so actively...

It must be asking him for something.

And it's good to ask.

Ma'am...you don't want your daughter to have an accident, do you?


He followed in stride.

If he hadn't had a [-]% chance of winning against Concubine Yan before strengthening, he might still need to be a little bit cautious.

But now, his strength has risen to the level of sanctification.

Go it alone...

He is no longer afraid of anyone in this plane.

This wave of fat meat delivered to the door is not for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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