Chapter 183
The Sakura Prison is hidden behind the Zibei Water Pavilion!

If there is no one to guide, unless there is the destiny of the protagonist, the possibility of finding the inside is extremely low.

But there was someone leading the way on Lin Bin's side, so there was no hindrance. The deeper he went, the colder he felt.

When the surrounding scenery is completely replaced by the condensed ice, a large number of ice blocks can be frozen immediately under the feet, making it difficult for people to move.

The longevity zhenqi in Lin Bin's body changed accordingly.

Qijue Qi contains all things in the world, and can freely transform all things in the world.

The water is also cold, and with the transformation, Lin Bin's whole body merged into this icy ice, and even began to actively absorb the surrounding ice into his body along the way.

The long-lived zhenqi that circulates in the body is already fast, and it also increases rapidly.

This can probably be regarded as the characteristic of "The Secret of Longevity" after its completion. No matter what kind of environment it is in in the future, Lin Bin will be able to occupy a favorable geographical position.

Go forward again.

An extremely graceful and slender figure appeared in front of her.

Her hair hangs down her fragrant shoulders, her skin is whiter than snow, her eyebrows are picturesque and graceful.

Just a back view makes people feel amazing...

Even with Houhou's peerless elegance, compared to the woman in front of her, she is still three points less charming.

Among the many women Lin Bin has met, Zhu Yuyan is the only one who can compare.

Concubine Dongjun Yan!

The former No. [-] soul figure of the Yin Yang family, but because of the wrong person, he was reduced to the current situation.

At this time, she was imprisoned by countless illusory spells hanging in mid-air around her. Although she was not unable to move, she was still unable to leave this land of profound ice.

And after familiarizing with the exercises.

Lin Bin also understood many things that he didn't know before.

For example, the name of Dongjun is the name of the sun god.

The kung fu practiced by Concubine Dongjun Yan must belong to yang, and here, it is actually no different from the punishment.

Now seeing Lin Bin coming, she turned her head, revealing a demure and gentle beautiful face.

She bowed her knees gracefully, and said: "Concubine Yan, Dong Jun of the Yin Yang family, I have met Zhang Daoxiong!"

Lin Bin smiled and said, "My next emperor, Zhang Sanfeng! I don't know if you summoned me here with the Golden Crow technique. What's the matter?"

Concubine Dongjun Yan also smiled and said: "Taoist Dizong... Please forgive Fei Yan's lack of knowledge, I only heard of Taoist Tianzong and Renzong, why haven't I heard of the name of Dizong?"

Lin Bin said in disbelief: "It's very simple. I was originally a member of Tianzong, but today's Tianzong is too declining. It is ridiculous to let a little girl become the head of Tianzong, especially Xiaomeng, who is a Tianzong. The head of the sect actually focuses on the way of training qi, but ignores that defeating the enemy is a long sword in their hands. They use qi as their body and sword as their function; but we think that subtle moves can make up for the lack of skill, and skill cannot be achieved overnight However, sword skills can be greatly improved in a short period of time, so we split into Qizong and Jianzong. Later, Qizong still used the name of Tianzong, and our Jianzong was classified as Dizong."

"I see."

Concubine Dongjunyan blinked her bright eyes...a little confused.

Can you compete with mind training Qi and sword training?
Could it be that during the past few years of my imprisonment, the Taoist Tianzong has fallen to such a point?
However, the opponent's swordsmanship is superb, and that soft but magical swordsmanship does contain the true essence of Taoism's profound meaning!
Concubine Dongjun Yan invited the other party over, but it was actually a whim.

Although she was imprisoned here, without Donghuang Taiyi, no one could limit her Soul Xilongyou skill.

Therefore, she has been observing the current mirage, looking for opportunities.

Before, she had put the opportunity on Tang Tianhao, but she didn't want Tang Tianhao to be extremely ruthless, and he was obviously full of hostility towards the Yin Yang family.

She dared not risk her daughter's life.

But fellow Taoist Zhang Sanfeng, who used to be named Wu Yanzu, is different.

Concubine Dongjun Yan thought that she had a good view of people, especially since this person was still walking with a disciple of the Mohist family, so he was naturally a friend rather than an enemy.

Now that the other party happened to be close to Zibei Water Pavilion by a rare coincidence, if she didn't seize this opportunity, would she really put all her hopes on that kid?
Before, there was no other way, but now there is a way... She suddenly felt that the Mo family giant who had just left here was a bit unreliable.

"Fei Yan invited fellow Taoist to come. It is true that he has something to ask for. In fact, this matter is still related to the Mo family. Fellow Taoist Fei Yan is so close to that girl from the Mo family, that's why he dared to invite fellow daoist to come."

"Oh? Tell me the details."

Lin Bin thought in his heart that he did not expect that this opportunity was sent to me by Wanhou.

But in order to prevent this little girl from being too proud and causing her tail to cock... it's better not to tell her.

This girl has too many thoughts, she needs to be trained slowly.

Concubine Yan said earnestly: "Fei Yan would like to ask Fellow Daoist to help me rescue my daughter Gao Yue who was imprisoned in the hands of the Moon God, she is also the daughter of the former Juzi of the Mo family!"


"The inside story is really a long story. The current situation is that Fei Yan is imprisoned here and cannot escape, and her daughter has also been taken away by her biggest enemy. If she wants to save her, she can only rely on others."

Concubine Yan said softly: "Friend Daoist is powerful, Fei Yan has seen it with her own eyes, if Fellow Daoist is willing to help Fei Yan save her daughter, Fei Yan is deeply grateful for the great kindness. .”

Lin Bin rolled his eyes and asked, "Am I ugly?"

Concubine Yan was stunned for a moment, and asked back, "What?"

Lin Bin sighed: "There is a rule in our place. If a woman is rescued by a man, if the man is extraordinary, she will say that the little girl has nothing to repay her kindness. She can only repay the great kindness with her body. If a man is extremely ugly, she will say that there is no way to repay great kindness and great virtue, only to repay great kindness in the next life... Madame, your words really hit me hard."

Concubine Dongjun Yan couldn't laugh or cry.

But inexplicably felt that Lin Bin's words made sense.

She said: "Friend Daoist misunderstood, friend Daoist looks handsome and extraordinary, but Fei Yan has only seen him, if not for being a few years younger than Fei Yan, and because Fei Yan has married as a woman, I am afraid I will be overwhelmed by friend Daoist's demeanor... …The previous words were just words on the table.”

In fact, she was able to tell her crisis when they first met, which was somewhat due to the sincere and sincere face of the young man in front of her.

But what does being good-looking have to do with her? Even if Dan is dead, how can she remarry someone else?
Lin Bin nodded and said, "Thank you, I feel much better when you say that."

Concubine Yan: "..."

She sighed softly: "Let's tell the truth, Fei Yan. If Fellow Daoist really helps Fei Yan, Fei Yan will naturally give him a big gift. No matter what Fellow Daoist wants, as long as Fei Yan has it, he will have nothing to hide."

"I just like a cheerful person like you!"

Lin Bin looked Concubine Yan up and down, and said, "I don't think you want to save your daughter yourself?"

Concubine Yan was taken aback, and asked back, "What?"

Lin Bin said: "I can ask you to save your daughter yourself, but correspondingly, I want the full set of exercises of the Yin Yang family, especially the set of soul and dragon swim skills that you just recruited me. Give everything to me without reservation, and I can rescue you!"

Concubine Yan's eyes lit up when she heard the words, without any hesitation, she nodded and said, "Fei Yan agrees!"

Immediately wondered: "It's just that this restriction was set by Donghuang Taiyi himself, and Fei Yan has no way to break it... This..."

She had peeped at Lin Bin before.

It is natural to know that although Lin Bin's strength is high, he may not be able to defeat her.

Moreover, he doesn't know anything about the way of spells, what can he do with things that she can't decipher...

"The mountain man has his own plan."

Lin Bin took two steps forward, and took a serious look around her.

Then reach out to...

Concubine Dongjunyan looked at the big hand that hit her chest, and said sullenly: "Friends of Daoism, respect yourself!"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not touching you, I'm touching the restriction."

Lin Bin touched the restriction with his palm.

Immediately, an extremely cold and icy force struck.

Lin Bin snorted, and the "Secret of Longevity" ran with all its might.

"The Secret of Longevity" already has the effect of absorbing the aura of heaven and earth into the body. Although it is far less violent and exaggerated than the plundering of the Beiming Divine Art, when the speed of absorption and transformation is too fast, there is actually no difference between the two. too much difference.

So ever.

Lin Bin kept his palms clasped, as if he had really grasped something, and Concubine Yan was shocked to see that the restraint, which originally contained boundless solid power, was under his grasp, and the color changed. On and off, and then more and more illusory.

Just less than half an hour.

When Lin Bin slowly withdrew his big hands in the air, he said with satisfaction, "Thank you for your hospitality!"

Concubine Dongjun Yan looked at the restriction that had completely disappeared, and said in surprise: "You... how did you do it?"

"It's very simple. I don't know about restrictions, but I know that no matter what kind of spells need spiritual power to control, and as long as I exhaust the most basic spiritual energy, he will be hard to cook without rice."

Lin Bin said: "Please, ma'am, you don't want your daughter to have an accident, do you? If that's the case, then go and save her yourself... I think your daughter may also be looking forward to her mother coming down like a magic soldier." to save her."

"Thank you for your kindness, fellow daoist!"

Concubine Yan was already inexplicably surprised, she obviously didn't expect such a big surprise, that the cage that imprisoned her for an unknown amount of time was wiped out like this.

Lin Bin joked, "Don't thank me... I'm too embarrassed to ask you for a gift no matter how much you thank me."

Concubine Yan said seriously: "But the restriction is broken, the Eastern Emperor will definitely get the news soon, and he will come back quickly. We must do it as soon as possible."

"I'll help you."

Now Lin Bin is also a daring person with a high level of art. He used to hold the idea of ​​not offending the Yin Yang family as much as possible, but now...

As long as it is beneficial, even if it is a god, I will offend you.


Just go.

The two galloped away into the distance.

And along the way...

Lin Bin always took care of the speed of Concubine Dongjun Yan.

Seeing her slightly sloppy footsteps, Lin Bin was surprised and said, "Your skills haven't recovered yet?"

When Concubine Yan heard this, a little shyness appeared on her fair and pretty face.

He said softly: "That's not true, it's just that I've been imprisoned here for a long time, Fei Yan hasn't eaten for too long, it's okay not to move, this move..."

Lin Bin concluded: "I'm hungry."

Concubine Yan said embarrassedly: "Yes."

"I can do this."

Lin Bin took out a hamburger from the moonlit night at the 24th Bridge, opened it and handed it over, saying: "We are on our way, so we shouldn't make too much fanfare, let's eat something first."

The storage belt space is not small, but the level is too low, so it can't hold things that are too high.

So now Lin Bin puts important things in capsules and carries them with him.

For the storage belt, put some daily supplies and the like...

He put a lot of ready-to-eat things, at least it's easy to eat.

Concubine Yan was stunned for a moment, knowing that she had enough food and drink to have the strength to confront the Moon God.

Embarrassed, said: "Then Fei Yan is rude."

Said, took the burger.

Really rude, eating in front of people or something...

Lin Bin unscrewed another bottle of Coke and handed it over, saying, "By the way, drink something so you won't choke..."

Concubine Yan looked at the bubbling Coke, hesitated for a moment, and then politely declined: "It's not necessary, just take a few sips of Feiyan..."


Lin Bin took a sip for himself, and then burped.

Concubine Yan: "........."

Only then did she realize that those bubbles were not poisonous.

That's right, how could anyone poison someone so blatantly.

The two kept walking.

Especially Concubine Yan had led the way for Jing Tianming not long ago, so naturally she knew the way and went straight to the destination Toad Palace.

And this time.

Inside the Toad Palace.

Gao Yue...or it has been officially changed to Jiru Qianlong now.

She looked at the slowly rotating pagoda in her hand with a calm expression, and listening to the melodious music inside, she seemed to be in a mysterious mood.

And beside her.

Jing Tianming had already been tied to the ground with his hands on his back.

Angrily shouted: "Damn old hag, if you have the ability to let go of me and fight to the death with me fairly, what kind of skill is it to sneak attack from behind? How about a sneak attack with such high strength, do you want to show some shame?"

Jing Tianming was really wronged.

When he came in, Ji Ruqianlong was alone.

Luna just happened to be asked by the Commander not to leave here...

Seeing that everything went well, Jing Tianming was naturally overjoyed. He wanted to take Gao Yue away directly, but he didn't know that Gao Yue had already become Ji Ruqianlong, how could he recognize Jing Tianming?
Don't leave him at all.

One drag two pull room...

The Moon God had already returned, and with Jing Tianming's ability, he couldn't find her trace.

If the two confront each other head-on, Jing Tianming may still be able to fight for a while with his explosive potential...

But how could Luna sneak attack from behind, how could he be spared?
It was directly restrained.

He couldn't stop cursing, and he couldn't help feeling annoyed.

It's hard to feel that the body is full of surging internal energy, and finally can seriously learn from the enemy, but the enemy doesn't play cards according to the routine... Sneak attack or something, it's too despicable.

"You don't need to worry. Although I was very interested in you before, this interest ended before I got the Phantom Sound Treasure Box. Now that I have got Qianlong and the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, your existence is very important." It's important."

Luna looked calm.

Sighing lightly: "It's just that you came in front of me at this time, Tianming, you gave me a reason not to kill you."

The gentleness of the mouth.

But her hand has already slowly stretched out towards Jing Tianming's neck.


She was already tired of this bluffing boy, and now that she got the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, she no longer had the slightest tolerance for him.

"The reason is very simple. He is a great son of the Mohist family. At the very least, he has to say his last words and appoint the next great son, right?"


A soft voice sounded.

Said: "Tianming, right? I recommend a little girl named Wanhou from your Mo family. This girl has a quiet personality and is gentle and amiable. She is really the best candidate to be the next big son of your Mo family. Why don't you hand over your Mo eyebrows now?" Give it to me, how about I give it to her for you?"

"Zhang Sanfeng, you're not dead yet?!"

Luna suddenly turned around.

But where is Lin Bin?It was clearly Concubine Dongjun Yan with cold eyes and a cold face!
Luna suddenly lost an inch, and exclaimed: " escaped?"

"Not only escaped, but also with me."

Lin Bin's voice sounded again, but this time it was very close.

At this time, he had come to the back of Luna, took the phantom sound treasure box in Gao Yue's hand, and looked at it carefully for a while.

A light suddenly lit up in his eyes.

She smiled and said, "Ma'am, I accept this treasure, do you mind?"

"Since Fellow Daoist likes it, Fei Yan naturally doesn't mind."

Concubine Dongjun Yan nodded, and said, "I want a daughter, and fellow Taoists want a treasure box, it's fair..."

The two of them shared the spoils blatantly in front of the Moon God.

(End of this chapter)

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