when reincarnation invades

Chapter 184 This old 6 doesn't have a real sentence

[Phantom Sound Treasure Box (? Level props): Twelve magic rhythms, five tones of non-music, blissful heavenly rhyme, and thousands of magic sounds.You can play both illusory and real music, which is ever-changing. Listening to vocal music can improve the practitioner's skill and temper the mind! 】

[Note: Don't cut the song randomly, it will kill you. 】

There is no level!

In other words, even the space of reincarnation cannot determine the level of the phantom sound treasure box?

But it can be sure that it can improve the skill, and this thing must at least be a treasure of B level or above.

One must know that the force value of the Mingyue Plane in Qin Dynasty is actually not low.

Didn't you see that Tang Tianhao, a veteran saint-level reincarnation, almost fell into the hands of Luna and the others?In the end, it was folded into Lin Bin's hands, which was why he had no chance to die in the hands of Luna and the others.

But Yuewang Bajian is already a B-level weapon.

And the Chi You Sword is probably an A-level magical weapon... Since the upper limit of the plane can reach this level, how can the level of the phantom sound treasure box be lower?
According to Lin Bin's inference, the reason why its level cannot be determined is probably because this thing is related to the great secret of Canglong Qisu. I am afraid that he will not be able to obtain its true level until this secret is revealed.

But just the function of the training accelerator is very important to Lin Bin.

For him to become a saint-level reincarnation so quickly, foresight is of course important, but what is more important is the blessing of He's Bi, as well as the essence in the evil emperor's relic, which has raised his efficiency to the highest level.

But up to now, the evil emperor's relic was almost sucked dry by him.

Didn't expect to get a replacement so soon...

For this thing alone, Lin Bin's trip was worthwhile.

Moon God glanced at Lin Bin and Concubine Dongjun Yan, his eyes were full of alertness.

Just wanted to say something...

Concubine Yan was too lazy to tell her more, she didn't even want the phantom sound treasure box, her only purpose was to get her daughter back, now seeing Ji Ruqianlong's demented appearance, she immediately felt distressed.

Quickly ran towards her daughter, shouting: "Yue'er...mother is here to save you..."

"You shouldn't be ignoring me."

Yue Shen was furious, and suddenly pinched out a magic formula with his right hand that was tucked into his sleeve.

The mysterious curse seal was attacking Concubine Yan, but the curse seal had just left her hand, but her body was shaken suddenly, and she felt a boundless heavy pressure.

Then everything in front of me lost its color.

Lost color?

No...not right... The eclipse of heaven and earth can only suppress the true qi in the enemy's body and make them weak. If the cultivation base is not enough, they may die directly.

But in fact, it can't have a substantial impact on the enemy.

But this black and white tone seems to contain boundless danger.

It actually made her feel as if there was an extra tens of catties of weight on her body out of thin air... Although the impact is not big, but in the battle between masters, it makes a huge difference, not to mention the heavy pressure...

"I never imagined that the fusion of the heavenly magic force field and the eclipse of heaven and earth can produce such a miraculous effect. Although it is still eclipse of heaven and earth, its effect is already infinitely close to the realm of magical novels."

As the only color, Lin Bin slowly walked between Concubine Yan and Moon God.

Holding a phantom sound treasure box in his hand.

Shaking his head, he said, "I'm sorry, it's a matter of being entrusted by others, of being loyal... Moon God, I have to let Mrs. Dongjun take her daughter away. You don't mind, do you?"

Noticed that Luna's eyes fell on the Phantom Sound Treasure Box.

Lin Bin came to his senses at this moment, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I really like this phantom sound treasure box, so I have to take this phantom sound treasure box with me, you don't think you will mind?"

Luna said coldly: "Zhang Sanfeng, it seems that your Dizong is determined to be an enemy of my Yinyang family?"

Lin Bin sighed lightly and shook his head, "I'm sorry, I lied to you. In fact, there is no Taoist sect at all. I was worried that you would not help me kill that Tang Tianhao, so I made it up for you to help... I didn't expect you So foolish enough to be fooled directly, by the way, I haven’t thanked you for helping me kill the powerful enemy of our trap.”

Concubine Yan glanced at Lin Bin in surprise, thinking Zhang Sanfeng was a pseudonym?

And sorry for the series of three in a row, Luna finally lost his composure completely.

The co-author of the sixth child didn't tell the truth at all?
She asked coldly, "Are you a trap?"

"Wu Yanzu, of course, I prefer you to call me Biri."

Lin Bin flipped his hands and took out a pitch-black mask, and put it on his face. Immediately, his qi surged, and the loose Taoist robe on his body suddenly tore apart, revealing the simple armor inside.

Dress up in a second.

He sighed: "No way, the enemy's strength is really too strong, so we had to lure the enemy to the Yin-Yang family and kill him with the help of the Yin-Yang family. Fortunately, this trip was successful, otherwise, I'm afraid I will catch him." There will be a catastrophe... You know, this guy is not only superior in strength, but also has an extraordinary heart. He lurks the farmer under a pseudonym, becomes a brother with the new farmer, and provokes the Confucianism and my snare. In just a few days, the farmer He and the Confucianists have been entangled with me endlessly, and if we don’t kill him, the entrapment will be a catastrophe.”

Luna took a deep look at Lin Bin, and said noncommittally, "Is this something you can say to the enemy?"

"This is what you can say to the dead!"

Lin Bin's voice suddenly turned cold.

Amidst the paleness of heaven and earth, the tearing of the heavenly magic force field was even more serious, which made Luna feel a little dizzy after being drunk.

But her strength was outstanding, and she quickly stabilized her pace.

give a low drink...

The magic formula changed like a dance, and the energy emerged between the fingers, and several curse seals struck towards Lin Bin.

But just halfway through the breakthrough, it was directly blocked by a layer of soft petals.

"Hmm... It seems that my skill improvement is even greater than I imagined!"

Lin Bin muttered.

After all, the blazing seven-fold ring is an A-level item.

When using the strength of a reincarnated person in the Transcendent Realm before, it felt somewhat difficult to maintain.

But now, with the improvement of true qi, especially after the "Longevity Jue" has reached its peak, the purity has been greatly improved... Now, to cast this blazing sky-covering seven-fold circle, it is like an arm, Take it easy.

And Luna has seen the power of this prop before.

I even know that this petal is not just one petal, but can be turned into three petals. The defense is amazing. The previous hateful Elder Tang's self-explosion could not kill him. I am afraid it is the effect of this treasure!
Gao shouted: "Master Xinghun, cut him back!"

The voice fell.

Someone shouted impatiently: "Are you talking nonsense?"


A purple sword light suddenly appeared.

Concubine Dongjun Yan escaped from birth.

If Xinghun doesn't want to have multiple ancestors on his head, he can only choose to join hands with the Moon God.

Although Gathering Qi into a Blade is a Qi blade, its sharpness is not inferior to Yue Wang's Eight Swords.

The double swords cut out thousands of nets suddenly, and they hit all the vital points around Lin Bin's body.

But Lin Bin moved freely... Dodging easily, every blow was avoided just right, it seemed dangerous, but everything was clearly under Lin Bin's control.

The boots of lightness made his speed already so fast that it was beyond the scope of lightness kung fu.

And the star soul rushed into his eclipse of heaven and earth on his own initiative, although the consumption of his immortal energy was greatly intensified, but he was also suppressed.

A sword forced Xinghun to retreat, and then he slashed Huashan with a backhand to kill Moon God, even the forced Moon God had to dodge and retreat.

But still can't get out of the control range of the world's eclipse.

"Very good, the recovery speed of longevity zhenqi has been greatly improved, and at the same time suppressed the two martial arts masters who were not inferior to me before, but the consumption can be recovered in time, it seems that I can really fight against strong enemies for a whole day in the future. "

With one against two, Lin Bin had the upper hand.

Blocking the offensive of the moon god's curse seal in front, behind him was holding the sun-shielding sword in one hand, and when his two swords collided fiercely, a series of intensive and piercing sounds of weapons clashed.

The feet never took a step back.

"No need to come here."

Seeing Concubine Dongjunyan holding Gao Yue in her arms, as if she wanted to step forward to help, Lin Bin laughed and said, "It's just two people who are just trying to sell their heads. Is it worth it for the two of us to join forces? I'm alone!" People just cleaned them up."

Say it.

The Tai Chi sword turns round and round as you wish.

He easily isolated both Xing Hun and Yue Shen from the outside, no matter how he urged his Qi Gathering Blade, it was still difficult for him to break into the sword encirclement.

He is really happy.

The strength of each of the two guardians of the Yin-Yang family can be compared with him before the breakthrough. If he doesn't use those messy and weird props, his chance of winning may be more than [-]% to [-]%.

But now that the two have teamed up, it has become a tool for him to test his own strength.

Response, skills, move cohesion, and even understanding of Tianzong Taoist martial arts have all made great progress after the breakthrough.

The more he fought, the more Lin Bin felt that Tang Tianhao was really a good person.

To give him such a rich gift, to reach the first level of sainthood, means that his strength is almost invincible in this world.

Of course, under normal conditions.

If you encounter something out of specification like Donghuang Taiyi or Chi You Sword, it's better not to take any risks.

But playing these two protectors is still very easy.

And the easier it is, the more it can reflect the speed of your progress.

"Ma'am, you go first!"

Lin Bin shouted loudly, and his zhenqi continued like a wave, spreading and jetting away in all directions.

The trembling star soul staggered back, and the moon god didn't dare to break its front.

Lin Bin looked at Concubine Yan.

Concubine Yan immediately understood, picked up Gao Yue, carried Jing Tianming and rushed out along the window.

Luna just wanted to chase...

But it was directly blocked by Lin Bin.

"Bullying the weak is not my style, and the old, young, women and children are not in my bullying range. You should be glad that one of you is a child and the other is a woman... Otherwise, you would have to kneel today."

Lin Bin sneered, and put the phantom sound treasure box into the storage capsule.

Following closely behind Concubine Dongjun Yan, she rushed out of the window.

Leaving Luna and Xinghun standing there with extremely ugly expressions.

"Let's go!"

Lin Bin followed Concubine Yan and said, "The mirage is the enemy's territory after all, so it's inconvenient to stay for a long time. Let's leave here as soon as possible."

Concubine Yan said: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Zhang... Sorry, it should be Fellow Daoist Wu Yanzu..."

"This...forget it."

Lin Bin originally wanted to explain, but when the money and goods were settled between the two, the two would be innocent and have nothing to do with each other, and the explanation was useless.

He said: "When we leave the mirage, you trade me the exercises, and I will help you find a relatively safe place, and we will be innocent."

"Thank you."

Concubine Yan paused for a moment, and said in admiration: "You Daoist Wu's skills are superb, far beyond Fei Yan's expectations, thanks to the help of fellow Daoist, otherwise, Fei Yan alone might not be a match for the two of them, let alone Fei Yan Fleeing with Yue'er."

"It's ok."

Lin Bin sighed: "It's a pity that I need them to help me deal with the trap, otherwise, I would have killed them just now. Star Soul's energy-gathering into a blade is a very delicate skill... By the way, Mrs. Yan, this move You should, right?"

"That's all... Fellow Daoist can call Dongjun Feiyan."

"Okay, Dongjun, can you?"

"Gathering energy to become a blade is different from Fei Yan's system. Of course, Fei Yan doesn't know how to do it, but Fei Yan is proficient in the Six Souls Curse of Fear."

"Forget it... that thing is too restrictive, I don't need... eh, wait?"

Lin Bin paused, then smiled and said, "It's better to learn."

At the very least, this skill is quite good for intimidating people in the real world.

"If a fellow Taoist is interested, Fei Yan will give it all, without reservation."

Concubine Yan glanced at Lin Bin in surprise, and asked curiously, "Fellow Daoist is extremely powerful and has formed his own system. Why are you so interested in my Yin-Yang family's techniques?"

"From your point of view, I am powerful. From my point of view, I have just started on the road. It is the time when I need to learn from all kinds of schools. The skills of the Yin-Yang family are amazing. Naturally, I have to study hard... let's talk about one more skill. By the side, who knows when it will be used?"

"Fellow Yan is in admiration for being so cultivated and studious."

"After all, you can learn to live forever. If you don't learn, you may die halfway. By the way, your daughter is..."

"Because of the moon god's spell of bewitching hearts, we must first find a safe place, and Fei Yan will help her untie it, otherwise it may hurt my sanity."

"Then this kid..."

Lin Bin looked at Jing Tianming.

Jing Tianming exclaimed: "What is a boy? I am the current Mohist giant... But since I saved Yue'er, I should leave too... Wait... I still have two good friends on this mirage, Yue My son's injury needs to be treated, you can take her there for treatment first, I will save my friends, after saving them, I will meet you..."

"Alright, your two friends should be near Yunxiao Pavilion, you can go and have a look."

Today's Jing Tianming has been activated by Concubine Yan, and his cultivation is so deep that he can fight even against the five elders.

If he wants to leave, Lin Bin is naturally willing...

It's a pity that the Mo family's exercises have already been obtained by Houhou, otherwise, he might use the exercises as a reward and promise to help save people.

But now, customers are more important.


Jing Tianming quickly turned around and ran towards the distance.

"Let's go too."

The two of them ran towards the outside of the mirage while talking.

And this time...

Inside the Toad Palace.

Star Soul Moon God both had extremely ugly expressions on their faces.

The two teamed up for the first time, but they lost a complete defeat. There is no doubt that this was a big blow to their dignity.

Xinghun glanced at the Moon God who was standing there, and asked, "Aren't you going after him?"

"How to chase?"

Moon God said coldly: "Although you and I didn't go all out, the other party was also quite abusive. It can be seen that even if the two of us have no secrets, we don't have a good chance of winning. If we go up rashly, we will only humiliate ourselves. "

"Then how do you get back the array?"

Xinghun frowned and said: "He said he was a trap..."

"Either he is a trapper or an enemy of the trap, no matter which one it is, it is related to the trap. Since he is a trapper, we will trouble the trap, and the trapper will naturally blame this Zhang Sanfeng At that time, they will deal with this person."

Moon God said angrily: "Damn it, this son obviously has the qualifications to fight against the previous Elder Tang, but he insisted on borrowing our hands. His character is also too bad, really hateful..."

"He is hateful, we are pathetic!"

Xinghun sighed: "I can only use this roundabout way to get revenge, and it is really uncomfortable to watch them flee."

"Don't worry, they can't escape."

Moon God sneered and said: "Master Xinghun, you really should take some time to practice the power of the curse seal, so that you can at least feel the power of the curse in the air... how heavy it is..."

Xinghun was startled when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice, "Is the Eastern Emperor here?"

"Yes, they have... met."

There was a bit of gloating in Luna's eyes, but because of the light veil covering it, it was difficult for anyone to see.

And this time.

Exactly what Luna said.

When that tall and mysterious figure stood in front of Lin Bin and Concubine Dongjun Yan.

Even Lin Bin did not expect that the so-called restriction of Concubine Dongjunyan was broken, and Donghuang Taiyi would find out so quickly, or so quickly.

Concubine Dongjun Yan's complexion was pale, and her delicate body was extremely stiff.

Surprised: "Eastern Emperor... Taiyi..."

She instinctively held her daughter in her arms.

Inside the pitch-black veil, a mysterious voice echoed heavily, asking, "Are you going back by yourself, or shall I send you back?!"


"Ignore him, let's go!"

Lin Bin was not afraid at all. He grabbed Concubine Dongjun Yan's hand and said with a sneer, "If you are brave enough, you can jump into the water and chase us, but if someone sees the majestic Donghuang Taiyi's drowned appearance, you, the mysterious person who worked so hard The atmosphere is completely destroyed... Dongjun, we will dive all the way through the water, he can't catch up with us!"

As he said that, he dragged Concubine Yan directly and jumped towards the boundless sea beside him.

Concubine Dongjun Yan was in the air, and said in shock: "I can't breathe in the water...Once we show up, he will definitely find us..."

"It's okay, I'll take care of you mother and daughter, don't worry about it!"

When the voice fell, there was a huge splash.

The three fell to the bottom of the sea at the same time.

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