when reincarnation invades

Chapter 185 After wearing the wheel watch, you are no longer a mortal

Chapter 185 After wearing the reincarnation watch, you are no longer a mortal

After half an hour.

A desolate beach in Songhai...

Lin Bin supported the exhausted Concubine Dongjun Yan, held Gao Yue in his arms, and walked up slowly from the sea with heavy steps.

Concubine Yan is extremely powerful.

It doesn't look like a wet beauty, and gradually set foot on land.

After the power evaporated, the water vapor around his body turned into clouds and mist, which quickly disappeared.

The shape that was completely attached to the body and outlined a beautiful curve disappeared immediately...

It's just that evaporation returns to evaporation, and exhaustion is really exhausting.

You know, they have been swimming in the sea for half an hour without sleep.

During the period, in order to prevent being discovered by Donghuang Taiyi, the three of them didn't even take a chance.

Although Concubine Yan's skill is high, she can't go without breathing fresh oxygen for an entire hour.

Especially Gao Yue was more useless, she couldn't hold on for a few minutes.

Concubine Yan still needs to breathe for her daughter... The mother and daughter share the limited amount of oxygen, so naturally it is even more stretched.

That is to say, Lin Bin's "Longevity Formula" has reached the stage of great success.

Already able to completely convert one's own true qi into water attribute, thereby absorbing oxygen from the water, and then transfer a lot of surplus to Concubine Yan by the way, and she will give some to her daughter by the way.

This is just Lin Bin's helpless move...

But Concubine Yan completely understood, or rather than facing Donghuang Taiyi and fighting with him, she actually liked this way of escaping.

The Eastern Emperor Tai had already been an indelible shadow in her heart.

Although a full hour of underwater swimming...was a great burden for her and Gao Yue, but it was a blessing to be able to escape.

Among the three of them, Lin Bin is still in good spirits, but both mother and daughter look tired, short of breath, and pale, as if they have been drained of all their energy.

Seeing that the enemy did not catch up.

Lin Bin chuckled and said proudly: "Let me just say, the more expert you are, the more you pay attention to your demeanor. I hope that the master of the Yin-Yang family will chase us by breaststroke in the water... No, he is an expert. I guess he can't even beat us." He may not even be able to swim breaststroke... We swam dozens of miles in half an hour without showing our heads, unless he cultivates a spiritual sense that can cover dozens of miles, otherwise he will never find us."

Concubine Yan's breathing also subsided slowly.

Looking at Lin Bin at this moment, there is already a bit of female natural squeamishness on his face.

Although it was to save her daughter, and she acted in a hurry, what she did just now was really unfeminine.

She said seriously: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Wu, for your help!"

Lin Bin laughed, and said, "My family name is Lin, but this surname is not commonly used here. You can just call me Brother Bin."

After the words fell, he felt that something was wrong, and then he realized that he was only ten years older than her daughter. In other words, the lady in front of him seemed young and charming, but her actual age was at least that of a big sister. .

Is it too much for her to call me brother...


Zhu Yuyan's granddaughter is about the same age as me. Doesn't she still call me Dad?
It's strange, why I don't feel awkward when she calls me, but I feel extra excited?

Thinking of this, Lin Bin immediately took it calmly.

"Brother Bin really has a pseudonym."

After a moment of hesitation, Concubine Yan asked, "But Brother Bin, there is one thing that I don't understand about Fei Yan. Brother Bin is so powerful that he can advance and retreat freely even in the face of two great protectors. I'm afraid he may not be under the Eastern Emperor Taiyi... Logically speaking, you shouldn’t be afraid of him, right?”

Lin Bin asked back: "It may not be below him, that is to say, it may not be above him, right? In a sense, evenly matched battles mean that there is a possibility of losing...Why should I take this risk?"

Lin Bin's words made sense, but Concubine Yan suddenly hesitated.

At this moment, she was completely sure that the other party could never take advantage of her.

Lin Bin got up and looked around.

It was found that the place was desolate, except for two dilapidated small boats that had been abandoned for a long time, there was almost no human habitation, and it looked like an abandoned fishing spot.

He said: "Don't worry, I keep my word. Since I want to ensure your safety, I will naturally do what I say. It should be safe here. You can lift the restriction on your daughter first. I still have a companion, wait for me." After I go to find her, I will meet you again."

"Thank you, Brother Bin."

"Well...you're welcome."

Lin Bin waved his hand and walked away first.

On the side of Concubine Dongjunyan, she picked up her daughter, found a quiet place in the jungle where no one would be disturbed, and began to help her lift the restraint.

The moon god's restrictions are complicated and complicated, but the techniques she cultivates are the same as those of Concubine Yan of the Eastern Lord. It is extremely difficult for others to lift the restrictions, but it is not a difficult problem for Concubine Yan.

After half an hour.

Gao Yue, who was originally looking stupid, slowly opened her eyes.

Looking back, what I saw was a familiar and kind face.


Gao Yue suddenly cheered in surprise.

Happily threw herself into Concubine Yan's arms, mother and daughter were finally reunited, crying with each other in their arms...

Even if her temperament is as calm as Concubine Yan's, she can't help but burst into tears as she embraces her only concern in this life.

After venting their excitement, the mother and daughter recounted the experience of separation over the years.

Just talking and talking...

Gao Yue touched her lips in confusion, and said in surprise, "Huh? Why does my mouth have a fragrant smell?"

Concubine Yan was startled when she heard the words, with a bit of uncomfortably twitching expression on her face.


That brother Bin had a fresh breath in his mouth, but it wasn't unpleasant, so she wouldn't be so repulsive.

How did she know that this was the smell of Green Arrow?

It's just that she felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness in her heart, thinking that I wouldn't leave a bad impression on him, right?
It's not about falling in love or anything else, it's just that women don't want to leave a bad impression of themselves on a person of the opposite sex who doesn't hate them, let alone this kind of intimate contact.

And this time.

On Lin Bin's side, after leaving the mother and daughter.

He touched his mouth and muttered, "Spicy chicken drumstick flavor..."

It didn't take much effort to meet up with Houhou.

The two have common skills, and they have already agreed to leave a secret code.

Just two hours.

The two had already met in a tavern under the mirage.

"Brother, brother, I'm here."

When Hou Hou saw Lin Bin, he immediately waved to indicate that she was here with a face full of credit.

Lin Bin came over.

She couldn't wait to report her achievements to him.

Lin Bin couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he said pleasantly, "Oh? So you put the blame on the Yin-Yang family? This time, Luo Wang is against the Yin-Yang family..."

"Hee hee, is he smart? Why can't this credit be worth the two times you gave me?"

"Not bad, I'll award you three times!"

Lin Bin is very generous...or it could be said that there is not much essence left in the evil emperor's relic. I thought of saving it before, because the acceleration effect of using this thing in cultivation is really good.

But now that there is a substitute, he naturally doesn't care.

"Then you may have to give it a few more times."

Huan smiled lowly and said: "The eight swords of the king of Yue, covering the sun and frightening are in your hands, brother. Now the soul-destroying, chaotic gods, and water-breaking are all on his side. Only the two swords are missing. Brother, you got all the Eight Swords of the King of Yue...Huh? Wait...how come nine of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue?"

Lin Bin smiled and said: "And Xuan Jian, Yue Wang's eight swords are not as simple as nine...but it doesn't matter, I only need eight is enough, I will give you two more."

"Thank you, brother, by the way, I went back to Yinyang's mirage with little brother Xinghun, and got a treasure by the way."

Wan Hou put the two reincarnation watches on the table with a smile, and said: "These belong to Tang Tianhao's two servants, I just let little brother Xinghun look at the reincarnation watches on his wrist, so I thought this thing was his The belongings of the Dizong were also brought back with their arms chopped off."

"Reincarnation table?"

Lin Bin's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed: "Wuhou, you really haven't been idle these days. I wonder why you didn't ask about Tang Tianhao's death. It seems that you already knew about it. Okay, okay, I promise you two more." Second-rate!"

Although the two talked in a low tone deliberately, they did not deliberately conceal it.

Those who were close to him were filled with righteous indignation when they heard this.

Such a beautiful girl, why do you still need to take the initiative to ask for it? !

And Houhou got the promise.

She was also delighted, and said with a smile, "Hee hee, thank you brother, what shall we do next?"

"Wait a minute, the task time is still very long, let the conflict fly for a while, I am afraid that there will be a battle between the Yin Yang family and Luo Wang, and if we make a fuss at this time, it will cause the two factions to fight, it is better to live in seclusion for a while."

"Great, senior brother, can I ask you something?"

"You said."

"Can you give it to others together seven times?"

Wan Wan said a little coyly: "I want to use this time to try to break through the 18th floor of Heavenly Demon Dafa, and then... just..."

She blushed shyly and timidly, cast a glance at Lin Bin, and then quickly looked away.

He said softly: "Brother, you helped someone kill Tang Tianhao. He is really grateful to you, so grateful that he can't repay you."

Lin Bin nodded and said, "Yes."

"Thank you, brother."

Hou Hou hugged Lin Bin's arm affectionately, silently calculating in his heart.

seven times a night...

Well, breaking through the [-]th level of Heavenly Demon Dafa, the amount of real energy absorbed is by no means comparable to that of before. This time, the relics must be completely sucked up.

huh huh huh huh……

Xiao Mian, I called you senior brother, you really answered.

It's a pity, except that you treat me differently, you are no different from my licking dog. After a few words of coaxing, I forget about it. Now you are a senior brother. After you lose my baby, you will be my younger brother.

Think of the good things.

Wan Wan couldn't help giggling all of a sudden.

Lin Bin said, "By the way, let me use this reincarnation watch when the time comes."

"doing what?"

"Promise, come with me and you will know."

After dinner.

Lin Bin took Houhou back to the place where he was separated from Concubine Yan before.

Seeing the dignified, beautiful and tall Concubine Dongjun Yan.

A sense of guard and hostility flashed instinctively in Houhou's eyes, and he was secretly shocked by Lin Bin's popularity as a beauty, let alone the former Taoist Xiaomeng.


Hou Hou suddenly remembered the past when Lin Bin would come to this world in the future.

She suddenly came to her senses, and said in shock, "This...is...senior brother, is this your wife and child?"

Gao Yue timidly hid behind Concubine Dongjunyan, only showing half of her pretty head, secretly looking at Lin Bin... For some reason, she always felt that the young big brother in front of her was good-looking and kind .

Concubine Dongjun Yan pursed her lips and smiled, finally reunited with her mother and daughter, she was in a great mood.

Said: "Miss misunderstood, Fei Yan is deeply indebted to brother Bin for saving his life, how dare he have other thoughts about his benefactor."

Wan Wan was full of fighting spirit and asked, "Deep? How deep?"

Concubine Yan: "Huh?"

"This is my junior sister. There is something wrong with her mind. Don't worry about it, Dongjun."

Lin Bin explained something, and then said to Houhou: "Wuhou, this is the former Mrs. Juzi of your Mo family, your immediate boss, it's impossible to be so rude."


Hou Hou was shocked.

Xindao, it turns out that senior brother likes this tune, no wonder my beauty trick has been useless, but my name is Feiyan, and I call myself Feiyan... Eh...much more coquettish than I call myself.

But it's weird, why does it sound so natural to me?
Then she woke up...

It is temperament.

She added temperament to it.

How could such a noble temperament give people the feeling of a bitch?

It seems that he has met his opponent.

On Lin Bin's side, he smiled affectionately at Gao Yue.

Gao Yue blushed suddenly, smiled shyly at him, and quietly retreated behind Concubine Yan.

Lin Bin said: "Dong Jun, I have already thought about how to ensure your safety."

Concubine Yan was pleasantly surprised: "Oh? Brother Bin has a solution? That's great... Fei Yan is in distress, the Yin-Yang family is quite powerful, and it is difficult for Fei Yan to escape the clutches of the Eastern Emperor, let alone Yueer, who is still with her now. Mohism is almost destroyed now."

"So you can leave this world."

Lin Bin said: "You don't know my origin. I will explain it to you later. In short, there are two options. The first is to wait for us to complete the mission and leave with us. Yandan is dead. Your daughter is also by your side, so you don’t have any worries in this world anymore? Whether you live in this world or not doesn’t affect you at all. It’s better to start a new life. Speaking of which, I only know a mother and daughter. After leaving their world, they are now living a good life in our world, where Xiaoyue’er may still receive an orthodox education.”

Isn't it?

The landlady's wife, mother and daughter are all aliens, so they are still free from the status of reincarnation?

On this point, Lin Bin was not lying.

He said: "The second point is that Tianhu and I are half-brothers. It is difficult for the Mohist family to keep you safe, but the farmer's family should be able to..."

"Another world? Fei Yan would like to hear more about it."

"This will involve our identities as reincarnators. I can't disclose too critical information. I can only tell you some side details, but you are very smart. Believe me, you will understand when I tell you, right, you Do you understand now?"

Concubine Yan nodded thoughtfully upon hearing this.

Said: "Fei Yan understands a bit."

Wan Wan was startled and said, "Do you really understand?"

Lin Bin asked, "Then how do you choose?"

"Fei Yan doesn't want to rely on others, and she doesn't want her daughter to hide in Tibet from now on. As Brother Bin said, this world has nothing to worry about. If Brother Bin doesn't give up, Fei Yan is willing to go to that world with Mr. Bin and start over. A whole new life."

"Okay! Then I will hand over these two reincarnation watches to you. Remember, after wearing the reincarnation watches, you will no longer be a mortal..."

Lin Bin coughed twice, and changed his words: "You are no longer an aborigine... You are a different person, a reincarnated person, a different person, and this kind of world travel, you will understand that it is just a very common thing!"

"Yes, Fei Yan knows."

(End of this chapter)

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