Calculate the time.

It has only been half a month since I came to this world.

But in just half a month, the most powerful Yuewang Eight Swords, except for the monsters, almost everyone has died tragically in the hands of Lin Bin and Houhou.

The efficiency of the two is shocking.

But in terms of mission time, the follow-up time is really too generous.

but in fact……

Yuewang Bajian is indeed the top master of Luowang. It is not so easy to deal with it, but it is by no means the most difficult thing.

For Lin Bin and Houhou, the real difficulty lies in the fact that Luowang is an extremely large organization, its roots once spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms, and now with the destruction of the Seven Kingdoms, it is deeply attached to Daqin above.

With the strength of two people, let alone four months, even if it takes four years, I'm afraid they may not be able to kill all the trappers.

So Lin Bin has already started planning since he first came to this world.

"That's great. Ever since I acquired the Mohism's skills, I feel that the skills in my body are always ready to move, and there are signs of breaking through the eighteenth floor. I can just take this opportunity to settle down."

"I can't retreat. Once I retreat, I will be a cliff."

Lin Bin looked at Concubine Dongjunyan.

"I'm leaving right now, and I'll leave it to you, Songhai. You can shrink your defense appropriately. The killers who have been exposed should give up. If they catch their tails, they can only cut their tails to survive."

It was her dead husband's property and not hers. She was able to directly kill the former giant of the Mo family for Yan Dan, which shows that she really has no feelings for the Mo family.

It seems that it is not eye-catching at all.

Lin Bin slapped Houhou's ass, and slapped her directly into the carriage.

Fu Nian's attack on Luo Wang was originally with the mentality of failure or benevolence.

"Then that..."


The funds consumed in the middle are almost astronomical.

And in these few days.

"Where does Master Xiangguo want to go?"

And the real reason why Zhao Gao was more certain that the Yin Yang family was the mastermind behind the scenes was...

After the agreement, the four immediately set off for Xianyang.

After all, storage space is too magical for this world.

Li Si got into his exclusive carriage.

And for the fermentation of all this...

Tian Hu has no brains, and in a sense, he has no vigilance. Out of self-confidence, he even arranged for the Zhu family's subordinates.

It seems that the matching is reasonable, except that the maid and the wife are really pretty, but if it is matched with Lin Bin's handsome and extraordinary face, it seems very reasonable.

during this time.

I examine myself three times a day, what did I do today?How are you doing?What are you doing tomorrow?
But who would have thought that this time the wall would be overthrown by everyone, even he did not expect that the matter would develop to this point... It seems that the trap must have provoked public anger for a long time, but no one stood up and shouted.

Scholars at this time all inherited Confucius's vigorous and resolute habit of doing things when they disagreed with each other. Especially after consulting Xunzi's opinions, Confucianism began to target Luowang in an all-round way.

just doing it too fast...

For a moment, even Zhao Gao had a sense of powerlessness that no one could use.

After negotiating with Zhao Gao.

The four of them didn't pay much attention to foreign objects.

How could the two of them have the leisure to drink tea at this moment?

When Concubine Yan saw the two of them putting away their weapons, they couldn't help but take a bite.

Luo Wang's treasury was immediately seized. If it wasn't for the Yin Yang family's instigation from behind, Ying Zheng had no reason, how could he suddenly target Luo Wang?
This time, it was really internal and external troubles.

So ever.

Act vigorously and decisively.

"In the opposite direction, the farther the better."

Therefore, he also has enough leisure to live in this small courtyard with peace of mind, and follow Concubine Dongjun Yan to systematically learn the spells and seals of the Yinyang family.

Who would have imagined that Lin Bin and the others carried so much stolen goods and looked like they had nothing to lose?

If it is used properly, in the real world, if you kill an enemy, you may not even be able to find out the ghost.

Therefore, she naturally followed Lin Bin's lead.

Her only concern is Gao Yue.

"Does Xianyang know which direction it is in?"

Achieve the great success of the heavenly demon Dafa that is unprecedented in the past and present.

"Your Majesty suddenly withdrew and seized the net funds. This signal is very bad."

Lin Bin spent money to buy a luxurious carriage, but he put away all the weapons and equipment, and dressed up as a rich man with his wife and daughter on a trip...

As the head of Confucianism, how can he bully the weak and fear the hard?

Although Luo Wang makes a lot of money, in fact, as the price of being attached to Da Qin, Luo Wang needs to attack Da Qin with a large amount of funds every year to suppress internal strife and resist foreign enemies.

You know, Luowang seems to be making money every day, but assassins also need training, and the cultivation of various identities also requires a lot of money. It doesn't mean that if you want to play a prostitute, you can go to a brothel and change your clothes. Yes, there is no history, the real rich and powerful will never let such unknown people get close.

"This is hiding, not acting. If you dare to add drama to yourself, believe it or not, I will beat your ass to death?"

Of course, these are all planned.

Since Concubine Yan is determined to use these two reincarnation tables, she is completely tied to Lin Bin in this world, so there is no burden in using them.

As a killer-level killer second only to the Tianzi-level, Wu Kuang has a lot of clues to snare the net, and with him as a guide... the efficiency is even higher.

The layout also needs to be given time to ferment.

She vaguely understands that this so-called reincarnation table is a guide, which allows the mother and daughter to live peacefully in another world.

Wan Wan glanced at Lin Bin expectantly, Senior Brother Xindao's current skills must be higher than mine, but wait until I break through the [-]th floor.

But the outside world has already changed dramatically.

Zhao Gao nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

Now that it has been done, it must be fully prepared.

Thinking of her pride, she smiled happily.

The Confucianism is fighting against the net, and the Yinyang family Donghuang Taiyi is here...

Just a few days.

She was not willing to say: "Then can't sister Feiyan play the wife, can she play the younger sister? She really likes the kind of sister-in-law who has forbidden feelings for her brother-in-law, who obviously wants to suppress but can't suppress her own feelings." What about the role?"

Concubine Yan: "..."

At that time, beating senior brother will definitely be like playing... Heh heh heh...

Only one sprite was left of the Six Sword Slaves.

As for the farm family, Tian Hu unexpectedly won the support of the Zhu family.

Hou Hou was somewhat dissatisfied.

If you are unlucky, you may not even see His Majesty's face, and you will be executed directly.

Hearing this, Li Si could only smile wryly.

"I have already become the Prime Minister of a country. If it is to stretch my ambitions, I have already achieved it. Who in the world does not know that I am Li Si? Enough...enough, now that the goal has been achieved, it is time to retire and forcibly Staying where you shouldn't be will only end up like Lu Buwei."

But now...

Especially Wu Kuang's return.

Begin to slash funding for the net.

He thinks very clearly, if you dare to have other thoughts, I will kill you directly, with my strength that rivals Zongheng, I will directly slash through, what conspiracy and tricks can resist it?
In this way, hitting right and wrong made the farmhouse quickly melt into a monolithic one.

Li Si is even sure that if he goes back to Xianyang now, he will be controlled immediately. If he is lucky, he may be able to save his life

Hou Wan also seemed to know that he was making trouble for no reason.

Li Si silently comforted himself.

He even rushed to Sanghai with Guigu Zongheng... Destroying several strongholds of the net in succession.

Their majesty also started to target the trap.

Their eyebrows and eyes are all over the world, and they can be said to be the most difficult enemies for Luo Wang.

During this time, the Nong family also began to take revenge on Luo Wang for the deaths of their former Xia Kui and the leader of the Raging Fire Hall, Tian Meng.

Today's Songhai situation gathers.

"So next, I plan to take it easy."

Although it did not join forces with Confucianism.

Several people have already arrived in Xianyang.

Li Si: "..."

But for the reorganization of identity...

Although there will be challenges of one kind or another, the so-called challenges are more for tempering them, so the difficulty will not be too high, just like this brother Bin, doesn't he always take the heavy weight lightly when doing tasks?It is said that he was given four full months to complete the task, but he only spent more than half a month and completed more than half of it.

Shengqi, Wu Kuang, Dianqing, Liu Ji and others were promoted to hall masters respectively.

Zhao Gao asked in a soft voice.

He will never compress the net funds for no reason.

But it did explode a lot of lethality.

Especially since she has nothing to worry about in this world...

But he knew that things were moving towards the good side.

Li Si looked extremely solemn, and said to Zhao Gao who was opposite him.

All of a sudden, all the families joined forces to encircle and suppress the trap.


Concubine Yan sat quietly at the side, listening to Lin Bin's general description...

What's even more frightening is that he doesn't even know what happened.

The rapid integration of farmers...

With a bitter smile on his face, he sighed: "Indeed, I know Your Majesty, and you know Your Majesty too. You should know that although the net is powerful, if His Majesty wants to destroy the net, you have no chance at all. The net is already on all sides. They are all enemies, all schools of thought, the Great Qin Empire, and now the empire and the rebels want to kill you, if you are smart, you should learn from me as soon as possible and retreat bravely, otherwise you may be dead."

Then Lin Bin took a large amount of gold from Houhou, and ran to buy a small independent courtyard, where the family of four lived...

Instead, Houhou complained unwillingly, muttering incessantly that when she is used by others, she is the patron, and when she is not used by others, she is a servant girl.

Li Si said: "I will go back to Xianyang immediately and ask His Majesty for orders, and ask him to take back his orders. You stay here to stabilize the overall situation. Now that the Six Swordsmen are not here, you must be there to resist the enemy's attack!"

Even the sword belt is gone, which means that it will be difficult for them to form a killer group like the Six Sword Slaves in the future.

Pointing at Concubine Yan angrily, she said angrily: "Why should she play the wife and little sister Yue'er plays the daughter, and she has to play the maid? Obviously she can play the wife, but how good it is to let Sister Feiyan play the nanny, nurse the child during the day, and nurse at night." Master... You must like this, brother, right? And sister Feiyan, you won't mind, right?"

The unknown is the scariest thing.

This is also the reason why Ying Zheng was assassinated by Luo Wang back then, but now he can tolerate Luo Wang, because Luo Wang's lifeblood is already in his hands.

As strong as Yan Dan, he could be beaten to death by a commander who was far inferior to him.

Lin Bin knew some of them. He personally planned and arranged the arrangement, so he naturally knew it clearly.

If you want to do it, I will do it...

This made Zhao Gao's face livid.

And the factors of instability... The Onmyo family suddenly joined the camp against the trap.

It would not be a wise decision to stay here any longer.

Lin Bin said seriously: "Now the farmers and the Confucians regard Luo Wang as their mortal enemies, and they will never die with them. There are also Zongheng Mohism, Quicksand and Luo Wang. Now that they have lost the Eight Swords of the King of Yue, Luo Wang has become one Toothless tigers, they won't let go of such a good opportunity, and the Yin Yang family... I don't know if they will listen to the news that I am covering the sun with a net, but you might as well look forward to it... these trash fish It is inappropriate for us to clean up ourselves, and in this case, it is time to take a break."

He could also take advantage of this time to ask her in depth and learn the techniques of the Yin Yang family... just like the Six Souls Curse, which seems to be extremely restrictive, but it is also very effective.

This place seems to have become the center of the vortex.


Their grievances with Luo Wang can be traced back more than ten years ago. Now that they have the opportunity, they naturally want to beat the dog in the water.

But now...

The groom asked, "Master Xiang, where are you going?"

It's just that the Yin-Yang family thinks they are beyond all schools of thought, so they don't care about this so-called tacit alliance, and only target the trap alone.

Now they are more sure about the message brought back by the monsters. The two swords of Concealing the Sun and Shocking Salamander fell into the hands of the Yin Yang family, and they are also the masterminds behind all this. Can't help but jump out and target them.

No one knows his Majesty better than him...

Therefore, before they use these identities, in fact, these identities are puppets that are actually active.

Said: "Let's go."

Li Si closed his eyes, showing a bit of loneliness.

Then he got on the carriage and drove towards Xianyang City.

Easy and simple.

His patience seemed to be running out.

But after a while, seeing that the carriage was not moving, he scolded, "Why don't you go?"

The first is the escalation of the contradiction between Confucianism and Luowang.

Zhao Gao smiled and said: "Master Xiangguo, you can't retreat either. We are grasshoppers tied to the same rope. Don't worry, Mr. Xiangguo. I will send you back to Xianyang as quickly as possible."

And some of the changes behind it, but even he didn't know the slightest.

In just a few days, Luo Wang did not have any good news at all...


Unexpectedly, their Confucianism dared to be the first in the world, and unintentionally assumed this leading role.

Mo family?

Lin Bin asked back: "But you don't look like someone with children..."

Multiple skills and multiple paths.

Learning to be old is to live to be old...

Lin Bin has never slacked off on improving his own strength, especially the many techniques of the Yin-Yang School can actually be regarded as low-end versions of the Immortal Cultivation Method.

Even if he cultivates immortality in the future, it can actually be used.

Not at a loss.

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