when reincarnation invades

Chapter 187 Forced to the top

Precipitation over time.

Lin Bin's layout and arrangement are rapidly fermenting.

Even he himself may not realize that he has already stopped the output...

But in fact, the enemy is still weakening rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, Lin Bin also paid attention to it during this period, but it was limited by intelligence.

What he knows is probably that the Nong Family has begun to formally retaliate against Luo Wang, and has already united with Confucianism. It really caused extremely fatal damage to the net.

And those two from Guigu Zongheng also started to attack.

The Tianzi-level killer was almost completely damaged.

But there are still many killer-level killers, and these people are the targets of Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie.

The two brothers were of the same heart, which also caused great harm to Luo Wang.

This is enough.

Lin Bin thought to himself that in this situation, even if Houhou and I go out again, the role they can play may not be much stronger than that of Zongheng, it may be worse, and there is a little carelessness There are also suspicions of exposure.

Just let them help to export, I hide behind and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Therefore, during this period of time, Lin Bin put all his thoughts on Concubine Dongjun Yan, and earnestly learned the techniques of the Yin Yang family from her.

Reincarnators cannot directly strengthen themselves, they can only master skills through learning.

And the Yin-Yang Family, whether it's the investigative intelligence of Hunxi Longyou, or the conspiracy of the Yinren under the Six Souls Terror Curse, the results are excellent... If you learn it, it will definitely pay off.

In particular, Lin Bin's practice is the Taoist method of the eight classics, which is of the same origin as the Yinyang school, and he has absorbed a lot of essence.

This made his progress extremely fast, with a day's work equivalent to more than a month for an ordinary person, so that Gao Yue, who also started studying with Teacher Yan Fei, had a good impression of Lin Bin before, and soon completely collapsed.

No matter what you learn, you can't compare with him.

Even Concubine Yan didn't care about her daughter, and often gave Lin Bin a small stove to raise alone in private.

Lin Bin even left Gao Yue's progress behind.

Just a few months.

Lin Bin has been able to master many yin and yang spells such as Hun Xi Long You, Six Souls Fearful Curse, Seal of Sleeping Curse and so on.

And during this period of time, Hou Hou was not idle.

Her skill is still far from the No. 18 weight, but she has been with Lin Bin during this period of double cultivation, which has led to rapid progress in her cultivation.

In fact, the breakthrough method is very simple.

It is to Lin Bin to use the last knowledge of the evil emperor relic to help her achieve a qualitative transformation.

But Lin Bin had already promised her, so naturally he would not refuse her request.

Tonight, adjust your state to the best.

Hou Hou also took a special bath to cleanse himself.

Although she knew that such ambiguous actions were completely unnecessary, she watched Lin Bin and Concubine Yan get along almost day and night in order to study and never leave Meng.

The little girl had long been hostile to Concubine Yan.

Therefore, she specially made this kind of action which in her opinion was almost provocative, and walked around outside Concubine Yan's room twice before stepping heavily into Lin Bin's room.

It is very serious when practicing.

The brilliance of the evil emperor's relic has already dimmed even more after the two used it again and again.

Up to now, there is only a glimmer of light left.

The two sat cross-legged, formally practicing exercises.

If it is normal, half an hour of practice is enough.

But this time, the practice of skill never stopped.

The brilliance of the evil emperor's relic also dimmed more and more, obviously the power inside had been divided by Lin Bin and Houhou.

Houhou has already reached the limit.

But the opportunity to break through the No.18 level of "Heavenly Demon Dafa" is really too rare, and she will never let it go.

And as they practiced, the brilliance inside the evil emperor's relic became increasingly dimmer, losing its most mysterious function.

It's just an ordinary stone.

The people in the Demon Sect first got the state of the evil emperor's relic, and now the evil emperor's relic is still in that state, empty, with nothing left.

But Hou Hou didn't let the excess zhenqi out just like that, but while running the "Heavenly Demon Dafa", he suddenly turned the zhenqi in his body around a corner, and walked in a vein that he had never gone through before.

Mohist Kung Fu.

Exercising the Mohist kung fu with the true qi of the heavenly demon is actually driven by the same arm.

After she felt unwell, she then switched back to "Heavenly Demon Dafa".

Switch back and forth between the two exercises, so as to gain an opportunity for yourself to rest.

Finally, it seemed that he had experienced some kind of terrible transformation.

Wan Wan let out a low snort.

The invisible energy around him splashed out, and everything around him was completely destroyed by the berserk heavenly devil's true energy, and even Lin Bin took two steps back.

But Wan Wan's delicate body was suspended in the air for a while, and then slowly fell down.

She opened her eyes.

The sharp light in the eyes flashed past, and then quickly stopped breathing, gradually disappearing all the sharpness, it still looks charming and charming, but it is different from the smokey eyes when the charm was performed before, but with a An intimacy and playfulness from the inside out.

It makes people feel good unconsciously.


Funny fart.

It's just that in my heart, this girl is a restless little girl, so I unconsciously feel that this girl is cute and cute.

Lin Bin secretly had a warning sign in his heart, and only then did he realize why he had such a feeling of amazement and astonishment.

"Heavenly Demon Dafa" has reached the No. 18 weight, and there is an extremely miraculous change.

I'm afraid that if Houhou uses the "Heavenly Demon Dafa" with all his strength now, then what kind of woman the enemy likes, when they see her, they will see what kind of attractive temperament.

There are many changes, and it can naturally have a stronger impact on the enemy.

After figuring this out, Lin Bin applauded in admiration: "Not bad, not bad. I didn't expect such a wonderful change after breaking through the No. 18 realm in "Heavenly Demon Dafa". Just for this point, the power of this charm technique is far away." It is above the sword code."

Wan Hou glanced at the Evil Emperor's relic that was completely empty.

The eyebrows and eyes that were originally curved like willow leaves suddenly turned upside down, cast a sidelong glance at Lin Bin, and said proudly: "How about "Heavenly Demon Dafa", can you comment on it?"

Lin Bin: "Huh?"

"Hmph...Senior Brother...No, it's time to change your title now, Junior Brother Abin, it seems that you still don't have a good understanding of your current status."

Wan Wan got up, her expression was completely different from the cute and cute one before.

A pair of small hands are behind him, which seems to be a bit rampant.

However, in Lin Bin's view, this girl's mental age has plummeted, and she even competed with Gao Yue.

She walked over slowly, and looked up and down Lin Bin with pity.

Sighed: "Oh... Poor, licking a dog is just licking a dog, people just change the way of getting along, but punching and kicking is a lie, caressing and pampering is also a lie... people just lie to you a little bit, you I just foolishly used all the relics of the evil emperor on others, hehe... Now that your relics of the evil emperor are gone, you can't help them improve their skills. As a licking dog, although your value is still great, you have It's not worth letting others lick you back."

Lin Bin smiled immediately, looked at Houhou who had raised his tail just after breaking through, and asked back, "So? What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, but now the status and status between the two of us are different. I want to set some rules for you. You don't have to worry too much. If you obey obediently, there will be no problem."

Wan Wan proudly said: "First point, from now on, people will be senior sisters, S, and you will be M. The captain of the S·M team will be replaced."

Lin Bin continued to ask, "And then?"

"Then, your mind is quite good. In the secret realm, people can obey your orders, but correspondingly, you can no longer speak so casually to them. You should be a little more respectful. In the real world, you You have to be respectful to others, you have to buy them what they want, if they want to go out to play, you have to put down all the things in your hands and come to accompany them obediently..."

With a guru's demeanor, Hou Hou patted Lin Bin on the shoulder with the expression of "I'm optimistic about you, kid."

She said: "In short, from today onwards, you will be the number one licking dog of others, and they will put your chat box on the top, but correspondingly, you should also put their chat box to the top. Some people need to check regularly, don’t blame them, if you want to blame, blame you for using up the essence in the evil emperor’s relic too quickly, so that you can’t help people cultivate... Huh? Wait... What’s the sound?"

She listened to the melodious music that suddenly appeared in surprise, and her eyes fell on the phantom sound box that Lin Bin suddenly conjured up.

Surprised and said: "The true energy in his body... Huh? It's changing... Wait... This thing actually has the effect of speeding up the flow of true energy? Good baby, wouldn't it mean that one day of practice can be equivalent to four or five days on weekdays?" ? Although this is not as good as the evil emperor's relic, but it is not too slow... By the way, those magical props you have obtained must be selected by others first."

"Any more?"

"Of course, you can no longer keep Shi Feixuan's number, you must delete it... Except for sister Lin Xue, you are not allowed to have other calls from the opposite sex, hmph... as someone's number one licking dog , Why, do you want to lick more women to become wolf warriors? They won't give you a chance to lick Shi Feixuan."

In the middle of speaking, Hou Hou was stunned suddenly, and asked curiously, "Why are you so easy to talk all of a sudden?"

Lin Bin smiled and said, "Because I want to decide how much force to use when I beat you later based on your words."

Wan Hou immediately smiled proudly, and said: "It seems that you still don't understand the power of No. 18 of "The Demon Dafa", that's okay, I will give you a chance to challenge me, let you experience the No. .18 heavy and powerful."


Lin Bin smiled, but that smile seemed extremely dangerous.

Houhou was beaten.

Endured crying father and mother.

Mixed with Lin Bin's angry voice, "How powerful is the No. 18 weight of "Tianmo Dafa"? Is it that strong? I don't think it's so strong, but it feels like your skin is tighter? Beat it up It’s really addicting, is this the No.18 effect of "Heavenly Demon Dafa"?"

Hou Hou was crushed on his legs, and was beaten by Lin Bin like a child, which meant that men and women were different after all, otherwise he would have to take off his pants to beat him.

But even so, she was so ashamed that she wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

With a crying voice, he said: "Brother, you cheated, and you broke through, why didn't you say...you tell people, won't they stop poking their tails? Huh...you lie to people...people feel that you just want to beat them up Butt... ah... don't spank... I am obedient, I am the most obedient..."

"Mom? Why is there so much commotion in Brother Abin's room?"

side room.

Gao Yue shared the couch with her mother, Concubine Yan. She raised her head curiously and looked in Lin Bin's direction.

"Good boy, don't listen, go to bed quickly."

Concubine Yan comforted her softly, then covered Gao Yue's ears to prevent her from listening...

Although Gao Yue was a little curious, but with her mother by her side, it was not easy to pretend that she actually understood a little bit.

I can only sleep honestly with a bit of curiosity.

Early the next morning.

Hou Hou limped out of his room, and met Concubine Dongjun Yan's smiling eyes.

She snorted, raised her head proudly, turned around and walked into the kitchen.

Without a maid, she was originally the weakest of the three, so the work of cooking and cleaning the dishes naturally fell to her.

Although she has made a breakthrough now, she feels that she already has the strength to defeat Concubine Dongjun Yan.

But yesterday I was spanked by my senior brother, so I should be more honest and don't dance... At least I have to wait for my butt to recover before jumping.

It really hurts.

"Although in the end it's actually quite comfortable..."

Wan Wan muttered, and went to cook honestly.

"Sister Wanwan, I will help you."

Gao Yue trotted behind Wan Hou, and she chatted with her very well... Especially Wan Wan's incompetent and arrogant attitude, for Gao Yue who has been cautious since she was a child, she especially yearns for her like this A lawless virtue.

Instead, Concubine Dongjun Yan smiled for a while.

She looked at Lin Bin's room curiously, thinking that she didn't hear anything she shouldn't have heard last night, and she shouldn't be too tired...

Why is Brother Bin still awake?

After hesitating for a while, I was about to ask a few questions...

Above the head, a leaf fluttered down leisurely.

Like a signal.

As the leaves fall, the sky and the earth lose their color.

Concubine Dongjun Yan's long and narrow phoenix eyes suddenly shrunk, and she looked in shock at the attack that hit her chest.

Angrily said: "Brother Bin, Fei Yan is not a casual woman, men and women can't kiss each other... Your behavior is really too much."

He even flirted with her with the color of heaven and earth.

Could it be that the villain knew that she secretly listened to his corner last night, so he came here for personal revenge?

The chapter was blocked yesterday, and the appeal failed, but I didn’t dare to post it again, because this kind of thing happened before, and I couldn’t appeal it all morning. I had no choice but to give up and repost the new chapter, but it was blocked in the afternoon The chapter was released automatically, causing many readers to subscribe repeatedly... What a joke, but it has not been released after waiting for a day. It seems that it is unlikely to be released, so let's repost it... ...If this kind of oolong happens again, I will contact the editor to re-block it as soon as possible, and then update a chapter first. After uploading, I will add another chapter to it, so that everyone can spend the money of one chapter to read the content of two chapters To make up for it, in short, it will never let the readers suffer, don't worry...

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