when reincarnation invades

Chapter 188 Yingzheng: I won this round

next moment.

He saw Lin Bin coming out of the room.

Concubine Yan realized something was wrong...

The attacker was someone else.

She let out a low snort, and under the pressure of the pale world, she still moved with ease.

The more dexterous hands pinched out the spell easily, and under the black and white scene, a golden light suddenly lit up around his body, and a golden three-legged golden crow flapped its wings and flew straight towards the attacker.

Accompanied by a huge earthquake.

Everyone felt that the ground under their feet trembled for a while.

The air of black and white stopped, and even Concubine Yan took two steps back lightly to avoid the opponent's attack.

Only then did the opponent show his figure.

Wearing a water-green long dress, her legs are long and graceful, and her posture is cool and graceful.

The soft white hair not only did not add to the vicissitudes of life, but also gave her a somewhat ethereal appearance detached from the world.

She looked at Lin Bin, playing with taste: "I also said why you haven't come out to make troubles during this period of time. It turns out that the golden house hides the beauty, and it turns out that it is a woman from the Yinyang family..."

During the trial just now, both of them had clearly figured out the details of each other.

While talking, Gao Yue poked her head out curiously.

Xiaomeng calmed down immediately, and sighed: "It seems that your hobbies have not changed...Why, do you like experienced wives so much?"

The voice fell.

Concubine Yan's face immediately changed slightly.

step forward...

With a low tone, he said: "If you think that relying on your ability, you can speak out at will, I can tell you that it won't work here. You are young, and your mouth is immoral. It seems that no one has taught you... Shall I slap you twice?"

talking room.

The magic power around the body floats.

She is very afraid of Donghuang Taiyi, but the others...

She really wasn't afraid, especially at this time with anger and luck, the momentum was so strong, faintly, that it even overwhelmed Xiaomeng, who had just appeared on the stage.

But Xiaomeng smiled contemptuously, and said playfully, "It's really interesting, he was the one who made up your mind, and you are so angry with me... Did you call out your heart in front of your daughter and make you feel guilty, or did you say that you really You are also enjoying this kind of ambiguous feeling, now that I have exposed you, so you are angry?"

"Master Xiaomeng, stop talking nonsense, we are innocent."

Xiaomeng nodded and said, "Well, I understand...I understand."

Lin Bin thought to himself, what have I said to this bitch in the future?

I always feel that this Master Xiaomeng seems to be a bit different from the imagined Master Xiaomeng. Although the appearance is completely the same, but inside... I always feel that everything she cuts seems to be black.

"Dongjun, you go in first, it seems that Master Xiaomeng has something important to discuss with me."


Concubine Yan nodded softly.

Xiaomeng was playing with tastes beside her: "The husband and the wife do whatever they want, yes... the daughter's surname, have you figured it out? Do you want to change the surname?"

Concubine Yan was displeased: "Who is this person?"

Lin Bin replied: "Master Xiaomeng, the current suzerain of Taoist Tianzong, but I'm not sure how long she can be, because with just this mouth, I always feel that she will be overthrown sooner or later."

"So she is that Xiaomeng..."

Concubine Dongjun Yan suddenly remembered Lin Bin's nonsense in the name of Zhang Sanfeng to fool her.

He snorted lightly in displeasure, and led Gao Yue in.

And Hou Wan slipped out.

Leaning behind Lin Bin curiously, he asked, "Are you here to give us a baby again?"

"I've brought you an opportunity."

Xiao Meng said: "Your Majesty wants to see you."


"Thanks to Hong Fu, the Taoist Tianzong has directly formed an alliance with His Majesty, but as an alliance, I must make an introduction between you and Your Majesty."

Xiaomeng sat leisurely on the stone bench in the courtyard, and said, "This should be considered a good thing for you, right? After all, you have spent so much effort to hook up with His Majesty's line, isn't it just to ask him to help you with errands?" So? Then I have some good news for you..."

"What good news?"

"Xiangguo Li Si returned to Xianyang, and now he has been controlled by His Majesty. The CRRC made Zhao Gao escape, but the sky-level killer he accompanied died under the random arrows of the Qin army. This thing is A gift from His Majesty."

talking room.

Xiao Meng put a pair of swords on the table, and said: "Your Majesty's intention is obvious. Whether you go or not, these two swords will be given to you. It can be regarded as your thanks for giving the book to His Highness the Crown Prince."

"Not only thanks, but also sincerity."

Lin Bin sighed: "It seems that His Majesty really wants to see me."

"In fact, after reading that book for 5000 years, even I want to cut your brain open to see if there is anything else in it."

Xiao Meng pushed the sword to Lin Bin, and said, "So don't worry about safety, don't make things difficult for me, come with me..."

"it is good!"

Lin Bin nodded.

Looking back at Houhou, he smiled and said: "It seems that our vacation is over, and even His Majesty has started to target the snares. I am afraid that our mission is almost completed."

"Eliminate the trap? Then I have a good news here."

Xiaomeng said: "Luo Wang concealed the sun and assassinated Yun Zhongjun, one of the five elders of the Yin-Yang family, and even kidnapped their Yin-Yang family's Concubine Dongjun Yan. This is an unforgivable crime... Luo Wang has been wiped out several times in the world of the Yin-Yang family. What kind of cloaking sword is this... I remember it was in your hand last time, it seems that you really have a skill in abducting women."

Hou Hou's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise, "Those idiots are really fooled?"

"Even so, if you want to complete this task, I'm afraid you still can't do without His Majesty's support...Let's go Xiaomeng, let's go see His Majesty."

Xiao Meng cast a sideways glance at Lin Bin, and asked, "Are we so familiar?"

Lin Bin was stunned and said: "I gave you all the exercises, aren't you familiar with them?"

"Hmph...you don't know anything at all."

Xiaomeng snorted, got up and said, "Let's go."

Lin Bin nodded, then turned around and said, "Dongjun, I will go into the palace with Wanwan, you and Yue'er are here and don't wander around, do you understand?"

"Brother Bin, go slowly, don't worry."

Inside the house, Concubine Yan was apparently also eavesdropping.

Hearing the three of them leaving, she turned her head to look at her daughter, and sighed softly: "Yue'er, we will be leaving soon, do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"

Gao Yue heard the words, thought for a while, and said reluctantly: "Yue'er hasn't said goodbye to her friends yet, and there is Sister Rong... I don't know how she is..."

"Okay, mother will take you to say goodbye to them."

Concubine Yan patted her head pitifully and sighed.

She has no attachment to this world anymore, but her daughter is different... She has friends, relatives, and partners in this world, but in order to be with her, she has to go to another completely strange unknown world.

Although Brother Bin seems to be reliable.

But Xiaomeng's words of "good wife" instantly made Concubine Yan uneasy.

Could it be that he really has other plans?
It should...not be...

When I was in the sea before, my tongue was very honest, and I didn't lick or suck...

and many more?

It seems to be licked... and it seems to be just an accidental touch during normal breathing...

Concubine Yan gently touched her lips, feeling a little uncertain.

And this time.

Only then did Lin Bin truly see what Xiaomeng meant by cooperating with Yingzheng.

She could enter and exit the heavily guarded Qin Palace in Xianyang at will.

With Xiaomeng's martial arts, if he intends to assassinate, these layers of strict defenses will be the biggest obstacle. Once she is allowed to cross, won't Yingzheng's life be at the hands of Xiaomeng?
From this point of view...

Ying Zheng trusted her more than his two sons.

The three of them walked all the way, and no one dared to stop them along the way.

until entering the hall.

At this time, there were no ministers and servants in the hall, only two people were waiting.

A young man was slightly older, he had no beard, he was handsome, and his eyes were not angry but majestic.

And the other young man looked exactly like him, only much younger...

Seeing Lin Bin coming in, he respectfully stepped forward and bowed to the bottom, saying: "Thank you, Mr. Fusu, for saving your life. If it weren't for Mr. Fusu, I'm afraid Fusu would have entered the end of his life without knowing it."

He also looked at China for 5000 years.

Naturally, he understood that if he really followed the above prophecy, he should be on his way to Shangjun at this time... and this way, there is no possibility of him surviving in Xianyang.

Lin Bin did help him escape.

But after that, he also understood the meaning of the Great Tribulation of Thousand Years.

On the land of China, there is so much suffering and hardship.

"Mister is a reincarnation?!"

At this time, Ying Zheng also walked down slowly, looking up and down at Lin Bin.

Lin Bin nodded and said with a smile: "It seems that Xiaomeng has talked a lot to Your Majesty."


Ying Zheng just heard one word, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up, and he said pleasantly: "Could it be that you also recognize my achievements?!"

He has heard too much flattery.

But if it comes from a reincarnated person, it is enough to make him very happy... After all, different identities bring different feelings.

"Of course, the first emperor won the government and unified China, with the same books, cars and systems, and the same system, which laid a good foundation for the later dynasties, and your greatest contribution in this life is to burn books and bury Confucianism, and kill those who have nothing to do. All the blind experts were buried alive."

Wan Hou smacked Lin Bin lightly behind the back, and reminded through voice transmission: "Brother, don't bring personal emotions..."

Only then did Lin Bin realize that he had strayed off topic.

He coughed and said: "In short, people in later generations have widely rumored that you are a tyrant, but in my opinion, the name of the first emperor, powerful in China, swept across the barbarians, and established my great China for thousands of years. Even after the fall of the Qin Dynasty, No one dares to underestimate your achievements, but it is a pity that you died too early, otherwise, the Great Qin Empire might be able to conquer the world!"

"That's why I'm looking for you, Abin!"

In just a few words, Ying Zheng was delighted to hear it.

Ying Zheng, who was always moody and angry, couldn't help laughing heartily at this time.

He laughed loudly and said, "I'm looking for you, Abin, because I want to cooperate with you. I've heard a lot of information about the present world from Master Xiaomeng. I heard that in the real world, the average life expectancy is upwards of [-] yuan?"

Lin Bin replied: "Because of the fusion of countless secret realms, there is quite a strong aura in the real world, which is beneficial to the body, so the time to live is indeed longer."

Ying Zheng asked: "Countless secret realms? Every secret realm is like this world?"


"I don't know if there is a way to live forever?"

Lin Bin asked back, "Your Majesty wants to live forever?"

Ying Zheng smiled frankly: "After reading the 5000-year history of China, I feel that China is magnificent and wonderful. I really don't want to be absent!"

"It is true. In fact, my ultimate goal is to seek longevity... but it is not to take pills, but to practice exercises."

"Martial arts?"


Lin Bin said: "I haven't reached such a height yet, but I think it won't take long to get it."

At present, the high-difficulty planes are basically killing-level planes... and the killing-level planes are actually very rare.

But in fact, there are.

Lin Bin has full confidence that he will be able to cultivate successfully.

"Okay! I want to make a deal with you!"

"Although I seek eternal life, I haven't achieved it yet. You want to make a deal with me, but I can only promise you."

"The promise is enough. If in the future, you can get the law of longevity, come to me. If I can come up with something that satisfies you, you can exchange it with me. If I can't come up with it, you can also withdraw and leave." Go, I will never force you."

Ying Zheng said: "I have been feeling unwell recently, and the most important thing right now is to regulate my body. I have already planned to practice Taoist exercises, cultivate my body, and get rid of the evil spirits of taking pills. I know that too. Is it a bad habit?"

Ying Zheng smiled wryly.

After reading the book, I realized that so many emperors in later generations died tragically because of the elixir... Unexpectedly, he won Zheng Yingming I, but in the end, he was still confused in the matter of life and death.

"Yes, if I really obtain the method of cultivating immortals, then I will come to see Your Majesty and make this deal with Your Majesty!"

Lin Bin said: "But first, His Majesty has to do one thing for me."

"whats the matter?"

"Within one month, completely wipe out the trap!"

Lin Bin said seriously: "If I can't destroy the trap, I will have no future... Naturally, I won't be able to make any promises to Your Majesty. From this point of view, Your Majesty's destruction of the trap is not only for me, but also for yourself."

"Of course, since he dares to change the imperial decree, I will naturally not tolerate him!"

Ying Zheng laughed and said: "Actually, it's not just as simple as destroying the trap. I have named my second son Hu Hai as idle king at the court meeting. The civil and military officials naturally understand what I mean. I don't like it, but his style of being a sage inside and a king outside is quite recognized by me. From today on, I will gradually transfer the power to Fusu, and I will gradually retreat to the back of the hall and cultivate my moral character. Hundred schools of thought, I will naturally not commit the foolish act of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty who overthrows the hundred schools of thought and respects Confucianism alone. Now that I have thousands of years of experience in governing the world for my reference, my policy of governing the country will naturally have to be changed. .”

Lin Bin was stunned when he heard this...

He handed over 5000 years of Zhonghua to Yingzheng, just in exchange for his hostility towards Luowang.

But now it seems.

An emperor who was originally wise and mighty, suddenly got the clear prescriptions for governing the world from all the monarchs of later generations, and his vision was transcendent, surpassing the distance of thousands of years in this world.

Houhou muttered to the side with the sound of nature: "Hey, Qin Shihuang has gained such a great benefit, shouldn't he take Daqin to ascend as a whole and become Xianqin?"

"The premise is that he can obtain the law of longevity."

Lin Bin pursed his lips, and replied with the voice of nature: "But there is nothing wrong with it. At least, I have another reliable ally."

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