when reincarnation invades

Chapter 189 Using the unknown to deal with the unknown

Chapter 189 Using the unknown to deal with the unknown
Yingzheng speaks better than expected.

In other words, he obviously regarded Lin Bin as an ambassador representing the real world.

In other words, although he is the king of a country, the identities of the two are equal, not to mention that he still asks for others... Therefore, in terms of attitude, he is indeed impeccable.

Ever since, after a good meeting between the two parties.

In the real sense, Luowang ushered in a catastrophe.

As the king of a country, doesn't Yingzheng know the dangers of the snare?
He knew, not only did he know, even before he became the first emperor, he had been persecuted by the net.

The reason why the net is still kept is because the roots of the net are too deep. If it is forcibly pulled out, the price to be paid is too high, which makes him unwilling to do such a risky thing.

But choose the lesser of two evils and the more important of two benefits.

Compared with the price paid for pulling out the net, a chance of immortality, and a chance to make friends with another world in advance.

Even Zhu Yuyan can think of a problem, how can Ying Zheng not imagine it?


Under Ying Zheng's all-important cost, countless traps and dark halls were directly uprooted.

All weapons belonging to the snare were destroyed.

This point comes from Lin Bin's proposal...

In his words, "The net is named after the sword. As long as the sword is still there, they will come back to life sooner or later, so destroy their sword and make them completely lose their spiritual belief... and your majesty, you can also issue a notice that even if it is Those caught in the net, as long as they take the weapons in their hands, take the initiative to report to the empire, and take the initiative to destroy them in front of the empire, then the Great Qin Empire can forget about the past, and they only need to serve the empire for three years to get rid of their crimes!"

Ying Zheng naturally readily agreed to this proposal.

In this way, it is almost equivalent to transforming those astonishing killers in Luowang into the strength of the Great Qin Empire.

The purpose of Lin Bin's proposal is also very simple.

It is not only necessary to suppress the Luowang from the outside, but also to divide the Luowang from the inside.

Now, all the sky-level killers in the net have been lost.

Zhao Gao is at large...

There are only a large number of remnants left in the net, and these remnants have been encircled and suppressed by Confucianists, farmers, Mohists, and Yin-Yang families at the same time... and the two big bosses of Guigu Zongheng are staring at them with grinning smiles, and they are always thinking about them. .

On one side are mountains of swords and seas of fire.

On the other side, as long as you discard the sword in your hand, you can transform from a killer to an officially certified warrior, taking imperial subsidies and dominating.

Unless they are really loyal to Luo Wang and are willing to go through fire and water for Luo Wang from generation to generation, how many loyal people can there be in the problem killer organization to attract people?

So, in just a few days.

A large number of snare masters were arrested and killed, and their bodies were hung outside Xianyang City to emulate you!
Similarly, almost every day, a large number of snare masters couldn't bear the torment in their hearts, and took the initiative to join Daqin's command.

To everyone's surprise, there are quite a few rivers and lakes who wanted to eat royal meals, but had never had a chance before. People who take the initiative to surrender...

Isn't that three years of unpaid military service?After serving it and becoming a regular, it will be a smooth road after that.

a time.

The net can almost be said to be the enemy of the world.

"Good news, good news!"

Lin Bin came back that day with a happy smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Dongjun, Yue'er, there is good news. The Yinyang family has officially withdrawn their pursuit of you."


Concubine Dongjun Yan, who was discussing with her daughter, was overjoyed when she heard the words, and said in surprise, "Really?"

"I don't have any irresolvable conflicts with the Yin-Yang Family. If His Majesty speaks out from it, the conflicts will naturally be resolved...including you...I also specifically mentioned it to Your Majesty..."

Wan Wan glanced at Lin Bin curiously, and thought to himself, didn't you mean by the way when you told me?Why did it become special at this time?

Concubine Yan was pleasantly surprised when she heard the words, and asked, "You mean... you won't be chasing Fei Yan anymore?"

"Not quite."

Lin Bin said: "Ying Zheng personally speaks for Xiang, and the Yin Yang family is attached to Ying Zheng, especially now that the alchemist Yun Zhongjun has died tragically. Their role in Ying Zheng has been greatly reduced, so naturally they need to be subdued... Donghuang Taiyi gave There are two options, the first is to let him personally take back all the yin and yang family skills in your mother and daughter, and he allows you to live outside as ordinary people."

"Destroy the skill?"

Concubine Yan asked, "What about the second choice?"

"That's exile, leaving this world. Speaking of it, Donghuang Taiyi is kind-hearted. After knowing the existence of the space of reincarnation, he is not surprised at all. He does not allow the Yin-Yang family's skills to be passed on, so if you want to keep the skills , you must leave this world.”

"Do you still want to leave?"

"But instead of fleeing in embarrassment before, you have now left on your own. Even if you go to the streets now, no one will hunt you down."

Lin Bin had a strange look on his face.

Wanwei: "After all, Luna and the others are busy now."

Concubine Yan: "??"

Lin Bin smiled without saying a word.

At this time, it was in a quiet village hundreds of miles away from Xianyang City.

Because the village has a small population, the inn and restaurant are integrated, and it is narrow and dilapidated... The business is really not very good.

And this day.

A guest was ushered in at the inn. Although he was dressed in shabby clothes, his expression was calm and he looked like a person of high status.

Even if it is fleeing.

Zhao Gao still maintained his usual elegance and composure...

As the supreme leader of Luo Wang in the true sense, his strength is even higher than that of a killer at the Tianzi level.

Therefore, in the case of precautions in advance.

Even Ying Zheng couldn't kill him with one blow... But unfortunately, after reading the allusion of turning a deer into a horse, Ying Zheng's intention to kill Zhao Gao is more than a snare.

Therefore, the Great Qin Empire, whose portraits were almost scattered everywhere.

At the same time, he was encircled and suppressed by the rebels from various schools of thought and the Great Qin Empire. During this period of time, Zhao Gaoguo was extremely unsatisfactory, but with his superb strength and meticulous thinking, he still has not fallen into the enemy's snare until now. middle.

But now it seems...

"My good luck seems to have come to an end here."

The dishes haven't been served yet.

Zhao Gao suddenly laughed at himself.

He didn't run away...

In this case, running away seems useless.

He sighed: "It's just that I really don't understand how my nets offended your Yin Yang family. You want to kill our nets like this!"

talking room.

Star Soul and Moon God walked in through the door side by side.

And outside...

Several extremely heavy breaths locked on him firmly.

The four elders of the Yin Yang family came together.

With this kind of configuration, even against Six Swordsmen, there is still a lot of chances of winning.

Xinghun said coldly: "If you want to ask, just ask your trapping sun!"

"Snap Sun was killed many days ago, and even his weapons were taken away... The Sun you see must have been replaced by someone."

Zhao Gao has been exhausted for this period of time, he is no longer in his prime, and he encountered such a strong enemy again.

It's rare to accept a soft sentence.

Unfortunately, it has no effect.

Xinghun said coldly: "Is it a problem of occulting the sun now? It is a problem of His Majesty now... His Majesty personally asked our Yin Yang family to kill you, what can we do?"

Zhao Gao was speechless for a moment.

He guessed that His Majesty would not tolerate him, but he didn't expect His Majesty to find the Yin Yang family in order to deal with him.

Little did they know that everyone in the Yin Yang family was full of anger at this time.

When Ying Zheng introduced Lin Bin to them...

They immediately recognized who it was.

Wu Yanzu, Zhang Sanfeng, the Daoist patriarch...the aliases were taken seriously before, and they were personal names.

Now it's called Abin directly.

Is that what normal people would call it?Perfunctory...too perfunctory...

It's a pity that even if they are as strong as the Yin-Yang family, they have to submit to the iron cavalry of Daqin. Therefore, when Yingzheng speaks on his behalf, they have nothing to say.

Even knowing that the phantom sound treasure box is in the other party's hands.

They can't get it back either.

Especially Donghuang Taiyi, after learning that that so-called Abin came from another world, he never talked about the phantom sound treasure box.

So the enemy who was bullied by that person before...

After all, there is no way to get a report, but fortunately, there is still a doormat right now.

The purple air blade slowly extended from Xinghun's palm, playing with taste: "The leader of the net? I hope your strength can match your identity... Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to vent my anger."

Zhao Gao: "........."


Zhao Gao is dead.

No matter how deep he hides, in an incomplete state, he encounters the most cutting-edge power of the Yin Yang family at the same time...

The war is absolutely unbeatable.

Although he tried his best to escape, Naihe Yingzheng made up his mind this time.

Therefore, even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi personally took action...

After being blocked by it.

He also has only one way to go.

And when Zhao Gao's head was placed before Lin Bin's case.

Lin Bin couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and said, "Finally dead."

In fact, it was this Zhao Gao who made him most afraid of such a big net.

Without him... It is because the strength of Yuewang Bajian is too strong, Zhao Gao can make this organization obey him, and his real ability is by no means general, no matter how overestimated it is.

The unknown is the scariest thing, so even though Lin Bin has broken through to the level of a saint-level reincarnation, he still doesn't want to take this risk.

That being the case, let the unknown deal with the unknown.

No matter how weak Donghuang Taiyi's strength is, it's impossible for him to be inferior to Zhao Gao's...

Facts have proved that Lin Bin made the right choice.

Such a mysterious and terrifying opponent just died in the hands of the Yin Yang family.

"That's why I say that the Yin Yang family is really a bunch of good people."

Lin Bin praised: "Zhao Gao, Tang Tianhao...these are opponents that we can hardly face alone. If it weren't for them, we would have to pay a considerable price to win. Now the price is all up to Yin Yang I have suffered for us, I heard that in order to deal with Zhao Gao, Xinghun was seriously injured, but he has a hatred for Luo Wang, I gave him this opportunity, I think he will be grateful to me."

Hou Hou worried: "But Zhao Gao is dead, why hasn't the task been completed yet?"

"It's the destruction of the net, not the assassination of the leader of the net. As I said earlier, these high-level officials are easy to deal with, because they all have names and identities, but those underlings can only rely on your majesty. Wait, wait for this head Being hanged out, there will be no one in the net to resist stubbornly."

Lin Bin shook his head and said, "Believe in His Majesty's ability, he can definitely do it."

"During this time..."

Lin Bin said: "I still have some personal matters to attend to. If you want to follow, you can follow. If you don't want to follow, you can do your own business."

Hou Hou nodded and said: "I'm planning to go back to the Mohist family. I went there in a hurry, and I haven't figured out some of the mysteries of the Mohist martial arts. It's just a good time to ask that little Gao master for advice."

"Crimson Smoke will go with you."

Concubine Yan usually doesn't disturb the chat between the two of them. Of course, because of her high skill and the fact that the two of them didn't deliberately shy away from it, she can hear what they said clearly... Lin Bin used this method to silently Cultivated her trust in him.

After all, an honest gentleman who can tell others everything is the most trustworthy.

And this time...

Concubine Yan walked out holding Gao Yue's hand, and said: "If we are about to leave, those friends of Yue'er, she wants to say goodbye to them... Although as Brother Bin said, she still has Come back to this plane to share with friends, but after all, we have to part for a long time."


Hou Hou pouted suddenly, with a reluctance on his face.

"Okay, then you just happened to take care of each other. I also asked about that boy Jing Tianming for you. He has already escaped from the mirage with his two friends. I can't find Yue'er right now. He must have gone to join everyone in the Mo family." , you should be able to meet the people you want to see when you go together."

Wan Wan asked, "What about you, brother? Aren't you with us?"

"I've said it all, I have my own private affairs to do..."

"But people want to follow you."

Concubine Yan quietly cast a glance at Lin Bin, and explained: "Miss Wanhou, you actually misunderstood, Fei Yan and brother Bin are really innocent..."

"Ahhh, don't listen, don't listen, bastard chanting scriptures, they are all women, who do you want to lie to?"

Concubine Yan sighed.

This Miss Houhou obviously has a complete prejudice against her, so that she is so difficult to deceive...

"Sister Wanwan, come with us, Yue'er can just introduce her friend to you."

Gao Yue tugged on Hou Hou's sleeve.

There was a murmur... Looking at Gao Yue's cute and round face with baby fat, she finally couldn't help but give in.


Lin Bin said: "Then let's split up. By the way, say hello to Brother Hu for me."

Wan Wan was startled and said, "Are you really invested in your feelings?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? That's my half-brother... If this world goes to the real world in the future, there will be [-] disciples from the farm family, what the hell... I can directly push the Tang family!"

"Oh I got it."

Hou Hou immediately understood that the senior brother was indeed that senior brother.

On Lin Bin's side, he looked at the Eight Swords of the King of Yue in his hand.

The seven swords of Zhen Gang, Duan Shui, Mie Hun, Zhuan Po, Chaos God, and Monsters, plus the double swords of Covering the Sun and Shocking Salamander in his hands.

In fact, Chaos God does not enter the Eight Swords of the King of Yue, and lacks Black and White Xuanjian.

But the eight swords were indeed assembled.

This is what Lin Bin had thought a long time ago.

Eight famous sword moves!

Nine B-level magical weapons, each with its own characteristics, show their sharpness. Isn't this the copycat version of Yujianshu?

Or Wan Jian Jue?

It's just that in the reincarnation space, I don't know if this skill can be redeemed, but if it can't be redeemed, he can copy one here.

And it is called the famous eight sword moves, when the time comes, the nine swords will fly out...

Hmm, it fits his style and hobbies very well!

As for how to fake it...

Lin Bin already had an idea in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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