when reincarnation invades

Chapter 191 Great Opportunity and Tang Crisis

Chapter 191 Great Opportunity and Tang Crisis
to leave.

It's not leaving home, but really leaving this world.

When I made the decision, I felt that I had lost the slightest nostalgia for this world...

But really want to leave.

Instead, Concubine Yan felt a lot of reluctance.

There are too many unforgettable memories here for her. Once she leaves, it will be a brand new life...

At that time, her life will almost be reset. Except for her daughter, everything has nothing to do with her.

Thinking of this, I feel lonely.

That is to say, during this period of time with Lin Bin day and night, someone helped her to be the master of the house, otherwise, I am afraid that there will be a little more confusion and uncertainty about the unknown world.


It was the day after Hou Wan said he could return.

Seeing a figure in the sky flying towards Yujian, his figure is chic and handsome...

While everyone was shocked.

Concubine Yan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Gao Yue even rushed forward in surprise, and directly hugged Lin Bin's arm. Even she herself didn't understand where the kind feeling towards Lin Bin came from.

I always feel that being intimate with him is nothing.

But what he said really made her so happy that she wished she could kiss him hard.

"What? Brother Bin...can you wait for two more days? And you have a way to save Sister Rong?"

Gao Yue was about to shed tears of excitement.

"Of course, although I'm not a doctor, the exercises I practice contain extremely strong vitality. No matter how many injuries she has, as long as it's an internal injury, let me enter her body a few times, basically there shouldn't be too much pain. Big problem."

Lin Bin turned his head to look at Houhou, and said: "There is still enough time in the future, you can continue to settle yourself during this time, although you have already reached the No. His combat strength is definitely more than that, at least it is not so that I can't even take more than 18 moves... It must be because you are addicted to squeezing and licking dogs, and you have not worked hard on the way of cultivation. We don't have to seize the time to pass, but now It’s rare to have a master of the Mohist here, you’d better ask for a few more days before talking about it.”

"Oh, people know."

Speaking of this, Wan Wan's originally happy expression suddenly collapsed.

I thought that after the breakthrough, I would be able to hit Lin Bin hard, but I didn't want to be taught a lesson by him instead.

The imaginary illusion of omnipotence after "Tianmo Dafa" has reached great success has been exploded...

It made her feel a little bit of resentment towards Master Zhu.

You just tell me bluntly that this exercise has been cultivated to No. 18, and it’s just like that. It’s already fallen into the pit of thieves, can people still jump out?Why are you bragging about me, it made me have unrealistic fantasies, it doesn't matter if I got the beating before, anyway, I'm solid.

In case the senior brother becomes wary of me, and I want to betray him in the future, won't he be on guard?

very angry.

But Houhou is also very strong. Although the skills are a bit inferior, he has indeed reached the highest level, so he can completely innovate and improve the skills. After all, the eight swords of the king of Yue can have the ninth sword. There are ten swords, isn't it reasonable to have a No.19 layer in "Ocean Demon Dafa"?

Ever since, she looked at Gao Jianli eagerly.

Now that the Mo family is down and out, Gao Jianli is the only one she can look up to as an expert.

Although it may not be as good as her current level, she still understands that stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade.

It's just that Gao Jianli is really not used to the pitiful look in Wanhou's eyes.

In the past few days, she often asks him for advice...

Even if it was just inadvertently, he could feel the power in her body as deep as an abyss and sea, which was far beyond what his Yi Shuihan could match.

But such a little girl pretended to be silly and sweet to ask him for advice.

It really put a lot of pressure on him.

But to be honest, my heart is not without a little bit of ecstasy. After all, this is not inferior to a master of the vertical and horizontal level who is asking him for advice.

On the other hand, Gao Yue was already tightly wrapped around Lin Bin's arm, and wanted to beg him to hurry up, but she was too embarrassed to open her mouth, her face was flushed in a hurry, which made Jing Tianming next to her see her resentment.

I always feel that the moon has changed.

Although they are still very cordial, the tacit understanding between him, Shaoyu, and Yueer's Iron Triangle before is gone.

She started pestering her mother, and started discussing that Brother Bin and so on.

Moreover, from time to time, she would suddenly blushed and smile secretly, not knowing what she was thinking of... But Jing Tianming knew that it was definitely not thinking of him.

At that moment, the eyes staring at Lin Bin were full of resentment.

Dissatisfied: "What do you mean? Are you deliberately taking advantage of Yue'er, are you so anxious that you can't see Yue'er?"

"I'm sorry, I was too busy explaining my personal affairs. Okay, Yue'er, let's set off now. By the way, Yue'er, did you see how I just came here? Do you want to taste my sword?"


Gao Yue's eyes widened.

"Of course, your mother and the others are not in a hurry. You should be in a hurry to get along with your sister Rong for a few more days, right?"

If it was with Concubine Yan or Houhou, Lin Bin might have some scruples.

After all, men and women are different...

But Yue'er is a little girl, just hug her in her arms.

Don't care about the issue of male and female defense at all.

"Let's take a step first, Dongjun, Wanwan, you two remember to catch up later!"

After Lin Bin finished speaking, he immediately embraced Gao Yue in his arms, flew for nine days, and disappeared into the vast clouds in the blink of an eye.

In this kind of scene, Jing Tianming looked helpless and furious, but he couldn't say anything, and the other party's attitude was so calm...Why does it seem like Yue'er is the one who thinks carefully?
Hou Hou also looked at Concubine Yan with a dissatisfied look, feeling terrible, senior brother actually called her name first instead of calling me first, it seems that I didn't investigate the situation before, and just randomly called senior brother's pout. It made him angry with me... It seems that this favorability must be cultivated quickly.

And this time.

Lin Bin took Gao Yue straight to the destination.

He was not reaching the limit speed at this time, and his feet naturally stood as firm as Mount Tai. Although Gao Yue was unstable, her whole body was almost hanging on his body. At first, she was too scared to open her eyes, but gradually, Lin Bin's chest was overwhelmed. gave him a great sense of security.

Slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the vast mountains and rivers below, she asked curiously, "Is this Mr. Gai Nie's Hundred-Step Flying Sword?"

"Yes, I modified it a little, and it became like this."

Lin Bin smiled and said, "I know the location of Miss Duanmu roughly. Don't worry, it will be up in half a day. Hurry up and hold on to me, I'm going to speed up."

"Well, thank you brother."

Gao Yue obediently responded, and hugged Lin Bin's waist tightly.

The two turned into Changhong, and in the blink of an eye, they tore through the clouds and flew into the distance.

Due to being unconscious, Duanmu Rong was not in East County... but was left in a quiet place to cultivate.

When the two arrived.

Seeing the unconscious Duanmu Rong, Gao Yue instantly rushed towards her with tears in her eyes.

Lin Bin was also unambiguous, and immediately began to improve his physical condition with his own longevity qi...

He really doesn't know much about medical skills, but Kou Zhong wasn't very proficient in medical skills back then, and he was able to earn the title of a genius doctor by virtue of "The Secret of Longevity".

The "Secret of Longevity" is full of vitality, and all diseases are caused by the weakening of vitality. As long as the vitality is sufficient, the symptoms will naturally disappear.

So, Duanmu Rong, who had been in a coma for several years... No, Duanmu Rong, who had been in a coma for several months, finally opened his eyes after a cry.

Then what I saw was Gao Yue whose eyes were already blurred with tears.

"Sister Rong!!!"

Gao Yue cried and threw herself into her arms.

Concubine Yan was arrested in her early years, and she and Duanmu Rong depended on each other for life. To her, Concubine Yan was her mother, and Concubine Yan was her biological sister.

So seeing her awake now, I couldn't help but hide my excitement.

Lin Bin withdrew.

The private conversation between the two sisters was not disturbed.


The two sisters came out together, and Duanmu Rong's eyes were a little red... probably because she knew that Gao Yue was about to leave this world.

Just left with her mother.

She really can't stop it...

The two sisters used to depend on each other for life, but now, they each have their own support, and it is obviously unrealistic to abandon everything and continue to stay together.

Duan Murong dragged her tired body and bowed to Lin Binying.

Lin Bin supported him, smiled and said, "You have just recovered, and your body is still very weak. Of course, it is mainly because you are hungry... You will make up for it by eating more good food in the past two days. During this time, the two of you can talk a lot. Speak, in fact, there may not be no chance to see you again in the future."

He was indeed hungry, his face was so hungry and thin, what a pretty face before, now it was the face of a melon-seeded snake.

"Thank you Eng."

Duanmurong also seemed to know that everything was a foregone conclusion, so she didn't say any other superfluous words.

For the next two days.

Lin Bin didn't bother the two sisters anymore, but gave them enough time to talk about their separate experiences during this period.

Duanmu Rong and Gao Yue sisters are really inseparable, and even have endless conversations at night...

Duanmu Rong was also very caring, and even took advantage of the rest time to help Gao Yue sew several clothes that were a few sizes larger for her to wear when she grew up.

Lin Bin didn't have the nerve to tell Duan Murong that this kind of skirt is not popular in the real world, but Gao Yue likes it no matter how much she likes it, she might not be able to wear it in the real world.

If you really want to care about Yue'er, I can teach you how to make a pleated skirt.

these days.

He is more free than when he was in Xianyang.

Except for coming out when eating, the rest of the time is silently exercising my mind, hoping to achieve a better control over the Hundred Step Flying Sword.

At present, although the effect of double flying has been achieved, double flying is far from the goal, he has to achieve the eight swords flying together.

In the blink of an eye, another six or seven days passed.

Until this morning.

It was just dawn.

Then a carriage slowly came here, and from the inside of the carriage, the curtain was lifted and there were two stunning beauties.

One person is magnificent, graceful and luxurious, looks like a goddess descending to earth, and the other one is graceful and pretty, with vivid sparkle in his eyes, which makes people feel close to each other.

Isn't it just Concubine Yan and Houhou?

They don't have Lin Bin's ability to fly with a sword, so they can only rush here all the way.

When jumping off the carriage.

The joy on Hou Hou's face could hardly be concealed.

In the past few days, she asked Gao Jianli about the many mysteries of the Mohists' kung fu, and incorporated them into the "Tianmo Dafa".

"Heavenly Demon Dafa" itself is a method that integrates the strengths of various schools of thought, and among the hundreds of schools of thought, Mohism is the main one.

Therefore, her strength also has a great suggestion.

In the end, even Concubine Yan confessed...

In terms of absolute strength, I'm afraid even she is half a chip inferior to her.

The old love rival's submissiveness is simply a great face to Houhou.

Hou Hou directly ignored the sentence that if I want to win, I am afraid I have to use the forbidden technique of the Yin Yang family.

That's right... I am the strongest.

But just seeing Wanhou's expression, Lin Bin knew that she must have gained a lot during this period of time.

Seeing Duanmu Rong take the initiative to greet Concubine Yan, the three of them cordially walked aside to talk...

Lin Bin was about to open his mouth to praise Houhou, but the little girl's pretty face, which was a little baby fat after eating for the past two days, lost weight again, obviously she had put in a lot of effort.

But the words have not yet come out.

In the ear, the information of the reincarnation table popped up again.

[Because the reincarnation Abin holds the prototype of the world-class props, a temporary S-level trial task is triggered. After the task is completed, the S-level props can be obtained. Please choose whether to accept it? 】

Abin, who was about to open his mouth to speak, suddenly stopped there.

Blinking, there was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you were too shocked by his progress, so you were petrified?"

Hou Hou waved his hand in front of Lin Bin with a little pride, and then he laughed complacently.

Lin Bin ignored her...

I chose yes without hesitation.

[Trial Mission: Revenge of the Plane]

[Mission Description: Avenge the blood hatred, let all the invaders be punished, and use their blood to wash away the resentment of billions of innocent people who died! 】

[Task Reward: Use Heshibi to carry world consciousness and become an S-level prop! 】

Plane's revenge?
Could it be that the plane of Datang has already...

Lin Bin suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

He turned his head and glanced at Houhou.

Hou Hou couldn't help shivering, then took two steps back, put his palms together in a guarded posture, and warned: "Brother, you can no longer bully others fiercely in the name of kung fu exams. I won't make any mistakes of principle again, and if I'm sure...no...before you betray him, Senior Brother, he will be loyal to you."

Lin Bin sighed a long time and said, "Wu Wan, we have to go back."

"Why are you in such a rush all of a sudden? Didn't you say before that you can delay for two days? He has already made an agreement with Master Gao. He teaches him martial arts, and he teaches him how to chase girls. He just fulfilled his promise, but he The promise has not been fulfilled here.”

"Something happened in the plane of Datang."

Lin Bin didn't explain too much, but just this sentence made Houhou's face turn pale instantly.

Surprised: "That person's wish... Zhu Shi..."

(End of this chapter)

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