when reincarnation invades

Chapter 192 The Arrival of the Apostles

Hou Hou is not surprised how Yu Lin Bin got the information.

Although it was just a reincarnation in a secret realm, it had almost given her the sign that her senior brother was omnipotent in the secret realm.

Since he said so...

Naturally, it was because in the Datang plane, it must have suffered extremely heavy losses.


destroy? !
She said angrily: "Damn it, what the hell is going on with this little girl, Concubine Shixuan? Shall we be buried together?"

mouth angry.

But her eye sockets couldn't help but get wet all of a sudden.

Let the plane of Datang be destroyed, wouldn't her Master Zhu also...

"I don't know the specific situation."

Lin Bin sighed: "Fortunately, we have completed the task here, we can return directly, and then immediately go to that plane to have a look..."

"Well, brother, let's go back quickly."

Hou Hou bit her lip, showing a rare look of pitiful helplessness.

As for Lin Bin...

It's actually quite confusing.

He still doesn't know what happened.

The other party succeeded?
But if successful, theoretically speaking, they should have successfully destroyed the Datang plane and obtained S-level props.

But why now it seems that this S-level item has fallen into his hands?
He thought about the conditions for the formation of world-class props.

When the secret realm is destroyed, the core of the secret realm will appear and exist in the form of parasitic objects, and its unique ability will become a world-class item because it contains the power of an entire world fragment.

That is, S-level props.

Lin Bin had a strange look on his face.

In other words, it is very likely that the apostles successfully destroyed the Datang plane, but the core of the world did not appear, because the only Heshibi that is qualified to be the core of the world has now fallen into his hands.

So Lin Bin, who got the core, got this task.

As long as you complete the entrustment of the origin of the world, you can get the world-class props incarnated from the Datang plane?

Lin Bin looked down at the gold-encrusted ring in his hand.

He's Bi had already been digested by him, leaving only this corner.

Could it be that this horn will become an S-rank item by then?

This time it was really a big deal.

But this time, Lin Bin was not in the mood to be happy...

Because if his prediction is true, the tens of millions of people in the Datang plane may no longer exist.

In particular, the agreement he had painstakingly reached with Zhu Yuyan before was completely invalidated. In a sense, he did earn money, but it was not as big as he imagined.

At the very least, a big sister who he bullied casually is gone.

"Go, find Dongjun, we have to return immediately."

Lin Bin went to look for Concubine Dongjun Yan when he passed Houhou.

Fortunately, everything is ready, and you can go as soon as you say go.

But at this time, just as Lin Bin expected at this time.

In the plane of Tang Dynasty, the plague is rampant.

Whether it is the people of the Central Plains, the little sticks of Goguryeo, or the barbarians of the Turks, etc...all suffered a catastrophe.

Especially as the plague spreads.

Even those martial arts masters were not exempt from the vulgarity and contracted diseases one after another.

And in the process, mysterious reincarnators began to appear again, reaping the lives of those martial arts masters.

Even Cailin, the master of Yijian, was brutally murdered by them.

Ever since, everyone in the Tang Dynasty realized that the reincarnation was behind all this.

But this time, the plans of these reincarnated people are no longer limited to the Central Plains.

Rather, they want to include their entire world... At the very least, many experts have heard that plagues are rampant in places.

Compared with their assassination, the plague is obviously more terrifying.


Covering almost all places in the world.

People in the Central Plains are no strangers to epidemic diseases, and they concluded that there must be a major epidemic after a major disaster.

However, although the normal epidemic is rampant and serious, it will end after a period of time, but who knows that this epidemic not only shows no signs of ending, but intensifies.

In particular, Sun Simiao, the medical sage, also rushed to the scene of the epidemic-stricken area...

Although he was stopped by many people, he said that he has been studying epidemic diseases all year round, and he has already been invulnerable to all kinds of diseases, so he is not afraid of these diseases.

Then he contracted the plague and became seriously ill.

Although he recovered in the end, he wept bitterly, expressing that the Tang Dynasty was destroyed by heaven...it cannot be saved by human power!
Fortunately, at the last moment, Fairy Cihang Jingzhai, who had disappeared for a long time, reappeared, and her appearance even brought a professional special antidote, which was given to Sun Simiao, and she taught him about the virus.

The purpose is very simple, I want it to delve into its formula and research it to save the common people in the world.

Sun Simiao immediately began to study.

But it's a pity that time doesn't wait for me after all. After spending several months, although a part of the antidote has been successfully researched.

But such as Dongying, Goguryeo, and Turks, it is completely too late, and there is even no special medicine on their side... so that, except for the Central Plains, all the surrounding countries have perished.

Before the antidote was developed, even Zhongyuan was reduced to a dead end.

What is even more frightening is that although the Central Plains were immune to the viruses that harmed them before, the viruses from Goguryeo and Turks began to expand towards the Central Plains again.

After such a long period of transmission, the fatality rate is not as serious as before, but it has also caused great harm to the world.

The Datang plane has become riddled with holes under the torment of the virus!
Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Gu Yuan, his purpose is to find the Temple of War God, especially during this period of time, the Demon Sect almost treats him as an ancestor, and they are running around for his affairs...

During this period of time, he helped him find several places related to Jingyan Palace, which also gave him a lot of clues.


When he discovered the virus attack, he immediately determined from the symptoms that these viruses must be maliciously released by reincarnated people.

He didn't want to cause trouble.

Therefore, just teach Zhu Yuyan and the others to cover the face with spun gauze to prevent the droplets in the air from entering the mouth, and most of the disease can be prevented.

But even so.

There are still many disciples of the Demon Sect who have been infected by the epidemic, and have fallen into a state of serious illness.

Ever since, something happened that moved Gu Yuan so much.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yuyan was unwilling to let these trivial things bother him at all, but someone got sick, so she immediately replaced someone to inquire about the news, so as to put his affairs first.

It made Gu Yuan even more determined that she must take good care of this Yingui faction in the future.

But who knew that they didn't want to cause trouble, but the two sides collided in the end.

Just because of reliable information.

The location of the Shocking Wild Goose Palace has probably been found!
When Zhu Yuyan was coughing weakly with a haggard face, she handed the three maps to Gu Yuan's hands, and said that this was the reliable information she obtained after consulting all the information of their holy sect. One of those places where you can never go wrong.

On the former site of Cihang Jingzhai.

Your Majesty the Imperial Palace of the Great Sui Dynasty!
And the retreat place of Turkic Martial Master Bi Xuan.

Especially the last place.

It is said that Wu Zun was originally humble, with extremely poor aptitude, and was bullied all the time, but suddenly one day, he had a sudden encounter, and his strength rose extremely amazingly. Now he has become one of the three great masters, and he probably won the battle. Part of the inheritance of the temple!

Gu Yuan was overjoyed immediately.

Immediately dispatched.

It's a pity that Cihang Jingzhai has already become a ruin at this time, and there is nowhere to check.

The palace of the Great Sui Dynasty has also been burned.

In the end, Gu Yuan could only place her hope in the Turkic Martial Lord's residence, and that was the place with the greatest hope, because Wu Zun was still alive, so she could ask for some reliable information from him.

But when he arrived at the place, he bumped into the opponent's reincarnation.

As for Wu Zun Bixuan, there was only one corpse left.

Gu Yuan will probably never understand how much effort Zhu Yuyan has spent in order to allow him to encounter hostile reincarnations without any doubts, and to create conflicts that are difficult to resolve.

Even in order to make the timing just right, she did not hesitate to take the initiative to get sick, and accompanied Gu Yuan by her side to determine the speed of his itinerary... Gu Yuan has been waiting for so long, so naturally she is not in a hurry for this day For two days, I was too embarrassed to leave Zhu Yuyan, who had been working hard for several months, and could only walk with her.

Then, he happened to witness the death of Wu Zun Bixuan with his own eyes.

"You... what have you done?"

It's not a good feeling to hope that you are about to get it, but then it doesn't feel good.

Gu Yuan's pupils were absent-minded for a while, and she stared at Xue Wu and Tie Kuai in front of her.

As reincarnators, they recognized each other's identities at a glance.

Both Blood Dance and Iron Nugget were stunned for a while, apparently they did not expect that there would be other reincarnations entering this secret realm.

What surprised them even more was the identity of the visitor.

"Gu Yuan?!"

Dare to use her own name as the name of the reincarnation, Gu Yuan's name is already extremely famous among the saint-level reincarnations.

Especially the apostles knew the information of most saint-level reincarnations like the back of their hands.

But they never expected that they would meet here.

While Gu Yuan stared at Bi Xuan's corpse, the blood supply to the brain was insufficient for a while, and she felt extremely dizzy... Before, Zhu Yuyan used a lot of evidence and documents to prove to him that the Temple of War God either does not exist, as long as it exists, it must be there. One of these three locations.

What she said was well-founded, making Gu Yuan completely unable to refute.

But now...

How true Zhu Yuyan's proof was before, how painful it is now.

"You... what have you done!"

Gu Yuan roared angrily.

With his qualification of being invincible in the extraordinary plane at the holy level, he didn't want to provoke him before, but he just didn't want to cause more trouble, but now the enemies are riding on his head to piss and shit.

Can this be tolerated?
"If you don't give me a way to survive, then I will kill you too!"

Gu Yuan's Changsheng true energy burst out, and a gloomy and cold air instantly spread in all directions.

Gu Yuan rushed towards the two reincarnations angrily.

"Gu Yuan! Are you crazy?"

Iron Nugget and Xuewu screamed, and hurriedly dodged...but a little too late, Iron Nugget's right arm was directly covered with a thick layer of frost.

The "Secret of Longevity" was already incomparably miraculous, and it was also blessed by Ming Yugong.

Although going astray...

But the power may not be inferior to the genuine version, especially since he has practiced hard for many years and his skills are extremely profound.

With all his strength, with just one move, two reincarnations from the Transcendent Realm were stumped!
Xue Wu's body was full of blood and energy, and countless bats were flying around.

And her whole body gradually disappeared in the blood, and only her voice shouted: "Gu Yuan, we just want to complete our own tasks and don't want to cause more trouble, but it doesn't mean we are afraid of you. If you keep pestering you, we won't follow you!" You are welcome."

"You're welcome?! I haven't interfered with your previous missions, but I managed to find my target, but you... wait..."

Gu Yuan woke up instantly.

He said coldly: "Okay, that's really interesting. Except for the red secret realm, the reincarnation space will never issue a mission to destroy human beings, but you say this is your mission... White secret realm, destroy the world, I understand, you guys It's an apostle!"

"What are you talking about?"

Iron Nugget panicked when he heard the words, his face flushed, and he stammered, "I, I, we, how could we be the apostles...Ahahahaha...It's just nonsense, you have to have a limit when you slander people ah."

Blood Dance: "........."

"The apostles reappeared? And they started making troubles in the secret realm again?"

Gu Yuan said angrily: "I haven't obtained what I want in this world, but you apostles have reappeared and want to destroy this world. You are looking for your own death!"

He performed light kung fu.

He rushed towards the two of them.

"He knows our identities, so he can't stay!"

There was also a bit of murderous intent in Xuewu's voice, and he said coldly: "It is only a matter of time before the world's extraordinary power is destroyed. We have to wait until the world's core props are obtained by the doctor, but before that, we have to kill this Gu Yuan first. Just do it."

"He knows our identities? How is this possible? Who leaked it?"

Tie Nian was shocked and said: "Sure enough, we are indeed old-fashioned saint-level reincarnations. They are so powerful that they guessed our identity all at once."

Blood Dance: "..."

"Don't worry about it, kill people first."

With a low growl, countless bats flew towards Gu Yuan.


Iron Nugget also roared angrily.

The whole body is metalized, and the strengthening ability from the mutant makes him instantly invulnerable, even more powerful!

Even his body swelled by more than half, a full three meters, like a huge little giant.

Accompanied by the loud sound of footsteps.

He also rushed towards Gu Yuan.

Zhu Yuyan coughed a few times exhaustedly, took two steps back with an extremely pale face, sat on the Diaoyutai, and watched the tension on both sides.

My heart couldn't help but get heavier...

During this period of time, she also paid attention to the outside world.

Then it was discovered that although Shi Feixuan, who had already left this world, suddenly appeared and saved many innocent lives in the Datang plane... But in fact, this world has really been messed up.

She didn't know what the other party's purpose was.

But there is no doubt that if their purpose is to destroy the world, then their purpose has really been achieved.

A terrible virus swept the whole world.

Datang has become ruins.

It's also time...

Find a way out for yourself.

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