when reincarnation invades

Chapter 195 I Will Seriously Listen to Your Chapter

Chapter 195 I Will Seriously Listen to What You Say

In the spacious official car.

Lei Meng glanced at the mother and daughter who were sitting in the back, snuggling up to each other because they were riding in a car for the first time.

The original intention was to win over a master to join the World Bureau.

But I didn't expect that this master already had a master.

Lin Bin is a member of the World Bureau, and this alien is so devoted to Lin Bin that he even gave birth to a baby...

Don't discuss the issue of time, after many years of knowing that this world is the world of B-190, he feels that the time aspect is not a problem at all, it is better to say that the time is just right.

After all, the inside and outside of the words, the words are all my brother Ting Bin.

If you're not infatuated, how can you be so obedient?
No matter how thick-skinned Raymond was, he was too embarrassed to rob his subordinates, especially when he saw his subordinate's daughter.

He hesitated for a moment, and took out a small and delicate bracelet from the storage space.

He smiled and said: "I saw my niece for the first time. I came here in a hurry and didn't prepare any gifts. Yueer, right? Uncle has a storage bracelet here, which has about 3 cubic meters of space. There are no high-end props, but it is very convenient to pack some snacks, clothes, etc., which can be regarded as a gift from uncle to you."


Concubine Yan hurriedly said: "Mr. Lei Ju doesn't have to be so polite..."

"Hey, Abin is my right-hand man and has helped me a lot. What's a small meeting gift for my niece? It's not easy for him to laugh at me as a leader who is stingy... We are all a family, don't What are you talking about?"

Raymond's heart bleeds.

This guy didn't even tell me in advance.

This is a gift he prepared for his future daughter. He intends to give it to her as a meeting gift after her college entrance examination is over and she becomes a reincarnation.

Now it seems that it has to be re-prepared.

I hate this damn Huaguo elder meeting ceremony, second only to red envelopes during the Chinese New Year.

Concubine Yan carefully looked at Lei Meng, but saw that his face had always been livid, as if he was born this way, and it was not because he was hurt or unhappy.

Although there seems to be something wrong with what he said.

She still whispered: "In this case, Yue'er, why don't you hurry up and thank Uncle."

"Thank you Uncle Ray."

Gao Yue happily took the bracelet, and said joyfully, "Ah, the reincarnation watch reminded me that I got a C-level item."

"That's good……"

Raymond's stiff face slowly eased a lot with her joyful smile

Who doesn't love a cute little girl?
The voice fell, and Lei Meng's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Cao Cao, Cao Cao, A Bin is so worried about you mother and daughter, he told me all about it, and even called me."

Lei Meng admired: "He has come into contact with quite a few women, but this is the first time he has met someone who cares so much about your mother and daughter..."

Concubine Yan showed a bit of twitching when she heard the words, and said vaguely: "This... Actually, Mr. Lei Ju, you misunderstood..."

Raymond had already connected to the phone, and then his expression changed, and he said in surprise, "What? The B-185 plane has been destroyed? All the remaining people are evacuating? Where are you now?"

The Datang plane has been destroyed.

This coordinate point is obviously no longer precious.

Lin Bin did not hide anything, and directly reported the location.

"I'll contact you right away. You take care of those refugees first. Are there only tens of thousands of people? Hateful apostles..."

It is naturally a good thing that Huaguo has a brand new group of people, but what they are looking forward to more is the normal invasion rather than this kind of near escape method.

Especially from Lin Bin's tone of voice, it was the apostles who did it.

The apostles also belonged to this world.

At this time, Hua Guo must show their enthusiasm with the greatest sincerity, and they must not let them count the hatred of their world's destruction on this world, otherwise, these tens of thousands of people are tens of thousands of hot potatoes. For those people who don't know anything, it is almost fatal.

Lei Meng looked back at Concubine Yan, and said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry, brother and sister, I have something urgent to do here. The car has an automatic cruise control function. I will directly set the location at Abin's house. When you arrive at the place, you can directly Just go up, don't worry about leaving the car there..."

"Well, it's okay, Mr. Lei Ju, go and do your work."

Concubine Yan was also stunned.

Just came to this world, and heard the shocking news... Destruction of the secret realm?
She once heard from Lin Bin that the world she lived in was actually a secret realm, that is, a complete world.

But now, a secret realm has been destroyed to the point where only tens of thousands of people escaped.

How many people will be killed or injured?
tens of millions?
In comparison, Qin Guobai's murder of Zhao Guo's 40 yuan back then seems nothing.

The real world is just too scary.

Concubine Yan could only nod her head honestly, and didn't even refute her brother and sister.

Lei Meng set the speed and the end point of the car, and without stopping, he opened the sunroof and jumped out.


Concubine Yan sighed sincerely: "This world is too dangerous. It seems that in the future, we will have to rely on Brother Bin even more."

She doesn't like to be attached to people, but in this world, although her strength is still extremely strong, it is obviously far from being able to protect herself.

And this time.

Hidden clouds behind the mountains.

Lin Bin directly cut down all the surrounding trees with a sharp weapon, clearing a large open space...

Hou Hou quickly ran down the mountain to buy food.

Zhu Yuyan was in charge of managing the order. These people were panicked, but they were still extremely convinced of the Sect Master who was powerful enough to compete with those terrifying reincarnations.

The water is boiling...

Skulls emerged from the bottom of the water one after another, and then crawled out of the water...the body was exhausted, and the expression was in a daze.

The home is gone.

Although they are still alive, but right now, they are really just alive.

Because of this, although the number of people is large and people's hearts are chaotic, it is very easy to arrange, so that they can squat wherever they want.

Linbin used the felled trees to raise a fire and let them dry their clothes.

There are too many people, rushing down the mountain, it is likely to have an impact on the surrounding cities...

And Hou Hou distributed the purchased food one by one.

There were more and more people, but among these people, there were quite a few disciples of the Yingui Sect. Obviously, they had taken precautions in advance, and Zhu Yuyan still retained a lot of the Yingui Sect's vitality.

They follow Houhou to run errands to buy.

Apart from the fact that spending money like running water makes Hou Hou a little distressed, it is not too busy.


This hillside was bustling with refugees.

until this time.

Concubine Xuancai and another beautiful girl in Tsing Yi supported each other and slowly walked out of the water...but her expression was even more bewildered.

The education she had received since she was a child was that the evil king Shi Zhixuan was an obscene and despicable person who used all means to achieve his goals, and countless innocent lives died in his hands.

Later, although he was recognized as his father.

But she really never imagined that such a king of evil would sacrifice his life to save her.

In a sense, these tens of thousands of people were saved thanks to Shi Zhixuan.

Looking up, he saw Lin Bin.

She moved her lower lip and called out in a very soft voice, "Brother Bin."

"Thank you for your hard work, leave the rest to me."

Lin Bin gently hugged Concubine Shixuan in his arms with some pity. Next to her, Shi Qingxuan was about to get angry, but saw Concubine Shixuan's trembling delicate body in Lin Bin's arms.

She suddenly woke up.

This obviously doesn't involve any difference between men and women, it's just comfort among friends...

Shi Qingxuan can only tell herself to do as the Romans do, maybe such a hug is normal in another world, right?Maybe he'll come to hug me after he's done hugging her... I mustn't be too surprised.

Fortunately, Lin Bin has always respected Shi Feixuan, and he didn't mean to be rude, but just hugged her lightly to show comfort.

Then he let go of her, without asking her about her experience in Neizhong, but comforted her softly: "You have done a good job, leave it to me...you go to the side to rest for a while, see you are all I have dark circles under my eyes, haven't I had a good night's sleep for a long time?"

Shi Feixuan nodded slightly.

He said gratefully, "Brother Robin is here."

"This is what I should do."

Looking at the bewildered people around him, it was the first time in his life that a huge opportunity fell on his head, but Lin Bin didn't feel very happy.

The task prompts that as long as the apostles who destroyed Datang died, he could get an S-level item as he got the core item.

A-level props are already so powerful.

The power of S-level props must be even more unimaginable...

It can be seen that these surviving common people are all disheveled and dejected.

Instead, he felt unbearable.

Lin Bin showed a determined look on his face, and said coldly: "These damned apostles, I will definitely make them pay the price!"

"Thank you, Brother Bin."

Concubine Shixuan thanked her softly, and watched as a large number of car lights began to flicker below the mountain, accompanied by the sound of horns.

"Don't panic, everyone. We are from the Huaguo Rescue Team. We have brought you food and water, as well as a change of clothes and sleeping bags. Huaguo has already opened a new residence for you at the nearest place under the mountain. Within, let everyone live in a brand new house, with a new home and identity."

Before the car arrived, the horn had already begun to circle.

And the self-confidence of the infrastructure madman directly made a three-day promise.

Everyone who listened felt a little peace of mind.

Only then did Concubine Xuan feel relieved, and said apologetically, "Sorry, brother Bin, Concubine Xuan is really tired and wants to rest for a while."

"Go ahead."

Seeing Shi Feixuan leave, Lin Bin went to the foot of the mountain, joined the rescue team, and introduced the current situation.

"You did very well."

Lei Meng patted Lin Bin on the shoulder and said with a smile, "My good boy, I heard that the reason these refugees survived was because Gu Yuan temporarily entered this secret realm and collided with those apostles..."

"Yeah, thanks to Mr. Gu, if it wasn't for him, maybe we wouldn't even know that the apostles started to come out to make trouble again."

Lin Bin said with a look of fear: "It is thanks to Mr. Gu that these apostles were exposed. Otherwise, if they continue to hide in the dark, there may be some sinister and terrible plan to destroy the world. By the time they complete their plan, wouldn’t it be too late? From this point of view, Mr. Gu has completely exposed the existence of the apostles, which is actually a good thing for our country of China.”

"Yes, yes, that's what you say, and that's what I listen to."

Even though Raymond was naturally cold, he couldn't help but laugh.

This kid had asked him about the apostle before, and it didn't take long for Gu Yuan to confront the apostle.

Pigs don't believe it if they say it has nothing to do with this kid.

I really don't know how he did it...

"In short, this is the best way, because of this matter, the existence of the apostles was directly exposed, and they will inevitably become rats in the street. At that time, they will definitely hate the person who caused them to be exposed, that is, Gu Yuan... Remember, This has nothing to do with you, understand?"

"It had nothing to do with me."

Lin Bin sighed: "It's just that these people are pitiful."

"Don't worry, we will give them a physical examination, teach them the characters and common sense of our modern world, and then arrange the identity and work of our Huaguo. At most one month, they will be able to fully integrate into our world, and they will be completely different from ordinary people. make any difference."

Raymond said: "And even if they don't understand anything, their salary standards are all based on the standards of college students looking for jobs."

Lin Bin was shocked and said, "Why don't you starve to death?"

"How much do you look down on our college students in Huaguo?"

"No, no, no, I think they are better than migrant workers, and I finally understand why it is so hard for college students to find a job. It turns out that the work unit has already been hired out."

Lei Meng said speechlessly, "Which side are you on?"

Lin Bin sighed: "Just kidding to liven up the atmosphere, to be honest, I feel a little heavy right now..."

"Then let me tell you something that makes you happy."

"whats the matter?"

"Your two... Concubine Dongjun Yan and Gao Yue, right? I can help you put their household registrations on the B-185 plane. In this way, their mother and daughter can get a fair The identities that appear anywhere, especially the little girl Yue'er, have to enter the reincarnation space at a young age, what do you think?"

Lei Meng looked at Lin Bin's reprimand, and shouted: "As a parent, you don't care about the safety of your children at all..."

"Isn't it impossible for people to do this?"

Lin Bin thought that Concubine Dongjun Yan's escape from the secret realm was already quite good, and it was absolutely impossible to give her daughter the identity of an ordinary person.

However, Lei Meng's words brightened his eyes, and he asked, "Could it be that, like the landlady's wife... no, Mrs. Tang's mother and daughter, let Yue'er also choose to retire?"

"My own world is destroyed, so I can naturally get a chance, but I think that Concubine Dongjun Yan looks like a good wife, it seems that she should want to accompany you to experience more, but Yue'er is too young, when the time comes I'll leave the identity certificate to me, just change it, it's very simple, you don't have to worry about it."

Lin Bin said gratefully, "Thank you Bureau Lei."

Concubine Yan might cry with joy after hearing the news. After all, the price of escaping from the Qin Shi plane is that her daughter must enter the reincarnation space. She has long been worried about this.

"Go and do your work. Also, I will collect some snacks in the future. I have already seen that you are a little bit towards young women... Forget it, I don't want to worry about your personal preferences."

He looked at Zhu Yuyan who was walking this way.


Compared with the dignified Concubine Dongjunyan, Zhu Yuyan was obviously too charming.

Lei Meng was obviously displeased, he snorted softly, got up and left.

After walking far away, he took out his mobile phone and ordered: "Xiao Wang, when I count the list of B-185 aliens later, add two more people to me... Yes, I don't need to report to the above, what? It doesn't fit. Rules? You little comrade really doesn’t wink at all. Don’t you know how to deal with extraordinary things? This is a romantic debt made by one of my subordinates. Just let the family of three be fulfilled. When you have something to do, you can find me. That’s it I can still bear the burden."

(End of this chapter)

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