when reincarnation invades

Chapter 196 On the Self-Cultivation of a Faithful Horseman

With a rescue team.

Lin Bin took some time off, and finally got to know Zhu Yuyan a few words in detail.

Only then did he realize that among the group of fleeing refugees, there must be three or four disciples of the Yin Gui Sect out of 100 people.

In other words...

The plane of Datang was indeed destroyed.

The Yingui sect also lost a large number of disciples, but its most elite group still survived, and they came to the real world with her.

"Yuyan was worried that too many Yingui sect disciples would cause panic among the people, so she only arranged some of them to help Houhou resettle the refugees, but in fact, there are still many elite disciples of our Holy Sect hidden in this group of people. Yuyan let them hide among the people, and don't reveal their identities to the government of this world, it may be useful in the future."

"It seems that you already have the intention to deal with it, otherwise, you wouldn't have done so well."

Lin Bin looked into the distance.


An old man with white beard and hair was talking impassionedly to Raymond, his tone quite excited.

It should be the medical sage Sun Simiao who joined hands with his concubine Xuan to save tens of thousands of people.

At this time, Concubine Shi Xuan had already gone to the side to rest.

At this moment, standing by Sun Simiao's side was a charming young woman who looked quite similar to Zhu Yuyan. Although she covered her face with a light veil, she couldn't see her specific face clearly, but her graceful demeanor made people bear it. I can't help being fascinated by it.

While she was doing chores beside Sun Simiao, she turned her head from time to time and scolded the pretty girl in men's clothes next to her not to run around.

Accidentally, his eyes fell on Zhu Yuyan's side...

The exposed eyes showed a bit of complicated meaning.

Zhu Yuyan naturally understood Lin Bin's meaning, and sighed softly: "Ever since she learned about the main world from the young master, Yuyan has been preparing to enter the main world, but she never thought it would be in this way...Now everyone They are all busy, and when they settle down, Yuyan will definitely bring Xian'er to the door to thank the young master, if not for the young master, their mother and daughter may have died without knowing why."

Lin Bin asked, "Well, so that little girl is Shan Wanjing?"

Zhu Yuyan was a little hesitant when she heard the words, and she finally plucked up the courage to say: "My lord, I will live up to my death at the hands of my lord. Xian'er must be grateful to you, but Wanjing is not married after all. , I want to ask the young master to let her go and let her live at a normal pace in this world, okay?"

Even she herself felt strange.

She is now extremely powerful, even surpassing the evil king Shi Zhixuan.

But facing Lin Bin, he felt more and more awe. He put himself in a low position before, just to satisfy the other party's masculinity, and to get benefits more conveniently, such as Holy Relic, Holy relic, holy relic and so on.

But now...

But she felt that in front of him, she really had no choice but to bow down and be a little girl.

"What are you thinking?"

Lin Bin glanced at Zhu Yuyan with a strange expression, and said speechlessly: "The Datang plane has just been destroyed and so many people have died. If I can still have this kind of thought, what is the difference between me and a beast? Or is it in Yuyan yours?" In your heart, am I the kind of anxious person?"

Zhu Yuyan thought to herself that it is true in normal times.

but now……

Hearing Lin Bin's veto, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said happily: "Yuyan underestimated you, young master. I thought you were not interested in this matter, young master, so naturally you wouldn't care too much... I didn't expect young master You can still empathize with…”

"Whether you want to be stabbed or not, put it aside, this matter will definitely never end."

Lin Bin glanced at Shan Meixian again, and said, "You should do your work first, and we'll talk about it in detail when things are stable...I also have some things to deal with here, so let Wan Wan stay and assist you."


Lin Bin greeted Lei Meng, and then went to see Master Feixuan, who was sleeping deeply on Shi Qingxuan's shoulder.

It seemed that seeing Lin Bin was like seeing sustenance, and he was completely relaxed.

Shi Qingxuan seemed to know Lin Bin's intention, and waved to him lightly.

Lin Bin didn't bother, and left in his own H9.

Although the reality is cruel, it is actually much better than Lin Bin imagined.

He even once thought that the Tang Dynasty was completely barren, and there was no life left... But now it seems that there are still tens of thousands of people left, which is already a blessing.

Presumably it was also because of the surviving of these common people that the S-level props were not directly formed and taken away by them. Instead, he who got the Heshibi got this opportunity?

There is also Yingui faction...

Lin Bin already had a general understanding of the current situation in the Tang Dynasty. Although Li Shimin was an emperor through the ages, it was a pity that facing the reincarnation, his emperor's destiny had no effect at all. He failed to survive the first round of the epidemic and died.

So much so that there is currently no leader in the Tang Dynasty.

And Zhu Yuyan made a decisive decision immediately.

Taking care of the overall situation, it can be said that these people escaped safely, and she contributed a lot.

Therefore, Momen did lose more than [-]% of its masters, and even many disciples of the Yingui Sect suffered heavy casualties.

Even Bai Qing'er died at the hands of those reincarnations.

But in fact, its core elite strength has not lost much... In other words, Zhu Yuyan's is his.

in the real world.

Finally, Lin Bin is no longer alone, but has a very useful team.

That is to say, there were too many people killed and injured, which made Lin Bin feel a little heavy unconsciously.

Otherwise, he would have to cheer happily at this moment.

He did nothing.

But get all the benefits.

The apostles made a futile trip.

Gu Yuan provoked the apostle, a powerful enemy, for no reason, and he would be happy to see whoever wins, rather than dog-eat-dog.

There is also the help of the Yingui faction...

"By the way, there's also Feiyan's side, so we have to tell them the good news as soon as possible."

Thinking, Lin Bin accelerated the accelerator.

H9 pressed the maximum speed of the monitoring speed limit and rushed towards the community.

Before entering the door, I gave a cigarette to the guard, old Dong, to make a good relationship.

This is also an old-fashioned reincarnation, but I don't know whether it is a native or a foreigner... But the most unofficial person in the security guard is the guard, which Lin Bin still understands.

And this time.

The house was very lively, not only Concubine Yan and Gao Yue had already arrived at Lin Bin's house.

In addition, Tang Yuefu, Nie Wanrong and her daughter were also there.

No matter how strong Concubine Dongjunyan was, she took her daughter and fled to someone else's house, and faced that person's sister, she felt somewhat awkward.

Although after asking about their origins, Lin Xue enthusiastically helped them clean up the empty room.

Because there is a storage room in the fourth room, the mother and daughter can only temporarily live in the same room.

But her attitude is obviously impeccable, and her enthusiasm is even beyond Concubine Yan's imagination...

Until I saw Lin Bin come back.

Concubine Yan was relieved.

And when she heard the news brought back by Lin Bin, she exclaimed even more pleasantly: "So, Yue'er doesn't have to be a reincarnation anymore?"

"That's right, it was a coincidence that the B-185 plane was destroyed, and only tens of thousands of people escaped from it. These people will be accepted by the Hua Kingdom, and then directly put them on Feiyan, your mother and daughter." If you do not have household registration, you are no longer smuggled travelers, but strangers who can trace your roots."

Lin Bin said with a smile: "You are powerful, Fei Yan, so you can naturally continue to be a reincarnation, but Yue'er is just a child, it is obviously too inhumane to make her a reincarnation, so you can directly re-certify her through the reincarnation space association." identity, then the reincarnation Yue'er will naturally cease to exist."

"Yes, in this way, Fei Yan and Qin Shi's secret realm really have nothing to do with each other."

Concubine Yan couldn't help smiling lonely, but even she was surprised that she didn't feel too much sadness, but a sense of relief... It seemed that she had finally got rid of all the entanglements of the past and could start a new life up.

"Congratulations, Miss Feiyan."

The landlady was quite wary of Concubine Yan before, but seeing her intimate appearance towards Lin Bin, she seemed to realize something.

The hostility also goes.

It's just that for some reason, Nie Wanrong, the landlady's daughter, became even more hostile to Concubine Yan.

She smiled and said, "I also used this method to cancel my status as a reincarnator. Otherwise, our mother and daughter would still be struggling to survive in the secret realm."

Concubine Yan said gratefully, "Thanks to Brother Bin for all of this."

"You don't need to thank me. It's mainly Lei Ju's suggestion. After all, as an industry insider, his experience is much, much richer than mine. I just nodded along with the trend, but it's good that things go well."

For one's own leader, even if he is behind others, he must mention him more... This is the necessary cultivation for a loyal horseman.

However, Concubine Yan looked at Lin Bin with grateful eyes, but her eyes did not change.

Apparently she also knew that even if it was Lei Meng's proposal, if it wasn't for Lin Bin's sake, he would go to such trouble for their mother and daughter?
To put it bluntly, don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face.

On the contrary, Gao Yue looked unhappy. Obviously, she still wanted to have great power. If she could become as powerful as her brother Bin, wouldn't she have to leave Sister Rong by then?

As a result, the promised secret realm disappeared.

But Lin Bin persuaded her a few words, saying that it is gone now, and when I get old, I want to take the exam. With two such powerful reincarnations by your side, are you afraid that you won't pass the exam?

Only then did Gao Yue turn his disappointment into joy.

Now that Lin Bin came back, the landlady naturally didn't stay any longer, and asked Nie Wanrong to follow Lin Xue to make up lessons for a while after dinner.

Forcibly grabbed her who still didn't want to leave and walked away together.

Lin Xue slept very late.

It was rare to see her younger brother again. She was lying on the bed, and Lin Bin was sitting by the bed, chatting with her, talking about all kinds of things he had encountered in the secret realm.

He didn't even hide Tang Tianhao's existence, and told the truth...

Now that I have told her about the secret realm, I can naturally talk about these things with her.

And the downfall of Datang.

The destruction of billions of living beings is a living population.

Lin Bin was actually a little happy that the S-level props were about to be obtained, but this happiness turned into guilt when he saw the desperation of these common people.

The complicated thoughts in his mind could not be explained in words, so he could only vent his emotions to Lin Xue. Listening to her soft voice of comfort made Lin Bin feel much better.

After a long time.

It was well past eleven o'clock, and Lin Xue, who had already surpassed her biological clock, yawned and slowly fell asleep.

Lin Bin helped her tuck in the quilt.

come out……

Gao Yue had already been ordered to sleep.

In the huge living room, Concubine Yu Yan was the only one waiting quietly. She didn't even turn on the lights. The mottled light from the street lamps outside shone in through the reflection of the glass and sprinkled on her body, outlining a dark and attractive curve, as if The succubus in the dark is also tempting.

Lin Bin asked with a smile, "Why can't you sleep?"

Concubine Yan sighed softly: "I feel at ease, but also a little uneasy."

"Why are you down-to-earth? Why are you not down-to-earth?"

"Yue'er doesn't need to reincarnate, she is naturally at ease, but Fei Yan didn't expect that the main world would be so crouching tiger, hidden dragon. The doorman and the landlady I saw today are really terrifying in strength. The proud strength seems to be very difficult to protect itself, let alone Yue'er, so why not rely on brother Bin's protection? But what's going on if it goes on like this?"

"Don't worry, you'll understand when you enter the secret realm a few more times."

Lin Bin smiled and said, "Actually, you are already very strong."

But the landlady is strong?

Lin Bin thought to himself that I didn't notice it.

"Stay wronged and live here for the time being. When the status over there is stable, the country will allocate a house for you. I will try my best to let you live in this community."

Concubine Yan hesitated for a moment when she heard the words, and said, "Actually, this place is pretty good..."

Lin Binyi said: "Then we have to fight for a set. If you want to live in it, you can rent it out if you don't want to. With such strong security, it is not too much to charge a rent of [-] a year."

"Well, Fei Yan listens to Brother Bin."

"It's getting late, go to bed quickly, the bed is a bit small, you two squeeze first, and I'll change it to a bigger one for you tomorrow, by the way, have you taken a shower? Can you use the shower?"

"Yes, Miss Lin Xue has already taught Fei Yan."

After chatting with Lin Bin for a while, Concubine Yan's mood improved a lot.

He gently bowed his knees to Lin Bin and gave a Wanfu salute, then turned around and walked back.

As for Lin Bin, he went to the bathroom to wash up first.

There are two bathrooms, because Lin Xue's legs are inconvenient, so her bathroom has been remodeled.

Of course, the three of them will use the ones in the living room. Lin Bin didn’t realize it before, but now he sees that there are two more pink toothbrush cup holders on the shelf. Maybe it’s because Concubine Yan just took a bath. There was also a familiar and moving body fragrance, but it was much more greasy than the fragrance when the two of them were talking face to face, perhaps because they were not separated by clothes.

Lin Bin inexplicably remembered the words that Zhu Yuyan was coming to visit.

Then shook his head...

Bah, men really can't see meat, just like dogs can't bite people, once they bite...they can't go back.

Wash and bathe.

Then go back to your room and close the door.

Make sure it's past twelve o'clock at night, so there shouldn't be anyone busy chasing and killing others.

Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed Gu Yuan's communication.

It's also time to ask him how his record is going.

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