Accompanied by several beeps.

The other side picked up very quickly, and the first thing Lin Bin heard was the sound of the sea wind whistling waves.

The other party has rushed to the beach at this time.


Gu Yuan's voice carried an uncontrollable depression.

It's just that after all, I owe Lin Bin a huge favor, and I still have to suppress my unhappiness. I look like a social animal who was called up by the boss in the middle of the night to work, full of anger but dare not vent it softly, and softly said: "Abin Hey, I didn't expect you to be the first person to contact me."

"No way, we are all practitioners of "Longevity", not only you, even I am very interested in the God of War catalogue."

Lin Bin's words instantly narrowed the distance between the two.

Gu Yuan said regretfully: "Unfortunately, I let them escape. I chased them all the way to the beach. I didn't expect these people to have diving equipment, so they just jumped into the water and escaped. It's a shame that the God of War catalog is already close at hand. In the end, it was messed up by them!"

So, he chased him half the night.

But in a daze, he couldn't kill a single person?
Lin Bin was secretly shocked, he naturally would not think that Gu Yuan was incompetent.

In fact, his ability to regain the "Secret of Longevity" in an extraordinary body surrounded by many warriors was already evident.

It can only be said that the strength of these apostles may be beyond imagination, and it seems that they should not be careless when they encounter them later.

Gu Yuan was angry with a bit of grievance, and sighed: "This is really God's death. With your help, Abin, everything should be logical, but who would have thought that the apostle has disappeared for so many years?" The organization can come back out of the rivers and lakes, and as soon as it appeared, it collided with me. This... How bad luck must it be to hit the muzzle of the apostles? Damn, that is, the apostles disappeared and never appeared before, otherwise I really can't help but wonder if there is a pair of big hands quietly manipulating all this behind the scenes."

There was no concealment of grievance in his tone.

In order to enter the extraordinary secret realm, he actually paid a lot of price.

If he really can't find it, he has nothing to say...

But he was about to find it, but happened to bump into the apostle, who had disappeared for so many years, and bumped into him when he came out.

This made him really unable to cry.

Lin Bin resolutely said: "We must never give up with them!"

"That's right, we must never give up with them!"

Gu Yuan said angrily: "Now that the space of reincarnation is on the right track, the existence of the apostle who disrupts the balance will definitely not be allowed to exist. I want to make the news of the apostle's re-emergence completely public. At that time, if they want to enter again If other samsara spaces are in trouble, the samsara space will inevitably release tasks, let the samsara people target them, and I will make them do nothing!"

"Mr. Gu, I support you!"

Lin Bin also said impassionedly: "Mr. Gu, please send me a copy of the detailed information on the apostle who escaped, and I will also launch my intelligence network here to help you investigate the specific information about this apostle. If the time is found, we will join hands to make them!"

" matter has nothing to do with you, why do you..."

"Brother, we practice the same exercises, do you still remember that you promised before that after you get the God of War catalog, you must share it with me!"

Lin Bin said earnestly: "Brother's promise is still in my ears. Even if I don't get the God of War catalog now, is this affection gone because of a mere exercise?"

did i promise
How can I not remember?There seems to be some, but it was just a polite word at the time.

Gu Yuan was a little dazed, but then a huge emotion came to her heart.

He said seriously: "Good brother, good brother...Okay, I will send you the information later, but you must remember not to be rash, your strength is still a bit weak after all, and if you have any information at that time, you can give it to me." Big brother, let big brother take action, if you end up getting injured because of helping me out, big brother is afraid that you will have to sleep and eat for the rest of your life!"

"Don't worry, brother, I understand!"

"Unfortunately, I failed to get the God of War catalog back, and I'm afraid I won't be able to get it back in the future, brother...I...I'm ashamed of you...Don't worry, I know what you need, I just wanted to tell you this The thing is, during this period of time, I was in a secret realm and couldn't reply to the messages in the real world, but I have always paid attention to the things you asked me to do before. I just browsed through it, and an old friend really replied Me, he said he held a prop in his hand, which should be able to heal your sister's legs."

Gu Yuan sighed: "It's a pity that I sent him a message again, but he didn't reply. It seems that he has entered the secret realm to practice. When he comes out, I will contact him as soon as possible."

"Oh? Thank you so much, brother."

"My brother, what are you doing so politely?"

The two hung up the conversation.

Lin Bin nodded in satisfaction.

Not only did he obtain the detailed identities of the enemy apostles, he also summoned a powerful shield to attract the firepower of the apostles, and he also obtained the great favor of this meat shield.

One phone call kills three birds with one stone.

It's simply refreshing.

A moment later, a message came back.

The information inside is extremely detailed.

"There were three apostles who entered the secret realm of the Tang Dynasty. One of them strengthened his mutant ability and was invulnerable, but his internal organs were smashed to death by Gu Yuan's palm. Indeed... the reincarnation of this enhanced system was slapped to death by martial arts player Tianke. Not surprising, the other two have strengthened the blood of the blood clan? The strength is infinitely close to the holy level?"

Lin Bin suddenly thought of the blood ancestor prop in his hand.

I don't know if I can use it...

The other person is strengthened, which is very complicated. That person also caused a lot of trouble for Gu Yuan.

But Gu Yuan has rich experience, and he still recognized his general strengthening route.

Mind power system.

"Could it be the power of thought from the plane of Ant-Man? If so, the change is really difficult..."

Gu Yuan now seems to regard Lin Bin as his half-brother, not only giving them all the detailed information, but even giving some of his conjectures, and giving very detailed suggestions on how to deal with them.

Lin Bin looked very satisfied.

It seems that this time things are probably stable.

Just have to wait.

Lin Bin dialed another number that he had encrypted and would not contact on weekdays.

Accompanied by a few beeps.

The other side will be connected soon.

Deng Yang's familiar voice rang in his ears, asking, "What's the matter?"

"Well, there are some things I want to ask you for help."

"You said."

"I want to find two people inside the apostle organization. One is called a doctor, who strengthens the mind power system, and the other is called Blood Dance, who strengthens the same blood system as you. Do you have any clues about them?"

Deng Yang asked: "What do you want to do?"

Lin Bin said, "I want to kill them!"

"Could it be to avenge the Datang plane?"

"Ah... well, that's right!"

Lin Binyi said righteously: "How can the righteous people of our generation tolerate the survival of such young people? The apostles must die."

"But unfortunately, I can't help you right now."

Deng Yang regretted: "I should have told you before that this operation is not just one of the ghost organization, they belong to the other two organizations, and I am a deputy, it is really inconvenient to inquire about the people of the other two organizations Of course, it is not impossible, but in this way, it is difficult for me to hide it from my elder brother. In this way, if something happens to them, my elder brother will immediately suspect me. My identity is too precious, so easy Exposure is not a good thing."

"That's true...that's the second thing I want to tell you."

"whats the matter?"

"Didn't you say that when my strength reaches the holy level, I will do you a favor and kill that good brother of yours? I have reached my strength now."

"What? So fast?!"

Deng Yang's deep voice immediately became extremely high-pitched, and it was hard to hide even the sharpness.

He was surprised: "You have reached the level of sanctification now?"

"If you become an apostle, will you be able to find out the whereabouts of those two people?"

"You didn't hesitate to kill a serious apostle in order to find two trash from the apostle organization?"

Deng Yang was shocked and said, "Why don't I know when you became so affectionate and righteous?"

"You just say whether to do it or not."

"I suggest taking it slow. Before we were able to kill the eleven apostles, it was a bit of a fluke. But now, after my elder brother became an apostle, he got a lot of resources and improved his own strength a lot. You just became an apostle. As a saint-level reincarnation person, I don’t have enough background, I think it’s better to wait for me to break through and become a saint, and it’s safer for the two of us to join forces.”

Deng Yang said: "Don't worry, I also have full confidence that it should be done soon."

"Do you think you are the only one who has a big brother?"

Lin Bin sneered and said, "Since I dare to propose, I am sure of it. We don't even need to take the initiative. I have also found a big brother here. He hates the apostle very much now. I can definitely let the two big brothers do well." Compare it, even if that Xu Feng can win, he will definitely have to pay a high price, then we can get a big deal..."

"My big brother is a fake, it doesn't matter if he dies, but your big brother..."

"My big brother is real. Although it doesn't matter if he is dead, it's better to keep him alive. Seeing the apostle now is like seeing the murderer of his father and enemy. We will be much safer if we keep him outside to target the apostle."

"I roughly understand what you mean, Gu Yuan? I have heard of this name before. It is said that in the martial arts strengthening system, it can be regarded as a successful figure. If he joins, the chance of success will be much greater. And it's really better to keep him. When I meet some competitive enemy, I will let him know and let him solve the opponent for me. Wouldn't I be able to climb fast? Hmm, good idea, the matter is finalized like this, I will arrange the specifics!"

"Okay, you can just pick a suitable time from your elder brother's itinerary. When the time comes, I will let my elder brother let it go, and we can sit on the mountain and watch the brothers fight, and take advantage of the opportunity to reap the benefits."

"Okay, I'll get back to you in half an hour."

Deng Yang is also a bold character, otherwise he would not be addicted to undercover games and unable to extricate himself.

After hanging up the phone with Lin Bin.

He opened his itinerary for the first time...

Xu Feng's itinerary is easy to find.

In other words, as Xu Feng's deputy, he really knows Xu Feng's itinerary too well...even with...

After confirming the itinerary.

In order to prevent Lin Bin from rushing to nothing.

He also called Xu Feng immediately to confirm, "Brother Xu, I checked our itinerary for the last seven days, are you sure there will be no changes?"

On the opposite side, Xu Feng asked back: "Why do you ask that suddenly?"

"It's nothing, I feel like my blood has started to surge recently, and I might break through again. I need to arrange the breakthrough time and schedule, otherwise, if you need me not by your side, then I, the ghost's second-in-command, will be fine." So incompetent."

"A breakthrough again? So fast?"

The voice on the other side suddenly became tense, and asked with concern: "Brother, are you alright? Could it be that there is something wrong with your body so soon?"

"It's okay. It's probably because I'm particularly used to the strengthening system of the blood race. I entered the secret realm some time ago, and then I made great progress."

"Okay, then I might really need to change the itinerary. Three days later, I was planning to negotiate a major matter with the Lord of the Dark Country, the Seventh Apostle, but she couldn't get away because of something. Today I plan to go Go to Qingqiu Town, visit an old ghost of ghost, if we can get his support, we can completely control ghost, and I plan to make you the next ghost immediately after that old senior returns to ghost heir."

"Brother... I..."

"You are extremely talented, far beyond my imagination. Naturally, I am willing to give you more help, good brother, don't say anything else, when the time comes, you can go with me to that old senior to catch a glimpse."

"Thank you bro."

Hang up.

In a private and luxurious single-family house.

Xu Feng hung up the phone with a livid face, and said to himself in shock: "It's just raising a scapegoat. Now it's fine to kill the owner, and it will grow and get fatter? No... If it goes on like this, how can he Isn't it going to overtake me soon? It seems that we have to do it in advance, this Deng Yang... can't stay anymore, but fortunately I left behind when I strengthened you, killing you... It's like picking something out of a bag, it's easy."

He sighed and said: "My good brother, if you want to blame, I will blame you for being too ignorant of propriety. Brother, I have a different status now, and there is a difference between superiority and inferiority. How can you still treat me with the attitude you used to treat me?!"

And Deng Yang immediately sent a message to Lin Bin.

Said: "Three days later, my elder brother will go to Qingqiu Town, you find a way to pass this news to your elder brother."


Lin Bin quickly called Gu Yuan.

After connecting.

He immediately said: "Brother, I have found reliable information that an apostle will appear in Qingqiu Town in three days' time. It seems that the plan is not small. Even if the two you are looking for are not under the apostle's subordinates, they will definitely have something to do with him." It doesn't matter, how about I accompany you to catch this apostle and torture him severely?"

"Brother, why are you so fast?"

"The main reason is that my side may have had a little bit of fame before, so President Feng Qingtian, President Bai Yuekui, and our Lei Ju are all very optimistic about me. Although the friendship is not very deep, they can be regarded as right. If so, it will be easier to inquire about some news.”

"I see."

What Lin Bin said made sense, and Gu Yuan accepted it.

Nodding, then realizing you can't see nodding on the phone.

He said: "Okay, tomorrow I will go to the reincarnation space first and report the news of the apostles, and then I will kill one of their apostles... I want them to know that it is impossible to offend me, Gu Yuan! But brother... "

"My little brother is not talented. I was lucky some time ago, and now I think I have the strength of the holy level."

"That's great, you really deserve to be my good brother. When the time comes, we brothers will be of the same heart, and our benefits will cut through gold!"

"it is good!"

The two will be finalized soon!

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