when reincarnation invades

Chapter 199 Who Betrayed Who?

In Lin Bin's view, the demise of the Tang family was just a surprise.

The Tang family was afraid of the Tang family before, mainly because Lin Bin also had some lingering fears about the targeted assassination of Houhou. If they were so unruly to him, then Lin Bin could only defend passively, and the opponent could fail a hundred times. If you fail once, you will be placed.

However, as his strength broke through to the holy level, especially the introduction of the Taoist Tianzong Kung Fu, and the teaching and guidance of Concubine Yan during this period of time, Lin Bin has even more methods when his cultivation base is steadily improved. There are many, and the strength has greatly improved.

In addition, Tang Tianhao was dead.

The Tang family has become a piece of sand, so naturally his fear is no longer what it used to be.

Especially in modern society, he is not allowed to cut grass and roots... So there is no rush to deal with them.

But I didn't expect the surprise to come so quickly.

The Tang family lost the passage to the secret realm, which meant that they lost the capital to gain a foothold in the secret realm.

It is even more unworthy of fear.

This incident did not affect Lin Bin. For him, the current S-level props... No, revenge for the people of Tang Dynasty is the real top priority.

In three days, it will arrive soon.

Early this morning, Lin Bin drove his H9 to the previously agreed destination.

Qingshui Town is a tourist town that used to be a poor town in China.

Just because it is close to the volcano, a volcanic eruption left large and small hot springs in the town, which contain a lot of sulfur, and soaking it once in a while is of great benefit to the body.

Never mind if it's true, the country says so.

Naturally, many people fell for it...

Over time, the flow of people here has increased.

It was already early for Lin Bin to come, from eight to nine o'clock in the morning, but the place was already full of traffic and the flow of people was turbulent.

The location given by Deng Yang is a homestay hot spring hotel.

The owner of the shop is about five or sixty years old. He is a kind old man who smiles at everyone, but who would have thought that such an old man is contaminated with a few tens of billions of lives?

Being able to live to this age in the apostolic organization, saying that they have not destroyed a few planes, I am afraid that even they themselves will not believe it.

Lin Bin didn't enter this store, but directly booked a luxurious private room with hot spring in the hotel next door...

First, I soaked in a hot spring beautifully.

After changing his clothes, he saw that there was only more than an hour left before the agreed time, so he sat cross-legged, pinched out a mysterious formula between his hands, and the true energy in his body gradually overflowed his body, a golden three-legged golden crow was in the air. His shoulders form...

Lin Bin only felt that his consciousness had also been split.

Obviously he closed his eyes.

But through the eyes of that golden crow, he could see the scene in the distance.

Even my own body seems to have turned into a bird...

He couldn't help but instinctively wanted to look up to the sky, but considering that the three-legged golden crow was too rare, Lin Bin resisted the urge and flew away into the distance with wings flapping.

Fly out of the homestay.

It landed in a bush at the entrance of the town, and a pair of agile bird eyes stared at the only way to the town.

Next, just wait.

And this time.

on the way.

Two reinforced black sedans front and rear protection.

On the stretched bulletproof sedan in the middle.

Deng Yang almost wrapped himself up in zongzi, Xu Feng beside him laughed, and said helplessly, "This is in the car, where the sun can't shine."

Deng Yang sighed: "Anyway, it's coming soon. It's very troublesome to take off now and wear it later."

"Hey, I heard that you can't bask in the sun and go out for a walk often... You really don't mind the trouble."

"Who told me that I was a street slut before? Anyway, no one can notice the abnormality if I wear a little thicker."

Deng Yang laughed, and complained: "But I really didn't expect the weather to be so good today, the sun is shining..."


A weird smile appeared on the corner of Xu Feng's mouth, and then quickly disappeared.

talking room.

The car drove into Qingshui Town.


In the far corner, a figure's eyes glowed with hatred.

Gu Yuan.

In the past few days, he has been going through the process in the Samsara Space Association in order to completely expose the organization of the apostles.

If at such a critical moment, he could kill an apostle, it would undoubtedly become decisive evidence.

And at this moment, the news of Lin Bin came.

At this moment, Gu Yuan's heart was full of gratitude to Lin Bin.

"Abin really deserves to be my good brother. He actually helped me find the apostle's information. It seems that he really treats me like a good brother."

He stared at the three cars, thinking that the people inside must be reincarnated...

This sense of oppression, even he felt palpitations, must be a master.

Next, wait for them to take the initiative to show their flaws.

"The Secret of Longevity" is best at concealment.

How did Xu Feng and the others know that they had been secretly targeted?
In fact, even Deng Yang knew the inside story a long time ago, so he searched the surroundings calmly, but he didn't find any trace of anyone's detection.

Under the protection of several confidant guards, the No.11 apostle Xu Feng led Deng Yang into the folklore.

While walking, he said to his close younger brother Deng Yang Kepu: "This old man Li Liang and Li was an old man of the Ghost Organization, that is to say, he has no interest in the position of apostle. Otherwise, I am afraid that the eleven apostles who took office could not be king Master Ling, so if you want to inherit my position in the future, it is very important to get the approval of this old Li."

Deng Yang asked, "Why did he open a homestay here?"

"Because he withdrew from the ghost... It is said that he destroyed too many worlds back then, and later because the apostle was liquidated, he also suffered some injuries. He took the opportunity to see some things clearly, and then began to eat fast and chant Buddha, trying to dissolve himself past sins."

Speaking of this, Xu Feng twitched the corners of his lips, and said mockingly: "It would be great if the sin could be so easily eliminated."

It's just that he is mocking that Li Liang, or himself...

No one knows.

While talking, more than a dozen people entered.

to the interior.

"Come on, the sun is out now, bro, I'll help you take off your coat."

Xu Feng personally helped Deng Yang take off his coat, hood, glasses and mask, showing a friendly attitude.

"Thank you bro."

Several people entered the inner room together.

At this time, a benevolent old man had already been waiting for a long time.

It's just that the corners of his eyes are quite unhappy...

Seeing Xu Feng and the others take their seats, he frowned and said, "I should have said that I don't want to have anything to do with Youhun anymore, you shouldn't bother me."

Xu Feng said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, for disturbing your quietness. I really need a quiet place where no one will be disturbed. If this kind of thing is done within the organization, it will be very detrimental to my subsequent management."

"It's only this time, it won't happen next time."

Li Liang closed his eyes and seemed to agree.

"Thank you, Mr. Li."

Xu Feng nodded gratefully to Li Liang, waved his hand and said, "Let's do it."

The voice fell.

In the outer courtyard of the four-sided ventilated inner house, dozens of mirrors suddenly fell from the sky at the same time, and the angles had already been adjusted so that all the light in the courtyard shone on Deng Yang's body.

Deng Yang's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly stretched out his hand to press on his chest, and scorched smoke came out of his body immediately.

He fell to the ground and wailed in pain, and said in pain, "Brother...you...what are you doing..."

"Brother, don't blame me. If you want to blame, blame you for not treating me with the same attitude as before. At this time, at that time, I was your eldest brother, but now I am the eleventh apostle. You see that I can't even be polite. How loyal are you to me?"

Xu Feng sighed: "But if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be able to get such a strong power now. If it wasn't for me, you might have died in the hands of that Abin. From this point of view, you It should be thanks to me for giving you such a long life, but now, I want to take him away."

"Blood enhancement, you wanted my life from the very beginning, that's why you gave me such a deadly enhancement!"

Deng Yang struggled back and forth in pain, but he still couldn't get rid of the sunlight.

This sunny weather... I'm afraid it was chosen in advance.

"That's right, you were originally just a weapon we used to deal with others, but now you are useless. It is a great kindness for me to keep you, but you still want to inherit the legacy of my eleven apostles." Position, this is your way of death."

Xu Feng sighed.

"You said you would give it to me."

"I'll give it to you, won't you refuse? You can't even understand polite words, so you won't be troubled, why should I leave you?"

Deng Yang's struggle became smaller and smaller, until there was only a mass of black charcoal left, without any sound.

At the side, Li Liang drank tea slowly without even looking at Deng Yang.

Said: "Although blood enhancement is very powerful, its weakness is also fatal. It seems that you wanted his life from the very beginning."

Xu Feng said indifferently: "It's just a tool, if it doesn't work well, just destroy it."

Li Liang sighed: "Alas... just clean the door when you clean it, why do you come here with a tail? Doesn't this expose my residence?"

Xu Feng asked in surprise, "What tail?"

"Can't you see such a big bird sticking on the tree?"


Xu Feng hastily raised his head to look at the tree in the distance, but before he raised his head, the three-legged Golden Crow that was quietly hiding behind Gu Yuan disappeared like that.

Then, Xu Feng's gaze met Gu Yuan who was holding a camera.

Gu Yuan: "..."

Oops, this person is so powerful, he can even discover my flawless hiding!

However, the key evidence has been photographed, the internal strife among the apostles.

The death of the blood race.

This cannot be faked...

Without hesitation, Gu Yuan performed lightness kung fu and rushed towards the distance.

Xu Feng shouted: "Stop him!"

Saying that, many elite ghosts rushed towards Gu Yuan at the same time.

And Xu Feng also jumped up.

He knows that the killing of his confidant and beloved general has already been filmed... If this video is released, he will not only be hunted down by the entire reincarnation space, but even the apostles will not tolerate him.

No one wants to follow a man who wipes out his brothers for no reason.

Now growl.

The right arm twisted and deformed for a while, and then stretched towards Gu Yuan in the distance.

The thick tendons were twisted and twisted, like a thick python, quickly catching up to Gu Yuan.

"What monster?"

This time, even Gu Yuan couldn't help but change slightly.

The extremely cold Changsheng Zhenqi hit the fleshy arm with a palm... Immediately froze the part that was close to him, and covered it with a thick layer of ice.

Then he stomped hard on the fleshy arm with his strength.

At the same time as the whole person used his strength to leave, the top of the fleshy arm also shattered.

His mastery of zhenqi is no less than that of Lin Bin, who has mastered the "Secret of Longevity".

Destroy the enemy's offensive, and even escape faster.

This time, those ghost elites were unable to catch up...

Until a sneer sounded above Gu Yuan's head.


At some point, Li Liang had appeared beside Gu Yuan, reaching out to grab his arm.

Then the two appeared in the homestay at the same time.

Gu Yuan's pupils shrank slightly, and she was about to fight back...but Li Liang had disappeared again.

But Gu Yuan was already deeply encircled.

"kill him!"

at this time.

Those confidantes also turned back, each holding their weapons to kill Gu Yuan.

Xu Feng even took the lead.

He was already a reincarnator at the peak of the Transcendent Realm, and after becoming an apostle, with the help of the internal resources of the apostle and the ghost, he had already reached the level of the saint level.

Now that his fatal flaw has been captured by the other party, and the other party is so powerful, I am afraid it has been aimed at him for a long time.


If he had known earlier, he would not be in a hurry to kill Deng Yang.

Although this guy's weakness is obvious, his fighting power is indeed very strong. Let him deal with this guy. Maybe he can tear off a piece of the opponent's flesh before he dies. At that time, he will not only weaken the opponent, but also don't need him to murder his confidants. The crime of crossing a river and demolishing a bridge might even be a scene where he could cry bitterly while hugging his dying brother to buy people's hearts.

What a pity.

Thinking in his heart, Xu Feng kept moving.

The fleshy arm that had just been shredded quickly recovered, and then extended a huge gun.

Aiming at Gu Yuan's position, he yelled, "Go to hell, you bastard!"

There was a loud bang, each shot was like a giant shell blasting towards Gu Yuan, and the violent explosion sound continued to erupt in the hotel... Every shot had a non-inferior pre-B-level weapon, the blue rose, which was charged to the limit. Lethality.

For a while, Gu Yuan was deeply involved in the assassination of the entire ghost organization, and it was difficult to get out.

Although it was not difficult to protect himself, the presence of Li Liang who was sitting on the side drinking tea made it impossible for him to concentrate all his energy on targeting the powerful enemy, and he was at a loss for a while.

"Sure enough."

In the distance, after taking the initiative to lure Gu Yuan to be exposed, Lin Bin immediately recovered, and Lin Bin, who was lurking quietly with his real body optical camouflage cloak, couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

Fortunately, Xindao asked Gu Yuan for help.

Xu Feng alone is okay, this guy should strengthen the K9999 system in the King of Fighters, and it is not difficult to deal with if he knows the basics.

But that Li Liang suddenly appeared in the distance and came back suddenly.

If these two people join forces, if there is no helper on their side, it will be very difficult to succeed.

Fortunately, this time there is a helper and a backup.

Lin Bin showed his figure and shouted, "Don't panic, brother, I'll help you!"

He took out the magic mirror and pointed it at Xu Feng, shouting: "Xu Feng!"

The voice fell.

Xu Feng, who was strangling Gu Yuan with his subordinates, and the fierce battle between the two sides, suddenly felt dizzy, and his neck uncontrollably twisted backward.

Shocked, he exclaimed and turned sideways hastily.

Fortunately, the neck was not broken.

But his gaze fell uncontrollably on the mirror on the treetop in the distance.

And at the same time.

A black shadow rushed out like lightning.

There was a sharp pop from behind him.

The sharp arm has directly pierced his chest...

Deng Yang, who was supposed to have died just now, suddenly came back to life, and said heartbroken, "Damn it, big brother...in vain for my loyalty to you, you actually...since you are ruthless, don't blame me for being ungrateful."

Xu Feng: "........."


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