when reincarnation invades

Chapter 200 I'm Really a Man

"You... why didn't you die? You..."

Xu Feng tilted his head in shock and looked at the magic mirror in the distance, as if he was talking to Lin Bin.

But the shock and horror on his face cannot be described in words.

He said: "You... obviously..."

"Unexpectedly, big brother, I'm afraid you never imagined that you helped me strengthen the blood of the blood clan, and gave me the blood of the fire unicorn, coupled with my unique physique, you actually made my body no longer afraid of the sun."

Deng Yang sneered and said: "I have always treated you as my big brother, but I never thought you would treat me like this. You are ruthless, so don't blame me for being ungrateful."

"This is impossible……"

Xu Feng fell to the ground with a thud.

There was no sound.

A saint-level reincarnation seems powerful, but under the joint efforts of Gu Yuan, Lin Bin, and Deng Yang, Lin Bin in particular even took out A-level props.

His death seemed inevitable.

For a moment, the scene fell into absolute silence.

The faces of those ghost members were all horrified. They were ordered by Xu Feng to deal with Deng Yang, so they were Xu Feng's absolute confidantes.

But now Xu Feng is dead.

Today's ghosts seem to have no turn to make decisions.

YouQi Deng Yang was killed with one blow, glanced at everyone, and shouted: "I know that you are all following orders, and the eldest brother was obsessed with ghosts for a while, so that he ended up like this, but I can assure you, as long as you treat me as the master." , I can let go of the past!"

As soon as these words came out, they were even more surprised and uncertain.

It was no longer difficult for Li Liang to maintain his previous calm posture.

He stared at Deng Yang bathed in the sun, with a look of amazement on his face, and exclaimed: "You have already been able to not be afraid of the sun, but deliberately concealed this news, it seems that it is not just Xu Feng who wants to kill you , even you have ulterior motives for him."

"Hugh has to slander my loyalty to my elder brother. My loyalty to my elder brother can be learned from the sun and the moon, and the world can tell!"

Deng Yang wiped off Xu Feng's blood on his hands.

Said: "It's just that my physique is special..."

"What is the special constitution that makes you hide?"

"When I was practicing for the first time back then, I was accidentally castrated... But who knew that my Yin physique made me very adaptable to the strengthening of the bloodlines of the blood race, plus the blessing of the fire unicorn blood, the three combined into one, unexpectedly by chance Don’t be afraid of the sun anymore, of course that’s what I guessed, but if it’s fake, wouldn’t I have harmed those who also strengthened the blood of the blood race? What if they trouble me?”

Deng Yang said bluntly: "That's why I don't tell anyone, and this is my own secret. It involves the dignity of my man. I don't need to tell anyone. If it weren't for you to doubt my loyalty to my brother, I would also do it now." I won’t say it, but I didn’t expect that this would give me a chance of survival.”

Li Liang: "..."

What he said made sense.

As soon as the news got out, more than [-]% of the men who had strengthened blood clan would consider cutting themselves off.

Li Liang asked: "Then what are you going to do next? These two... are not easy to deal with..."

Deng Yang turned his head to look at Lin Bin, his eyes filled with rage, and said coldly, "Abin, we meet again."

Lin Bin was also not to be outdone, and said with a sneer: "Well, yes... I never thought that I castrated you back then, but instead gave you a great fortune. Don't you thank me?!"

As soon as the words came out.

Including Li Liang and others suddenly realized.

It turned out that there was still such a grievance between the two, and only then did those ghost insiders understand why Deng Yang's eyes were tearing up when he heard A Bin's name, and he wished he could find him immediately and have a showdown.

"How about I send you to hell as a thank you?"

"Hahahaha, Xu Feng is dead, we have to leave, why do you stop us? Brother, let's go!"

"Eh, okay."

Gu Yuan couldn't help shivering, and suddenly felt that the word "big brother" was a bit unpleasant, after all, the person in front of her was calling "big brother" while giving his big brother a heart out.

But I heard that this big brother also has bad intentions for this person, and he deserves it.

Li Liang said coldly: "Don't even think about leaving!"

"Old Li, let them go."

After Deng Yang said a harsh word angrily, he tried to persuade him instead.

Li Liang asked angrily, "Why?"

"This Abin has a small nuclear bomb in his hand. Unless we can gather the power to make it too late for him to use the nuclear bomb, otherwise, if we want to kill him, we must plan to die together, and even if he doesn't use the nuclear bomb, we have no full chance of winning. , we still have to wait for him to place an order!"

Deng Yang said painfully: "Although I wish I could die with him, Youhun just lost his elder brother, so he can't lose me again."

Li Liang: "..."

It makes sense, but something doesn't feel right.

"Hahahaha, that's right, nuclear bombs... just ask if you are afraid!"

Lin Bin took out the wrist controller and laughed loudly: "So if you want to deal with me, you have to think carefully, brother, let's go."

"it is good!"

The two quickly galloped away into the distance!

Deng Yang stared at his back, with pain on his face, which made people couldn't help but sigh his sincerity to Youhun.

But it is true that ordinary people cannot bear to see the murderer who castrated themselves leave safely.

Seeing his attitude, Li Liang couldn't help but said: "You are too ruthless. If Xu Feng is still alive, if we work together, maybe we can try to capture the miniature nuclear bomb in his hand, especially Xu Feng's arm. , It is absolutely possible to get things back before he releases the nuclear bomb."

Deng Yang said painfully: "But if the eldest brother is still alive, he will definitely not allow me to live. I have parents to support and a younger sister to take care of. If the elder brother kills me, I am willing to kill me, but I am afraid After the elder brother killed me, he still has to kill the grass...how are my parents?"

"So that's why you attacked Xu Feng so hard. Alas, loyalty and filial piety have been a dilemma since ancient times. No matter which choice you choose, it's wrong. I suddenly understand you a little bit. Don't worry, I will take care of you killing Xu Feng." Help you hide it, if any of them dare to disclose this matter, I will personally find them to settle the score."

Li Liang looked at Xu Feng's body, and sighed: "It's too much to push people, and it's exhausting myself. I also saw through this, so I left the ghost...Look now, Wang Ling is dead, and now Xu Feng is also dead." Oh, hey...they are attached to a high position, but they don’t know how to gain power in their position and suffer from it. On the contrary, I withdrew early and lingered on until now.”

"Old Li, now that you have been discovered, I'm afraid it's not safe to stay here, or... you can return to the ghost with me, don't worry, I won't let you be contaminated with those things that persecute living beings, and you will die there. Same here."

"That's... that's fine, but I'm just saying something ugly, I finally applied for retirement, and I don't want to enter the secret realm to practice again."

"Of course."

No one noticed that after Deng Yang shot and killed Xu Feng, he took his place naturally.

Although the Eleven Apostles have not yet been officially certified by the Apostles Organization, the current ghosts have clearly shown signs of recognizing them as masters.

After all, Deng Yang can even forgive those who killed him just now. In terms of heart, Deng Yang is indeed much stronger than Xu Feng.

"Let's go quickly, I'm afraid the official people will catch up soon."


Everyone left in a hurry.

It's just that when they were acting, the ghost subordinates couldn't help but muttered quietly.

Since Deng Yang even invited Mr. Li back, then what he said about letting go of the past is probably just letting go of the past... Otherwise, wouldn't he have provoked Mr. Li?
Now that they were safe, they naturally began to think about something else.

For example...

"The vampire eunuchs himself first, and then drinks the blood of the fire unicorn, so that he will no longer be afraid of the sun? If this news is sold, I'm afraid it can be sold at a high price, right?"

After all, within the apostle organization, there are really not a few people who strengthen the blood clan system.

Gain strength, but stay away from the sun forever...

Who doesn't want to bask in the sun aboveboard?
Anyway, many people know this news now, and I'm afraid this secret can't be kept. In this case, it's great to take advantage of a huge bargain... very good!
And this time.

Lin Bin and Gu Yuan got back into the car together, kicked the accelerator and drove out of Qingshui Town.

"Thanks to you, brother Abin, otherwise, even if I can escape, I'm afraid I will have to pay a high price."

Gu Yuan said happily: "But it's okay, I got the video of the apostle's internal strife this time, the content of what the dead Lord of Ghosts said is really too much, this time, I want to make the apostle completely exposed to all eyes."

Lin Bin said worriedly: "Brother, remember to be careful. If you do this, you may become a thorn in the apostle's side, a thorn in your flesh... Sigh... Forget it, brother, you have a sense of propriety. Since you dare to do this, you naturally have the confidence to do so. I was underestimating my elder brother by talking too much, but it is a pity that I failed to find the trace of the culprit this time, but you don’t have to worry, elder brother, I will continue to help you find it.”

"Thank you brother."

Gu Yuan coughed softly, and the corners of her lips were bloodshot.

He said fearfully: "That apostle's strength is really strong, his brute force is unlimited, if it wasn't for being attacked by his subordinates, I'm afraid I don't have a good chance of winning..."

"Brother is humble again."

Lin Bin drove Gu Yuan all the way to the Samsara Space Association.

can imagine...

The ghost organization will be fully exposed next, and the internal structure of the apostle will also be deduced by those who are interested.

Of course, more importantly, Deng Yang finally lost the last obstacle.

I don't know if he can successfully become an apostle here.

Lin Bin felt as if he was playing an RPG game. If he wanted to find his goal, he had to complete the pre-requisite tasks first.

I just don't know how long it will take him...

And this time.

Deng Yang has already contacted the apostle organization with the main contact device of the ghost.

"The eleven apostles died again?"

The calm voice on the other side was also somewhat speechless, and he asked, "Are your ghosts poisonous? In just half a year, two apostles died one after another..."

"So there can be no more sacrifices."

Deng Yang said in a deep voice: "I want to apply to become a new apostle!"

"Sorry, you don't meet the regulations. The lowest level of apostle power also needs to be at the sanctification level. You are not qualified."

"No, I am qualified!"

Deng Yang let out a low growl, his originally pale face suddenly turned black and blue, and then the muscles on his body began to swell, and with an inexplicable impulse in his heart, he immediately put the clothes on his upper body It was torn to shreds, but what was exposed was a strong body like a werewolf...

And with his transformation, his strength is also rising steadily.

Until reaching the standard of becoming a saint...

The opposite side said in surprise: "You are..."

"I absorbed the blood of werewolves and vampires at the same time, and fused them with great perseverance to obtain the power I have today!"

Deng Yang is obviously aware of his own flaws and lack of strength.

He does not have Lin Bin's ability to easily obtain opportunities in the secret realm.

In order to seize the opportunity, it can only be desperate.

So even though he knew that there was a defect of becoming ugly, he still persistently drank the two bottles of blood... Fortunately, except when the strongest power erupted, it was still the same as before.

But this also made Deng Yang more confident in his previous decision.

He actually made a lot of money by exchanging the blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring for these two bottles of blood.

Holy class!
He gritted his teeth and said, "Our ghost has lost two apostles one after another, and we are no longer able to accept them. If I don't stand up again, ghost will really be finished."

"Understood, then I will propose on your behalf, and you will be the selector. Three days later, the apostles' meeting will be held again. At that time, three apostles will be present. As long as you can pass their approval, then you will be the new eleven apostles .”


"Wait for the news."

Communication hangs up.

Deng Yang also slowly returned to his normal physical condition. Looking at his bare upper body, he shook his head and sighed: "I can't help but want to tear my clothes as soon as I transform. I really can't change this problem. It seems that I need to be more prepared in the future." Just a few clothes."

Thinking about it, he got through Lin Bin's communication.

At this time, Lin Bin had already been waiting for a long time.

"How is it?" he asked.

Deng Yang said: "Three days later, there will be official apostles to test me, but I have a good reputation in their minds, so the possibility of passing is very high, and then I will help you pay attention to the people you are looking for The whereabouts, by the way, can you help me find a few things about them? I might be able to find them by smell, I have a better nose than a dog."

"Okay, I'll figure it out."

"You're welcome, remember to treat me to dinner if you succeed."

"Don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you when the time comes."

Lin Bin hung up the communication.

After thinking about it, he called Zhu Yuyan again.

After waiting on the other side for a long time, he tentatively asked in a somewhat unfamiliar voice: "Hello...Hello?"

Lin Bin: "It's me, do you have the belongings of those escaped reincarnations?"

Zhu Yuyan was startled when she heard the words, and said in surprise: "My lord, you... are you actually tracking down the whereabouts of those reincarnated people?"

As soon as the words came out.

Shi Feixuan who was with Zhu Yuyan was stunned for a moment.

With a complex expression in his eyes, he hurriedly snatched the phone, and said anxiously: "Brother Bin, don't be impulsive, the enemy is powerful, far beyond your imagination... You can't be rash and impulsive..."

"Feixuan, you are here too."

"Brother Bin, it's really not allowed, you... Feixuan didn't expect you to say that you helped Feixuan vent your anger, but it was true, there is no need, this Qiu Feixuan will naturally repay her in the future..."

"This one……"

Lin Bin thought it wasn't actually...

He said in a serious tone: "Feixuan, a man should keep his promise. Since I have said that I want to help you vent my anger, I will definitely not be the one who does not believe what I said. Don't worry, I am sure."

"Bin...Brother Bin..."

Shi Feixuan's moved words choked with sobs.

Even Shi Qingxuan, who originally had some opinions on Lin Bin, couldn't help secretly marveling. Unexpectedly, this man did what he said, and he was a real man.

The old book is over, let's add a new chapter to the new book to celebrate

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