when reincarnation invades

Chapter 201 Sister Lian is not a disease but needs to be cured

Lin Bin still trusted Deng Yang's ability.

He also saw the previous situation.

They wanted to assassinate Xu Feng in order to help Deng Yang gain greater benefits... Similarly, Xu Feng also happened to want to assassinate Deng Yang on that day.

Obviously, it was Deng Yang's ability that made him aware of the threat.

In this case, Deng Yang can still successfully complete the anti-kill, from this point of view, he is worthy of being his partner.

Beautifully done.

Probably everyone thought that Deng Yang was just forced to fight back and rushed to fight, but Lin Bin knew that he had planned it for a long time... Therefore, he had done all the preparations that should be made.

Just still have to wait for a while.

Not in a hurry……

To be able to find the target so quickly is already beyond expectations.

In the next few days...

A lot happened.

First, Huaguo opened up a scenic spot alone, and built a town similar to the Tang Dynasty. All the buildings were designed to be close to the plane of the Tang Dynasty, and they were specially designed for the people of the Tang Dynasty to live in. Help them arrange work.

It can only be said that there is a relationship and easy work.

Their jobs are all the kind of jobs that are nine to five, six social insurance and one housing fund, and easy and high-paying jobs. Compared with them in the Datang plane, they work at sunrise, rest at sunset, and have a curfew at night. Two completely different worlds.

This move is obviously to win the hearts of those Tang people.

And the effect is remarkable.

Most of the people are addicted to this world that is more than 1000 years ahead of their time. Although they can't be called happy, they can be regarded as slowly getting out of the defect of losing their homes.

Except for those who have lost their relatives, the common people are still a little lost, but the common people are the purest group of people. They know that the dead are dead, and the living will move forward after all.

Therefore, even though their hearts are sad, it does not affect their gradual integration into modern life.

Concubine Yan can probably be regarded as the beneficiary of it...

After obtaining the household registration in the Datang plane, she naturally has the right to obtain a residence in the resort.

But because of her unique identity.

She also gained the status of a reincarnator, so it can be seen that she must have successfully beheaded an apostle in the war with the apostle... so the calculation is right.

Of the six players who entered at that time, two of them were reincarnations with clean backgrounds, which meant that the other four were apostles.

But the information given by Gu Yuan...is that there are only three apostles.

It can be seen that the other apostle must have died at the hands of Miss Yan...

Mrs. Dongjun's hand.

This is exactly right.

So, in addition to getting a single-family courtyard in the resort, Concubine Yan is also a reincarnation, and a reincarnation who is infinitely close to the status of a saint-level reincarnation, and has received the benefits that a reincarnation should have.

In the Taoyuan community where Lin Bin lived, an additional house was allocated to her.

It was opposite to where Lin Bin and Lin Xue lived.

However, it is currently under renovation, so the mother and daughter are still staying at Lin Bin's house for the time being.

Regarding this house, Lin Xue also made a suggestion, because they live on the top floor, and they have a one-story, two-family apartment, which happens to be opposite to each other. After the installation is complete, the doors on both sides can be removed, so that The spacious aisle before you come can become a new hall.

Not to mention a lot of extra area.

It will be much more convenient to enter and exit each other. In this way, two houses of 140 square meters will instantly become a large flat of 300+ square meters.

It can only be said that it is the thinking of modern people, who have an extremely persistent obsession with stealing area.

The share of the loss must be earned back.

Just in this way, the original two families became one family again. Although they lived a little farther away, they still lived together...

I thought Concubine Yan would refuse with embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, she agreed without much consideration.

"It seems that Miss Dongjun has a good impression of you."

this day.

Lin Bin pushed Lin Xue for a walk in the community.

In early autumn, the weather is already slightly cold.

Lin Xue tied her soft side ponytail casually, wearing pale pink pajamas, with a soft cashmere blanket on her legs.

It looks gentle and weak.

Although her legs are inconvenient, her demure demeanor is not damaged at all. Walking on the road, she often attracts the attention of some opposite sexes.

Lin Xue is actually very attractive, with soft features and a gentle temperament. Although she is not as stunning at first glance as Wanhou and Shi Feixuan, she is sinking when you look at it.

But she has the temperament of a good wife and mother.

From this point of view, it is not surprising that she and Lin Bin are siblings, they are both so good-looking.

And this time.

The siblings enjoy their rare quiet time.

A rare private co-existence.

The two of them naturally talked about the concubine Yan, mother and daughter who had temporarily lived in their home for the past few days.

"Yue'er is really obedient. Although she is a little younger, she has a much higher acceptance of knowledge such as mathematics and Chinese than normal ancients. Now she has entered school and started to receive formal education, but she My mental age is too mature, it seems that I can't play with those little kids."

"Sister, you are really worrying... just let Fei Yan think about this issue."

"It's her daughter, she must be worried, but the problem is that she is not very familiar with the rules of our world, so I am worried that she will make some mistakes. You are too busy these days, I will not help her Who can help her?"

Lin Xue turned her head and cast a glance at Lin Bin.

He frowned and said, "But I really didn't expect that, Abin, your love for your sister is really serious."

Lin Bin almost spat out.

Annoyed and angry: "Sister, what do you mean by this? What is the plot of loving sister?"

"From before, I found that Abin, you are not interested in girls of the same age at all. The little girl named Wanwan was so cute. I thought you two were a little... I didn't expect you to be indifferent to others now. It's getting hot, but it's Miss Feiyan who is a few years older than me..."

Lin Xue sighed, and said: "Miss Feiyan is obviously not old enough to be your mother, so naturally she is not Oedipus, she likes older girls, what is it if she is not Sister Lian?"

Lin Bin thought to himself that if you knew Zhu Yuyan's real age, you might still guess that I love grandma Zu.

It's a pity that I can't tell you that my mental age is a bit older than Fei Yan.

"Although I know it's a little unfair to Miss Feiyan, I actually don't approve of your marriage with her."

"Why? Wait... No, we are innocent..."

Lin Xue said seriously: "Yue'er is very obedient and sensible, but after all, she is not your own. My parents left early, and we are left as siblings. I won't ask too much of you, but at least We must have a child of our own? Our Lin family has no throne to inherit, but at least we must have our own blood, but I don’t know if Miss Feiyan is willing to have another child... After all, the two of you are considered to be That's right."

Lin Bin said speechlessly: "We live across the street, of course we are in the right family, and you are too lenient, old lady."

"That's all I said, you just need to remember it in the future."

Lin Xue sighed: "I am your sister, of course I have to worry about your marriage... I respect your choice, and you have to respect my opinion, understand?"


Lin Bin muttered a few words.

The phone on the waist suddenly rang.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a call."

Lin Bin connected to the mobile phone, he said hello, and then his expression changed, and he said in surprise: "Hey what? Oh... I see, this... this kind of thing happens, no one wants it to happen, alas...Brother Tang It's just... so impulsive."

Lin Bin got through the phone.

Hmm, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Lin Xue was rather surprised, until he hung up the phone, she asked curiously: "Who is Brother Tang? Didn't you tell me that you killed... um... cough cough..."

She also seemed to know that these words could not be said openly.

Just coughed twice.

"Say a few good words, and you can clear yourself of suspicion, and you won't lose a piece of meat, how good is it?"

Lin Bin smiled and said: "It's nothing serious, it's just that the Tang family's business has been committed. I heard that they were just attacked by a mysterious reincarnator on the passage of the secret realm, and now their internal thunder has exploded again. Now they are under review, haha ... This time the Tang family's downfall will come sooner than expected."


Hearing Lin Bin's explanation, Lin Xue lost interest again.

Casually shifting the topic to something she is interested in, the siblings are still talking endlessly...

But Lin Bin's mind had drifted to the phone call just now.

The call was from Bu Shuang.

It is estimated that the sentence that is my brother Tang played a role. Bu Shuang really thought that he and Tang Tianhao had a very close relationship, so after the Tang family had an accident, she hurriedly informed Lin Bin of the news.

Six reincarnations who entered the B-185 plane.

Among them, except for those who are not selling their bodies and picking girls' little mushrooms, who are considered to have good roots and clean net worth, the other four reincarnations have basically determined their identities as apostles.

But when they entered the secret realm, they used the identity of the Tang family.

Especially when he realized that the historical process of the B-185 plane was actually very similar to that of Huaguo, the guilt became heavier in an instant.

You must know that in this white plane, its people have the highest compatibility with Huaguo...

When completely invading the real world, these common people can quickly integrate into this society as ordinary people after a little popularization of the common sense of the modern world, and their sense of belonging is also the easiest to establish.

But now, such a plane was destroyed by the apostles.

This is the most basic issue of survival philosophy. After Huaguo was formally established in the reincarnation space, it was determined that the organization born in the groping stage of the apostles had no value in existence.

There is no room for those apostles to live in this world, and they dare to come out to make troubles.

The reincarnation space has no reason to destroy them casually, but it can't tolerate them either.


After Gu Yuan brought back the video and the head of an apostle.

With the real evidence of the existence of the apostles, the reincarnation space will naturally start liquidation
So ever.

The Tang family, which clearly colluded with the apostles, became a breakthrough point for attacking other apostles.

You say this is your Patriarch's own assertion?You don't know anything?
What about your master?

Oh, your patriarch, a dignified saint-level veteran reincarnator entered an extraordinary secret realm, and then... an accident happened and he died.

Okay, I have actually received your excuse.

Next, the crime will be added first.

So, after losing the passage to the secret realm, the Tang family encountered the most severe blow from the government, and almost every reincarnated person was liquidated...

Unless they are really clean, the previous criminal records will basically be picked up.

The official favorite thing to do...

If you are capable, then I usually turn a blind eye to some of your violations and close one eye, pretending not to see them.

But once you hit the bottom line.

Then all the sins will be shaken out in an instant.

As a result, more than [-]% of the reincarnation members of the Tang family were forcibly deprived of their status as reincarnation members.

And the rest also had to pay a high price because of their previous crimes.

Collusion with the apostles?
This one did not find a clue, but after experiencing two brutal blows in succession, the Tang family, which was barely considered a colossal family of reincarnation to Lin Bin before, fell into a slump.

Without decades, I am afraid it will be difficult to recover.

"But Mr. Abin, you don't have to worry too much. The sister-in-law you are most worried about is fine. I heard that Mrs. Tang has been kicked out of the Tang family before this. In addition, she is an ordinary person. She usually doesn't have any problems. Qualified to participate in these things about reincarnation, so she was not affected by it."

Bu Shuang also said this specifically, as if he wanted to comfort Lin Bin.

Unfortunately, Lin Bin really has no interest in that wife...

However, for Bu Shuang who took the initiative to report the news to Lin Bin, Lin Bin was really very grateful, and even thought that those who wanted to return and the official staff were actually two different systems. In the secret realm, reincarnators are naturally more proficient, but in the real world, you still have to rely on those staff members. From this point, it is confirmed that Bu Shuang definitely has more information sources than himself.

If I can catch her line...

Little did they know that Bu Shuang discovered the uniqueness of Lin Bin after she betrayed Lin Bin's information. She also wanted to curry favor with Lin Bin. Good fate, in exchange for the other party's mercy?
As a result, the two of them were right about the point of a needle against Maimang, and bastard against mung bean.

A few words have already communicated very smoothly.

An extra eyeliner out of thin air.

It's still the kind of official position that is not too high, but it is in a key position, so it is not easy to use.

Lin Bin's mood naturally became better...

Even when chatting with Lin Xue, he smiled a little more, and he laughed from ear to ear for the next few days.

Especially after a few days, he received good news from Deng Yang.

His mood was even better.

This time, the S-class props...

Only one last step left.

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